' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports ReferenceEqualityComparer = Roslyn.Utilities.ReferenceEqualityComparer
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
''' <summary>
''' A bound node rewriter that rewrites types properly (which in some cases the automatically-generated).
''' This is used in the lambda rewriter, the iterator rewriter, and the async rewriter.
''' </summary>
Partial Friend MustInherit Class MethodToClassRewriter(Of TProxy)
Inherits BoundTreeRewriterWithStackGuard
''' <summary>
''' For each captured variable, the corresponding field of its frame
''' </summary>
Protected ReadOnly Proxies As Dictionary(Of Symbol, TProxy) = New Dictionary(Of Symbol, TProxy)()
''' <summary>
''' A mapping from every local variable to its replacement local variable. Local variables
''' are replaced when their types change due to being inside of a lambda within a generic method.
''' </summary>
Protected ReadOnly LocalMap As Dictionary(Of LocalSymbol, LocalSymbol) = New Dictionary(Of LocalSymbol, LocalSymbol)(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance)
''' <summary>
''' A mapping from every parameter to its replacement parameter. Local variables
''' are replaced when their types change due to being inside of a lambda.
''' </summary>
Protected ReadOnly ParameterMap As Dictionary(Of ParameterSymbol, ParameterSymbol) = New Dictionary(Of ParameterSymbol, ParameterSymbol)(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance)
Protected ReadOnly PlaceholderReplacementMap As New Dictionary(Of BoundValuePlaceholderBase, BoundExpression)
''' <summary>
''' The mapping of type parameters for the current lambda body
''' </summary>
Protected MustOverride ReadOnly Property TypeMap As TypeSubstitution
Friend MustOverride Function FramePointer(syntax As SyntaxNode, frameClass As NamedTypeSymbol) As BoundExpression
''' <summary>
''' The method (e.g. lambda) which is currently being rewritten. If we are
''' rewriting a lambda, currentMethod is the new generated method.
''' </summary>
Protected MustOverride ReadOnly Property CurrentMethod As MethodSymbol
Protected MustOverride ReadOnly Property TopLevelMethod As MethodSymbol
Protected MustOverride ReadOnly Property IsInExpressionLambda As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' A not-null collection of synthesized methods generated for the current source type.
''' </summary>
Protected ReadOnly CompilationState As TypeCompilationState
Protected ReadOnly Diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag
Protected ReadOnly SlotAllocatorOpt As VariableSlotAllocator
''' <summary>
''' During rewriting, we ignore locals that have already been rewritten to a proxy (a field on a closure class).
''' However, in the EE, we need to preserve the original slots for all locals (slots for any new locals must be
''' appended after the originals). The <see cref="PreserveOriginalLocals"/> field is intended to suppress any
''' rewriter logic that would result in original locals being omitted.
''' </summary>
Protected ReadOnly PreserveOriginalLocals As Boolean
Protected Sub New(slotAllocatorOpt As VariableSlotAllocator, compilationState As TypeCompilationState, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag, preserveOriginalLocals As Boolean)
Debug.Assert(compilationState IsNot Nothing)
Me.CompilationState = compilationState
Me.Diagnostics = diagnostics
Me.SlotAllocatorOpt = slotAllocatorOpt
Me.PreserveOriginalLocals = preserveOriginalLocals
End Sub
#Region "Visitors"
Public Overrides Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration) As BoundNode
Dim localSymbol = node.LocalSymbol
Dim proxy As TProxy = Nothing
If Proxies.TryGetValue(localSymbol, proxy) Then
' Constant locals are never captured.
Debug.Assert(Not localSymbol.IsConst)
Return Nothing
End If
Return node
End Function
Public NotOverridable Overrides Function VisitType(type As TypeSymbol) As TypeSymbol
If type Is Nothing Then
Return type
End If
Return type.InternalSubstituteTypeParameters(Me.TypeMap).Type
End Function
Public NotOverridable Overrides Function VisitMethodInfo(node As BoundMethodInfo) As BoundNode
Return node.Update(VisitMethodSymbol(node.Method), VisitMethodSymbol(node.GetMethodFromHandle), VisitType(node.Type))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyAccess(node As BoundPropertyAccess) As BoundNode
' NOTE: this is only reachable from Lambda rewriter
' NOTE: in case property access is inside expression tree
Dim rewrittenPropertySymbol = VisitPropertySymbol(node.PropertySymbol)
Dim rewrittenReceiver = DirectCast(Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = node.Arguments
Dim newArguments(arguments.Length - 1) As BoundExpression
For i = 0 To arguments.Length - 1
newArguments(i) = DirectCast(Visit(arguments(i)), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(rewrittenPropertySymbol,
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCall(node As BoundCall) As BoundNode
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = node.ReceiverOpt
Dim rewrittenReceiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Visit(receiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim newMethod As MethodSymbol = node.Method
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = VisitList(node.Arguments)
Dim type As TypeSymbol = VisitType(node.Type)
If ShouldRewriteMethodSymbol(receiverOpt, rewrittenReceiverOpt, newMethod) Then
Dim methodBeingCalled As MethodSymbol = SubstituteMethodForMyBaseOrMyClassCall(receiverOpt, node.Method)
newMethod = VisitMethodSymbol(methodBeingCalled)
End If
Return node.Update(newMethod,
End Function
Private Function ShouldRewriteMethodSymbol(originalReceiver As BoundExpression, rewrittenReceiverOpt As BoundExpression, newMethod As MethodSymbol) As Boolean
Return originalReceiver IsNot rewrittenReceiverOpt OrElse
Not newMethod.IsDefinition OrElse
(Me.TypeMap IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.TypeMap.TargetGenericDefinition.Equals(newMethod)) OrElse
(Me.IsInExpressionLambda AndAlso rewrittenReceiverOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso
(rewrittenReceiverOpt.IsMyClassReference OrElse rewrittenReceiverOpt.IsMyBaseReference))
End Function
Public NotOverridable Overrides Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter) As BoundNode
Dim proxy As TProxy = Nothing
If Proxies.TryGetValue(node.ParameterSymbol, proxy) Then
Return Me.MaterializeProxy(node, proxy)
End If
Dim replacementParameter As ParameterSymbol = Nothing
If Me.ParameterMap.TryGetValue(node.ParameterSymbol, replacementParameter) Then
Return New BoundParameter(node.Syntax, replacementParameter, node.IsLValue, replacementParameter.Type, node.HasErrors)
End If
Return MyBase.VisitParameter(node)
End Function
Protected MustOverride Function MaterializeProxy(origExpression As BoundExpression, proxy As TProxy) As BoundNode
Public NotOverridable Overrides Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal) As BoundNode
Dim local As LocalSymbol = node.LocalSymbol
If local.IsConst Then
' Local constants are never captured
Return MyBase.VisitLocal(node)
End If
Dim proxy As TProxy = Nothing
If Proxies.TryGetValue(local, proxy) Then
Return Me.MaterializeProxy(node, proxy)
End If
Dim replacementLocal As LocalSymbol = Nothing
If Me.LocalMap.TryGetValue(local, replacementLocal) Then
Return New BoundLocal(node.Syntax, replacementLocal, node.IsLValue, replacementLocal.Type, node.HasErrors)
End If
Return MyBase.VisitLocal(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInfo(node As BoundFieldInfo) As BoundNode
Return node.Update(VisitFieldSymbol(node.Field), VisitType(node.Type))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess) As BoundNode
Return node.Update(DirectCast(Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression),
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node As BoundDelegateCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Debug.Assert(node.RelaxationLambdaOpt Is Nothing AndAlso node.RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt Is Nothing)
Dim rewritten = DirectCast(MyBase.VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node), BoundDelegateCreationExpression)
Dim newMethod As MethodSymbol = rewritten.Method
Dim rewrittenReceiver As BoundExpression = rewritten.ReceiverOpt
If ShouldRewriteMethodSymbol(node.ReceiverOpt, rewrittenReceiver, newMethod) Then
Dim methodBeingCalled As MethodSymbol = SubstituteMethodForMyBaseOrMyClassCall(node.ReceiverOpt, node.Method)
newMethod = VisitMethodSymbol(methodBeingCalled)
End If
Return node.Update(
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Dim rewritten = DirectCast(MyBase.VisitObjectCreationExpression(node), BoundObjectCreationExpression)
Dim constructor = rewritten.ConstructorOpt
If constructor IsNot Nothing Then
If node.Type IsNot rewritten.Type OrElse Not constructor.IsDefinition Then
Dim newConstructor = VisitMethodSymbol(constructor)
rewritten = node.Update(
End If
End If
Return rewritten
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Rewrites method.
''' </summary>
Private Function VisitMethodSymbol(method As MethodSymbol) As MethodSymbol
Dim substitution As TypeSubstitution = Me.TypeMap
If substitution IsNot Nothing Then
Dim newMethod As MethodSymbol = method.OriginalDefinition
Dim newContainer As TypeSymbol = method.ContainingType.InternalSubstituteTypeParameters(substitution).AsTypeSymbolOnly()
Dim substitutedContainer = TryCast(newContainer, SubstitutedNamedType)
If substitutedContainer IsNot Nothing Then
newMethod = DirectCast(substitutedContainer.GetMemberForDefinition(newMethod), MethodSymbol)
Dim anonymousContainer = TryCast(newContainer, AnonymousTypeManager.AnonymousTypeOrDelegatePublicSymbol)
If anonymousContainer IsNot Nothing Then
newMethod = anonymousContainer.FindSubstitutedMethodSymbol(newMethod)
End If
End If
If newMethod.IsGenericMethod Then
Dim typeArgs = method.TypeArguments
Dim visitedTypeArgs(typeArgs.Length - 1) As TypeSymbol
For i = 0 To typeArgs.Length - 1
visitedTypeArgs(i) = VisitType(typeArgs(i))
newMethod = newMethod.Construct(visitedTypeArgs)
End If
Return newMethod
End If
Return method
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Rewrites property.
''' </summary>
Private Function VisitPropertySymbol([property] As PropertySymbol) As PropertySymbol
Dim substitution As TypeSubstitution = Me.TypeMap
If substitution IsNot Nothing Then
Dim newProperty As PropertySymbol = [property].OriginalDefinition
Dim newContainer As TypeSymbol = [property].ContainingType.InternalSubstituteTypeParameters(substitution).AsTypeSymbolOnly()
Dim substitutedContainer = TryCast(newContainer, SubstitutedNamedType)
If substitutedContainer IsNot Nothing Then
newProperty = DirectCast(substitutedContainer.GetMemberForDefinition(newProperty), PropertySymbol)
Dim anonymousContainer = TryCast(newContainer, AnonymousTypeManager.AnonymousTypePublicSymbol)
If anonymousContainer IsNot Nothing Then
Dim anonProperty = TryCast(newProperty, AnonymousTypeManager.AnonymousTypePropertyPublicSymbol)
newProperty = anonymousContainer.Properties(anonProperty.PropertyIndex)
End If
End If
Return newProperty
End If
Return [property]
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Rewrites field.
''' </summary>
Friend Function VisitFieldSymbol(field As FieldSymbol) As FieldSymbol
Dim substitution As TypeSubstitution = Me.TypeMap
If substitution IsNot Nothing Then
Dim newField As FieldSymbol = field.OriginalDefinition
Dim newContainer As TypeSymbol = field.ContainingType.InternalSubstituteTypeParameters(substitution).AsTypeSymbolOnly()
Dim substitutedContainer = TryCast(newContainer, SubstitutedNamedType)
If substitutedContainer IsNot Nothing Then
newField = DirectCast(substitutedContainer.GetMemberForDefinition(newField), FieldSymbol)
End If
Return newField
End If
Return field
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock) As BoundNode
Return RewriteBlock(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequence(node As BoundSequence) As BoundNode
Return RewriteSequence(node)
End Function
Public MustOverride Overrides Function VisitCatchBlock(node As BoundCatchBlock) As BoundNode
Protected Function RewriteBlock(node As BoundBlock,
prologue As ArrayBuilder(Of BoundExpression),
newLocals As ArrayBuilder(Of LocalSymbol)) As BoundBlock
For Each v In node.Locals
If Me.PreserveOriginalLocals OrElse Not Me.Proxies.ContainsKey(v) Then
Dim vType = VisitType(v.Type)
If TypeSymbol.Equals(vType, v.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) Then
Dim replacement As LocalSymbol = Nothing
Dim wasReplaced As Boolean = False
If Not LocalMap.TryGetValue(v, replacement) Then
replacement = CreateReplacementLocalOrReturnSelf(v, vType, onlyReplaceIfFunctionValue:=True, wasReplaced:=wasReplaced)
End If
If wasReplaced Then
LocalMap.Add(v, replacement)
End If
Dim replacement As LocalSymbol = CreateReplacementLocalOrReturnSelf(v, vType)
LocalMap.Add(v, replacement)
End If
End If
Dim newStatements = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundStatement).GetInstance
Dim start As Integer = 0
Dim nodeStatements = node.Statements
If prologue.Count > 0 Then
' Add hidden sequence point, prologue doesn't map to source, but if
' the first statement in the block is a non-hidden sequence point
' (for example, sequence point for a method block), keep it first.
If nodeStatements.Length > 0 AndAlso nodeStatements(0).Syntax IsNot Nothing Then
Dim keepSequencePointFirst As Boolean = False
Select Case nodeStatements(0).Kind
Case BoundKind.SequencePoint
Dim sp = DirectCast(nodeStatements(0), BoundSequencePoint)
keepSequencePointFirst = sp.StatementOpt Is Nothing
Case BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan
Dim sp = DirectCast(nodeStatements(0), BoundSequencePointWithSpan)
keepSequencePointFirst = sp.StatementOpt Is Nothing
End Select
If keepSequencePointFirst Then
Dim replacement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(nodeStatements(0)), BoundStatement)
If replacement IsNot Nothing Then
End If
start = 1
End If
End If
newStatements.Add(New BoundSequencePoint(Nothing, Nothing).MakeCompilerGenerated)
End If
For Each expr In prologue
newStatements.Add(New BoundExpressionStatement(expr.Syntax, expr))
' done with this
For i As Integer = start To nodeStatements.Length - 1
Dim replacement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(nodeStatements(i)), BoundStatement)
If replacement IsNot Nothing Then
End If
'TODO: we may not need to update if there was nothing to rewrite.
Return node.Update(node.StatementListSyntax, newLocals.ToImmutableAndFree(), newStatements.ToImmutableAndFree())
End Function
Protected Function RewriteBlock(node As BoundBlock) As BoundBlock
Dim prologue = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundExpression).GetInstance
Dim newLocals = ArrayBuilder(Of LocalSymbol).GetInstance
Return RewriteBlock(node, prologue, newLocals)
End Function
Protected Shared Function CreateReplacementLocalOrReturnSelf(
originalLocal As LocalSymbol,
newType As TypeSymbol,
Optional onlyReplaceIfFunctionValue As Boolean = False,
<Out()> Optional ByRef wasReplaced As Boolean = False
) As LocalSymbol
If Not onlyReplaceIfFunctionValue OrElse originalLocal.IsFunctionValue Then
wasReplaced = True
Return LocalSymbol.Create(originalLocal, newType)
wasReplaced = False
Return originalLocal
End If
End Function
Protected Function RewriteSequence(node As BoundSequence) As BoundSequence
Dim prologue = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundExpression).GetInstance
Dim newLocals = ArrayBuilder(Of LocalSymbol).GetInstance
Return RewriteSequence(node, prologue, newLocals)
End Function
Protected Function RewriteSequence(node As BoundSequence,
prologue As ArrayBuilder(Of BoundExpression),
newLocals As ArrayBuilder(Of LocalSymbol)) As BoundSequence
Dim origLocals = node.Locals
' merge locals new and rewritten original
For Each v In origLocals
If Not Me.Proxies.ContainsKey(v) Then
Dim vType = VisitType(v.Type)
If TypeSymbol.Equals(vType, v.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) Then
Dim replacement = CreateReplacementLocalOrReturnSelf(v, vType)
LocalMap.Add(v, replacement)
End If
End If
' merge side-effect - prologue followed by rewritten original side-effect
For Each s In node.SideEffects
Dim replacement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(s), BoundExpression)
If replacement IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Debug.Assert(node.ValueOpt IsNot Nothing OrElse node.HasErrors OrElse node.Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Void)
Dim newValue = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ValueOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(newLocals.ToImmutableAndFree(), prologue.ToImmutableAndFree(), newValue, If(newValue Is Nothing, node.Type, newValue.Type))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRValuePlaceholder(node As BoundRValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return PlaceholderReplacementMap(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLValuePlaceholder(node As BoundLValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return PlaceholderReplacementMap(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAwaitOperator(node As BoundAwaitOperator) As BoundNode
Dim awaitablePlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = node.AwaitableInstancePlaceholder
Dim awaiterPlaceholder As BoundLValuePlaceholder = node.AwaiterInstancePlaceholder
Dim result As BoundNode = MyBase.VisitAwaitOperator(node)
Return result
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSelectStatement(node As BoundSelectStatement) As BoundNode
Dim placeholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = node.ExprPlaceholderOpt
If placeholder IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dim result As BoundNode = MyBase.VisitSelectStatement(node)
If placeholder IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Return result
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator) As BoundNode
Dim leftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = node.LeftOperandPlaceholder
Dim result As BoundNode = MyBase.VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(node)
Return result
End Function
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace