' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAssignmentOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, left As BoundExpression, right As BoundExpression, suppressObjectClone As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
Me.New(syntax, left, leftOnTheRightOpt:=Nothing, right:=right, suppressObjectClone:=suppressObjectClone, type:=type, hasErrors:=hasErrors)
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, left As BoundExpression, right As BoundExpression, suppressObjectClone As Boolean, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
Me.New(syntax, left, leftOnTheRightOpt:=Nothing, right:=right, suppressObjectClone:=suppressObjectClone, hasErrors:=hasErrors)
End Sub
Public Sub New(
syntax As SyntaxNode,
left As BoundExpression,
leftOnTheRightOpt As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder,
right As BoundExpression,
suppressObjectClone As Boolean,
Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False
'NOTE: even though in general assignment returns the value of the Right,
' the type of the operator is the type of the Left as that is the type of the location
' into which the Right is stored.
' Dim x as Long
' Dim y as byte = 1
' Dim z := x := y ' if this was legal assignment of an assignment, z would have type Long
' properties and latebound assignments are special cased since they are semantically statements
'TODO: it could make sense to have BoundAssignmentStatement just for the purpose of
' binding assignments. It would make invariants for both BoundAssignmentExpression and BoundAssignmentStatement simpler.
Me.New(syntax, left, leftOnTheRightOpt, right:=right, suppressObjectClone:=suppressObjectClone,
End Sub
#If DEBUG Then
Private Sub Validate()
Debug.Assert(Left.Type IsNot Nothing)
If Not HasErrors Then
Debug.Assert(Left.IsLValue OrElse Left.IsPropertyOrXmlPropertyAccess() OrElse Left.IsLateBound)
Select Case Left.Kind
Case BoundKind.PropertyAccess
Dim propertyAccess = DirectCast(Left, BoundPropertyAccess)
Debug.Assert(propertyAccess.AccessKind = If(DirectCast(Left, BoundPropertyAccess).PropertySymbol.ReturnsByRef,
If(LeftOnTheRightOpt Is Nothing, PropertyAccessKind.Set, PropertyAccessKind.Set Or PropertyAccessKind.Get)))
Case BoundKind.XmlMemberAccess
Debug.Assert(Left.GetAccessKind() = If(LeftOnTheRightOpt Is Nothing, PropertyAccessKind.Set, PropertyAccessKind.Set Or PropertyAccessKind.Get))
Case BoundKind.LateMemberAccess
Debug.Assert(Left.GetLateBoundAccessKind() = If(LeftOnTheRightOpt Is Nothing, LateBoundAccessKind.Set, LateBoundAccessKind.Set Or LateBoundAccessKind.Get))
Case BoundKind.LateInvocation
Dim invocation = DirectCast(Left, BoundLateInvocation)
Debug.Assert(invocation.AccessKind = If(LeftOnTheRightOpt Is Nothing, LateBoundAccessKind.Set, LateBoundAccessKind.Set Or LateBoundAccessKind.Get))
If Not invocation.ArgumentsOpt.IsDefault Then
For Each arg In invocation.ArgumentsOpt
Debug.Assert(Not arg.IsSupportingAssignment())
End If
Case Else
Debug.Assert(Not Left.IsLateBound)
End Select
End If
Debug.Assert(Left.IsPropertyOrXmlPropertyAccess() OrElse
Left.IsLateBound OrElse
IsByRefPropertyGet(Left) OrElse
Left.Type.IsSameTypeIgnoringAll(Type) OrElse
(Type.IsVoidType() AndAlso Syntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.MidAssignmentStatement) OrElse
(Left.Kind = BoundKind.FieldAccess AndAlso
DirectCast(Left, BoundFieldAccess).FieldSymbol.AssociatedSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Property AndAlso
' If LeftOnTheRightOpt is not nothing and this isn't a mid statement, then we assert the shape that IOperation is expecting
' compound expressions to have
If LeftOnTheRightOpt IsNot Nothing Then
' The right node is either a BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator or a BoundBinaryOperator, or a conversion on top of them
Dim rightNode = Right
If rightNode.Kind = BoundKind.Conversion Then
rightNode = DirectCast(rightNode, BoundConversion).Operand
If rightNode.Kind = BoundKind.UserDefinedConversion Then
rightNode = DirectCast(rightNode, BoundUserDefinedConversion).Operand
End If
End If
If rightNode.Kind <> BoundKind.MidResult Then
Debug.Assert(rightNode.Kind = BoundKind.BinaryOperator OrElse
rightNode.Kind = BoundKind.UserDefinedBinaryOperator)
Dim leftNode As BoundNode = Nothing
If rightNode.Kind = BoundKind.BinaryOperator Then
leftNode = DirectCast(rightNode, BoundBinaryOperator).Left
Dim boundUserDefinedOperator = DirectCast(rightNode, BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator)
If boundUserDefinedOperator.UnderlyingExpression.Kind = BoundKind.Call Then
leftNode = boundUserDefinedOperator.Left
leftNode = DirectCast(boundUserDefinedOperator.UnderlyingExpression, BoundBadExpression).ChildBoundNodes(0)
End If
End If
' The left node of the binary operation is either the same node as in LeftOnTheRightOpt, or is a conversion on top of that node
If leftNode.Kind = BoundKind.Conversion Then
leftNode = DirectCast(leftNode, BoundConversion).Operand
If leftNode.Kind = BoundKind.UserDefinedConversion Then
leftNode = DirectCast(leftNode, BoundUserDefinedConversion).Operand
End If
End If
Debug.Assert(leftNode Is LeftOnTheRightOpt)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function IsByRefPropertyGet(node As BoundExpression) As Boolean
Dim value = TryCast(TryCast(node, BoundCall)?.Method?.AssociatedSymbol, PropertySymbol)?.ReturnsByRef
Return value.HasValue AndAlso value.Value = True
End Function
#End If
End Class
End Namespace