File: Lowering\LocalRewriter\LocalRewriter_Return.vb
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Project: src\src\Compilers\VisualBasic\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports TypeKind = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.TypeKind
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
    Partial Friend NotInheritable Class LocalRewriter
        Public Overrides Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement) As BoundNode
            Debug.Assert(node.FunctionLocalOpt Is Nothing OrElse
                         (Not Me._currentMethodOrLambda.IsIterator AndAlso
                            Not (Me._currentMethodOrLambda.IsAsync AndAlso Me._currentMethodOrLambda.ReturnType.Equals(Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task)))))
            Dim rewritten = RewriteReturnStatement(node)
            If ShouldGenerateUnstructuredExceptionHandlingResumeCode(node) Then
                rewritten = RegisterUnstructuredExceptionHandlingResumeTarget(node.Syntax, rewritten, canThrow:=node.ExpressionOpt IsNot Nothing)
            End If
            ' Instrument synthesized returns when expressions are not compiler generated.
            If Instrument(node, rewritten) OrElse (node.ExpressionOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso Instrument(node.ExpressionOpt)) Then
                rewritten = _instrumenterOpt.InstrumentReturnStatement(node, rewritten)
            End If
            Return rewritten
        End Function
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Rewrites Return as a GoTo is needed (if not the last statement in a method)
        ''' </summary>
        Private Function RewriteReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement) As BoundStatement
            node = DirectCast(MyBase.VisitReturnStatement(node), BoundReturnStatement)
            If _inExpressionLambda Then
                ' In expression tree lambdas, we just want to translate a direct return, not a jump.
                ' Remove function local system and label to indicate a direct return.
                node = node.Update(node.ExpressionOpt, Nothing, Nothing)
            ElseIf Not node.IsEndOfMethodReturn Then
                If node.ExpressionOpt IsNot Nothing Then
                    Debug.Assert(node.FunctionLocalOpt IsNot Nothing)
                    Dim functionLocal = node.FunctionLocalOpt
                    If functionLocal IsNot Nothing Then
                        If _currentMethodOrLambda.IsAsync Then
                            ' For Async method bodies we don't rewrite Return statements into GoTo's to the method's 
                            ' epilogue in AsyncRewriter, but rather rewrite them to proper jumps to the exit label of 
                            ' MoveNext() method of the generated state machine; we keep the node unmodified to be 
                            ' properly handled by AsyncRewriter; note that this also ensures 'IsEndOfMethodReturn' 
                            ' function works fine on BoundReturnStatement
                            Return node
                        End If
                        ' This is a return in a function.  Rewrite is as
                        '   returnValue = expr
                        '   jump exitlabel
                        Dim boundFunctionLocal = New BoundLocal(node.Syntax, functionLocal, functionLocal.Type)
                        Dim syntaxNode As SyntaxNode = node.Syntax
                        Dim assignment As BoundStatement = New BoundExpressionStatement(
                                                                New BoundAssignmentOperator(
                        Dim jump As BoundStatement = New BoundGotoStatement(syntaxNode, node.ExitLabelOpt, Nothing)
                        Return New BoundStatementList(syntaxNode, ImmutableArray.Create(assignment, jump))
                    End If
                    Debug.Assert(node.FunctionLocalOpt Is Nothing)
                    ' This is a return in a sub. Rewrite as 
                    ' jump exitlabel
                    Return New BoundGotoStatement(node.Syntax, node.ExitLabelOpt, Nothing)
                End If
            ElseIf Me._currentMethodOrLambda.IsAsync AndAlso (Me._flags And RewritingFlags.AllowEndOfMethodReturnWithExpression) = 0 Then
                ' This is a synthesized end-of-method return, in case it is inside Async method/lambda it needs
                ' to be rewritten so it does not return any value. Reasoning: all Return statements will be 
                ' rewritten into GoTo to the value return label of the MoveNext() method rather than exit label 
                ' of THIS method, so this return is only reachable for the code that falls through the block; 
                ' in which case the function is supposed to return the default value of the return type, which is 
                ' exactly what will happen in this case;
                ' Also note that Async methods are lowered twice and this handling is only to be done as the 
                ' first pass; which is guarded by RewritingFlags.AllowEndOfMethodReturnWithExpression flag
                node = node.Update(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
            End If
            ' This is the return which is the last statement in a Sub node or a return from a function . There is no need to rewrite it
            ' There must not be a label symbol or a function local symbol.
            Debug.Assert(node.ExitLabelOpt Is Nothing)
            Debug.Assert(node.FunctionLocalOpt Is Nothing)
            Return node
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace