' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
' Contains scanner functionality related to XmlDoc comments
Option Compare Binary
Option Strict On
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.SyntaxFacts
Imports CoreInternalSyntax = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Partial Friend Class Scanner
Private _IsScanningXmlDoc As Boolean = False
Friend Property IsScanningXmlDoc As Boolean
Return _IsScanningXmlDoc
End Get
Private Set(value As Boolean)
_IsScanningXmlDoc = value
End Set
End Property
''' <remarks>See description in TryScanXmlDocComment(...)</remarks>
Private _endOfXmlInsteadOfLastDocCommentLineBreak As Boolean
' bug 903247. First line should be treated in a special way.
Private _isStartingFirstXmlDocLine As Boolean = False
Private _doNotRequireXmlDocCommentPrefix As Boolean = False
''' <summary>
''' This method is only to be used for parsing Cref and Name attributes as stand-alone entities
''' </summary>
Friend Sub ForceScanningXmlDocMode()
Me.IsScanningXmlDoc = True
Me._isStartingFirstXmlDocLine = False
Me._doNotRequireXmlDocCommentPrefix = True
End Sub
Private Function TryScanXmlDocComment(tList As SyntaxListBuilder) As Boolean
' leading whitespace until we see ''' should be regular whitespace
If CanGet() AndAlso IsWhitespace(Peek()) Then
Dim ws = ScanWhitespace()
End If
' SAVE the lookahead state and clear current token
#If DEBUG Then
Dim origPosition = _lineBufferOffset
#End If
Dim restorePoint = CreateRestorePoint()
' since we do not have lookahead tokens, this just
' resets current token to _lineBufferOffset
Dim currentNonterminal = Me.GetCurrentSyntaxNode()
Dim docCommentSyntax = TryCast(currentNonterminal, DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax)
' if we are lucky to get whole doc comment, we can just reuse it.
If docCommentSyntax IsNot Nothing Then
Using parser = New Parser(Me)
Me.IsScanningXmlDoc = True
Me._isStartingFirstXmlDocLine = True
' NOTE: Documentation comment syntax trivia must have at least one child xml node, because
' all the ['''] trivia are created as leading trivia for appropriate tokens.
' This means that we have to create at least one XmlText having trailing
' EOL to represent an empty documentation comment: ['''<eol>]
' The problem with this approach is that in presence of some errors (like
' not closed XML tags) we create missing tokens needed to represent the nodes
' *after* that last <eol> of the doc comment trivia, that means all the locations
' of created diagnostics will land on the first character of the next line
' after documentation comment
' To workaround this we parse XML nodes in two phases:
' - in the first phase we detect the last DocCommentLineBreak and create
' end-of-xml token instead; this should force all diagnostics to be
' reported on the next token location;
' - in the second phase we continue parsing XML nodes but don't create
' end-of-xml token which should just result in parsing one single node
' of XmlText type containing EOL;
' Then we merge the results and create resulting DocumentationCommentTrivia
' The first phase
Me._endOfXmlInsteadOfLastDocCommentLineBreak = True
Dim nodes = parser.ParseXmlContent(ScannerState.Content)
' The second phase
Me._endOfXmlInsteadOfLastDocCommentLineBreak = False
If nodes.Count = 0 AndAlso parser.CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.EndOfXmlToken Then
' This must be an empty documentation comment, we need to reset scanner so
' that the doc comment exterior trivia ([''']) lands on the final XmlNode
Me._isStartingFirstXmlDocLine = True
End If
nodes = parser.ParseRestOfDocCommentContent(nodes)
Me.IsScanningXmlDoc = False
Debug.Assert(nodes(0).FullWidth > 0, "should at least get {'''EoL} ")
' restore _currentToken and lookahead,
' but keep offset and PP state
docCommentSyntax = SyntaxFactory.DocumentationCommentTrivia(nodes)
If Me.Options.DocumentationMode < DocumentationMode.Diagnose Then
' All diagnostics coming from documentation comment are ignored
End If
End Using
End If
' RESTORE lookahead state and current token if there were any
#If DEBUG Then
Debug.Assert(Me._lineBufferOffset = origPosition + docCommentSyntax.FullWidth OrElse
Me._endOfTerminatorTrivia = origPosition + docCommentSyntax.FullWidth)
#End If
Return True
End Function
' lexes (ws)'''
Private Function TrySkipXmlDocMarker(ByRef len As Integer) As Boolean
Dim Here = len
While CanGet(Here)
Dim c = Peek(Here)
If IsWhitespace(c) Then
Here += 1
Exit While
End If
End While
If StartsXmlDoc(Here) Then
len = Here + 3
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
' scans (ws)'''
Private Function ScanXmlDocTrivia() As VisualBasicSyntaxNode
Debug.Assert(IsAtNewLine() OrElse _isStartingFirstXmlDocLine)
Dim len = 0
If TrySkipXmlDocMarker(len) Then
Return MakeDocumentationCommentExteriorTrivia(GetText(len))
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns False if trivia ends line.
''' </summary>
Private Function ScanXmlTriviaInXmlDoc(c As Char, triviaList As SyntaxListBuilder(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(c = CARRIAGE_RETURN OrElse c = LINE_FEED OrElse c = " "c OrElse c = CHARACTER_TABULATION)
Dim len = 0
If c = " "c OrElse c = CHARACTER_TABULATION Then
len += 1
ElseIf IsNewLine(c) Then
If len > 0 Then
len = 0
End If
' Only consume the end of line if the XML doc
' comment continues on the following line.
Dim offsets = CreateOffsetRestorePoint()
Dim endOfLineTrivia = ScanNewlineAsTrivia(c)
Dim ws = GetXmlWhitespaceLength(0)
If TrySkipXmlDocMarker(ws) Then
Return False
End If
Exit Do
End If
c = Peek(len)
If len > 0 Then
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function ScanXmlContentInXmlDoc() As SyntaxToken
' // [14] CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)
Dim precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode) = Nothing
If IsAtNewLine() OrElse _isStartingFirstXmlDocLine Then
Dim xDocTrivia = ScanXmlDocTrivia()
_isStartingFirstXmlDocLine = False ' no longer starting
If xDocTrivia Is Nothing Then
Return MakeEofToken() ' XmlDoc lines must start with XmlDocTrivia
End If
precedingTrivia = New CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)(xDocTrivia)
End If
Dim Here As Integer = 0
Dim scratch = GetScratch()
While CanGet(Here)
Dim c As Char = Peek(Here)
Select Case (c)
If Here <> 0 Then
Return XmlMakeTextLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, Here, scratch)
End If
Here = SkipLineBreak(c, Here)
If _endOfXmlInsteadOfLastDocCommentLineBreak Then
Dim tempHere As Integer = Here
If Not TrySkipXmlDocMarker(tempHere) Then
' NOTE: we need to reset the buffer so that precedingTrivia
' lands on the next token
Return SyntaxFactory.Token(Nothing, SyntaxKind.EndOfXmlToken, Nothing, String.Empty)
End If
End If
' line breaks in Doc comments are separate tokens.
Return MakeDocCommentLineBreakToken(precedingTrivia, Here)
Here += 1
Case "&"c
If Here <> 0 Then
Return XmlMakeTextLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, Here, scratch)
End If
Return ScanXmlReference(precedingTrivia)
Case "<"c
If Here <> 0 Then
Return XmlMakeTextLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, Here, scratch)
End If
Debug.Assert(Here = 0)
If CanGet(1) Then
Dim ch As Char = Peek(1)
Select Case ch
Case "!"c
If CanGet(2) Then
Select Case (Peek(2))
Case "-"c
If NextIs(3, "-"c) Then
Return XmlMakeBeginCommentToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
End If
Case "["c
If NextAre(3, "CDATA[") Then
Return XmlMakeBeginCDataToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
End If
Case "D"c
If NextAre(3, "OCTYPE") Then
Return XmlMakeBeginDTDToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
End Select
End If
Case "?"c
Return XmlMakeBeginProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
Case "/"c
Return XmlMakeBeginEndElementToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
End Select
End If
Return XmlMakeLessToken(precedingTrivia)
Case "]"c
If NextAre(Here + 1, "]>") Then
' // If valid characters found then return them.
If Here <> 0 Then
Return XmlMakeTextLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, Here, scratch)
End If
' // Create an invalid character data token for the illegal ']]>' sequence
Return XmlMakeTextLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, 3, ERRID.ERR_XmlEndCDataNotAllowedInContent)
End If
GoTo ScanChars
Case Else
' // Check characters are valid
Dim xmlCh = ScanXmlChar(Here)
If xmlCh.Length = 0 Then
' bad char
If Here > 0 Then
Return XmlMakeTextLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, Here, scratch)
Return XmlMakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, 1, ERRID.ERR_IllegalChar)
End If
End If
Here += xmlCh.Length
End Select
End While
' no more chars
If Here > 0 Then
Return XmlMakeTextLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, Here, scratch)
Return MakeEofToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
End Function
Friend Function ScanXmlPIDataInXmlDoc(state As ScannerState) As SyntaxToken
' // Scan the PI data after the white space
' // [16] PI ::= '<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>'
' // [17] PITarget ::= Name - (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l'))
Debug.Assert(state = ScannerState.StartProcessingInstruction OrElse
state = ScannerState.ProcessingInstruction)
Dim precedingTrivia = _triviaListPool.Allocate(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)()
Dim result As SyntaxToken
If IsAtNewLine() Then
Dim xDocTrivia = ScanXmlDocTrivia()
If xDocTrivia Is Nothing Then
Return MakeEofToken() ' XmlDoc lines must start with XmlDocTrivia
End If
End If
If state = ScannerState.StartProcessingInstruction AndAlso CanGet() Then
' // Whitespace
' // S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
Dim c = Peek()
Select Case c
Dim offsets = CreateOffsetRestorePoint()
Dim continueLine = ScanXmlTriviaInXmlDoc(c, precedingTrivia)
If Not continueLine Then
result = SyntaxFactory.Token(precedingTrivia.ToList.Node, SyntaxKind.EndOfXmlToken, Nothing, String.Empty)
GoTo CleanUp
End If
End Select
End If
Dim Here = 0
While CanGet(Here)
Dim c As Char = Peek(Here)
Select Case (c)
result = XmlMakeProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia.ToList, Here + LengthOfLineBreak(c, Here))
GoTo CleanUp
Case "?"c
If NextIs(Here + 1, ">"c) Then
'// If valid characters found then return them.
If Here <> 0 Then
result = XmlMakeProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia.ToList, Here)
GoTo CleanUp
End If
' // Create token for the '?>' termination sequence
result = XmlMakeEndProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia.ToList)
GoTo CleanUp
End If
GoTo ScanChars
Case Else
Dim xmlCh = ScanXmlChar(Here)
If xmlCh.Length > 0 Then
Here += xmlCh.Length
Continue While
End If
' bad char
If Here <> 0 Then
result = XmlMakeProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia.ToList, Here)
GoTo CleanUp
result = XmlMakeBadToken(precedingTrivia.ToList, 1, ERRID.ERR_IllegalChar)
GoTo CleanUp
End If
End Select
End While
' no more chars
If Here > 0 Then
result = XmlMakeProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia.ToList, Here)
result = MakeEofToken(precedingTrivia.ToList)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Function ScanXmlElementInXmlDoc(state As ScannerState) As SyntaxToken
' // Only legal tokens
' // QName
' // /
' // >
' // =
' // Whitespace
Dim precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode) = Nothing
If IsAtNewLine() AndAlso Not Me._doNotRequireXmlDocCommentPrefix Then
Dim xDocTrivia = ScanXmlDocTrivia()
If xDocTrivia Is Nothing Then
Return MakeEofToken() ' XmlDoc lines must start with XmlDocTrivia
End If
precedingTrivia = New CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)(xDocTrivia)
End If
While CanGet()
If Not precedingTrivia.Any AndAlso IsAtNewLine() AndAlso Not Me._doNotRequireXmlDocCommentPrefix Then
' this would indicate that we looked at Trivia, but did not find
' XmlDoc prefix (or we would not be at the line start)
' must terminate XmlDoc scanning
Return MakeEofToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
Dim c As Char = Peek()
Select Case (c)
' // Whitespace
' // S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
' we should not visit this place twice
Debug.Assert(Not precedingTrivia.Any)
Dim offsets = CreateOffsetRestorePoint()
Dim triviaList = _triviaListPool.Allocate(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)()
Dim continueLine = ScanXmlTriviaInXmlDoc(c, triviaList)
precedingTrivia = triviaList.ToList()
If Not continueLine Then
Return SyntaxFactory.Token(precedingTrivia.Node, SyntaxKind.EndOfXmlToken, Nothing, String.Empty)
End If
Case "/"c
If NextIs(1, ">"c) Then
Return XmlMakeEndEmptyElementToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
Return XmlMakeDivToken(precedingTrivia)
Case ">"c
Return XmlMakeGreaterToken(precedingTrivia)
Case "="c
Return XmlMakeEqualsToken(precedingTrivia)
Return XmlMakeSingleQuoteToken(precedingTrivia, c, isOpening:=True)
Return XmlMakeDoubleQuoteToken(precedingTrivia, c, isOpening:=True)
Case "<"c
If CanGet(1) Then
Dim ch As Char = Peek(1)
Select Case ch
Case "!"c
If CanGet(2) Then
Select Case (Peek(2))
Case "-"c
If NextIs(3, "-"c) Then
Return XmlMakeBeginCommentToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
End If
Case "["c
If NextAre(3, "CDATA[") Then
Return XmlMakeBeginCDataToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
End If
Case "D"c
If NextAre(3, "OCTYPE") Then
Return XmlMakeBeginDTDToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
End Select
End If
Return XmlLessThanExclamationToken(state, precedingTrivia)
Case "?"c
Return XmlMakeBeginProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
Case "/"c
Return XmlMakeBeginEndElementToken(precedingTrivia, s_scanNoTriviaFunc)
End Select
End If
Return XmlMakeLessToken(precedingTrivia)
Case "?"c
If NextIs(1, ">"c) Then
' // Create token for the '?>' termination sequence
Return XmlMakeEndProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
Return MakeQuestionToken(precedingTrivia, False)
Case "("c
Return XmlMakeLeftParenToken(precedingTrivia)
Case ")"c
Return XmlMakeRightParenToken(precedingTrivia)
Case "!"c,
Return XmlMakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, 1, ERRID.ERR_IllegalXmlNameChar)
Case ":"c
Return XmlMakeColonToken(precedingTrivia)
Case "["c
Return XmlMakeOpenBracketToken(state, precedingTrivia)
Case "]"c
Return XmlMakeCloseBracketToken(state, precedingTrivia)
Case Else
' // Because of weak scanning of QName, this state must always handle
' // '=' | '\'' | '"'| '/' | '>' | '<' | '?'
Return ScanXmlNcName(precedingTrivia)
End Select
End While
Return MakeEofToken(precedingTrivia)
End Function
'TODO: It makes sense to split Xml scanning functions that have XmlDoc functionality
' and place here (see ScanXmlContentInXmlDoc).
' may actually make it a derived XmlDocScanner class (consider caches).
End Class
End Namespace