' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Reflection.Metadata
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports PrimitiveTypeCode = Microsoft.Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeGen
Partial Friend Class CodeGenerator
Private Shared Function IsSimpleType(type As PrimitiveTypeCode) As Boolean
Dim result = False
Select Case type
Case PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean,
result = True
End Select
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function IsIntegral(type As PrimitiveTypeCode) As Boolean
Dim result = False
Select Case type
Case PrimitiveTypeCode.Int8,
result = True
End Select
Return result
End Function
Private Sub EmitConvertIntrinsic(conversion As BoundConversion, underlyingFrom As PrimitiveTypeCode, underlyingTo As PrimitiveTypeCode)
Debug.Assert(underlyingFrom = conversion.Operand.Type.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf().PrimitiveTypeCode)
Debug.Assert(underlyingTo = conversion.Type.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf().PrimitiveTypeCode)
Debug.Assert((IsSimpleType(underlyingFrom) AndAlso IsSimpleType(underlyingTo)) OrElse (underlyingFrom = PrimitiveTypeCode.Char AndAlso underlyingTo = PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32))
' Generate the expression to convert.
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, True)
' For "identity conversions" from float to float or double to double,
' we require the generation of conv.r4 or conv.r8, if the conversion
' was explicitly written. The runtime can use these instructions to
' truncate precision, and compiler generates them.
If underlyingFrom = underlyingTo AndAlso
Not conversion.ExplicitCastInCode AndAlso
underlyingFrom <> PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32 AndAlso
underlyingFrom <> PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64 Then
End If
' Handle conversions to Boolean
If underlyingTo = PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean Then
' Emit Zero
' using cgt.un is optimal, but doesn't work in the case of floating point values
If underlyingFrom.IsFloatingPoint() Then
End If
End If
' Handle conversions from boolean
If underlyingFrom = PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean Then
' First, normalize to -1
If underlyingTo <> PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32 Then
' Convert to the target type, but don't do overflow checking. This results in unsigned types
' getting their max value.
_builder.EmitNumericConversion(PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32, underlyingTo, checked:=False)
End If
End If
' Handle conversion between simple numeric types
If underlyingFrom = PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32 AndAlso IsIntegral(underlyingTo) Then
' If converting from an intermediate value, we need to guarantee that
' the intermediate value keeps the precision of its type. The JIT will try to
' promote the precision of intermediate values if it can, and this can lead to
' incorrect results (VS#241243).
Select Case conversion.Operand.Kind
Case BoundKind.BinaryOperator
Select Case (DirectCast(conversion.Operand, BoundBinaryOperator).OperatorKind And BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask)
Case BinaryOperatorKind.Add,
End Select
Case BoundKind.UnaryOperator
Select Case (DirectCast(conversion.Operand, BoundUnaryOperator).OperatorKind And UnaryOperatorKind.IntrinsicOpMask)
Case UnaryOperatorKind.Minus,
End Select
End Select
' no intermediate value in other cases, so no need for the forced convert
End If
EmitConvertSimpleNumeric(conversion, underlyingFrom, underlyingTo, conversion.Checked)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitConvertSimpleNumeric(conversion As BoundConversion, typeFrom As PrimitiveTypeCode, typeTo As PrimitiveTypeCode, checked As Boolean)
Debug.Assert(IsIntegral(typeFrom) OrElse typeFrom.IsFloatingPoint() OrElse typeFrom = PrimitiveTypeCode.Char)
Debug.Assert(IsIntegral(typeTo) OrElse typeTo.IsFloatingPoint())
_builder.EmitNumericConversion(typeFrom, typeTo, checked)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitConversionExpression(conversion As BoundConversion, used As Boolean)
If Not used AndAlso Not ConversionHasSideEffects(conversion) Then
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, False)
End If
Dim typeTo = conversion.Type
If conversion.Operand.IsNothingLiteral Then
Debug.Assert(typeTo.IsValueType OrElse typeTo.IsTypeParameter)
If used Then
'TODO: used
EmitLoadDefaultValueOfTypeFromNothingLiteral(typeTo, used:=True, syntaxNode:=conversion.Syntax)
End If
Dim underlyingTo = typeTo.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf().PrimitiveTypeCode
Dim typeFrom = conversion.Operand.Type
Dim underlyingFrom = typeFrom.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf().PrimitiveTypeCode
If (IsSimpleType(underlyingFrom) AndAlso IsSimpleType(underlyingTo)) OrElse
(underlyingFrom = PrimitiveTypeCode.Char AndAlso underlyingTo = PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32) Then ' Allow AscW optimization.
EmitConvertIntrinsic(conversion, underlyingFrom, underlyingTo)
ElseIf typeFrom.IsNullableType Then
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, used:=True)
If (conversion.ConversionKind And ConversionKind.Narrowing) <> 0 Then
EmitBox(typeFrom, conversion.Operand.Syntax)
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
ElseIf used Then
' boxing itself is CLR-widening, so no need to emit unused boxing
EmitBox(typeFrom, conversion.Operand.Syntax)
End If
ElseIf typeTo.IsNullableType Then
' unboxing is CLR-narrowing and may deterministically throw
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, True)
EmitUnboxAny(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, True)
If Not Conversions.IsIdentityConversion(conversion.ConversionKind) Then
Debug.Assert(Not typeFrom.IsTypeParameter() AndAlso Not typeTo.IsTypeParameter() AndAlso
typeFrom.IsReferenceType AndAlso typeTo.IsValueType)
Debug.Assert(typeFrom.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Object OrElse
typeFrom.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_ValueType OrElse
typeFrom.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Enum OrElse
' Conversions from references types to structures should be equivalent to
' conversions from Nothing if the reference is Nothing. Perform the check
' and do the conversion.
Dim unboxLabel = New GeneratedLabelSymbol("unbox")
Dim resultLabel = New GeneratedLabelSymbol("result")
' If the Reference is not nothing, branch directly to the Unbox
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Brtrue_s, unboxLabel)
' The reference is nothing, so we need to load the "Nothing" value for the
' struct we're converting to.
' But first Pop off the Null reference cause we don't need it anymore.
Dim constructor = GetParameterlessValueTypeConstructor(DirectCast(typeTo, NamedTypeSymbol))
'TODO: used
If constructor Is Nothing OrElse constructor.IsDefaultValueTypeConstructor() Then
EmitInitObj(typeTo, used:=True, syntaxNode:=conversion.Syntax)
' before we use constructor symbol we need to report use site error if any
Dim diagnosticInfo As DiagnosticInfo = constructor.GetUseSiteInfo().DiagnosticInfo
If diagnosticInfo IsNot Nothing Then
_diagnostics.Add(New VBDiagnostic(diagnosticInfo, conversion.Syntax.Location))
End If
EmitNewObj(constructor, ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty, used:=True, syntaxNode:=conversion.Syntax)
End If
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Br_s, resultLabel)
' Unbox the reference to get the struct from inside the object.
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Returns parameterless value type constructor.
''' </summary>
Private Function GetParameterlessValueTypeConstructor(typeTo As NamedTypeSymbol) As MethodSymbol
Debug.Assert(typeTo.IsValueType AndAlso Not typeTo.IsTypeParameter)
' find valuetype parameterless constructor and check the accessibility
For Each constr In typeTo.InstanceConstructors
' NOTE: we intentionally skip constructors with all
' optional parameters; this matches Dev10 behavior
If constr.ParameterCount = 0 Then
' check 'constr'
If AccessCheck.IsSymbolAccessible(constr, _method.ContainingType, typeTo, useSiteInfo:=CompoundUseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol).Discarded) Then
Return constr
End If
' exit for each in any case
Return Nothing
End If
' This point should not be reachable, because if there is no constructor in the
' loaded value type, we should have generated a synthesized constructor.
Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable
End Function
Private Function IsUnboxingDirectCast(conversion As BoundDirectCast) As Boolean
Dim typeTo As TypeSymbol = conversion.Type
Dim typeFrom As TypeSymbol = conversion.Operand.Type
Return Not conversion.Operand.IsNothingLiteral AndAlso
Not Conversions.IsIdentityConversion(conversion.ConversionKind) AndAlso
Not typeFrom.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf().IsSameTypeIgnoringAll(typeTo.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf()) AndAlso
Not typeFrom.IsTypeParameter() AndAlso
Not typeFrom.IsValueType AndAlso
Not typeTo.IsReferenceType
End Function
Private Sub EmitDirectCastExpression(conversion As BoundDirectCast, used As Boolean)
If Not used AndAlso Not ConversionHasSideEffects(conversion) Then
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, False)
End If
'TODO: Dev10 CodeGenerator::GenerateDirectCast does some optimization for
' a case when conversion to Boolean is applied to comparison operator.
' Do we need to do something special about this case too?
If conversion.Operand.IsNothingLiteral Then
If conversion.Type.IsTypeParameter() Then
EmitLoadDefaultValueOfTypeParameter(conversion.Type, used, conversion.Syntax)
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, True)
If conversion.Type.IsValueType Then
' unbox the return value to get the struct from inside the object
EmitUnboxAny(conversion.Type, conversion.Syntax)
End If
End If
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, True)
If Not Conversions.IsIdentityConversion(conversion.ConversionKind) Then
Dim typeTo = conversion.Type
Dim typeFrom = conversion.Operand.Type
If typeFrom.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf().IsSameTypeIgnoringAll(typeTo.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf()) Then
' Do nothing, it is the same as identity.
ElseIf typeFrom.IsTypeParameter() Then
' For any conversion from a generic parameter to any other type,
' box the operand and then allow the explicit cast from Object to
' the target type. This is a clr requirement.
EmitBox(typeFrom, conversion.Operand.Syntax)
If typeTo.SpecialType <> SpecialType.System_Object Then
If typeTo.IsTypeParameter() Then
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
'TODO: is this needed for widening conversions?
ElseIf typeTo.IsReferenceType Then
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
' unbox the return value to get the struct from inside the object
EmitUnboxAny(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
End If
End If
ElseIf typeTo.IsTypeParameter() Then
Debug.Assert(Not typeFrom.IsTypeParameter())
If typeFrom.IsValueType Then
' For any conversion from a value type to a generic parameter,
' box the operand and then allow the explicit cast from Object to
' the target generic parameter type.
EmitBox(typeFrom, conversion.Operand.Syntax)
End If
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
ElseIf typeFrom.IsValueType Then
EmitBox(typeFrom, conversion.Operand.Syntax)
If typeTo.IsInterfaceType() Then
' For any conversion from a value type to an implemented interface,
' box the operand and then allow the explicit conversion from Object to
' the interface below.
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
Debug.Assert(typeTo.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Object OrElse
typeTo.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_ValueType OrElse
typeTo.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Enum)
End If
ElseIf typeTo.IsReferenceType Then
Dim needExplicitCastClass As Boolean = True
If Conversions.IsWideningConversion(conversion.ConversionKind) Then
needExplicitCastClass = False
' No need to emit explicit cast, except in the following cases.
' TODO: Do we still need this checks or CLR is smarter now?
If typeFrom.IsArrayType() Then
Dim fromElementType = DirectCast(typeFrom, ArrayTypeSymbol).ElementType
' Bug VSWhidbey 415020
If typeTo.IsArrayType() AndAlso
(fromElementType.IsTypeParameter() OrElse
DirectCast(typeTo, ArrayTypeSymbol).ElementType.IsTypeParameter()) Then
needExplicitCastClass = True
ElseIf fromElementType.IsTypeParameter() AndAlso
typeTo.IsInterfaceType() Then
' Bug VSWhidbey 517458. Special case for IList(Of T), ICollection(Of T) and IEnumerable(Of T).
Dim [interface] = DirectCast(typeTo, NamedTypeSymbol)
If [interface].Arity = 1 AndAlso
Not [interface].TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics(0).IsSameTypeIgnoringAll(fromElementType) Then
needExplicitCastClass = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
If needExplicitCastClass Then
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
End If
Debug.Assert(typeFrom.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Object OrElse
typeFrom.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_ValueType OrElse
typeFrom.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Enum OrElse
' unbox the return value to get the struct from inside the object
EmitUnboxAny(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function ConversionHasSideEffects(conversion As BoundConversion) As Boolean
' only some intrinsic conversions are side-effect free
' the only side-effect of an intrinsic conversion is a throw when we fail to convert.
' unchecked numeric conv does not throw
' implicit ref cast does not throw
' ...
'TODO: compute this (note: returning true is safe - false would just enable optimizations)
Return True
End Function
Private Function ConversionHasSideEffects(conversion As BoundDirectCast) As Boolean
'TODO: compute this (note: returning true is safe - false would just enable optimizations)
Return True
End Function
Private Function ConversionHasSideEffects(conversion As BoundTryCast) As Boolean
'TODO: compute this (note: returning true is safe - false would just enable optimizations)
Return False
End Function
Private Sub EmitTryCastExpression(conversion As BoundTryCast, used As Boolean)
If Not used AndAlso Not ConversionHasSideEffects(conversion) Then
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, False)
End If
If conversion.Operand.IsNothingLiteral Then
If conversion.Type.IsTypeParameter() Then
'TODO: used
EmitLoadDefaultValueOfTypeParameter(conversion.Type, used:=True, syntaxNode:=conversion.Syntax)
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, True)
End If
EmitExpression(conversion.Operand, True)
If Not Conversions.IsIdentityConversion(conversion.ConversionKind) Then
Dim typeTo = conversion.Type
Dim typeFrom = conversion.Operand.Type
Debug.Assert(typeFrom IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(typeTo IsNot Nothing)
If typeFrom.IsReferenceType() OrElse
typeFrom.IsTypeParameter() OrElse
typeTo.IsTypeParameter() Then
If Not IsVerifierReference(typeFrom) Then
EmitBox(typeFrom, conversion.Operand.Syntax)
End If
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
If Not IsVerifierReference(typeTo) Then
EmitSymbolToken(typeTo, conversion.Syntax)
End If
Debug.Assert(typeTo.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Object OrElse
typeTo.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_ValueType OrElse
typeTo.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Enum OrElse
EmitBox(typeFrom, conversion.Operand.Syntax)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace