' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
' Contains the definition of the Scanner, which produces tokens from text
Option Compare Binary
Option Strict On
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.SyntaxFacts
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Imports CoreInternalSyntax = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax.InternalSyntax
''' <summary>
''' Creates red tokens for a stream of text
''' </summary>
Friend Class Scanner
Implements IDisposable
Private Delegate Function ScanTriviaFunc() As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
Private Shared ReadOnly s_scanNoTriviaFunc As ScanTriviaFunc = Function() Nothing
Private ReadOnly _scanSingleLineTriviaFunc As ScanTriviaFunc = AddressOf ScanSingleLineTrivia
Protected _lineBufferOffset As Integer ' marks the next character to read from _buffer
Private _endOfTerminatorTrivia As Integer ' marks how far scanner may have scanned ahead for terminator trivia. This may be greater than _lineBufferOffset
Friend Const BadTokenCountLimit As Integer = 200
Private _badTokenCount As Integer ' cumulative count of bad tokens produced
Private ReadOnly _sbPooled As PooledStringBuilder = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance
''' <summary>
''' USE GetScratch()
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _sb As StringBuilder = _sbPooled.Builder
Private ReadOnly _triviaListPool As New SyntaxListPool
Private ReadOnly _options As VisualBasicParseOptions
Private ReadOnly _stringTable As StringTable = StringTable.GetInstance()
Private ReadOnly _quickTokenTable As TextKeyedCache(Of SyntaxToken) = TextKeyedCache(Of SyntaxToken).GetInstance
Public Const TABLE_LIMIT = 512
Private Shared ReadOnly s_keywordKindFactory As Func(Of String, SyntaxKind) =
Function(spelling) KeywordTable.TokenOfString(spelling)
Private Shared ReadOnly s_keywordsObjsPool As ObjectPool(Of CachingIdentityFactory(Of String, SyntaxKind)) = CachingIdentityFactory(Of String, SyntaxKind).CreatePool(TABLE_LIMIT, s_keywordKindFactory)
Private ReadOnly _KeywordsObjs As CachingIdentityFactory(Of String, SyntaxKind) = s_keywordsObjsPool.Allocate()
Private Shared ReadOnly s_idTablePool As New ObjectPool(Of CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, IdentifierTokenSyntax))(
Function() New CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, IdentifierTokenSyntax)(TABLE_LIMIT, Nothing, s_tokenKeyHasher, s_tokenKeyEquality))
Private ReadOnly _idTable As CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, IdentifierTokenSyntax) = s_idTablePool.Allocate()
Private Shared ReadOnly s_kwTablePool As New ObjectPool(Of CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, KeywordSyntax))(
Function() New CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, KeywordSyntax)(TABLE_LIMIT, Nothing, s_tokenKeyHasher, s_tokenKeyEquality))
Private ReadOnly _kwTable As CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, KeywordSyntax) = s_kwTablePool.Allocate
Private Shared ReadOnly s_punctTablePool As New ObjectPool(Of CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, PunctuationSyntax))(
Function() New CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, PunctuationSyntax)(TABLE_LIMIT, Nothing, s_tokenKeyHasher, s_tokenKeyEquality))
Private ReadOnly _punctTable As CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, PunctuationSyntax) = s_punctTablePool.Allocate()
Private Shared ReadOnly s_literalTablePool As New ObjectPool(Of CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, SyntaxToken))(
Function() New CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, SyntaxToken)(TABLE_LIMIT, Nothing, s_tokenKeyHasher, s_tokenKeyEquality))
Private ReadOnly _literalTable As CachingFactory(Of TokenParts, SyntaxToken) = s_literalTablePool.Allocate
Private Shared ReadOnly s_wslTablePool As New ObjectPool(Of CachingFactory(Of SyntaxListBuilder, CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)))(
Function() New CachingFactory(Of SyntaxListBuilder, CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode))(TABLE_LIMIT, s_wsListFactory, s_wsListKeyHasher, s_wsListKeyEquality))
Private ReadOnly _wslTable As CachingFactory(Of SyntaxListBuilder, CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) = s_wslTablePool.Allocate
Private Shared ReadOnly s_wsTablePool As New ObjectPool(Of CachingFactory(Of TriviaKey, SyntaxTrivia))(
Function() CreateWsTable())
Private ReadOnly _wsTable As CachingFactory(Of TriviaKey, SyntaxTrivia) = s_wsTablePool.Allocate
Private ReadOnly _isScanningForExpressionCompiler As Boolean
Private _isDisposed As Boolean
Private Function GetScratch() As StringBuilder
' the normal pattern is that we clean scratch after use.
' hitting this assert very likely indicates that you
' did not release scratch content or worse trying to use
' scratch in two places at a time.
Debug.Assert(_sb.Length = 0, "trying to use dirty buffer?")
Return _sb
End Function
#Region "Public interface"
Friend Sub New(textToScan As SourceText, options As VisualBasicParseOptions, Optional isScanningForExpressionCompiler As Boolean = False)
Debug.Assert(textToScan IsNot Nothing)
_lineBufferOffset = 0
_buffer = textToScan
_bufferLen = textToScan.Length
_curPage = GetPage(0)
_options = options
_scannerPreprocessorState = New PreprocessorState(GetPreprocessorConstants(options))
_isScanningForExpressionCompiler = isScanningForExpressionCompiler
End Sub
Friend Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
If Not _isDisposed Then
_isDisposed = True
For Each p As Page In _pages
If p IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Array.Clear(_pages, 0, _pages.Length)
End If
End Sub
Friend ReadOnly Property Options As VisualBasicParseOptions
Return _options
End Get
End Property
Friend Shared Function GetPreprocessorConstants(options As VisualBasicParseOptions) As ImmutableDictionary(Of String, CConst)
If options.PreprocessorSymbols.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then
Return ImmutableDictionary(Of String, CConst).Empty
End If
Dim result = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder(Of String, CConst)(IdentifierComparison.Comparer)
For Each symbol In options.PreprocessorSymbols
' The values in options have already been verified
result(symbol.Key) = CConst.CreateChecked(symbol.Value)
Return result.ToImmutable()
End Function
Private Function GetNextToken(Optional allowLeadingMultilineTrivia As Boolean = False) As SyntaxToken
' Use quick token scanning to see if we can scan a token quickly.
Dim quickToken = QuickScanToken(allowLeadingMultilineTrivia)
If quickToken.Succeeded Then
Dim token = _quickTokenTable.FindItem(quickToken.Chars, quickToken.Start, quickToken.Length, quickToken.HashCode)
If token IsNot Nothing Then
If quickToken.TerminatorLength <> 0 Then
_endOfTerminatorTrivia = _lineBufferOffset
_lineBufferOffset -= quickToken.TerminatorLength
End If
Return token
End If
End If
Dim scannedToken = ScanNextToken(allowLeadingMultilineTrivia)
' If we quick-scanned a token, but didn't have a actual token cached for it, cache the token we created
' from the regular scanner.
If quickToken.Succeeded Then
Debug.Assert(quickToken.Length = scannedToken.FullWidth)
_quickTokenTable.AddItem(quickToken.Chars, quickToken.Start, quickToken.Length, quickToken.HashCode, scannedToken)
End If
Return scannedToken
End Function
Private Function ScanNextToken(allowLeadingMultilineTrivia As Boolean) As SyntaxToken
#If DEBUG Then
Dim oldOffset = _lineBufferOffset
#End If
Dim leadingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
If allowLeadingMultilineTrivia Then
leadingTrivia = ScanMultilineTrivia()
leadingTrivia = ScanLeadingTrivia()
' Special case where the remainder of the line is a comment.
Dim length = PeekStartComment(0)
If length > 0 Then
Return MakeEmptyToken(leadingTrivia)
End If
End If
Dim token = TryScanToken(leadingTrivia)
If token Is Nothing Then
token = ScanNextCharAsToken(leadingTrivia)
End If
If _lineBufferOffset > _endOfTerminatorTrivia Then
_endOfTerminatorTrivia = _lineBufferOffset
End If
#If DEBUG Then
' we must always consume as much as returned token's full length or things will go very bad
Debug.Assert(oldOffset + token.FullWidth = _lineBufferOffset OrElse
oldOffset + token.FullWidth = _endOfTerminatorTrivia OrElse
token.FullWidth = 0)
#End If
Return token
End Function
Private Function ScanNextCharAsToken(leadingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
Dim token As SyntaxToken
If Not CanGet() Then
token = MakeEofToken(leadingTrivia)
_badTokenCount += 1
If _badTokenCount < BadTokenCountLimit Then
' // Don't break up surrogate pairs
Dim c = Peek()
Dim length = If(IsHighSurrogate(c) AndAlso CanGet(1) AndAlso IsLowSurrogate(Peek(1)), 2, 1)
token = MakeBadToken(leadingTrivia, length, ERRID.ERR_IllegalChar)
' If we get too many characters that we cannot make sense of, absorb the rest of the input.
token = MakeBadToken(leadingTrivia, RemainingLength(), ERRID.ERR_IllegalChar)
End If
End If
Return token
End Function
' // SkipToNextConditionalLine advances through the input stream until it finds a (logical)
' // line that has a '#' character as its first non-whitespace, non-continuation character.
' // SkipToNextConditionalLine ignores explicit line continuation.
' TODO: this could be vastly simplified if we could ignore line continuations.
Public Function SkipToNextConditionalLine() As TextSpan
' start at current token
Dim start = _lineBufferOffset
' if starting not from line start, skip to the next one.
Dim prev = PrevToken
If Not IsAtNewLine() OrElse
(PrevToken IsNot Nothing AndAlso PrevToken.EndsWithEndOfLineOrColonTrivia) Then
End If
Dim condLineStart = _lineBufferOffset
While (CanGet())
Dim c As Char = Peek()
Select Case (c)
condLineStart = _lineBufferOffset
Continue While
Continue While
Case _
"a"c, "b"c, "c"c, "d"c, "e"c, "f"c, "g"c, "h"c, "i"c, "j"c, "k"c, "l"c,
"m"c, "n"c, "o"c, "p"c, "q"c, "r"c, "s"c, "t"c, "u"c, "v"c, "w"c, "x"c,
"y"c, "z"c, "A"c, "B"c, "C"c, "D"c, "E"c, "F"c, "G"c, "H"c, "I"c, "J"c,
"K"c, "L"c, "M"c, "N"c, "O"c, "P"c, "Q"c, "R"c, "S"c, "T"c, "U"c, "V"c,
"W"c, "X"c, "Y"c, "Z"c, "'"c, "_"c
condLineStart = _lineBufferOffset
Continue While
Exit While
Case Else
If IsWhitespace(c) Then
Continue While
ElseIf IsNewLine(c) Then
condLineStart = _lineBufferOffset
Continue While
End If
condLineStart = _lineBufferOffset
Continue While
End Select
End While
' we did not find # or we have hit EoF.
_lineBufferOffset = condLineStart
Debug.Assert(_lineBufferOffset >= start AndAlso _lineBufferOffset >= 0)
Return TextSpan.FromBounds(start, condLineStart)
End Function
Private Sub EatThroughLine()
While CanGet()
Dim c As Char = Peek()
If IsNewLine(c) Then
End If
End While
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Gets a chunk of text as a DisabledCode node.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="span">The range of text.</param>
''' <returns>The DisabledCode node.</returns>
Friend Function GetDisabledTextAt(span As TextSpan) As SyntaxTrivia
If span.Start >= 0 AndAlso span.End <= _bufferLen Then
Return SyntaxFactory.DisabledTextTrivia(GetTextNotInterned(span.Start, span.Length))
End If
' TODO: should this be a Require?
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException(NameOf(span))
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Interning"
Friend Function GetScratchTextInterned(sb As StringBuilder) As String
Dim str = _stringTable.Add(sb)
Return str
End Function
Friend Shared Function GetScratchText(sb As StringBuilder) As String
' PERF: Special case for the very common case of a string containing a single space
Dim str As String
If sb.Length = 1 AndAlso sb(0) = " "c Then
str = " "
str = sb.ToString
End If
Return str
End Function
' This overload of GetScratchText first examines the contents of the StringBuilder to
' see if it matches the given string. If so, then the given string is returned, saving
' the allocation.
Private Shared Function GetScratchText(sb As StringBuilder, text As String) As String
Dim str As String
If StringTable.TextEquals(text, sb) Then
str = text
str = sb.ToString
End If
Return str
End Function
Friend Function Intern(s As String, start As Integer, length As Integer) As String
Return _stringTable.Add(s, start, length)
End Function
Friend Function Intern(s As Char(), start As Integer, length As Integer) As String
Return _stringTable.Add(s, start, length)
End Function
Friend Function Intern(ch As Char) As String
Return _stringTable.Add(ch)
End Function
Friend Function Intern(arr As Char()) As String
Return _stringTable.Add(arr)
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Buffer helpers"
Private Function NextAre(chars As String) As Boolean
Return NextAre(0, chars)
End Function
Private Function NextAre(offset As Integer, chars As String) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(chars))
Dim n = chars.Length
If Not CanGet(offset + n - 1) Then Return False
For i = 0 To n - 1
If chars(i) <> Peek(offset + i) Then Return False
Return True
End Function
Private Function NextIs(offset As Integer, c As Char) As Boolean
Return CanGet(offset) AndAlso (Peek(offset) = c)
End Function
Private Function CanGet() As Boolean
Return _lineBufferOffset < _bufferLen
End Function
Private Function CanGet(num As Integer) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(_lineBufferOffset + num >= 0)
Debug.Assert(num >= -MaxCharsLookBehind)
Return _lineBufferOffset + num < _bufferLen
End Function
Private Function RemainingLength() As Integer
Dim result = _bufferLen - _lineBufferOffset
Debug.Assert(CanGet(result - 1))
Return result
End Function
Private Function GetText(length As Integer) As String
Debug.Assert(length > 0)
Debug.Assert(CanGet(length - 1))
If length = 1 Then
Return GetNextChar()
End If
Dim str = GetText(_lineBufferOffset, length)
Return str
End Function
Private Function GetTextNotInterned(length As Integer) As String
Debug.Assert(length > 0)
Debug.Assert(CanGet(length - 1))
If length = 1 Then
' we will still intern single chars. There could not be too many.
Return GetNextChar()
End If
Dim str = GetTextNotInterned(_lineBufferOffset, length)
Return str
End Function
Private Sub AdvanceChar(Optional howFar As Integer = 1)
Debug.Assert(howFar > 0)
Debug.Assert(CanGet(howFar - 1))
_lineBufferOffset += howFar
End Sub
Private Function GetNextChar() As String
Dim ch = GetChar()
_lineBufferOffset += 1
Return ch
End Function
Private Sub EatThroughLineBreak(StartCharacter As Char)
End Sub
Private Function SkipLineBreak(StartCharacter As Char, index As Integer) As Integer
Return index + LengthOfLineBreak(StartCharacter, index)
End Function
Private Function LengthOfLineBreak(StartCharacter As Char, Optional here As Integer = 0) As Integer
Debug.Assert(StartCharacter = Peek(here))
If StartCharacter = CARRIAGE_RETURN AndAlso NextIs(here + 1, LINE_FEED) Then
Return 2
End If
Return 1
End Function
#End Region
#Region "New line and explicit line continuation."
''' <summary>
''' Accept a CR/LF pair or either in isolation as a newline.
''' Make it a statement separator
''' </summary>
Private Function ScanNewlineAsStatementTerminator(startCharacter As Char, precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
If _lineBufferOffset < _endOfTerminatorTrivia Then
Dim width = LengthOfLineBreak(startCharacter)
Return MakeStatementTerminatorToken(precedingTrivia, width)
Return MakeEmptyToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
End Function
Private Function ScanColonAsStatementTerminator(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode), charIsFullWidth As Boolean) As SyntaxToken
If _lineBufferOffset < _endOfTerminatorTrivia Then
Return MakeColonToken(precedingTrivia, charIsFullWidth)
Return MakeEmptyToken(precedingTrivia)
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Accept a CR/LF pair or either in isolation as a newline.
''' Make it a whitespace
''' </summary>
Private Function ScanNewlineAsTrivia(StartCharacter As Char) As SyntaxTrivia
If LengthOfLineBreak(StartCharacter) = 2 Then
Return MakeEndOfLineTriviaCRLF()
End If
Return MakeEndOfLineTrivia(GetNextChar)
End Function
Private Function TryGet(num As Integer, ByRef ch As Char) As Boolean
If CanGet(num) Then
ch = Peek(num)
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function ScanLineContinuation(tList As SyntaxListBuilder) As Boolean
Dim ch As Char = ChrW(0)
If Not TryGet(0, ch) Then
Return False
End If
If Not IsAfterWhitespace() Then
Return False
End If
If Not IsUnderscore(ch) Then
Return False
End If
Dim here = GetWhitespaceLength(1)
TryGet(here, ch)
Dim foundComment = IsSingleQuote(ch)
Dim atNewLine As Boolean = IsNewLine(ch)
If Not foundComment AndAlso Not atNewLine AndAlso CanGet(here) Then
Return False
End If
If here > 1 Then
tList.Add(MakeWhiteSpaceTrivia(GetText(here - 1)))
End If
If foundComment Then
Dim comment As SyntaxTrivia = ScanComment()
If Not CheckFeatureAvailability(Feature.CommentsAfterLineContinuation) Then
comment = comment.WithDiagnostics({ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_CommentsAfterLineContinuationNotAvailable1,
New VisualBasicRequiredLanguageVersion(Feature.CommentsAfterLineContinuation.GetLanguageVersion()))})
End If
' Need to call CanGet here to prevent Peek reading past EndOfBuffer. This can happen when file ends with comment but no New Line.
If CanGet() Then
ch = Peek()
atNewLine = IsNewLine(ch)
Debug.Assert(Not atNewLine)
End If
End If
If atNewLine Then
Dim newLine = SkipLineBreak(ch, 0)
here = GetWhitespaceLength(newLine)
Dim spaces = here - newLine
Dim startComment = PeekStartComment(here)
' If the line following the line continuation is blank, or blank with a comment,
' do not include the new line character since that would confuse code handling
' implicit line continuations. (See Scanner::EatLineContinuation.) Otherwise,
' include the new line and any additional spaces as trivia.
If startComment = 0 AndAlso
CanGet(here) AndAlso
Not IsNewLine(Peek(here)) Then
If spaces > 0 Then
End If
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Trivia"
''' <summary>
''' Consumes all trivia until a nontrivia char is found
''' </summary>
Friend Function ScanMultilineTrivia() As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
If Not CanGet() Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim ch = Peek()
' optimization for a common case
' the ASCII range between ': and ~ , with exception of except "'", "_" and R cannot start trivia
If ch > ":"c AndAlso
ch <= "~"c AndAlso
ch <> "'"c AndAlso
ch <> "_"c AndAlso
ch <> "R"c AndAlso
ch <> "r"c AndAlso
ch <> "<"c AndAlso
ch <> "|"c AndAlso
ch <> "="c AndAlso
ch <> ">"c Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim triviaList = _triviaListPool.Allocate()
While TryScanSinglePieceOfMultilineTrivia(triviaList)
End While
Dim result = MakeTriviaArray(triviaList)
Return result
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Scans a single piece of trivia
''' </summary>
Private Function TryScanSinglePieceOfMultilineTrivia(tList As SyntaxListBuilder) As Boolean
If CanGet() Then
Dim atNewLine = IsAtNewLine()
' check for XmlDocComment and directives
If atNewLine Then
If StartsXmlDoc(0) Then
Return TryScanXmlDocComment(tList)
End If
If StartsDirective(0) Then
Return TryScanDirective(tList)
End If
If IsConflictMarkerTrivia() Then
Return True
End If
End If
Dim ch = Peek()
If IsWhitespace(ch) Then
' eat until linebreak or non-whitespace
Dim wslen = GetWhitespaceLength(1)
If atNewLine Then
If StartsXmlDoc(wslen) Then
Return TryScanXmlDocComment(tList)
End If
If StartsDirective(wslen) Then
Return TryScanDirective(tList)
End If
End If
Return True
ElseIf IsNewLine(ch) Then
Return True
ElseIf IsUnderscore(ch) Then
Return ScanLineContinuation(tList)
ElseIf IsColonAndNotColonEquals(ch, offset:=0) Then
Return True
End If
' try get a comment
Return ScanCommentIfAny(tList)
End If
Return False
End Function
' All conflict markers consist of the same character repeated seven times. If it is
' a <<<<<<< or >>>>>>> marker then it is also followed by a space.
Private Shared ReadOnly s_conflictMarkerLength As Integer = "<<<<<<<".Length
Private Function IsConflictMarkerTrivia() As Boolean
If CanGet() Then
Dim ch = Peek()
If ch = "<"c OrElse ch = ">"c OrElse ch = "|"c OrElse ch = "="c Then
Dim position = _lineBufferOffset
Dim text = _buffer
If position = 0 OrElse SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(text(position - 1)) Then
Dim firstCh = _buffer(position)
If (position + s_conflictMarkerLength) <= text.Length Then
For i = 0 To s_conflictMarkerLength - 1
If text(position + i) <> firstCh Then
Return False
End If
If firstCh = "|"c OrElse firstCh = "="c Then
Return True
End If
Return (position + s_conflictMarkerLength) < text.Length AndAlso
text(position + s_conflictMarkerLength) = " "c
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Sub ScanConflictMarker(tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
Dim startCh = Peek()
' First create a trivia from the start of this merge conflict marker to the
' end of line/file (whichever comes first).
' Now add the newlines as the next trivia.
If startCh = "|"c OrElse startCh = "="c Then
' Consume everything from the start of the mid-conflict marker to the start of the next
' end-conflict marker.
ScanConflictMarkerDisabledText(startCh = "="c, tList)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ScanConflictMarkerDisabledText(atSecondMiddleMarker As Boolean, tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
Dim start = _lineBufferOffset
While CanGet()
Dim ch = Peek()
If Not atSecondMiddleMarker AndAlso ch = "="c AndAlso IsConflictMarkerTrivia() Then
Exit While
End If
If ch = ">"c AndAlso IsConflictMarkerTrivia() Then
Exit While
End If
End While
Dim width = _lineBufferOffset - start
If width > 0 Then
tList.Add(SyntaxFactory.DisabledTextTrivia(GetText(start, width)))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ScanConflictMarkerEndOfLine(tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
Dim start = _lineBufferOffset
While CanGet() AndAlso SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(Peek())
End While
Dim width = _lineBufferOffset - start
If width > 0 Then
tList.Add(SyntaxFactory.EndOfLineTrivia(GetText(start, width)))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ScanConflictMarkerHeader(tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
Dim start = _lineBufferOffset
While CanGet()
Dim ch = Peek()
If SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(ch) Then
Exit While
End If
End While
Dim trivia = SyntaxFactory.ConflictMarkerTrivia(GetText(start, _lineBufferOffset - start))
trivia = DirectCast(trivia.SetDiagnostics({ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_Merge_conflict_marker_encountered)}), SyntaxTrivia)
End Sub
' check for '''(~')
Private Function StartsXmlDoc(here As Integer) As Boolean
Return _options.DocumentationMode >= DocumentationMode.Parse AndAlso
CanGet(here + 3) AndAlso
IsSingleQuote(Peek(here)) AndAlso
IsSingleQuote(Peek(here + 1)) AndAlso
IsSingleQuote(Peek(here + 2)) AndAlso
Not IsSingleQuote(Peek(here + 3))
End Function
' check for #
Private Function StartsDirective(here As Integer) As Boolean
If CanGet(here) Then
Dim ch = Peek(here)
Return IsHash(ch)
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function IsAtNewLine() As Boolean
Return _lineBufferOffset = 0 OrElse IsNewLine(Peek(-1))
End Function
Private Function IsAfterWhitespace() As Boolean
If _lineBufferOffset = 0 Then
Return True
End If
Dim prevChar = Peek(-1)
Return IsWhitespace(prevChar)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Scan trivia on one LOGICAL line
''' Will check for whitespace, comment, EoL, implicit line break
''' EoL may be consumed as whitespace only as a part of line continuation ( _ )
''' </summary>
Friend Function ScanSingleLineTrivia() As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
Dim tList = _triviaListPool.Allocate()
Dim result = MakeTriviaArray(tList)
Return result
End Function
Private Sub ScanSingleLineTrivia(tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
If IsScanningXmlDoc Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ScanSingleLineTriviaInXmlDoc(tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
If CanGet() Then
Dim c As Char = Peek()
Select Case (c)
' // Whitespace
' // S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
Dim offsets = CreateOffsetRestorePoint()
Dim triviaList = _triviaListPool.Allocate(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)()
Dim continueLine = ScanXmlTriviaInXmlDoc(c, triviaList)
If Not continueLine Then
End If
For i = 0 To triviaList.Count - 1
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Function ScanLeadingTrivia() As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
Dim tList = _triviaListPool.Allocate()
Dim result = MakeTriviaArray(tList)
Return result
End Function
Private Sub ScanWhitespaceAndLineContinuations(tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
If CanGet() AndAlso IsWhitespace(Peek()) Then
' collect { lineCont, ws }
While ScanLineContinuation(tList)
End While
End If
End Sub
Private Function ScanSingleLineTrivia(includeFollowingBlankLines As Boolean) As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
Dim tList = _triviaListPool.Allocate()
If includeFollowingBlankLines AndAlso IsBlankLine(tList) Then
Dim more = _triviaListPool.Allocate()
While True
Dim offsets = CreateOffsetRestorePoint()
_lineBufferOffset = _endOfTerminatorTrivia
If Not IsBlankLine(more) Then
Exit While
End If
Dim n = more.Count
For i = 0 To n - 1
End While
End If
Dim result = tList.ToList()
Return result
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Return True if the builder is a (possibly empty) list of
''' WhitespaceTrivia followed by an EndOfLineTrivia.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function IsBlankLine(tList As SyntaxListBuilder) As Boolean
Dim n = tList.Count
If n = 0 OrElse tList(n - 1).RawKind <> SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia Then
Return False
End If
For i = 0 To n - 2
If tList(i).RawKind <> SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Sub ScanTerminatorTrivia(tList As SyntaxListBuilder)
' Check for statement terminators
' There are 4 special cases
' 1. [colon ws+]* colon -> colon terminator
' 2. new line -> new line terminator
' 3. colon followed by new line -> colon terminator + new line terminator
' 4. new line followed by new line -> new line terminator + new line terminator
' Case 3 is required to parse single line if's and numeric labels.
' Case 4 is required to limit explicit line continuations to single new line
If CanGet() Then
Dim ch As Char = Peek()
Dim startOfTerminatorTrivia = _lineBufferOffset
If IsNewLine(ch) Then
ElseIf IsColonAndNotColonEquals(ch, offset:=0) Then
' collect { ws, colon }
Dim len = GetWhitespaceLength(0)
If Not CanGet(len) Then
Exit Do
End If
ch = Peek(len)
If Not IsColonAndNotColonEquals(ch, offset:=len) Then
Exit Do
End If
If len > 0 Then
End If
startOfTerminatorTrivia = _lineBufferOffset
End If
_endOfTerminatorTrivia = _lineBufferOffset
' Reset _lineBufferOffset to the start of the terminator trivia.
' When the scanner is asked for the next token, it will return a 0 length terminator or colon token.
_lineBufferOffset = startOfTerminatorTrivia
End If
End Sub
Private Function ScanCommentIfAny(tList As SyntaxListBuilder) As Boolean
If CanGet() Then
' check for comment
Dim comment = ScanComment()
If comment IsNot Nothing Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function GetWhitespaceLength(len As Integer) As Integer
' eat until linebreak or non-whitespace
While CanGet(len) AndAlso IsWhitespace(Peek(len))
len += 1
End While
Return len
End Function
Private Function GetXmlWhitespaceLength(len As Integer) As Integer
' eat until linebreak or non-whitespace
While CanGet(len) AndAlso IsXmlWhitespace(Peek(len))
len += 1
End While
Return len
End Function
Private Function ScanWhitespace(Optional len As Integer = 0) As VisualBasicSyntaxNode
len = GetWhitespaceLength(len)
If len > 0 Then
Return MakeWhiteSpaceTrivia(GetText(len))
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Function ScanXmlWhitespace(Optional len As Integer = 0) As VisualBasicSyntaxNode
len = GetXmlWhitespaceLength(len)
If len > 0 Then
Return MakeWhiteSpaceTrivia(GetText(len))
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Sub EatWhitespace()
' eat until linebreak or non-whitespace
While CanGet() AndAlso IsWhitespace(Peek)
End While
End Sub
Private Function PeekStartComment(i As Integer) As Integer
If CanGet(i) Then
Dim ch = Peek(i)
If IsSingleQuote(ch) Then
Return 1
ElseIf MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(ch, "R"c, "r"c) AndAlso
CanGet(i + 2) AndAlso MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(Peek(i + 1), "E"c, "e"c) AndAlso
MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(Peek(i + 2), "M"c, "m"c) Then
If Not CanGet(i + 3) OrElse IsNewLine(Peek(i + 3)) Then
' have only 'REM'
Return 3
ElseIf Not IsIdentifierPartCharacter(Peek(i + 3)) Then
' have 'REM '
Return 4
End If
End If
End If
Return 0
End Function
Private Function ScanComment() As SyntaxTrivia
Dim length = PeekStartComment(0)
If length > 0 Then
Dim looksLikeDocComment As Boolean = StartsXmlDoc(0)
' eat all chars until EoL
While CanGet(length) AndAlso
Not IsNewLine(Peek(length))
length += 1
End While
Dim commentTrivia As SyntaxTrivia = MakeCommentTrivia(GetTextNotInterned(length))
If looksLikeDocComment AndAlso _options.DocumentationMode >= DocumentationMode.Diagnose Then
commentTrivia = commentTrivia.WithDiagnostics(ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.WRN_XMLDocNotFirstOnLine))
End If
Return commentTrivia
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Return True if the character is a colon, and not part of ":=".
''' </summary>
Private Function IsColonAndNotColonEquals(ch As Char, offset As Integer) As Boolean
Return IsColon(ch) AndAlso Not TrySkipFollowingEquals(offset + 1)
End Function
Private Function ScanColonAsTrivia() As SyntaxTrivia
Debug.Assert(IsColonAndNotColonEquals(Peek(), offset:=0))
Return MakeColonTrivia(GetText(1))
End Function
#End Region
Private Function ScanTokenCommon(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode), ch As Char, fullWidth As Boolean) As SyntaxToken
Dim lengthWithMaybeEquals As Integer = 1
Select Case ch
Return ScanNewlineAsStatementTerminator(ch, precedingTrivia)
If Not fullWidth Then
Return ScanNewlineAsStatementTerminator(ch, precedingTrivia)
End If
Debug.Assert(False, $"Unexpected char: &H{AscW(ch):x}")
Return Nothing ' trivia cannot start a token
Case "@"c
Return MakeAtToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case "("c
Return MakeOpenParenToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case ")"c
Return MakeCloseParenToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case "{"c
Return MakeOpenBraceToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case "}"c
Return MakeCloseBraceToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case ","c
Return MakeCommaToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case "#"c
Dim dl = ScanDateLiteral(precedingTrivia)
Return If(dl, MakeHashToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth))
Case "&"c
If CanGet(1) AndAlso BeginsBaseLiteral(Peek(1)) Then
Return ScanNumericLiteral(precedingTrivia)
End If
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakeAmpersandEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return MakeAmpersandToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "="c
Return MakeEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case "<"c
Return ScanLeftAngleBracket(precedingTrivia, fullWidth, _scanSingleLineTriviaFunc)
Case ">"c
Return ScanRightAngleBracket(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case ":"c
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakeColonEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return ScanColonAsStatementTerminator(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "+"c
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakePlusEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return MakePlusToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "-"c
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakeMinusEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return MakeMinusToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "*"c
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakeAsteriskEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return MakeAsteriskToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "/"c
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakeSlashEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return MakeSlashToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "\"c
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakeBackSlashEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return MakeBackslashToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "^"c
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(lengthWithMaybeEquals) Then
Return MakeCaretEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, lengthWithMaybeEquals)
Return MakeCaretToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "!"c
Return MakeExclamationToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case "."c
If CanGet(1) AndAlso IsDecimalDigit(Peek(1)) Then
Return ScanNumericLiteral(precedingTrivia)
Return MakeDotToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
End If
Case "0"c, "1"c, "2"c, "3"c, "4"c, "5"c, "6"c, "7"c, "8"c, "9"c
Return ScanNumericLiteral(precedingTrivia)
Case """"c
Return ScanStringLiteral(precedingTrivia)
Case "A"c
If NextAre(1, "s ") Then
' TODO: do we allow widechars in keywords?
Return MakeKeyword(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword, "As", precedingTrivia)
Return ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia)
End If
Case "E"c
If NextAre(1, "nd ") Then
' TODO: do we allow widechars in keywords?
Return MakeKeyword(SyntaxKind.EndKeyword, "End", precedingTrivia)
Return ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia)
End If
Case "I"c
If NextAre(1, "f ") Then
' TODO: do we allow widechars in keywords?
Return MakeKeyword(SyntaxKind.IfKeyword, "If", precedingTrivia)
Return ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia)
End If
Case "a"c, "b"c, "c"c, "d"c, "e"c, "f"c, "g"c, "h"c, "i"c, "j"c, "k"c, "l"c, "m"c,
"n"c, "o"c, "p"c, "q"c, "r"c, "s"c, "t"c, "u"c, "v"c, "w"c, "x"c, "y"c, "z"c
Return ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia)
Case "B"c, "C"c, "D"c, "F"c, "G"c, "H"c, "J"c, "K"c, "L"c, "M"c, "N"c, "O"c, "P"c, "Q"c,
"R"c, "S"c, "T"c, "U"c, "V"c, "W"c, "X"c, "Y"c, "Z"c
Return ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia)
Case "_"c
If CanGet(1) AndAlso IsIdentifierPartCharacter(Peek(1)) Then
Return ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia)
End If
Dim err As ERRID = ERRID.ERR_ExpectedIdentifier
Dim len = GetWhitespaceLength(1)
If Not CanGet(len) OrElse IsNewLine(Peek(len)) OrElse PeekStartComment(len) > 0 Then
err = ERRID.ERR_LineContWithCommentOrNoPrecSpace
End If
' not a line continuation and cannot start identifier.
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, 1, err)
Case "["c
Return ScanBracketedIdentifier(precedingTrivia)
Case "?"c
Return MakeQuestionToken(precedingTrivia, fullWidth)
Case "%"c
If NextIs(1, ">"c) Then
Return XmlMakeEndEmbeddedToken(precedingTrivia, _scanSingleLineTriviaFunc)
End If
If Not fullWidth AndAlso CanGet(1) AndAlso IsDoubleQuote(Peek(1)) Then
Return MakePunctuationToken(precedingTrivia, 2, SyntaxKind.DollarSignDoubleQuoteToken)
End If
End Select
If IsIdentifierStartCharacter(ch) Then
Return ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia)
End If
Debug.Assert(Not IsNewLine(ch))
If fullWidth Then
Debug.Assert(Not IsDoubleQuote(ch))
Return Nothing
End If
If IsDoubleQuote(ch) Then
Return ScanStringLiteral(precedingTrivia)
End If
If IsFullWidth(ch) Then
ch = MakeHalfWidth(ch)
Return ScanTokenFullWidth(precedingTrivia, ch)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
' at this point it is very likely that we are located at the beginning of a token
Private Function TryScanToken(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
If CanGet() Then
Return ScanTokenCommon(precedingTrivia, Peek(), False)
End If
Return MakeEofToken(precedingTrivia)
End Function
Private Function ScanTokenFullWidth(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode), ch As Char) As SyntaxToken
Return ScanTokenCommon(precedingTrivia, ch, True)
End Function
' // Allow whitespace between the characters of a two-character token.
Private Function TrySkipFollowingEquals(ByRef index As Integer) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(index > 0)
Debug.Assert(CanGet(index - 1))
Dim here = index
Dim eq As Char
While CanGet(here)
eq = Peek(here)
here += 1
If Not IsWhitespace(eq) Then
If eq = "="c OrElse eq = FULLWIDTH_EQUALS_SIGN Then
index = here
Return True
Return False
End If
End If
End While
Return False
End Function
Private Function ScanRightAngleBracket(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode), charIsFullWidth As Boolean) As SyntaxToken
Debug.Assert(CanGet) ' >
Debug.Assert(Peek() = ">"c OrElse Peek() = FULLWIDTH_GREATER_THAN_SIGN)
Dim length As Integer = 1
' // Allow whitespace between the characters of a two-character token.
length = GetWhitespaceLength(length)
If CanGet(length) Then
Dim c As Char = Peek(length)
If c = "="c OrElse c = FULLWIDTH_EQUALS_SIGN Then
length += 1
Return MakeGreaterThanEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, length)
ElseIf c = ">"c OrElse c = FULLWIDTH_GREATER_THAN_SIGN Then
length += 1
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(length) Then
Return MakeGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, length)
Return MakeGreaterThanGreaterThanToken(precedingTrivia, length)
End If
End If
End If
Return MakeGreaterThanToken(precedingTrivia, charIsFullWidth)
End Function
Private Function ScanLeftAngleBracket(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode), charIsFullWidth As Boolean, scanTrailingTrivia As ScanTriviaFunc) As SyntaxToken
Debug.Assert(CanGet) ' <
Debug.Assert(Peek() = "<"c OrElse Peek() = FULLWIDTH_LESS_THAN_SIGN)
Dim length As Integer = 1
' Check for XML tokens
If Not charIsFullWidth AndAlso CanGet(length) Then
Dim c As Char = Peek(length)
Select Case c
Case "!"c
If CanGet(length + 2) Then
Select Case (Peek(length + 1))
Case "-"c
If CanGet(length + 3) AndAlso Peek(length + 2) = "-"c Then
Return XmlMakeBeginCommentToken(precedingTrivia, scanTrailingTrivia)
End If
Case "["c
If NextAre(length + 2, "CDATA[") Then
Return XmlMakeBeginCDataToken(precedingTrivia, scanTrailingTrivia)
End If
End Select
End If
Case "?"c
Return XmlMakeBeginProcessingInstructionToken(precedingTrivia, scanTrailingTrivia)
Case "/"c
Return XmlMakeBeginEndElementToken(precedingTrivia, _scanSingleLineTriviaFunc)
End Select
End If
' // Allow whitespace between the characters of a two-character token.
length = GetWhitespaceLength(length)
If CanGet(length) Then
Dim c As Char = Peek(length)
If c = "="c OrElse c = FULLWIDTH_EQUALS_SIGN Then
length += 1
Return MakeLessThanEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, length)
ElseIf c = ">"c OrElse c = FULLWIDTH_GREATER_THAN_SIGN Then
length += 1
Return MakeLessThanGreaterThanToken(precedingTrivia, length)
ElseIf c = "<"c OrElse c = FULLWIDTH_LESS_THAN_SIGN Then
length += 1
If CanGet(length) Then
c = Peek(length)
'if the second "<" is a part of "<%" - like in "<<%" , we do not want to use it.
If c <> "%"c AndAlso c <> FULLWIDTH_PERCENT_SIGN Then
If TrySkipFollowingEquals(length) Then
Return MakeLessThanLessThanEqualsToken(precedingTrivia, length)
Return MakeLessThanLessThanToken(precedingTrivia, length)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return MakeLessThanToken(precedingTrivia, charIsFullWidth)
End Function
''' <remarks>
''' Not intended for use in Expression Compiler scenarios.
''' </remarks>
Friend Shared Function IsIdentifier(spelling As String) As Boolean
Dim spellingLength As Integer = spelling.Length
If spellingLength = 0 Then
Return False
End If
Dim c = spelling(0)
If SyntaxFacts.IsIdentifierStartCharacter(c) Then
' SPEC: ... Visual Basic identifiers conform to the Unicode Standard Annex 15 with one
' SPEC: exception: identifiers may begin with an underscore (connector) character.
' SPEC: If an identifier begins with an underscore, it must contain at least one other
' SPEC: valid identifier character to disambiguate it from a line continuation.
If IsConnectorPunctuation(c) AndAlso spellingLength = 1 Then
Return False
End If
For i = 1 To spellingLength - 1
If Not IsIdentifierPartCharacter(spelling(i)) Then
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
Debug.Assert(PeekStartComment(0) = 0) ' comment should be handled by caller
Dim ch = Peek()
If CanGet(1) Then
Dim ch1 = Peek(1)
If IsConnectorPunctuation(ch) AndAlso Not IsIdentifierPartCharacter(ch1) Then
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, 1, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedIdentifier)
End If
End If
Dim len = 1 ' we know that the first char was good
' // The C++ compiler refuses to inline IsIdentifierCharacter, so the
' // < 128 test is inline here. (This loop gets a *lot* of traffic.)
' TODO: make sure we get good perf here
While CanGet(len)
ch = Peek(len)
Dim code = Convert.ToUInt16(ch)
If code < 128US AndAlso IsNarrowIdentifierCharacter(code) OrElse
IsWideIdentifierCharacter(ch) Then
len += 1
Exit While
End If
End While
'Check for a type character
Dim TypeCharacter As TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.None
If CanGet(len) Then
ch = Peek(len)
Select Case ch
Case "!"c
' // If the ! is followed by an identifier it is a dictionary lookup operator, not a type character.
If CanGet(len + 1) Then
Dim NextChar As Char = Peek(len + 1)
If IsIdentifierStartCharacter(NextChar) OrElse
MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(NextChar, "["c, "]"c) Then
Exit Select
End If
End If
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Single 'typeChars.chType_sR4
len += 1
Case "#"c
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Double ' typeChars.chType_sR8
len += 1
Case "$"c
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.String 'typeChars.chType_String
len += 1
Case "%"c
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Integer ' typeChars.chType_sI4
len += 1
Case "&"c
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Long 'typeChars.chType_sI8
len += 1
Case "@"c
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Decimal 'chType_sDecimal
len += 1
Case Else
If IsFullWidth(ch) Then
ch = MakeHalfWidth(ch)
GoTo FullWidthRepeat
End If
End Select
End If
Dim tokenType As SyntaxKind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken
Dim contextualKind As SyntaxKind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken
Dim spelling = GetText(len)
Dim baseSpelling = If(TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.None,
Intern(spelling, 0, len - 1))
' this can be keyword only if it has no type character, or if it is Mid$
If TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.None Then
tokenType = TokenOfStringCached(spelling)
If SyntaxFacts.IsContextualKeyword(tokenType) Then
contextualKind = tokenType
tokenType = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken
End If
ElseIf TokenOfStringCached(baseSpelling) = SyntaxKind.MidKeyword Then
contextualKind = SyntaxKind.MidKeyword
tokenType = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken
End If
If tokenType <> SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken Then
Return MakeKeyword(tokenType, spelling, precedingTrivia)
Dim id As SyntaxToken = MakeIdentifier(spelling, contextualKind, False, baseSpelling, TypeCharacter, precedingTrivia)
Return id
End If
End Function
Private Function TokenOfStringCached(spelling As String) As SyntaxKind
If spelling.Length > 16 Then
Return SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken
End If
Return _KeywordsObjs.GetOrMakeValue(spelling)
End Function
Private Function ScanBracketedIdentifier(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
Debug.Assert(CanGet) ' [
Debug.Assert(Peek() = "["c OrElse Peek() = FULLWIDTH_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET)
Dim idStart As Integer = 1
Dim here As Integer = idStart
Dim invalidIdentifier As Boolean = False
If Not CanGet(here) Then
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_MissingEndBrack)
End If
Dim ch = Peek(here)
' check if we can start an ident.
If Not IsIdentifierStartCharacter(ch) OrElse
(IsConnectorPunctuation(ch) AndAlso
Not (CanGet(here + 1) AndAlso
IsIdentifierPartCharacter(Peek(here + 1)))) Then
invalidIdentifier = True
End If
' check ident until ]
While CanGet(here)
Dim [Next] As Char = Peek(here)
If [Next] = "]"c OrElse [Next] = FULLWIDTH_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET Then
Dim idStringLength As Integer = here - idStart
If idStringLength > 0 AndAlso Not invalidIdentifier Then
Dim spelling = GetText(idStringLength + 2)
' TODO: this should be provable?
Debug.Assert(spelling.Length > idStringLength + 1)
' TODO: consider interning.
Dim baseText = spelling.Substring(1, idStringLength)
Dim id As SyntaxToken = MakeIdentifier(
Return id
' // The sequence "[]" does not define a valid identifier.
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here + 1, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedIdentifier)
End If
ElseIf IsNewLine([Next]) Then
Exit While
ElseIf Not IsIdentifierPartCharacter([Next]) Then
invalidIdentifier = True
Exit While
End If
here += 1
End While
If here > 1 Then
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_MissingEndBrack)
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedIdentifier)
End If
End Function
Private Enum NumericLiteralKind
End Enum
Private Function ScanNumericLiteral(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
Dim here As Integer = 0
Dim integerLiteralStart As Integer
Dim UnderscoreInWrongPlace As Boolean
Dim UnderscoreUsed As Boolean = False
Dim LeadingUnderscoreUsed = False
Dim base As LiteralBase = LiteralBase.Decimal
Dim literalKind As NumericLiteralKind = NumericLiteralKind.Integral
' ####################################################
' // Validate literal and find where the number starts and ends.
' ####################################################
' // First read a leading base specifier, if present, followed by a sequence of zero
' // or more digits.
Dim ch = Peek()
If ch = "&"c OrElse ch = FULLWIDTH_AMPERSAND Then
here += 1
ch = If(CanGet(here), Peek(here), ChrW(0))
Select Case ch
Case "H"c, "h"c
here += 1
integerLiteralStart = here
base = LiteralBase.Hexadecimal
If CanGet(here) AndAlso Peek(here) = "_"c Then
LeadingUnderscoreUsed = True
End If
While CanGet(here)
ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsHexDigit(ch) AndAlso ch <> "_"c Then
Exit While
End If
If ch = "_"c Then
UnderscoreUsed = True
End If
here += 1
End While
UnderscoreInWrongPlace = UnderscoreInWrongPlace Or (Peek(here - 1) = "_"c)
Case "B"c, "b"c
here += 1
integerLiteralStart = here
base = LiteralBase.Binary
If CanGet(here) AndAlso Peek(here) = "_"c Then
LeadingUnderscoreUsed = True
End If
While CanGet(here)
ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsBinaryDigit(ch) AndAlso ch <> "_"c Then
Exit While
End If
If ch = "_"c Then
UnderscoreUsed = True
End If
here += 1
End While
UnderscoreInWrongPlace = UnderscoreInWrongPlace Or (Peek(here - 1) = "_"c)
Case "O"c, "o"c
here += 1
integerLiteralStart = here
base = LiteralBase.Octal
If CanGet(here) AndAlso Peek(here) = "_"c Then
LeadingUnderscoreUsed = True
End If
While CanGet(here)
ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsOctalDigit(ch) AndAlso ch <> "_"c Then
Exit While
End If
If ch = "_"c Then
UnderscoreUsed = True
End If
here += 1
End While
UnderscoreInWrongPlace = UnderscoreInWrongPlace Or (Peek(here - 1) = "_"c)
Case Else
If IsFullWidth(ch) Then
ch = MakeHalfWidth(ch)
GoTo FullWidthRepeat
End If
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(ch)
End Select
' no base specifier - just go through decimal digits.
integerLiteralStart = here
UnderscoreInWrongPlace = (CanGet(here) AndAlso Peek(here) = "_"c)
While CanGet(here)
ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsDecimalDigit(ch) AndAlso ch <> "_"c Then
Exit While
End If
If ch = "_"c Then
UnderscoreUsed = True
End If
here += 1
End While
If here <> integerLiteralStart Then
UnderscoreInWrongPlace = UnderscoreInWrongPlace Or (Peek(here - 1) = "_"c)
End If
End If
' we may have a dot, and then it is a float, but if this is an integral, then we have seen it all.
Dim integerLiteralEnd As Integer = here
' // Unless there was an explicit base specifier (which indicates an integer literal),
' // read the rest of a float literal.
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal AndAlso CanGet(here) Then
' // First read a '.' followed by a sequence of one or more digits.
ch = Peek(here)
If (ch = "."c Or ch = FULLWIDTH_FULL_STOP) AndAlso
CanGet(here + 1) AndAlso
IsDecimalDigit(Peek(here + 1)) Then
here += 2 ' skip dot and first digit
' all following decimal digits belong to the literal (fractional part)
While CanGet(here)
ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsDecimalDigit(ch) AndAlso ch <> "_"c Then
Exit While
End If
here += 1
End While
UnderscoreInWrongPlace = UnderscoreInWrongPlace Or (Peek(here - 1) = "_"c)
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Float
End If
' // Read an exponent symbol followed by an optional sign and a sequence of
' // one or more digits.
If CanGet(here) AndAlso BeginsExponent(Peek(here)) Then
here += 1
If CanGet(here) Then
ch = Peek(here)
If MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(ch, "+"c, "-"c) Then
here += 1
End If
End If
If CanGet(here) AndAlso IsDecimalDigit(Peek(here)) Then
here += 1
While CanGet(here)
ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsDecimalDigit(ch) AndAlso ch <> "_"c Then
Exit While
End If
here += 1
End While
UnderscoreInWrongPlace = UnderscoreInWrongPlace Or (Peek(here - 1) = "_"c)
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_InvalidLiteralExponent)
End If
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Float
End If
End If
Dim literalWithoutTypeChar = here
' ####################################################
' // Read a trailing type character.
' ####################################################
Dim TypeCharacter As TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.None
If CanGet(here) Then
ch = Peek(here)
Select Case ch
Case "!"c
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Single
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Float
here += 1
End If
Case "F"c, "f"c
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.SingleLiteral
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Float
here += 1
End If
Case "#"c
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Double
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Float
here += 1
End If
Case "R"c, "r"c
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.DoubleLiteral
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Float
here += 1
End If
Case "S"c, "s"c
If literalKind <> NumericLiteralKind.Float Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.ShortLiteral
here += 1
End If
Case "%"c
If literalKind <> NumericLiteralKind.Float Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Integer
here += 1
End If
Case "I"c, "i"c
If literalKind <> NumericLiteralKind.Float Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.IntegerLiteral
here += 1
End If
Case "&"c
If literalKind <> NumericLiteralKind.Float Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Long
here += 1
End If
Case "L"c, "l"c
If literalKind <> NumericLiteralKind.Float Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.LongLiteral
here += 1
End If
Case "@"c
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Decimal
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Decimal
here += 1
End If
Case "D"c, "d"c
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.DecimalLiteral
literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Decimal
' check if this was not attempt to use obsolete exponent
If CanGet(here + 1) Then
ch = Peek(here + 1)
If IsDecimalDigit(ch) OrElse MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(ch, "+"c, "-"c) Then
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_ObsoleteExponent)
End If
End If
here += 1
End If
Case "U"c, "u"c
If literalKind <> NumericLiteralKind.Float AndAlso CanGet(here + 1) Then
Dim NextChar As Char = Peek(here + 1)
'unsigned suffixes - US, UL, UI
If MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(NextChar, "S"c, "s"c) Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.UShortLiteral
here += 2
ElseIf MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(NextChar, "I"c, "i"c) Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.UIntegerLiteral
here += 2
ElseIf MatchOneOrAnotherOrFullwidth(NextChar, "L"c, "l"c) Then
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.ULongLiteral
here += 2
End If
End If
Case Else
If IsFullWidth(ch) Then
ch = MakeHalfWidth(ch)
GoTo FullWidthRepeat2
End If
End Select
End If
' ####################################################
' // Produce a value for the literal.
' ####################################################
Dim integralValue As UInt64
Dim floatingValue As Double
Dim decimalValue As Decimal
Dim Overflows As Boolean = False
If literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Integral Then
If integerLiteralStart = integerLiteralEnd Then
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_Syntax)
integralValue = 0
If base = LiteralBase.Decimal Then
' Init For loop
For LiteralCharacter As Integer = integerLiteralStart To integerLiteralEnd - 1
Dim LiteralCharacterValue As Char = Peek(LiteralCharacter)
If LiteralCharacterValue = "_"c Then
Continue For
End If
Dim NextCharacterValue As UInteger = IntegralLiteralCharacterValue(LiteralCharacterValue)
If integralValue < 1844674407370955161UL OrElse
(integralValue = 1844674407370955161UL AndAlso NextCharacterValue <= 5UI) Then
integralValue = (integralValue * 10UL) + NextCharacterValue
Overflows = True
Exit For
End If
If TypeCharacter <> TypeCharacter.ULongLiteral AndAlso integralValue > Long.MaxValue Then
Overflows = True
End If
Dim Shift As Integer = If(base = LiteralBase.Hexadecimal, 4, If(Base = LiteralBase.Octal, 3, 1))
Dim OverflowMask As UInt64 = If(base = LiteralBase.Hexadecimal, &HF000000000000000UL, If(base = LiteralBase.Octal, &HE000000000000000UL, &H8000000000000000UL))
' Init For loop
For LiteralCharacter As Integer = integerLiteralStart To integerLiteralEnd - 1
Dim LiteralCharacterValue As Char = Peek(LiteralCharacter)
If LiteralCharacterValue = "_"c Then
Continue For
End If
If (integralValue And OverflowMask) <> 0 Then
Overflows = True
End If
integralValue = (integralValue << Shift) + IntegralLiteralCharacterValue(LiteralCharacterValue)
End If
If TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.None Then
' nothing to do
ElseIf TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Integer OrElse TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.IntegerLiteral Then
If (base = LiteralBase.Decimal AndAlso integralValue > &H7FFFFFFF) OrElse
integralValue > &HFFFFFFFFUI Then
Overflows = True
End If
ElseIf TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.UIntegerLiteral Then
If integralValue > &HFFFFFFFFUI Then
Overflows = True
End If
ElseIf TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.ShortLiteral Then
If (base = LiteralBase.Decimal AndAlso integralValue > &H7FFF) OrElse
integralValue > &HFFFF Then
Overflows = True
End If
ElseIf TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.UShortLiteral Then
If integralValue > &HFFFF Then
Overflows = True
End If
Debug.Assert(TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Long OrElse
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.LongLiteral OrElse
TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.ULongLiteral,
"Integral literal value computation is lost.")
End If
End If
' // Copy the text of the literal to deal with fullwidth
Dim scratch = GetScratch()
For i = 0 To literalWithoutTypeChar - 1
Dim curCh = Peek(i)
If curCh <> "_"c Then
scratch.Append(If(IsFullWidth(curCh), MakeHalfWidth(curCh), curCh))
End If
Dim LiteralSpelling = GetScratchTextInterned(scratch)
If literalKind = NumericLiteralKind.Decimal Then
' Attempt to convert to Decimal.
Overflows = Not GetDecimalValue(LiteralSpelling, decimalValue)
If TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.Single OrElse TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.SingleLiteral Then
' // Attempt to convert to single
Dim SingleValue As Single
If Not RealParser.TryParseFloat(LiteralSpelling, SingleValue) Then
Overflows = True
floatingValue = SingleValue
End If
' // Attempt to convert to double.
If Not RealParser.TryParseDouble(LiteralSpelling, floatingValue) Then
Overflows = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
Dim result As SyntaxToken
Select Case literalKind
Case NumericLiteralKind.Integral
result = MakeIntegerLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, base, TypeCharacter, If(Overflows Or UnderscoreInWrongPlace, 0UL, IntegralValue), here)
Case NumericLiteralKind.Float
result = MakeFloatingLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, TypeCharacter, If(Overflows Or UnderscoreInWrongPlace, 0.0F, floatingValue), here)
Case NumericLiteralKind.Decimal
result = MakeDecimalLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, TypeCharacter, If(Overflows Or UnderscoreInWrongPlace, 0D, decimalValue), here)
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(literalKind)
End Select
If Overflows Then
result = DirectCast(result.AddError(ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_Overflow)), SyntaxToken)
End If
If UnderscoreInWrongPlace Then
result = DirectCast(result.AddError(ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_Syntax)), SyntaxToken)
ElseIf LeadingUnderscoreUsed Then
result = CheckFeatureAvailability(result, Feature.LeadingDigitSeparator)
ElseIf UnderscoreUsed Then
result = CheckFeatureAvailability(result, Feature.DigitSeparators)
End If
If base = LiteralBase.Binary Then
result = CheckFeatureAvailability(result, Feature.BinaryLiterals)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function GetDecimalValue(text As String, <Out()> ByRef value As Decimal) As Boolean
' Use Decimal.TryParse to parse value. Note: the behavior of
' Decimal.TryParse differs from Dev11 in the following cases:
' 1. [-]0eNd where N > 0
' The native compiler ignores sign and scale and treats such cases
' as 0e0d. Decimal.TryParse fails so these cases are compile errors.
' [Bug #568475]
' 2. Decimals with significant digits below 1e-49
' The native compiler considers digits below 1e-49 when rounding.
' Decimal.TryParse ignores digits below 1e-49 when rounding. This
' difference is perhaps the most significant since existing code will
' continue to compile but constant values may be rounded differently.
' [Bug #568494]
Return Decimal.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint Or NumberStyles.AllowExponent, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, value)
End Function
Private Function ScanIntLiteral(
ByRef ReturnValue As Integer,
ByRef here As Integer
) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(here >= 0)
If Not CanGet(here) Then
Return False
End If
Dim ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsDecimalDigit(ch) Then
Return False
End If
Dim integralValue As Integer = IntegralLiteralCharacterValue(ch)
here += 1
While CanGet(here)
ch = Peek(here)
If Not IsDecimalDigit(ch) Then
Exit While
End If
Dim nextDigit = IntegralLiteralCharacterValue(ch)
If integralValue < 214748364 OrElse
(integralValue = 214748364 AndAlso nextDigit < 8) Then
integralValue = integralValue * 10 + nextDigit
here += 1
Return False
End If
End While
ReturnValue = integralValue
Return True
End Function
Private Function ScanDateLiteral(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
Dim here As Integer = 1 'skip #
Dim firstValue As Integer
Dim YearValue, MonthValue, DayValue, HourValue, MinuteValue, SecondValue As Integer
Dim haveDateValue As Boolean = False
Dim haveYearValue As Boolean = False
Dim haveTimeValue As Boolean = False
Dim haveMinuteValue As Boolean = False
Dim haveSecondValue As Boolean = False
Dim haveAM As Boolean = False
Dim havePM As Boolean = False
Dim dateIsInvalid As Boolean = False
Dim YearIsTwoDigits As Boolean = False
Dim daysToMonth As Integer() = Nothing
Dim yearIsFirst As Boolean = False
' // Unfortunately, we can't fall back on OLE Automation's date parsing because
' // they don't have the same range as the URT's DateTime class
' // First, eat any whitespace
here = GetWhitespaceLength(here)
Dim firstValueStart As Integer = here
' // The first thing has to be an integer, although it's not clear what it is yet
If Not ScanIntLiteral(firstValue, here) Then
Return Nothing
End If
' // If we see a /, then it's a date
If CanGet(here) AndAlso IsDateSeparatorCharacter(Peek(here)) Then
Dim FirstDateSeparator As Integer = here
' // We've got a date
haveDateValue = True
here += 1
' Is the first value a year?
' It is a year if it consists of exactly 4 digits.
' Condition below uses 5 because we already skipped the separator.
If here - firstValueStart = 5 Then
haveYearValue = True
yearIsFirst = True
YearValue = firstValue
' // We have to have a month value
If Not ScanIntLiteral(MonthValue, here) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
' Do we have a day value?
If CanGet(here) AndAlso IsDateSeparatorCharacter(Peek(here)) Then
' // Check to see they used a consistent separator
If Peek(here) <> Peek(FirstDateSeparator) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
' // Yes.
here += 1
If Not ScanIntLiteral(DayValue, here) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
End If
' First value is month
MonthValue = firstValue
' // We have to have a day value
If Not ScanIntLiteral(DayValue, here) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
' // Do we have a year value?
If CanGet(here) AndAlso IsDateSeparatorCharacter(Peek(here)) Then
' // Check to see they used a consistent separator
If Peek(here) <> Peek(FirstDateSeparator) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
' // Yes.
haveYearValue = True
here += 1
Dim YearStart As Integer = here
If Not ScanIntLiteral(YearValue, here) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
If (here - YearStart) = 2 Then
YearIsTwoDigits = True
End If
End If
End If
here = GetWhitespaceLength(here)
End If
' // If we haven't seen a date, assume it's a time value
If Not haveDateValue Then
haveTimeValue = True
HourValue = firstValue
' // We did see a date. See if we see a time value...
If ScanIntLiteral(HourValue, here) Then
' // Yup.
haveTimeValue = True
End If
End If
If haveTimeValue Then
' // Do we see a :?
If CanGet(here) AndAlso IsColon(Peek(here)) Then
here += 1
' // Now let's get the minute value
If Not ScanIntLiteral(MinuteValue, here) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
haveMinuteValue = True
' // Do we have a second value?
If CanGet(here) AndAlso IsColon(Peek(here)) Then
' // Yes.
haveSecondValue = True
here += 1
If Not ScanIntLiteral(SecondValue, here) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
End If
End If
here = GetWhitespaceLength(here)
' // Check AM/PM
If CanGet(here) Then
If Peek(here) = "A"c OrElse Peek(here) = FULLWIDTH_LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A OrElse
Peek(here) = "a"c OrElse Peek(here) = FULLWIDTH_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A Then
haveAM = True
here += 1
ElseIf Peek(here) = "P"c OrElse Peek(here) = FULLWIDTH_LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_P OrElse
Peek(here) = "p"c OrElse Peek(here) = FULLWIDTH_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_P Then
havePM = True
here += 1
End If
If CanGet(here) AndAlso (haveAM OrElse havePM) Then
If Peek(here) = "M"c OrElse Peek(here) = FULLWIDTH_LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_M OrElse
Peek(here) = "m"c OrElse Peek(here) = FULLWIDTH_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_M Then
here = GetWhitespaceLength(here + 1)
GoTo baddate
End If
End If
End If
' // If there's no minute/second value and no AM/PM, it's invalid
If Not haveMinuteValue AndAlso Not haveAM AndAlso Not havePM Then
GoTo baddate
End If
End If
If Not CanGet(here) OrElse Not IsHash(Peek(here)) Then
GoTo baddate
End If
here += 1
' // OK, now we've got all the values, let's see if we've got a valid date
If haveDateValue Then
If MonthValue < 1 OrElse MonthValue > 12 Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
' // We'll check Days in a moment...
If Not haveYearValue Then
dateIsInvalid = True
YearValue = 1
End If
' // Check if not a leap year
If Not ((YearValue Mod 4 = 0) AndAlso (Not (YearValue Mod 100 = 0) OrElse (YearValue Mod 400 = 0))) Then
daysToMonth = DaysToMonth365
daysToMonth = DaysToMonth366
End If
If DayValue < 1 OrElse
(Not dateIsInvalid AndAlso DayValue > daysToMonth(MonthValue) - daysToMonth(MonthValue - 1)) Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
If YearIsTwoDigits Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
If YearValue < 1 OrElse YearValue > 9999 Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
MonthValue = 1
DayValue = 1
YearValue = 1
daysToMonth = DaysToMonth365
End If
If haveTimeValue Then
If haveAM OrElse havePM Then
' // 12-hour value
If HourValue < 1 OrElse HourValue > 12 Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
If haveAM Then
HourValue = HourValue Mod 12
ElseIf havePM Then
HourValue = HourValue + 12
If HourValue = 24 Then
HourValue = 12
End If
End If
If HourValue < 0 OrElse HourValue > 23 Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
End If
If haveMinuteValue Then
If MinuteValue < 0 OrElse MinuteValue > 59 Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
MinuteValue = 0
End If
If haveSecondValue Then
If SecondValue < 0 OrElse SecondValue > 59 Then
dateIsInvalid = True
End If
SecondValue = 0
End If
HourValue = 0
MinuteValue = 0
SecondValue = 0
End If
' // Ok, we've got a valid value. Now make into an i8.
If Not dateIsInvalid Then
Dim DateTimeValue As New DateTime(YearValue, MonthValue, DayValue, HourValue, MinuteValue, SecondValue)
Dim result = MakeDateLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, DateTimeValue, here)
If yearIsFirst Then
result = Parser.CheckFeatureAvailability(Feature.YearFirstDateLiterals, result, Options.LanguageVersion)
End If
Return result
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_InvalidDate)
End If
' // If we can find a closing #, then assume it's a malformed date,
' // otherwise, it's not a date
While CanGet(here)
Dim ch As Char = Peek(here)
If IsHash(ch) OrElse IsNewLine(ch) Then
Exit While
End If
here += 1
End While
If Not CanGet(here) OrElse IsNewLine(Peek(here)) Then
' // No closing #
Return Nothing
here += 1 ' consume trailing #
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, here, ERRID.ERR_InvalidDate)
End If
End Function
Private Function ScanStringLiteral(precedingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)) As SyntaxToken
Dim length As Integer = 1
Dim ch As Char
Dim followingTrivia As CoreInternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
' // Check for a Char literal, which can be of the form:
' // """"c or "<anycharacter-except-">"c
If CanGet(3) AndAlso IsDoubleQuote(Peek(2)) Then
If IsDoubleQuote(Peek(1)) Then
If IsDoubleQuote(Peek(3)) AndAlso
CanGet(4) AndAlso
IsLetterC(Peek(4)) Then
' // Double-quote Char literal: """"c
Return MakeCharacterLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, """"c, 5)
End If
ElseIf IsLetterC(Peek(3)) Then
' // Char literal. "x"c
Return MakeCharacterLiteralToken(precedingTrivia, Peek(1), 4)
End If
End If
If CanGet(2) AndAlso
IsDoubleQuote(Peek(1)) AndAlso
IsLetterC(Peek(2)) Then
' // Error. ""c is not a legal char constant
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, 3, ERRID.ERR_IllegalCharConstant)
End If
Dim haveNewLine As Boolean = False
Dim scratch = GetScratch()
While CanGet(length)
ch = Peek(length)
If IsDoubleQuote(ch) Then
If CanGet(length + 1) Then
ch = Peek(length + 1)
If IsDoubleQuote(ch) Then
' // An escaped double quote
length += 2
Continue While
' // The end of the char literal.
If IsLetterC(ch) Then
' // Error. "aad"c is not a legal char constant
' // +2 to include both " and c in the token span
Return MakeBadToken(precedingTrivia, length + 2, ERRID.ERR_IllegalCharConstant)
End If
End If
End If
' the double quote was a valid string terminator.
length += 1
Dim spelling = GetTextNotInterned(length)
followingTrivia = ScanSingleLineTrivia()
Dim result As SyntaxToken = SyntaxFactory.StringLiteralToken(spelling, GetScratchText(scratch), precedingTrivia.Node, followingTrivia.Node)
If haveNewLine Then
result = Parser.CheckFeatureAvailability(Feature.MultilineStringLiterals, result, Options.LanguageVersion)
End If
Return result
ElseIf IsNewLine(ch) Then
If _isScanningDirective Then
Exit While
End If
haveNewLine = True
End If
length += 1
End While
' CC has trouble to prove this after the loop
Debug.Assert(CanGet(length - 1))
'// The literal does not have an explicit termination.
' DIFFERENT: here in IDE we used to report string token marked as unterminated
Dim sp = GetTextNotInterned(length)
followingTrivia = ScanSingleLineTrivia()
Dim strTk = SyntaxFactory.StringLiteralToken(sp, GetScratchText(scratch), precedingTrivia.Node, followingTrivia.Node)
Dim StrTkErr = strTk.SetDiagnostics({ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_UnterminatedStringLiteral)})
Debug.Assert(StrTkErr IsNot Nothing)
Return DirectCast(StrTkErr, SyntaxToken)
End Function
Friend Shared Function TryIdentifierAsContextualKeyword(id As IdentifierTokenSyntax, ByRef k As SyntaxKind) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(id IsNot Nothing)
If id.PossibleKeywordKind <> SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken Then
k = id.PossibleKeywordKind
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Try to convert an Identifier to a Keyword. Called by the parser when it wants to force
''' an identifier to be a keyword.
''' </summary>
Friend Function TryIdentifierAsContextualKeyword(id As IdentifierTokenSyntax, ByRef k As KeywordSyntax) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(id IsNot Nothing)
Dim kind As SyntaxKind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken
If TryIdentifierAsContextualKeyword(id, kind) Then
k = MakeKeyword(id)
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Friend Function TryTokenAsContextualKeyword(t As SyntaxToken, ByRef k As KeywordSyntax) As Boolean
If t Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
If t.Kind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken Then
Return TryIdentifierAsContextualKeyword(DirectCast(t, IdentifierTokenSyntax), k)
End If
Return False
End Function
Friend Shared Function TryTokenAsKeyword(t As SyntaxToken, ByRef kind As SyntaxKind) As Boolean
If t Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
If t.IsKeyword Then
kind = t.Kind
Return True
End If
If t.Kind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken Then
Return TryIdentifierAsContextualKeyword(DirectCast(t, IdentifierTokenSyntax), kind)
End If
Return False
End Function
Friend Shared Function IsContextualKeyword(t As SyntaxToken, ParamArray kinds As SyntaxKind()) As Boolean
Dim kind As SyntaxKind = Nothing
If TryTokenAsKeyword(t, kind) Then
Return Array.IndexOf(kinds, kind) >= 0
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function IsIdentifierStartCharacter(c As Char) As Boolean
Return (_isScanningForExpressionCompiler AndAlso c = "$"c) OrElse SyntaxFacts.IsIdentifierStartCharacter(c)
End Function
Private Function CheckFeatureAvailability(token As SyntaxToken, feature As Feature) As SyntaxToken
If CheckFeatureAvailability(feature) Then
Return token
End If
Dim requiredVersion = New VisualBasicRequiredLanguageVersion(feature.GetLanguageVersion())
Dim errorInfo = ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_LanguageVersion,
Return DirectCast(token.AddError(errorInfo), SyntaxToken)
End Function
Friend Function CheckFeatureAvailability(feature As Feature) As Boolean
Return CheckFeatureAvailability(Me.Options, feature)
End Function
Private Shared Function CheckFeatureAvailability(parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions, feature As Feature) As Boolean
Dim featureFlag = feature.GetFeatureFlag()
If featureFlag IsNot Nothing Then
Return parseOptions.Features.ContainsKey(featureFlag)
End If
Dim required = feature.GetLanguageVersion()
Dim actual = parseOptions.LanguageVersion
Return CInt(required) <= CInt(actual)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace