' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class LocalRewriter
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
' save the object initializer away to rewrite them later on and set the initializers to nothing to not rewrite them
' two times.
Dim objectInitializer = node.InitializerOpt
node = node.Update(node.ConstructorOpt, node.Arguments, node.DefaultArguments, Nothing, node.Type)
Dim ctor = node.ConstructorOpt
Dim result As BoundExpression = node
If ctor IsNot Nothing Then
Dim temporaries As ImmutableArray(Of SynthesizedLocal) = Nothing
Dim copyBack As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Nothing
result = node.Update(ctor,
RewriteCallArguments(node.Arguments, ctor.Parameters, temporaries, copyBack, False),
If Not temporaries.IsDefault Then
result = GenerateSequenceValueSideEffects(_currentMethodOrLambda, result, StaticCast(Of LocalSymbol).From(temporaries), copyBack)
End If
' If a coclass was instantiated, convert the class to the interface type.
If node.Type.IsInterfaceType() Then
Debug.Assert(result.Type.Equals(DirectCast(node.Type, NamedTypeSymbol).CoClassType))
Dim useSiteInfo = GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo()
Dim conv As ConversionKind = Conversions.ClassifyDirectCastConversion(result.Type, node.Type, useSiteInfo)
_diagnostics.Add(result, useSiteInfo)
result = New BoundDirectCast(node.Syntax, result, conv, node.Type, Nothing)
End If
End If
If objectInitializer IsNot Nothing Then
Return VisitObjectCreationInitializer(objectInitializer, node, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
' For the NoPIA feature, we need to gather the GUID from the coclass, and
' generate the following:
' DirectCast(System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetTypeFromCLSID(New Guid(GUID))), IPiaType)
' If System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetTypeFromCLSID is not available (older framework),
' System.Type.GetTypeFromCLSID() is used to get the type for the CLSID.
Dim factory As New SyntheticBoundNodeFactory(_topMethod, _currentMethodOrLambda, node.Syntax, _compilationState, _diagnostics)
Dim ctor = factory.WellKnownMember(Of MethodSymbol)(WellKnownMember.System_Guid__ctor)
Dim newGuid As BoundExpression
If ctor IsNot Nothing Then
newGuid = factory.[New](ctor, factory.Literal(node.GuidString))
newGuid = New BoundBadExpression(node.Syntax, LookupResultKind.NotCreatable, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty, ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty, ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType, hasErrors:=True)
End If
Dim getTypeFromCLSID = If(factory.WellKnownMember(Of MethodSymbol)(WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_InteropServices_Marshal__GetTypeFromCLSID, isOptional:=True),
factory.WellKnownMember(Of MethodSymbol)(WellKnownMember.System_Type__GetTypeFromCLSID))
Dim callGetTypeFromCLSID As BoundExpression
If getTypeFromCLSID IsNot Nothing Then
callGetTypeFromCLSID = factory.Call(Nothing, getTypeFromCLSID, newGuid)
callGetTypeFromCLSID = New BoundBadExpression(node.Syntax, LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty, ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty, ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType, hasErrors:=True)
End If
Dim createInstance = factory.WellKnownMember(Of MethodSymbol)(WellKnownMember.System_Activator__CreateInstance)
Dim rewrittenObjectCreation As BoundExpression
If createInstance IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not createInstance.ReturnType.IsErrorType() Then
Dim useSiteInfo = GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo()
Dim conversion = Conversions.ClassifyDirectCastConversion(createInstance.ReturnType, node.Type, useSiteInfo)
_diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteInfo)
rewrittenObjectCreation = New BoundDirectCast(node.Syntax, factory.Call(Nothing, createInstance, callGetTypeFromCLSID), conversion, node.Type)
rewrittenObjectCreation = New BoundBadExpression(node.Syntax, LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty, ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty, node.Type, hasErrors:=True)
End If
If node.InitializerOpt Is Nothing OrElse node.InitializerOpt.HasErrors Then
Return rewrittenObjectCreation
End If
Return VisitObjectCreationInitializer(node.InitializerOpt, node, rewrittenObjectCreation)
End Function
Private Function VisitObjectCreationInitializer(
objectInitializer As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase,
objectCreationExpression As BoundExpression,
rewrittenObjectCreationExpression As BoundExpression
) As BoundNode
If objectInitializer.Kind = BoundKind.CollectionInitializerExpression Then
Return RewriteCollectionInitializerExpression(DirectCast(objectInitializer, BoundCollectionInitializerExpression),
objectCreationExpression, rewrittenObjectCreationExpression)
Return RewriteObjectInitializerExpression(DirectCast(objectInitializer, BoundObjectInitializerExpression),
objectCreationExpression, rewrittenObjectCreationExpression)
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNewT(node As BoundNewT) As BoundNode
' Unlike C#, "New T()" is always rewritten as "Activator.CreateInstance<T>()",
' even if T is known to be a value type or reference type. This matches Dev10 VB.
If _inExpressionLambda Then
' NOTE: If we are in expression lambda, we want to keep BoundNewT
' NOTE: node, but we need to rewrite initializers if any.
If node.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing Then
Return VisitObjectCreationInitializer(node.InitializerOpt, node, node)
Return node
End If
End If
Dim syntax = node.Syntax
Dim typeParameter = DirectCast(node.Type, TypeParameterSymbol)
Dim result As BoundExpression
Dim method As MethodSymbol = Nothing
If TryGetWellknownMember(method, WellKnownMember.System_Activator__CreateInstance_T, syntax) Then
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing)
method = method.Construct(ImmutableArray.Create(Of TypeSymbol)(typeParameter))
result = New BoundCall(syntax,
arguments:=ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty,
result = New BoundBadExpression(syntax, LookupResultKind.NotReferencable, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty, ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty, typeParameter, hasErrors:=True)
End If
If node.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing Then
Return VisitObjectCreationInitializer(node.InitializerOpt, result, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Rewrites a CollectionInitializerExpression to a list of Add calls and returns the temporary.
''' E.g. the following code:
''' Dim x As New CollectionType(param1) From {1, {2, 3}, {4, {5, 6, 7}}}
''' gets rewritten to
''' Dim temp as CollectionType
''' temp = new CollectionType(param1)
''' temp.Add(1)
''' temp.Add(2, 3)
''' temp.Add(4, {5, 6, 7})
''' x = temp
''' where the last assignment is not part of this rewriting, because the BoundCollectionInitializerExpression
''' only represents the object creation expression with the initialization.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="node">The BoundCollectionInitializerExpression that should be rewritten.</param>
''' <returns>A bound sequence for the object creation expression containing the invocation expressions.</returns>
Public Function RewriteCollectionInitializerExpression(
node As BoundCollectionInitializerExpression,
objectCreationExpression As BoundExpression,
rewrittenObjectCreationExpression As BoundExpression
) As BoundNode
Debug.Assert(node.PlaceholderOpt IsNot Nothing)
Dim expressionType = node.Type
Dim syntaxNode = node.Syntax
Dim tempLocalSymbol As LocalSymbol
Dim tempLocal As BoundLocal
Dim expressions = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundExpression).GetInstance()
Dim newPlaceholder As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder
If _inExpressionLambda Then
' A temp is not needed for this case
tempLocalSymbol = Nothing
tempLocal = Nothing
' Simply replace placeholder with a copy, it will be dropped by Expression Tree rewriter. The copy is needed to
' keep the double rewrite tracking happy.
newPlaceholder = New BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(node.PlaceholderOpt.Syntax, node.PlaceholderOpt.Type)
AddPlaceholderReplacement(node.PlaceholderOpt, newPlaceholder)
' Create a temp symbol
' Dim temp as CollectionType
' Create assignment for the rewritten object
' creation expression to the temp
' temp = new CollectionType(param1)
tempLocalSymbol = New SynthesizedLocal(Me._currentMethodOrLambda, expressionType, SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp)
tempLocal = New BoundLocal(syntaxNode, tempLocalSymbol, expressionType)
Dim temporaryAssignment = New BoundAssignmentOperator(syntaxNode,
GenerateObjectCloneIfNeeded(objectCreationExpression, rewrittenObjectCreationExpression),
newPlaceholder = Nothing
AddPlaceholderReplacement(node.PlaceholderOpt, tempLocal)
End If
Dim initializerCount = node.Initializers.Length
' rewrite the invocation expressions and add them to the expression of the sequence
' temp.Add(...)
For initializerIndex = 0 To initializerCount - 1
' NOTE: if the method Add(...) is omitted we build a local which
' seems to be redundant, this will optimized out later
' by stack scheduler
Dim initializer As BoundExpression = node.Initializers(initializerIndex)
If Not IsOmittedBoundCall(initializer) Then
End If
If _inExpressionLambda Then
Debug.Assert(tempLocalSymbol Is Nothing)
Debug.Assert(tempLocal Is Nothing)
' NOTE: if inside expression lambda we rewrite the collection initializer
' NOTE: node and attach it back to object creation expression, it will be
' NOTE: rewritten later in ExpressionLambdaRewriter
' Rewrite object creation
Return ReplaceObjectOrCollectionInitializer(
Debug.Assert(tempLocalSymbol IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(tempLocal IsNot Nothing)
Return New BoundSequence(syntaxNode,
ImmutableArray.Create(Of LocalSymbol)(tempLocalSymbol),
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Rewrites a ObjectInitializerExpression to either a statement list (in case the there is no temporary used) or a bound
''' sequence expression (in case there is a temporary used). The information whether to use a temporary or not is
''' stored in the bound object member initializer node itself.
''' E.g. the following code:
''' Dim x = New RefTypeName(param1) With {.FieldName1 = 23, .FieldName2 = .FieldName3, .FieldName4 = x.FieldName1}
''' gets rewritten to
''' Dim temp as RefTypeName
''' temp = new RefTypeName(param1)
''' temp.FieldName1 = 23
''' temp.FieldName2 = temp.FieldName3
''' temp.FieldName4 = x.FieldName1
''' x = temp
''' where the last assignment is not part of this rewriting, because the BoundObjectInitializerExpression
''' only represents the object creation expression with the initialization.
''' In a case where no temporary is used the following code:
''' Dim x As New ValueTypeName(param1) With {.FieldName1 = 23, .FieldName2 = .FieldName3, .FieldName4 = x.FieldName1}
''' gets rewritten to
''' x = new ValueTypeName(param1)
''' x.FieldName1 = 23
''' x.FieldName2 = x.FieldName3
''' x.FieldName4 = x.FieldName1
''' </summary>
''' <param name="node">The BoundObjectInitializerExpression that should be rewritten.</param>
''' <returns>A bound sequence for the object creation expression containing the invocation expressions, or a
''' bound statement list if no temporary should be used.</returns>
Public Function RewriteObjectInitializerExpression(
node As BoundObjectInitializerExpression,
objectCreationExpression As BoundExpression,
rewrittenObjectCreationExpression As BoundExpression
) As BoundNode
Dim targetObjectReference As BoundExpression
Dim expressionType = node.Type
Dim initializerCount = node.Initializers.Length
Dim syntaxNode = node.Syntax
Dim sequenceType As TypeSymbol
Dim sequenceTemporaries As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Dim sequenceValueExpression As BoundExpression
Debug.Assert(node.PlaceholderOpt IsNot Nothing)
' NOTE: If we are in an expression lambda not all object initializers are allowed, essentially
' NOTE: everything requiring temp local creation is disabled; this rule is not applicable to
' NOTE: locals that are created and ONLY used on left-hand-side of initializer assignments,
' NOTE: ExpressionLambdaRewriter will get rid of them
' NOTE: In order ExpressionLambdaRewriter to be able to detect such locals being used on the
' NOTE: *right* side of initializer assignments we rewrite node.PlaceholderOpt into itself
If node.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization Then
' create temporary
' Dim temp as RefTypeName
Dim tempLocalSymbol As LocalSymbol = New SynthesizedLocal(Me._currentMethodOrLambda, expressionType, SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp)
sequenceType = expressionType
sequenceTemporaries = ImmutableArray.Create(Of LocalSymbol)(tempLocalSymbol)
targetObjectReference = If(_inExpressionLambda,
DirectCast(node.PlaceholderOpt, BoundExpression),
New BoundLocal(syntaxNode, tempLocalSymbol, expressionType))
sequenceValueExpression = targetObjectReference.MakeRValue()
AddPlaceholderReplacement(node.PlaceholderOpt, targetObjectReference)
' Get the receiver for the current initialized variable in case of an "AsNew" declaration
' this is the only case where there might be no temporary needed.
' The replacement for this placeholder was added in VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations.
targetObjectReference = PlaceholderReplacement(node.PlaceholderOpt)
sequenceType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Void)
sequenceTemporaries = ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty
sequenceValueExpression = Nothing
End If
Dim sequenceExpressions(initializerCount) As BoundExpression
' create assignment for object creation expression to temporary or variable declaration
' x = new TypeName(...)
' or
' temp = new TypeName(...)
sequenceExpressions(0) = New BoundAssignmentOperator(syntaxNode,
GenerateObjectCloneIfNeeded(objectCreationExpression, rewrittenObjectCreationExpression),
' rewrite the assignment expressions and add them to the statement list
' x.FieldName = value expression
' or
' temp.FieldName = value expression
For initializerIndex = 0 To initializerCount - 1
If _inExpressionLambda Then
' NOTE: Inside expression lambda we rewrite only right-hand-side of the assignments, left part
' NOTE: will be kept unchanged to make sure we got proper symbol out of it
Dim assignment = DirectCast(node.Initializers(initializerIndex), BoundAssignmentOperator)
Debug.Assert(assignment.LeftOnTheRightOpt Is Nothing)
sequenceExpressions(initializerIndex + 1) = assignment.Update(assignment.Left,
sequenceExpressions(initializerIndex + 1) = VisitExpressionNode(node.Initializers(initializerIndex))
End If
If node.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization Then
End If
If _inExpressionLambda Then
' when converting object initializer inside expression lambdas we want to keep
' object initializer in object creation expression; we just store visited initializers
' back to the original object initializer and update the original object creation expression
' create new initializers
Dim newInitializers(initializerCount - 1) As BoundExpression
Dim errors As Boolean = False
For index = 0 To initializerCount - 1
newInitializers(index) = sequenceExpressions(index + 1)
' Rewrite object creation
Return ReplaceObjectOrCollectionInitializer(
End If
Return New BoundSequence(syntaxNode,
End Function
Private Function ReplaceObjectOrCollectionInitializer(rewrittenObjectCreationExpression As BoundExpression, rewrittenInitializer As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase) As BoundExpression
Select Case rewrittenObjectCreationExpression.Kind
Case BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression
Dim objCreation = DirectCast(rewrittenObjectCreationExpression, BoundObjectCreationExpression)
Return objCreation.Update(objCreation.ConstructorOpt, objCreation.Arguments, objCreation.DefaultArguments, rewrittenInitializer, objCreation.Type)
Case BoundKind.NewT
Dim newT = DirectCast(rewrittenObjectCreationExpression, BoundNewT)
Return newT.Update(rewrittenInitializer, newT.Type)
Case BoundKind.Sequence
' NOTE: is rewrittenObjectCreationExpression is not an object creation expression, it
' NOTE: was probably wrapped with sequence which means that this case is not supported
' NOTE: inside expression lambdas.
Dim sequence = DirectCast(rewrittenObjectCreationExpression, BoundSequence)
Debug.Assert(sequence.ValueOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso sequence.ValueOpt.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression)
Return sequence.Update(sequence.Locals,
ReplaceObjectOrCollectionInitializer(sequence.ValueOpt, rewrittenInitializer),
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(rewrittenObjectCreationExpression.Kind)
End Select
End Function
End Class
End Namespace