' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Emit
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols.Metadata.PE
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols.Retargeting
Imports MetadataOrDiagnostic = System.Object
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Partial Public NotInheritable Class VisualBasicCompilation
''' <summary>
''' ReferenceManager encapsulates functionality to create an underlying SourceAssemblySymbol
''' (with underlying ModuleSymbols) for Compilation and AssemblySymbols for referenced assemblies
''' (with underlying ModuleSymbols) all properly linked together based on reference resolution
''' between them.
''' ReferenceManager is also responsible for reuse of metadata readers for imported modules and
''' assemblies as well as existing AssemblySymbols for referenced assemblies. In order to do that,
''' it maintains global cache for metadata readers and AssemblySymbols associated with them.
''' The cache uses WeakReferences to refer to the metadata readers and AssemblySymbols to allow
''' memory and resources being reclaimed once they are no longer used. The tricky part about reusing
''' existing AssemblySymbols is to find a set of AssemblySymbols that are created for the referenced
''' assemblies, which (the AssemblySymbols from the set) are linked in a way, consistent with the
''' reference resolution between the referenced assemblies.
''' When existing Compilation is used as a metadata reference, there are scenarios when its underlying
''' SourceAssemblySymbol cannot be used to provide symbols in context of the new Compilation. Consider
''' classic multi-targeting scenario: compilation C1 references v1 of Lib.dll and compilation C2
''' references C1 and v2 of Lib.dll. In this case, SourceAssemblySymbol for C1 is linked to AssemblySymbol
''' for v1 of Lib.dll. However, given the set of references for C2, the same reference for C1 should be
''' resolved against v2 of Lib.dll. In other words, in context of C2, all types from v1 of Lib.dll
''' leaking through C1 (through method signatures, etc.) must be retargeted to the types from v2 of Lib.dll.
''' In this case, ReferenceManager creates a special RetargetingAssemblySymbol for C1, which is responsible
''' for the type retargeting. The RetargetingAssemblySymbols could also be reused for different
''' Compilations, ReferenceManager maintains a cache of RetargetingAssemblySymbols (WeakReferences) for each
''' Compilation.
''' The only public entry point of this class is CreateSourceAssembly() method.
''' </summary>
Friend NotInheritable Class ReferenceManager
Inherits CommonReferenceManager(Of VisualBasicCompilation, AssemblySymbol)
Public Sub New(simpleAssemblyName As String, identityComparer As AssemblyIdentityComparer, observedMetadata As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, MetadataOrDiagnostic))
MyBase.New(simpleAssemblyName, identityComparer, observedMetadata)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub GetActualBoundReferencesUsedBy(assemblySymbol As AssemblySymbol, referencedAssemblySymbols As List(Of AssemblySymbol))
For Each [module] In assemblySymbol.Modules
For i As Integer = 0 To referencedAssemblySymbols.Count - 1 Step 1
If referencedAssemblySymbols(i).IsMissing Then
referencedAssemblySymbols(i) = Nothing ' Do not expose missing assembly symbols to ReferenceManager.Binder
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function GetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol)
If TypeOf candidateAssembly Is SourceAssemblySymbol Then
' This is an optimization, if candidateAssembly links something or explicitly declares local type,
' common reference binder shouldn't reuse this symbol because candidateAssembly won't be in the
' set returned by GetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies(). This also makes things clearer.
Return ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol).Empty
End If
Return candidateAssembly.GetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies()
End Function
Protected Overrides Function IsLinked(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As Boolean
Return candidateAssembly.IsLinked
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetCorLibrary(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As AssemblySymbol
Dim corLibrary As AssemblySymbol = candidateAssembly.CorLibrary
' Do not expose missing assembly symbols to ReferenceManager.Binder
Return If(corLibrary.IsMissing, Nothing, corLibrary)
End Function
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property MessageProvider As CommonMessageProvider
Return VisualBasic.MessageProvider.Instance
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides Function CreateAssemblyDataForFile(assembly As PEAssembly,
cachedSymbols As WeakList(Of IAssemblySymbolInternal),
documentationProvider As DocumentationProvider,
sourceAssemblySimpleName As String,
importOptions As MetadataImportOptions,
embedInteropTypes As Boolean) As AssemblyData
Return New AssemblyDataForFile(assembly,
End Function
Protected Overrides Function CreateAssemblyDataForCompilation(compilationReference As CompilationReference) As AssemblyData
Dim vbReference = TryCast(compilationReference, VisualBasicCompilationReference)
If vbReference Is Nothing Then
Throw New NotSupportedException(String.Format(VBResources.CantReferenceCompilationFromTypes, compilationReference.GetType(), "Visual Basic"))
End If
Dim result As New AssemblyDataForCompilation(vbReference.Compilation, vbReference.Properties.EmbedInteropTypes)
Debug.Assert(vbReference.Compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol IsNot Nothing)
Return result
End Function
Protected Overrides Function CheckPropertiesConsistency(primaryReference As MetadataReference, duplicateReference As MetadataReference, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) As Boolean
Return True
End Function
''' <summary>
''' VB allows two weak assembly references of the same simple name be passed to a compilation
''' as long as their versions are different. It ignores culture.
''' </summary>
Protected Overrides Function WeakIdentityPropertiesEquivalent(identity1 As AssemblyIdentity, identity2 As AssemblyIdentity) As Boolean
Return identity1.Version = identity2.Version
End Function
Public Sub CreateSourceAssemblyForCompilation(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation)
' We are reading the Reference Manager state outside of a lock by accessing
' IsBound and HasCircularReference properties.
' Once isBound flag is flipped the state of the manager is available and doesn't change.
' If two threads are building SourceAssemblySymbol and the first just updated
' set isBound flag to 1 but not yet set lazySourceAssemblySymbol,
' the second thread may end up reusing the Reference Manager data the first thread calculated.
' That's ok since
' 1) the second thread would produce the same data,
' 2) all results calculated by the second thread will be thrown away since the first thread
' already acquired SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard that is needed to publish the data.
' Given compilation is the first compilation that shares this manager and its symbols are requested.
' Perform full reference resolution and binding.
If Not IsBound AndAlso CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyFullBind(compilation) Then
' we have successfully bound the references for the compilation
ElseIf Not HasCircularReference Then
' Another compilation that shares the manager with the given compilation
' already bound its references and produced tables that we can use to construct
' source assembly symbol faster.
' We encountered a circular reference while binding the previous compilation.
' This compilation can't share bound references with other compilations. Create a new manager.
' NOTE: The CreateSourceAssemblyFullBind is going to replace compilation's reference manager with newManager.
Dim newManager = New ReferenceManager(Me.SimpleAssemblyName, Me.IdentityComparer, Me.ObservedMetadata)
Dim successful = newManager.CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyFullBind(compilation)
' The new manager isn't shared with any other compilation so there is no other
' thread but the current one could have initialized it.
End If
Debug.Assert(compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol IsNot Nothing)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Creates a <see cref="PEAssemblySymbol"/> from specified metadata.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' Used by EnC to create symbols for emit baseline. The PE symbols are used by <see cref="VisualBasicSymbolMatcher"/>.
''' The assembly references listed in the metadata AssemblyRef table are matched to the resolved references
''' stored on this <see cref="ReferenceManager"/>. We assume that the dependencies of the baseline metadata are
''' the same as the dependencies of the current compilation. This is not exactly true when the dependencies use
''' time-based versioning pattern, e.g. AssemblyVersion("1.0.*"). In that case we assume only the version
''' changed And nothing else.
''' Each AssemblyRef is matched against the assembly identities using an exact equality comparison modulo version.
''' AssemblyRef with lower version in metadata is matched to a PE assembly symbol with the higher version
''' (provided that the assembly name, culture, PKT And flags are the same) if there is no symbol with the exactly matching version.
''' If there are multiple symbols with higher versions selects the one with the minimal version among them.
''' Matching to a higher version is necessary to support EnC for projects whose P2P dependencies use time-based versioning pattern.
''' The versions of the dependent projects seen from the IDE will be higher than
''' the one written in the metadata at the time their respective baselines are built.
''' No other unification or further resolution is performed.
''' </remarks>
''' <param name="metadata"></param>
''' <param name="importOptions"></param>
''' <param name="assemblyReferenceIdentityMap">
''' A map of the PE assembly symbol identities to the identities of the original metadata AssemblyRefs.
''' This map will be used in emit when serializing AssemblyRef table of the delta. For the delta to be compatible with
''' the original metadata we need to map the identities of the PE assembly symbols back to the original AssemblyRefs (if different).
''' In other words, we pretend that the versions of the dependencies haven't changed.
''' </param>
Friend Function CreatePEAssemblyForAssemblyMetadata(metadata As AssemblyMetadata, importOptions As MetadataImportOptions, <Out> ByRef assemblyReferenceIdentityMap As ImmutableDictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, AssemblyIdentity)) As PEAssemblySymbol
' If the compilation has a reference from metadata to source assembly we can't share the referenced PE symbols.
Debug.Assert(Not HasCircularReference)
Dim referencedAssembliesByIdentity = New AssemblyIdentityMap(Of AssemblySymbol)()
For Each symbol In Me.ReferencedAssemblies
referencedAssembliesByIdentity.Add(symbol.Identity, symbol)
Dim assembly = metadata.GetAssembly
Dim peReferences = assembly.AssemblyReferences.SelectAsArray(AddressOf MapAssemblyIdentityToResolvedSymbol, referencedAssembliesByIdentity)
assemblyReferenceIdentityMap = GetAssemblyReferenceIdentityBaselineMap(peReferences, assembly.AssemblyReferences)
Dim assemblySymbol = New PEAssemblySymbol(assembly, DocumentationProvider.Default, isLinked:=False, importOptions:=importOptions)
Dim unifiedAssemblies = Me.UnifiedAssemblies.WhereAsArray(
Function(unified, refAsmByIdentity) refAsmByIdentity.Contains(unified.OriginalReference, allowHigherVersion:=False), referencedAssembliesByIdentity)
InitializeAssemblyReuseData(assemblySymbol, peReferences, unifiedAssemblies)
If assembly.ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes() Then
End If
Return assemblySymbol
End Function
Private Shared Function MapAssemblyIdentityToResolvedSymbol(identity As AssemblyIdentity, map As AssemblyIdentityMap(Of AssemblySymbol)) As AssemblySymbol
Dim symbol As AssemblySymbol = Nothing
If map.TryGetValue(identity, symbol, AddressOf CompareVersionPartsSpecifiedInSource) Then
Return symbol
End If
If map.TryGetValue(identity, symbol, Function(v1, v2, s) True) Then
' TODO: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/9004
Throw New NotSupportedException(String.Format(CodeAnalysisResources.ChangingVersionOfAssemblyReferenceIsNotAllowedDuringDebugging, identity, symbol.Identity.Version))
End If
Return New MissingAssemblySymbol(identity)
End Function
Private Sub CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyReuseData(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation)
' If the compilation has a reference from metadata to source assembly we can't share the referenced PE symbols.
Debug.Assert(Not HasCircularReference)
Dim moduleName As String = compilation.MakeSourceModuleName()
Dim assemblySymbol = New SourceAssemblySymbol(compilation, Me.SimpleAssemblyName, moduleName, Me.ReferencedModules)
InitializeAssemblyReuseData(assemblySymbol, Me.ReferencedAssemblies, Me.UnifiedAssemblies)
If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then
SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard
If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then
compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol
Debug.Assert(compilation._referenceManager Is Me)
End If
End SyncLock
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeAssemblyReuseData(assemblySymbol As AssemblySymbol, referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol), unifiedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)))
assemblySymbol.SetCorLibrary(If(Me.CorLibraryOpt, assemblySymbol))
Dim sourceModuleReferences = New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(referencedAssemblies.SelectAsArray(Function(a) a.Identity), referencedAssemblies, unifiedAssemblies)
Dim assemblyModules = assemblySymbol.Modules
Dim referencedModulesReferences = Me.ReferencedModulesReferences
Debug.Assert(assemblyModules.Length = referencedModulesReferences.Length + 1)
For i = 1 To assemblyModules.Length - 1
assemblyModules(i).SetReferences(referencedModulesReferences(i - 1))
End Sub
' Returns false if another compilation sharing this manager finished binding earlier and we should reuse its results.
Friend Function CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyFullBind(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As Boolean
Dim resolutionDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance()
Dim supersedeLowerVersions = compilation.Options.ReferencesSupersedeLowerVersions
Dim assemblyReferencesBySimpleName = PooledDictionary(Of String, List(Of ReferencedAssemblyIdentity)).GetInstance()
Dim boundReferenceDirectiveMap As IDictionary(Of ValueTuple(Of String, String), MetadataReference) = Nothing
Dim boundReferenceDirectives As ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing
Dim referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData) = Nothing
Dim modules As ImmutableArray(Of PEModule) = Nothing ' To make sure the modules are not collected ahead of time.
Dim explicitReferences As ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing
Dim referenceMap As ImmutableArray(Of ResolvedReference) = ResolveMetadataReferences(
Dim assemblyBeingBuiltData As New AssemblyDataForAssemblyBeingBuilt(New AssemblyIdentity(name:=SimpleAssemblyName, noThrow:=True), referencedAssemblies, modules)
Dim explicitAssemblyData = referencedAssemblies.Insert(0, assemblyBeingBuiltData)
' Let's bind all the references and resolve missing one (if resolver is available)
Dim hasCircularReference As Boolean
Dim corLibraryIndex As Integer
Dim implicitlyResolvedReferences As ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing
Dim implicitlyResolvedReferenceMap As ImmutableArray(Of ResolvedReference) = Nothing
Dim allAssemblyData As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData) = Nothing
' Avoid resolving previously resolved missing references. If we call to the resolver again we would create new assembly symbols for them,
' which would not match the previously created ones. As a result we would get duplicate PE types And conversion errors.
Dim implicitReferenceResolutions = If(compilation.ScriptCompilationInfo?.PreviousScriptCompilation?.GetBoundReferenceManager().ImplicitReferenceResolutions,
ImmutableDictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, PortableExecutableReference).Empty)
Dim bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly = Bind(explicitAssemblyData,
Debug.Assert(bindingResult.Length = allAssemblyData.Length)
Dim references = explicitReferences.AddRange(implicitlyResolvedReferences)
referenceMap = referenceMap.AddRange(implicitlyResolvedReferenceMap)
Dim referencedAssembliesMap As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, Integer) = Nothing
Dim referencedModulesMap As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, Integer) = Nothing
Dim aliasesOfReferencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of ImmutableArray(Of String)) = Nothing
Dim mergedAssemblyReferencesMapOpt As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference)) = Nothing
' Create AssemblySymbols for assemblies that can't use any existing symbols.
Dim newSymbols As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 1 To bindingResult.Length - 1 Step 1
If bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then
' symbol hasn't been found in the cache, create a new one
bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol = DirectCast(allAssemblyData(i), AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation).CreateAssemblySymbol()
End If
Debug.Assert(allAssemblyData(i).IsLinked = bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol.IsLinked)
Dim assemblySymbol = New SourceAssemblySymbol(compilation, SimpleAssemblyName, compilation.MakeSourceModuleName(), modules)
Dim corLibrary As AssemblySymbol
If corLibraryIndex = 0 Then
corLibrary = assemblySymbol
ElseIf corLibraryIndex > 0 Then
corLibrary = bindingResult(corLibraryIndex).AssemblySymbol
corLibrary = MissingCorLibrarySymbol.Instance
End If
' Setup bound references for newly created AssemblySymbols
' This should be done after we created/found all AssemblySymbols
Dim missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol) = Nothing
' -1 for assembly being built
Dim totalReferencedAssemblyCount = allAssemblyData.Length - 1
' Setup bound references for newly created SourceAssemblySymbol
Dim moduleReferences As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing
If newSymbols.Count > 0 Then
' Only if we detected that a referenced assembly refers to the assembly being built
' we allow the references to get a hold of the assembly being built.
If hasCircularReference Then
bindingResult(0).AssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol
End If
InitializeNewSymbols(newSymbols, assemblySymbol, allAssemblyData, bindingResult, missingAssemblies)
End If
If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then
SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard
If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then
If IsBound Then
' Another thread has finished constructing AssemblySymbol for another compilation that shares this manager.
' Drop the results and reuse the symbols that were created for the other compilation.
Return False
End If
UpdateSymbolCacheNoLock(newSymbols, allAssemblyData, bindingResult)
If(corLibrary Is assemblySymbol, Nothing, corLibrary),
' Make sure that the given compilation holds on this instance of reference manager.
Debug.Assert(compilation._referenceManager Is Me OrElse hasCircularReference)
compilation._referenceManager = Me
' Finally, publish the source symbol after all data have been written.
' Once lazyAssemblySymbol is non-null other readers might start reading the data written above.
compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol
End If
End SyncLock
End If
Return True
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Sub InitializeNewSymbols(newSymbols As List(Of Integer),
assemblySymbol As SourceAssemblySymbol,
assemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData),
bindingResult As BoundInputAssembly(),
missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol))
Debug.Assert(newSymbols.Count > 0)
Dim corLibrary = assemblySymbol.CorLibrary
Debug.Assert(corLibrary IsNot Nothing)
For Each i As Integer In newSymbols
Dim compilationData = TryCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForCompilation)
If compilationData IsNot Nothing Then
SetupReferencesForRetargetingAssembly(bindingResult, i, missingAssemblies, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly:=assemblySymbol)
Dim fileData = DirectCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForFile)
SetupReferencesForFileAssembly(fileData, bindingResult, i, missingAssemblies, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly:=assemblySymbol)
End If
Dim linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblySymbol).GetInstance()
' Setup CorLibrary and NoPia stuff for newly created assemblies
For Each i As Integer In newSymbols
If assemblies(i).ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes Then
End If
' Setup linked referenced assemblies.
If assemblies(i).IsLinked Then
End If
For Each referenceBinding In bindingResult(i).ReferenceBinding
If referenceBinding.IsBound AndAlso
assemblies(referenceBinding.DefinitionIndex).IsLinked Then
End If
If linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.Count > 0 Then
End If
If missingAssemblies IsNot Nothing Then
For Each missingAssembly In missingAssemblies.Values
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSymbolCacheNoLock(newSymbols As List(Of Integer), assemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData), bindingResult As BoundInputAssembly())
' Add new assembly symbols into the cache
For Each i As Integer In newSymbols
Dim compilationData = TryCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForCompilation)
If compilationData IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fileData = DirectCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForFile)
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub SetupReferencesForRetargetingAssembly(
bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly,
bindingIndex As Integer,
ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol),
sourceAssemblyDebugOnly As SourceAssemblySymbol
Dim retargetingAssemblySymbol = DirectCast(bindingResult(bindingIndex).AssemblySymbol, Retargeting.RetargetingAssemblySymbol)
Dim modules As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleSymbol) = retargetingAssemblySymbol.Modules
Dim moduleCount = modules.Length
Dim refsUsed As Integer = 0
For j As Integer = 0 To moduleCount - 1 Step 1
Dim referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity) = retargetingAssemblySymbol.UnderlyingAssembly.Modules(j).GetReferencedAssemblies()
' For source module skip underlying linked references
If j = 0 Then
Dim underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol) =
Dim linkedUnderlyingReferences As Integer = 0
For Each asm As AssemblySymbol In underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols
If asm.IsLinked Then
linkedUnderlyingReferences += 1
End If
If linkedUnderlyingReferences > 0 Then
Dim filteredReferencedAssemblies As AssemblyIdentity() =
New AssemblyIdentity(referencedAssemblies.Length - linkedUnderlyingReferences - 1) {}
Dim newIndex As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols.Length - 1 Step 1
If Not underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols(k).IsLinked Then
filteredReferencedAssemblies(newIndex) = referencedAssemblies(k)
newIndex += 1
End If
Debug.Assert(newIndex = filteredReferencedAssemblies.Length)
referencedAssemblies = filteredReferencedAssemblies.AsImmutableOrNull()
End If
End If
Dim refsCount As Integer = referencedAssemblies.Length
Dim symbols(refsCount - 1) As AssemblySymbol
Dim unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing
For k As Integer = 0 To refsCount - 1 Step 1
Dim referenceBinding = bindingResult(bindingIndex).ReferenceBinding(refsUsed + k)
If referenceBinding.IsBound Then
symbols(k) = GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult, referenceBinding, unifiedAssemblies)
symbols(k) = GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol(referencedAssemblies(k), missingAssemblies)
End If
Dim moduleReferences As New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(referencedAssemblies, symbols.AsImmutableOrNull(), unifiedAssemblies.AsImmutableOrEmpty())
modules(j).SetReferences(moduleReferences, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly)
refsUsed += refsCount
End Sub
Private Shared Sub SetupReferencesForFileAssembly(
fileData As AssemblyDataForFile,
bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly,
bindingIndex As Integer,
ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol),
sourceAssemblyDebugOnly As SourceAssemblySymbol
Dim peAssemblySymbol = DirectCast(bindingResult(bindingIndex).AssemblySymbol, Symbols.Metadata.PE.PEAssemblySymbol)
Dim modules As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleSymbol) = peAssemblySymbol.Modules
Dim moduleCount = modules.Length
Dim refsUsed As Integer = 0
For j As Integer = 0 To moduleCount - 1 Step 1
Dim refsCount As Integer = fileData.Assembly.ModuleReferenceCounts(j)
Dim names(refsCount - 1) As AssemblyIdentity
Dim symbols(refsCount - 1) As AssemblySymbol
fileData.AssemblyReferences.CopyTo(refsUsed, names, 0, refsCount)
Dim unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing
For k As Integer = 0 To refsCount - 1 Step 1
Dim referenceBinding = bindingResult(bindingIndex).ReferenceBinding(refsUsed + k)
If referenceBinding.IsBound Then
symbols(k) = GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult, referenceBinding, unifiedAssemblies)
symbols(k) = GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol(names(k), missingAssemblies)
End If
Dim moduleReferences = New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(names.AsImmutableOrNull(), symbols.AsImmutableOrNull(), unifiedAssemblies.AsImmutableOrEmpty())
modules(j).SetReferences(moduleReferences, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly)
refsUsed += refsCount
End Sub
Private Shared Sub SetupReferencesForSourceAssembly(
sourceAssembly As SourceAssemblySymbol,
modules As ImmutableArray(Of PEModule),
totalReferencedAssemblyCount As Integer,
bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly,
ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol),
ByRef moduleReferences As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol))
Dim moduleSymbols = sourceAssembly.Modules
Debug.Assert(moduleSymbols.Length = 1 + modules.Length)
Dim moduleReferencesBuilder = If(moduleSymbols.Length > 1, ArrayBuilder(Of ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)).GetInstance(), Nothing)
Dim refsUsed As Integer = 0
For moduleIndex As Integer = 0 To moduleSymbols.Length - 1 Step 1
Dim refsCount As Integer = If(moduleIndex = 0, totalReferencedAssemblyCount, modules(moduleIndex - 1).ReferencedAssemblies.Length)
Dim identities(refsCount - 1) As AssemblyIdentity
Dim symbols(refsCount - 1) As AssemblySymbol
Dim unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing
For k As Integer = 0 To refsCount - 1 Step 1
Dim boundReference = bindingResult(0).ReferenceBinding(refsUsed + k)
If boundReference.IsBound Then
symbols(k) = GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult, boundReference, unifiedAssemblies)
symbols(k) = GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol(boundReference.ReferenceIdentity, missingAssemblies)
End If
identities(k) = boundReference.ReferenceIdentity
Dim references = New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(identities.AsImmutableOrNull(),
If moduleIndex > 0 Then
End If
moduleSymbols(moduleIndex).SetReferences(references, sourceAssembly)
refsUsed += refsCount
moduleReferences = moduleReferencesBuilder.ToImmutableOrEmptyAndFree()
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult As BoundInputAssembly(),
referenceBinding As AssemblyReferenceBinding,
ByRef unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol))) As AssemblySymbol
Dim assembly = bindingResult(referenceBinding.DefinitionIndex).AssemblySymbol
Debug.Assert(assembly IsNot Nothing)
If referenceBinding.VersionDifference <> 0 Then
If unifiedAssemblies Is Nothing Then
unifiedAssemblies = New ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol))()
End If
unifiedAssemblies.Add(New UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)(assembly, referenceBinding.ReferenceIdentity))
End If
Return assembly
End Function
Private Shared Function GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol(
identity As AssemblyIdentity,
ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol)
) As MissingAssemblySymbol
Dim missingAssembly As MissingAssemblySymbol = Nothing
If missingAssemblies Is Nothing Then
missingAssemblies = New Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol)()
ElseIf missingAssemblies.TryGetValue(identity, missingAssembly) Then
Return missingAssembly
End If
missingAssembly = New MissingAssemblySymbol(identity)
missingAssemblies.Add(identity, missingAssembly)
Return missingAssembly
End Function
Private MustInherit Class AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation
Inherits AssemblyData
Private _assemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol)
Private ReadOnly _identity As AssemblyIdentity
Private ReadOnly _referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity)
Private ReadOnly _embedInteropTypes As Boolean
Protected Sub New(identity As AssemblyIdentity,
referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity),
embedInteropTypes As Boolean)
Debug.Assert(identity IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(Not referencedAssemblies.IsDefault)
_embedInteropTypes = embedInteropTypes
_identity = identity
_referencedAssemblies = referencedAssemblies
End Sub
Friend MustOverride Function CreateAssemblySymbol() As AssemblySymbol
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Identity As AssemblyIdentity
Return _identity
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property AvailableSymbols As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol)
If (_assemblies.IsDefault) Then
Dim assemblies = ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblySymbol).GetInstance()
' This should be done lazy because while we creating
' instances of this type, creation of new SourceAssembly symbols
' might change the set of available AssemblySymbols.
_assemblies = assemblies.ToImmutableAndFree()
End If
Return _assemblies
End Get
End Property
Protected MustOverride Sub AddAvailableSymbols(assemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblySymbol))
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property AssemblyReferences As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity)
Return _referencedAssemblies
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function BindAssemblyReferences(assemblies As MultiDictionary(Of String, (DefinitionData As AssemblyData, DefinitionIndex As Integer)), assemblyIdentityComparer As AssemblyIdentityComparer) As AssemblyReferenceBinding()
Return ResolveReferencedAssemblies(_referencedAssemblies, assemblies, resolveAgainstAssemblyBeingBuilt:=True, assemblyIdentityComparer:=assemblyIdentityComparer)
End Function
Public NotOverridable Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLinked As Boolean
Return _embedInteropTypes
End Get
End Property
End Class
Private NotInheritable Class AssemblyDataForFile
Inherits AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation
Public ReadOnly Assembly As PEAssembly
''' <summary>
''' Guarded by <see cref="CommonReferenceManager.SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard"/>.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly CachedSymbols As WeakList(Of IAssemblySymbolInternal)
Public ReadOnly DocumentationProvider As DocumentationProvider
''' <summary>
''' Import options of the compilation being built.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _compilationImportOptions As MetadataImportOptions
' This is the name of the compilation that is being built.
' This should be the assembly name w/o the extension. It is
' used to compute whether or not it is possible that this
' assembly will give friend access to the compilation.
Private ReadOnly _sourceAssemblySimpleName As String
Private _internalsVisibleComputed As Boolean = False
Private _internalsPotentiallyVisibleToCompilation As Boolean = False
Public Sub New(assembly As PEAssembly,
cachedSymbols As WeakList(Of IAssemblySymbolInternal),
embedInteropTypes As Boolean,
documentationProvider As DocumentationProvider,
sourceAssemblySimpleName As String,
compilationImportOptions As MetadataImportOptions)
MyBase.New(assembly.Identity, assembly.AssemblyReferences, embedInteropTypes)
Debug.Assert(documentationProvider IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(cachedSymbols IsNot Nothing)
Me.CachedSymbols = cachedSymbols
Me.Assembly = assembly
Me.DocumentationProvider = documentationProvider
_compilationImportOptions = compilationImportOptions
_sourceAssemblySimpleName = sourceAssemblySimpleName
End Sub
Friend Overrides Function CreateAssemblySymbol() As AssemblySymbol
Return New PEAssemblySymbol(Assembly, DocumentationProvider, IsLinked, EffectiveImportOptions)
End Function
Friend ReadOnly Property InternalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation As Boolean
If Not _internalsVisibleComputed Then
_internalsPotentiallyVisibleToCompilation = InternalsMayBeVisibleToAssemblyBeingCompiled(_sourceAssemblySimpleName, Assembly)
_internalsVisibleComputed = True
End If
Return _internalsPotentiallyVisibleToCompilation
End Get
End Property
Friend ReadOnly Property EffectiveImportOptions As MetadataImportOptions
If InternalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation AndAlso _compilationImportOptions = MetadataImportOptions.Public Then
Return MetadataImportOptions.Internal
End If
Return _compilationImportOptions
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub AddAvailableSymbols(assemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblySymbol))
Dim internalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation = Me.InternalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation
' accessing cached symbols requires a lock
SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard
For Each assemblySymbol In CachedSymbols
Dim peAssembly = TryCast(assemblySymbol, PEAssemblySymbol)
If IsMatchingAssembly(peAssembly) Then
End If
End SyncLock
End Sub
Public Overrides Function IsMatchingAssembly(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As Boolean
Return IsMatchingAssembly(TryCast(candidateAssembly, PEAssemblySymbol))
End Function
Private Overloads Function IsMatchingAssembly(peAssembly As PEAssemblySymbol) As Boolean
If peAssembly Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
If peAssembly.Assembly IsNot Me.Assembly Then
Return False
End If
If EffectiveImportOptions <> peAssembly.PrimaryModule.ImportOptions Then
Return False
End If
' TODO (tomat):
' We shouldn't need to compare documentation providers. All symbols in the cachedSymbols list
' should share the same provider - as they share the same metadata.
' Removing the Equals call also avoids calling user code while holding a lock.
If Not peAssembly.DocumentationProvider.Equals(DocumentationProvider) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes() As Boolean
Return Assembly.ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes()
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DeclaresTheObjectClass As Boolean
Return Assembly.DeclaresTheObjectClass
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SourceCompilation As Compilation
Return Nothing
End Get
End Property
End Class
Private NotInheritable Class AssemblyDataForCompilation
Inherits AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation
Public ReadOnly Compilation As VisualBasicCompilation
Public Sub New(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, embedInteropTypes As Boolean)
MyBase.New(compilation.Assembly.Identity, GetReferencedAssemblies(compilation), embedInteropTypes)
Debug.Assert(compilation IsNot Nothing)
Me.Compilation = compilation
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetReferencedAssemblies(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity)
' Collect information about references
Dim refs = ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblyIdentity).GetInstance()
Dim modules = compilation.Assembly.Modules
' Filter out linked assemblies referenced by the source module.
Dim sourceReferencedAssemblies = modules(0).GetReferencedAssemblies()
Dim sourceReferencedAssemblySymbols = modules(0).GetReferencedAssemblySymbols()
Debug.Assert(sourceReferencedAssemblies.Length = sourceReferencedAssemblySymbols.Length)
For i = 0 To sourceReferencedAssemblies.Length - 1
If Not sourceReferencedAssemblySymbols(i).IsLinked Then
End If
For i = 1 To modules.Length - 1
Return refs.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
Friend Overrides Function CreateAssemblySymbol() As AssemblySymbol
Return New RetargetingAssemblySymbol(Compilation.SourceAssembly, IsLinked)
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub AddAvailableSymbols(assemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblySymbol))
' accessing cached symbols requires a lock
SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard
End SyncLock
End Sub
Public Overrides Function IsMatchingAssembly(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As Boolean
Dim retargeting = TryCast(candidateAssembly, RetargetingAssemblySymbol)
Dim asm As AssemblySymbol
If retargeting IsNot Nothing Then
asm = retargeting.UnderlyingAssembly
asm = TryCast(candidateAssembly, SourceAssemblySymbol)
End If
Debug.Assert(TypeOf asm IsNot RetargetingAssemblySymbol)
Return asm Is Compilation.Assembly
End Function
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes As Boolean
Return Compilation.MightContainNoPiaLocalTypes()
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DeclaresTheObjectClass As Boolean
Return Compilation.DeclaresTheObjectClass
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SourceCompilation As Compilation
Return Compilation
End Get
End Property
End Class
''' <summary>
''' For testing purposes only.
''' </summary>
Friend Shared Function IsSourceAssemblySymbolCreated(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As Boolean
Return compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol IsNot Nothing
End Function
''' <summary>
''' For testing purposes only.
''' </summary>
Friend Shared Function IsReferenceManagerInitialized(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As Boolean
Return compilation._referenceManager.IsBound
End Function
End Class
End Class
End Namespace