' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
' Contains the definition of the Scanner, which produces tokens from text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.SyntaxFacts
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Partial Friend Class Scanner
Private Function ScanInterpolatedStringPunctuation() As SyntaxToken
If Not CanGet() Then
Return MakeEndOfInterpolatedStringToken()
End If
Dim kind As SyntaxKind
Dim leadingTriviaLength = GetWhitespaceLength(0)
Dim offset = leadingTriviaLength
Dim length As Integer
If Not CanGet(offset) Then
Return MakeEndOfInterpolatedStringToken()
End If
Dim c = Peek(offset)
' This should only ever happen for $" or }
Debug.Assert(leadingTriviaLength = 0 OrElse c = "$"c OrElse c = FULLWIDTH_DOLLAR_SIGN OrElse IsRightCurlyBracket(c))
' Another } may follow the close brace of an interpolation if the interpolation lacked a format clause.
' This is because the normal escaping rules only apply when parsing the format string.
Debug.Assert(Not CanGet(offset + 1) OrElse Peek(offset + 1) <> c OrElse Not (IsLeftCurlyBracket(c) OrElse IsDoubleQuote(c)), "Escape sequence not detected.")
Dim scanTrailingTrivia As Boolean
Select Case c
If CanGet(offset + 1) AndAlso IsDoubleQuote(Peek(offset + 1)) Then
kind = SyntaxKind.DollarSignDoubleQuoteToken
length = 2
scanTrailingTrivia = False ' Trailing whitespace should be scanned as interpolated string text.
' We should only reach this point if the parser already detected a full $" token and we're now rescanning.
Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable
End If
kind = SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken
length = 1
scanTrailingTrivia = True
kind = SyntaxKind.CommaToken
length = 1
scanTrailingTrivia = True
kind = SyntaxKind.ColonToken
length = 1
scanTrailingTrivia = False ' Trailing trivia should be scanned as part of the format string text.
kind = SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken
length = 1
scanTrailingTrivia = False ' Trailing whitespace should be scanned as interpolated string text.
Case Else
If IsDoubleQuote(c) Then
Debug.Assert(Not CanGet(offset + 1) OrElse Not IsDoubleQuote(Peek(offset + 1)))
kind = SyntaxKind.DoubleQuoteToken
length = 1
scanTrailingTrivia = True
Return MakeEndOfInterpolatedStringToken()
End If
End Select
Dim leadingTrivia = ScanWhitespace(leadingTriviaLength)
Dim text = GetText(length)
Dim trailingTrivia As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode) = If(scanTrailingTrivia, ScanSingleLineTrivia(), Nothing)
Return MakePunctuationToken(kind, text, leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia.Node)
End Function
Private Function ScanInterpolatedStringContent() As SyntaxToken
If IsInterpolatedStringPunctuation() Then
Return ScanInterpolatedStringPunctuation()
Return ScanInterpolatedStringText(scanTrailingWhitespaceAsTrivia:=False)
End If
End Function
Private Function ScanInterpolatedStringFormatString() As SyntaxToken
If IsInterpolatedStringPunctuation() Then
Return ScanInterpolatedStringPunctuation()
Return ScanInterpolatedStringText(scanTrailingWhitespaceAsTrivia:=True)
End If
End Function
Private Function IsInterpolatedStringPunctuation(Optional offset As Integer = 0) As Boolean
If Not CanGet(offset) Then Return False
Dim c = Peek(offset)
If IsLeftCurlyBracket(c) Then
Return Not CanGet(offset + 1) OrElse Not IsLeftCurlyBracket(Peek(offset + 1))
ElseIf IsRightCurlyBracket(c) Then
Return Not CanGet(offset + 1) OrElse Not IsRightCurlyBracket(Peek(offset + 1))
ElseIf IsDoubleQuote(c)
'A subtle difference between this case and the one above.
' In both interpolated and literal strings the two quote characters used in an escape sequence don't have to match.
' It's enough that the next character is *a* quote char. It doesn't have to be the same quote.
' If we want to preserve consistency the quotes need to be special cased.
Return Not CanGet(offset + 1) OrElse Not IsDoubleQuote(Peek(offset + 1))
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Function ScanInterpolatedStringText(scanTrailingWhitespaceAsTrivia As Boolean) As SyntaxToken
If Not CanGet() Then Return MakeEndOfInterpolatedStringToken()
Dim offset = 0
Dim pendingWhitespace = 0
Dim valueBuilder = GetScratch()
Do While CanGet(offset)
Dim c = Peek(offset)
' Any combination of fullwidth and ASCII curly braces of the same direction is an escaping sequence for the corresponding ASCII curly brace.
' We insert that curly brace doubled and because this is the escaping sequence understood by String.Format, that will be replaced by a single brace.
' This is deliberate design and it aligns with existing rules for double quote escaping in strings.
If IsLeftCurlyBracket(c) Then
If CanGet(offset + 1) AndAlso IsLeftCurlyBracket(Peek(offset + 1)) Then
' This is an escape sequence.
offset += 2
pendingWhitespace = 0
Continue Do
End If
Exit Do
ElseIf IsRightCurlyBracket(c) Then
If CanGet(offset + 1) AndAlso IsRightCurlyBracket(Peek(offset + 1)) Then
' This is an escape sequence.
offset += 2
pendingWhitespace = 0
Continue Do
End If
Exit Do
ElseIf IsDoubleQuote(c)
If CanGet(offset + 1) AndAlso IsDoubleQuote(Peek(offset + 1)) Then
' This is a VB double quote escape. Oddly enough this logic allows mixing and matching of
' smart and dumb double quotes in any order. Regardless we always emit as a standard double quote.
' This is consistent with their handling in string literals.
offset += 2
pendingWhitespace = 0
Continue Do
End If
Exit Do
ElseIf IsNewLine(c) AndAlso scanTrailingWhitespaceAsTrivia
Exit Do
ElseIf IsWhitespace(c) AndAlso scanTrailingWhitespaceAsTrivia
offset += 1
pendingWhitespace += 1
Continue Do
offset += 1
pendingWhitespace = 0
End If
' There was trailing whitespace.
If pendingWhitespace > 0 Then
offset -= pendingWhitespace
valueBuilder.Length -= pendingWhitespace
End If
Dim text = If(offset > 0, GetTextNotInterned(offset), String.Empty)
' PERF: It's common for the text and the 'value' to be identical. If so, try to unify the
' two strings.
Dim value = GetScratchText(valueBuilder, text)
Return SyntaxFactory.InterpolatedStringTextToken(text, value, Nothing, ScanWhitespace(pendingWhitespace))
End Function
Private Function MakeEndOfInterpolatedStringToken() As SyntaxToken
Return SyntaxFactory.Token(Nothing, SyntaxKind.EndOfInterpolatedStringToken, Nothing, String.Empty)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace