' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeGen
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports TypeKind = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.TypeKind
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Friend NotInheritable Class UseTwiceRewriter
Public Structure Result
Public Sub New(first As BoundExpression, second As BoundExpression)
Me.First = first
Me.Second = second
End Sub
Public ReadOnly First As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Second As BoundExpression
End Structure
Private Sub New()
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Given an expression that produces some result and
''' has some observable evaluation side effects, return two expressions:
''' 1) First - produces the same result with the same observable side effects,
''' 2) Second - produces the same result, but without observable side effects, whenever possible.
''' This is used for compound assignment, method call ByRef parameter copy back, etc.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function UseTwice(
containingMember As Symbol,
value As BoundExpression,
isForRegularCompoundAssignment As Boolean,
temporaries As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)
) As Result
Select Case value.Kind
Case BoundKind.XmlMemberAccess
Dim memberAccess = DirectCast(value, BoundXmlMemberAccess)
Dim result = UseTwice(containingMember, memberAccess.MemberAccess, isForRegularCompoundAssignment, temporaries)
Return New Result(memberAccess.Update(result.First), memberAccess.Update(result.Second))
Case BoundKind.PropertyAccess
Return UseTwicePropertyAccess(containingMember, DirectCast(value, BoundPropertyAccess), isForRegularCompoundAssignment, temporaries)
Case BoundKind.LateInvocation
Return UseTwiceLateInvocation(containingMember, DirectCast(value, BoundLateInvocation), temporaries)
Case BoundKind.LateMemberAccess
Return UseTwiceLateMember(containingMember, DirectCast(value, BoundLateMemberAccess), temporaries)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(value.Kind <> BoundKind.ByRefArgumentWithCopyBack AndAlso
value.Kind <> BoundKind.LateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture)
Dim result = UseTwiceExpression(containingMember, value, temporaries)
' LValue-ness of expressions must be preserved
Debug.Assert(result.First.IsLValue = result.Second.IsLValue AndAlso result.Second.IsLValue = value.IsLValue)
Return result
End Select
End Function
' receiver of latebound operation
Private Shared Function UseTwiceLateBoundReceiver(
containingMember As Symbol,
receiverOpt As BoundExpression,
temporaries As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)
) As Result
Dim receiver As Result
If receiverOpt Is Nothing Then
receiver = New Result(Nothing, Nothing)
ElseIf receiverOpt.IsLValue AndAlso receiverOpt.Type.IsReferenceType Then
Dim boundTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
Dim capture As BoundAssignmentOperator = CaptureInATemp(containingMember, receiverOpt.MakeRValue(), temporaries, boundTemp)
boundTemp = boundTemp.Update(boundTemp.LocalSymbol, isLValue:=True, type:=boundTemp.Type)
receiver = New Result(New BoundSequence(capture.Syntax, ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(Of BoundExpression)(capture), boundTemp, boundTemp.Type),
ElseIf Not receiverOpt.IsLValue AndAlso Not receiverOpt.Type.IsReferenceType AndAlso Not receiverOpt.Type.IsValueType Then
Dim boundTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
Dim capture As BoundAssignmentOperator = CaptureInATemp(containingMember, receiverOpt.MakeRValue(), temporaries, boundTemp)
boundTemp = boundTemp.Update(boundTemp.LocalSymbol, isLValue:=True, type:=boundTemp.Type)
receiver = New Result(New BoundSequence(capture.Syntax, ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(Of BoundExpression)(capture), boundTemp, boundTemp.Type),
receiver = UseTwiceExpression(containingMember, receiverOpt, temporaries)
End If
' LValue-ness of a receiver should be preserved because it affects how helper method is called.
Debug.Assert(receiver.Second Is Nothing OrElse (receiverOpt.IsLValue = receiver.First.IsLValue AndAlso receiverOpt.IsLValue = receiver.Second.IsLValue))
Return receiver
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceExpression(
containingMember As Symbol,
value As BoundExpression,
temporaries As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)
) As Result
If Not value.IsLValue Then
Return UseTwiceRValue(containingMember, value, temporaries)
End If
Select Case value.Kind
Case BoundKind.Call
Return UseTwiceCall(containingMember, DirectCast(value, BoundCall), temporaries)
Case BoundKind.ArrayAccess
Return UseTwiceArrayAccess(containingMember, DirectCast(value, BoundArrayAccess), temporaries)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Return UseTwiceFieldAccess(containingMember, DirectCast(value, BoundFieldAccess), temporaries)
Case BoundKind.Local,
Return New Result(value, value)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(False) ' Add tests if this assert fires
Return UseTwiceRValue(containingMember, value, temporaries)
End Select
End Function
Private Shared Function CaptureInATemp(
containingMember As Symbol,
value As BoundExpression,
type As TypeSymbol,
temporaries As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal),
ByRef referToTemp As BoundLocal
) As BoundAssignmentOperator
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not type.IsVoidType() AndAlso value.Type Is type)
Dim temp = New SynthesizedLocal(containingMember, type, SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp)
referToTemp = New BoundLocal(value.Syntax, temp, type)
Dim capture = (New BoundAssignmentOperator(value.Syntax, referToTemp, value, suppressObjectClone:=True, type:=type)).MakeCompilerGenerated()
' Make sure we will not try to write to this local or pass it ByRef.
referToTemp = referToTemp.MakeRValue()
Return capture
End Function
Private Shared Function CaptureInATemp(
containingMember As Symbol,
value As BoundExpression,
temporaries As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal),
ByRef referToTemp As BoundLocal
) As BoundAssignmentOperator
Return CaptureInATemp(containingMember, value, value.Type, temporaries, referToTemp)
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceRValue(containingMember As Symbol, value As BoundExpression, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
Dim kind As BoundKind = value.Kind
If kind = BoundKind.BadVariable OrElse
kind = BoundKind.MeReference OrElse
kind = BoundKind.MyBaseReference OrElse
kind = BoundKind.MyClassReference OrElse
kind = BoundKind.Literal Then
Return New Result(value, value)
ElseIf value.IsValue AndAlso value.Type IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not value.Type.IsVoidType() Then
Debug.Assert(Not value.IsLValue)
Debug.Assert(Not value.IsPropertyOrXmlPropertyAccess() OrElse (value.GetAccessKind() = PropertyAccessKind.Get))
Debug.Assert(Not value.IsLateBound() OrElse (value.GetLateBoundAccessKind() = LateBoundAccessKind.Get))
Dim constantValue As ConstantValue = value.ConstantValueOpt
If constantValue IsNot Nothing Then
Debug.Assert(value.Kind <> BoundKind.Literal)
Dim second = New BoundLiteral(value.Syntax, constantValue, value.Type)
Return New Result(value, second)
End If
' TODO: Might need to do some optimization for compiler generated locals.
' For example, no reason to recapture a local that is already a capture.
' Something to try when we implement WITH statement.
Dim boundTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
Dim first = CaptureInATemp(containingMember, value, arg, boundTemp)
Debug.Assert(Not first.IsLValue AndAlso Not boundTemp.IsLValue)
Return New Result(first, boundTemp)
End If
Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceCall(containingMember As Symbol, node As BoundCall, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
Return UseTwiceLValue(containingMember, node, arg)
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceArrayAccess(containingMember As Symbol, node As BoundArrayAccess, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
If IsInvariantArray(node.Expression.Type) Then
Return UseTwiceLValue(containingMember, node, arg)
End If
#End If
' Note, as an alternative we could capture reference to the array element in a ByRef temp.
' However, without an introduction of an indirect assignment node, IL-gen is unable to distinguish
' when it should assign indirect or should assign a reference. For now, decided to not introduce
' special bound nodes for this purpose. Besides, it is not clear whether ByRef temps will make Async
' easier to implement.
Dim boundArrayTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
Dim storeArray = CaptureInATemp(containingMember, node.Expression, arg, boundArrayTemp)
Dim n = node.Indices.Length
Dim indicesFirst(n - 1) As BoundExpression
Dim indicesSecond(n - 1) As BoundExpression
For i = 0 To n - 1
Dim result = UseTwiceRValue(containingMember, node.Indices(i), arg)
indicesFirst(i) = result.First
indicesSecond(i) = result.Second
Dim second = node.Update(boundArrayTemp, indicesSecond.AsImmutableOrNull(), node.IsLValue, node.Type)
Dim first = node.Update(storeArray, indicesFirst.AsImmutableOrNull(), node.IsLValue, node.Type)
Debug.Assert(first.IsLValue AndAlso second.IsLValue)
Return New Result(first, second)
End Function
Private Shared Function IsInvariantArray(type As TypeSymbol) As Boolean
Dim value = TryCast(type, ArrayTypeSymbol)?.ElementType.IsNotInheritable
Return value.GetValueOrDefault()
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceLValue(containingMember As Symbol, lvalue As BoundExpression, temporaries As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
Dim temp = New SynthesizedLocal(containingMember, lvalue.Type, SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp, isByRef:=True)
Dim first = New BoundReferenceAssignment(lvalue.Syntax,
New BoundLocal(lvalue.Syntax, temp, temp.Type).MakeCompilerGenerated(),
lvalue, isLValue:=True, type:=lvalue.Type).MakeCompilerGenerated()
Dim second = New BoundLocal(lvalue.Syntax, temp, isLValue:=True, type:=lvalue.Type).MakeCompilerGenerated()
Return New Result(first, second)
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceFieldAccess(containingMember As Symbol, node As BoundFieldAccess, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
Dim fieldSymbol = node.FieldSymbol
If fieldSymbol.IsShared AndAlso node.ReceiverOpt IsNot Nothing Then
' Get rid of the receiver on second use of the shared field.
' It could be an expression that we don't want to visit twice.
Dim second = node.Update(Nothing, fieldSymbol, node.IsLValue, node.SuppressVirtualCalls, constantsInProgressOpt:=Nothing, node.Type)
Return New Result(node, second)
ElseIf node.ReceiverOpt Is Nothing Then
Return New Result(node, node)
' Note, as an alternative we could capture reference to the field in a ByRef temp.
' However, without an introduction of an indirect assignment node, IL-gen is unable to distinguish
' when it should assign indirect or should assign a reference. For now, decided to not introduce
' special bound nodes for this purpose. Besides, it is not clear whether ByRef temps will make Async
' easier to implement.
Dim receiver As Result = UseTwiceReceiver(containingMember, node.ReceiverOpt, arg)
Dim first = node.Update(receiver.First, fieldSymbol, node.IsLValue, suppressVirtualCalls:=False, node.ConstantsInProgressOpt, node.Type)
Dim second = node.Update(receiver.Second, fieldSymbol, node.IsLValue, suppressVirtualCalls:=False, node.ConstantsInProgressOpt, node.Type)
Debug.Assert(first.IsLValue AndAlso second.IsLValue)
Return New Result(first, second)
Return UseTwiceLValue(containingMember, node, arg)
#End If
End If
End Function
' We only want to rewrite property access at the top of the expression, not within
' the expression. (For instance, P1 should not be rewritten in M(x.P1.P2).)
Private Shared Function UseTwicePropertyAccess(containingMember As Symbol, node As BoundPropertyAccess, isForRegularCompoundAssignment As Boolean, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
Dim propertySymbol = node.PropertySymbol
' Visit receiver.
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = node.ReceiverOpt
Dim receiver As Result
If receiverOpt Is Nothing Then
receiver = New Result(Nothing, Nothing)
ElseIf node.PropertySymbol.IsShared Then
receiver = New Result(receiverOpt, Nothing)
ElseIf receiverOpt.IsLValue AndAlso receiverOpt.Type.IsReferenceType Then
Dim boundTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
receiver = New Result(CaptureInATemp(containingMember, receiverOpt.MakeRValue(), arg, boundTemp), boundTemp)
ElseIf Not receiverOpt.IsLValue AndAlso Not receiverOpt.Type.IsReferenceType AndAlso Not receiverOpt.Type.IsValueType Then
Dim boundTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
Dim capture As BoundAssignmentOperator = CaptureInATemp(containingMember, receiverOpt.MakeRValue(), arg, boundTemp)
boundTemp = boundTemp.Update(boundTemp.LocalSymbol, isLValue:=True, type:=boundTemp.Type)
receiver = New Result(New BoundSequence(capture.Syntax, ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(Of BoundExpression)(capture), boundTemp, boundTemp.Type),
ElseIf receiverOpt.IsLValue AndAlso
CodeGenerator.IsPossibleReferenceTypeReceiverOfConstrainedCall(receiverOpt) AndAlso
Not CodeGenerator.ReceiverIsKnownToReferToTempIfReferenceType(receiverOpt) AndAlso
Not (isForRegularCompoundAssignment AndAlso CodeGenerator.IsSafeToDereferenceReceiverRefAfterEvaluatingArguments(node.Arguments)) Then
Debug.Assert(Not receiverOpt.Type.IsReferenceType)
' A case where T is actually a class must be handled specially.
' Taking a reference to a class instance is fragile because the value behind the
' reference might change while arguments are evaluated. However, the call should be
' performed on the instance that is behind reference at the time we push the
' reference to the stack. So, for a class we need to emit a reference to a temporary
' location, rather than to the original location
receiver = UseTwiceExpression(containingMember, receiverOpt, arg)
Dim cloneTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
Dim clone As BoundAssignmentOperator = CaptureInATemp(containingMember, receiver.Second.MakeRValue(), arg, cloneTemp)
Dim complexReceiverFirst = New BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(receiverOpt.Syntax,
New BoundSequence(receiverOpt.Syntax, ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty,
ImmutableArray.Create(Of BoundExpression)(clone),
cloneTemp.Update(cloneTemp.LocalSymbol, isLValue:=True, cloneTemp.Type),
Dim complexReceiverSecond = New BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(receiverOpt.Syntax,
cloneTemp.Update(cloneTemp.LocalSymbol, isLValue:=True, cloneTemp.Type),
receiver = New Result(New BoundSequence(receiverOpt.Syntax, ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty,
ImmutableArray.Create(Of BoundExpression)(receiver.First.MakeRValue()),
complexReceiverFirst, receiverOpt.Type).MakeCompilerGenerated(),
receiver = UseTwiceExpression(containingMember, receiverOpt, arg)
End If
' Visit args.
Dim firstArgs As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Dim secondArgs As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
If node.Arguments.IsEmpty Then
firstArgs = ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty
secondArgs = ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty
Dim nArgs = node.Arguments.Length
Dim firstArgsArray(nArgs - 1) As BoundExpression
Dim secondArgsArray(nArgs - 1) As BoundExpression
For i = 0 To nArgs - 1
Dim boundArgument As BoundExpression = node.Arguments(i)
If boundArgument.Kind = BoundKind.ArrayCreation AndAlso DirectCast(boundArgument, BoundArrayCreation).IsParamArrayArgument Then
' ParamArray argument
UseTwiceParamArrayArgument(containingMember, DirectCast(boundArgument, BoundArrayCreation), arg, firstArgsArray(i), secondArgsArray(i))
' Regular argument
UseTwiceRegularArgument(containingMember, boundArgument, arg, firstArgsArray(i), secondArgsArray(i))
End If
firstArgs = firstArgsArray.AsImmutableOrNull()
secondArgs = secondArgsArray.AsImmutableOrNull()
End If
' Generate PropertyAccess nodes.
Dim first = node.Update(
Dim second = node.Update(
Return New Result(first, second)
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceLateInvocation(containingMember As Symbol, node As BoundLateInvocation, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
' Visit receiver.
Dim receiver As Result
If node.Member.Kind = BoundKind.LateMemberAccess Then
receiver = UseTwiceLateMember(containingMember, DirectCast(node.Member, BoundLateMemberAccess), arg)
receiver = UseTwiceLateBoundReceiver(containingMember, node.Member, arg)
End If
' Visit args.
Dim firstArgs As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Dim secondArgs As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
If node.ArgumentsOpt.IsEmpty Then
firstArgs = ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty
secondArgs = ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty
Dim nArgs = node.ArgumentsOpt.Length
Dim firstArgsArray(nArgs - 1) As BoundExpression
Dim secondArgsArray(nArgs - 1) As BoundExpression
For i = 0 To nArgs - 1
Dim boundArgument As BoundExpression = node.ArgumentsOpt(i)
' LateBound argument
If Not boundArgument.IsSupportingAssignment() Then
UseTwiceRegularArgument(containingMember, boundArgument, arg, firstArgsArray(i), secondArgsArray(i))
Dim temp = New SynthesizedLocal(containingMember, boundArgument.Type, SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp)
firstArgsArray(i) = New BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(boundArgument.Syntax,
secondArgsArray(i) = New BoundLocal(boundArgument.Syntax, temp, isLValue:=False, type:=temp.Type)
End If
firstArgs = firstArgsArray.AsImmutableOrNull()
secondArgs = secondArgsArray.AsImmutableOrNull()
End If
' Generate nodes.
Dim first = node.Update(
Dim second = node.Update(
Return New Result(first, second)
End Function
Private Shared Function UseTwiceLateMember(containingMember As Symbol, node As BoundLateMemberAccess, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
' Visit receiver.
Dim receiver As Result = UseTwiceLateBoundReceiver(containingMember, node.ReceiverOpt, arg)
' Generate nodes.
Dim first = node.Update(node.NameOpt,
Dim second = node.Update(node.NameOpt,
Return New Result(first, second)
End Function
Private Shared Sub UseTwiceRegularArgument(containingMember As Symbol, boundArgument As BoundExpression, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal),
ByRef first As BoundExpression, ByRef second As BoundExpression)
Debug.Assert(Not boundArgument.IsLValue)
Dim result = UseTwiceRValue(containingMember, boundArgument, arg)
Debug.Assert(Not result.First.IsLValue AndAlso Not result.Second.IsLValue)
Debug.Assert(result.First.HasErrors = result.Second.HasErrors AndAlso boundArgument.HasErrors = result.First.HasErrors)
Debug.Assert(result.First.HasErrors OrElse
(result.Second.Kind = BoundKind.Literal AndAlso result.First.ConstantValueOpt IsNot Nothing) OrElse
(result.Second.Kind = BoundKind.Local AndAlso result.Second.WasCompilerGenerated AndAlso
DirectCast(result.Second, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol.IsCompilerGenerated AndAlso
result.First.Kind = BoundKind.AssignmentOperator AndAlso result.First.WasCompilerGenerated AndAlso
DirectCast(result.First, BoundAssignmentOperator).Left.Kind = BoundKind.Local AndAlso
DirectCast(result.Second, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol Is DirectCast(DirectCast(result.First, BoundAssignmentOperator).Left, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol))
first = result.First
second = result.Second
End Sub
Private Shared Sub UseTwiceParamArrayArgument(containingMember As Symbol, boundArray As BoundArrayCreation, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal),
ByRef first As BoundExpression, ByRef second As BoundExpression)
Debug.Assert(Not boundArray.IsLValue)
Debug.Assert(boundArray.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(boundArray.ArrayLiteralOpt Is Nothing)
Dim initializer As BoundArrayInitialization = boundArray.InitializerOpt
Dim initializerSize As Integer = initializer.Initializers.Length
Dim firstArgsArray(initializerSize - 1) As BoundExpression
Dim secondArgsArray(initializerSize - 1) As BoundExpression
' Process arguments from bound array creation initializer
For index = 0 To initializerSize - 1
UseTwiceRegularArgument(containingMember, initializer.Initializers(index), arg, firstArgsArray(index), secondArgsArray(index))
' query will be removed in Production
Debug.Assert(boundArray.Bounds.All(Function(expr) expr.Kind = BoundKind.Literal))
' Finally, duplicate array creation expression with updated initializers
first = boundArray.Update(boundArray.IsParamArrayArgument, boundArray.Bounds,
initializer.Update(firstArgsArray.AsImmutableOrNull(), initializer.Type), Nothing, Nothing, boundArray.Type)
second = boundArray.Update(boundArray.IsParamArrayArgument, boundArray.Bounds,
initializer.Update(secondArgsArray.AsImmutableOrNull(), initializer.Type), Nothing, Nothing, boundArray.Type)
End Sub
Private Shared Function UseTwiceReceiver(containingMember As Symbol, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, arg As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedLocal)) As Result
If receiverOpt Is Nothing Then
Return New Result(Nothing, Nothing)
ElseIf receiverOpt.IsLValue AndAlso receiverOpt.Type.IsReferenceType Then
Dim boundTemp As BoundLocal = Nothing
Dim first = CaptureInATemp(containingMember, receiverOpt.MakeRValue(), arg, boundTemp)
Return New Result(first, boundTemp)
Return UseTwiceExpression(containingMember, receiverOpt, arg)
End If
End Function
#End If
End Class
End Namespace