' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
' Handler the parts of binding for binding types.
Partial Friend Class Binder
''' <summary>
''' Bind a type name using the given binder. Returns a type symbol if the binding bound to something,
''' or an error symbol if the binding failed. In either case, errors may be reported via the
''' context. For example, if an inaccessible type or type with the wrong arity was found, the best possible
''' type is returned, but an error is also generated.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="typeSyntax">The syntax to bind.</param>
''' <param name="diagBag">Place to put diagnostics. If no reasonable type was found, an undefined type
''' diagnostic is placed in here. Other diagnostics (both related to the type being bound, or
''' type arguments thereof) can be placed here also. </param>
''' <returns>The best type that can be found, or and ErrorTypeSymbol if no reasonable type can be found.</returns>
Public Function BindTypeSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional suppressUseSiteError As Boolean = False,
Optional inGetTypeContext As Boolean = False,
Optional resolvingBaseType As Boolean = False) As TypeSymbol
Debug.Assert(Not inGetTypeContext OrElse Not resolvingBaseType)
Dim type = TypeBinder.BindTypeSyntax(typeSyntax, Me, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError, resolvingBaseType:=resolvingBaseType)
' GetType(void) and GetType(<Modulename>) are legal, only report diagnostics if it's not
' in a GetType context.
If Not inGetTypeContext Then
ReportUseOfModuleOrVoidType(typeSyntax, type, diagBag)
End If
Return type
End Function
Friend Function BindTypeOrAliasSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional suppressUseSiteError As Boolean = False) As Symbol
Dim sym As Symbol = TypeBinder.BindTypeOrAliasSyntax(typeSyntax, Me, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError,
inGetTypeContext:=False, resolvingBaseType:=False)
Dim type = TryCast(sym, TypeSymbol)
If type IsNot Nothing Then
ReportUseOfModuleOrVoidType(typeSyntax, type, diagBag)
End If
Return sym
End Function
Private Shared Sub ReportUseOfModuleOrVoidType(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax, type As TypeSymbol, diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag)
If type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Void Then
Dim diagInfo = New BadSymbolDiagnostic(type, ERRID.ERR_BadUseOfVoid)
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, diagInfo)
ElseIf type.IsModuleType Then
Dim diagInfo = New BadSymbolDiagnostic(type, ERRID.ERR_ModuleAsType1)
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, diagInfo)
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Bind a type or namespace using the given binder.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="typeSyntax">The syntax to bind.</param>
''' <returns>The best type or namespace that can be found, or and ErrorTypeSymbol if no reasonable type can be found.</returns>
Public Function BindNamespaceOrTypeSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional suppressUseSiteError As Boolean = False) As NamespaceOrTypeSymbol
Return TypeBinder.BindNamespaceOrTypeSyntax(typeSyntax, Me, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError)
End Function
Public Function BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional suppressUseSiteError As Boolean = False) As Symbol
Return TypeBinder.BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSyntax(typeSyntax, Me, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Apply generic type arguments, returning the constructed type. Produces errors for constraints
''' that aren't validated. If the wrong number of type arguments are supplied, the set of types
''' is silently truncated or extended with the type parameters.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="genericType">The type to construct from</param>
''' <param name="typeArguments">The types to apply</param>
''' <param name="syntaxWhole">The place to report errors for the generic type as a whole</param>
''' <param name="syntaxArguments">The place to report errors for each generic type argument.</param>
''' <param name="diagnostics">The diagnostics collection.</param>
''' <returns>The constructed generic type.</returns>
Public Function ConstructAndValidateConstraints(genericType As NamedTypeSymbol,
typeArguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol),
syntaxWhole As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
syntaxArguments As SeparatedSyntaxList(Of TypeSyntax),
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As NamedTypeSymbol
Debug.Assert(genericType IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(Not typeArguments.IsDefault)
Debug.Assert(syntaxWhole IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(typeArguments.Length = syntaxArguments.Count)
If genericType.Arity = 0 Then
' TODO: Why do we get here with non-generic type and,
' if we do, why don't we report any error?
Return genericType ' nothing to construct.
End If
Dim checkConstraints As Boolean
If genericType.Arity <> typeArguments.Length Then
' Fix type arguments to be of the right length.
Dim newTypeArguments(0 To genericType.Arity - 1) As TypeSymbol
For i = 0 To genericType.Arity - 1
If i < typeArguments.Length Then
newTypeArguments(i) = typeArguments(i)
newTypeArguments(i) = genericType.TypeParameters(i).OriginalDefinition
End If
typeArguments = newTypeArguments.AsImmutableOrNull
' Skip constraint checking since we may not
' have syntax for all type arguments.
checkConstraints = False
' The number of arguments match. However, they may be missing.
' Check for unbound generic type
Dim genericName As GenericNameSyntax = Nothing
Select Case syntaxWhole.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.GenericName
genericName = DirectCast(syntaxWhole, GenericNameSyntax)
Case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName
genericName = DirectCast(DirectCast(syntaxWhole, QualifiedNameSyntax).Right, GenericNameSyntax)
End Select
If genericName IsNot Nothing Then
Dim isUnboundTypeExpr = syntaxArguments.AllAreMissingIdentifierName
If isUnboundTypeExpr Then
If IsUnboundTypeAllowed(genericName) Then
Return genericType.AsUnboundGenericType()
' For now, errors are reported during parsing so there is nothing to report here.
' If the parser detects an open generic type outside the scope of a GetType it reports either
' ERRID.ERR_UnrecognizedTypeKeyword or ERRID.ERR_ArrayOfRawGenericInvalid for array's of open generic types.
' Consider moving error reporting to here because these seem more like semantic errors.
' C# reports the more logical error - "Unexpected use of an unbound generic type".
End If
End If
End If
checkConstraints = True
End If
Dim constructedType = genericType.Construct(typeArguments)
' Check generic constraints unless the type is used as part of a declaration.
' In those cases, constraints checking is handled by the caller, and is delayed
' to avoid cycles where resolving constraints requires the containing symbol
' to be bound. For instance, in the following, checking the constraint on "IA(Of T)"
' in "Inherits IA(Of T)" will trigger lookup of "C" (in "IB(Of T As C)") in all scopes,
' including in the interfaces of IB which are in the process of being bound.
' Interface IA(Of T As C) : End Interface
' Interface IB(Of T As C) : Inherits IA(Of T) : End Interface
If checkConstraints AndAlso ShouldCheckConstraints Then
constructedType.CheckConstraintsForNonTuple(Compilation.LanguageVersion, syntaxArguments, diagnostics, template:=GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagnostics))
End If
constructedType = DirectCast(TupleTypeSymbol.TransformToTupleIfCompatible(constructedType), NamedTypeSymbol)
Return constructedType
End Function
Friend Shared Function ReportUseSite(diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag, syntax As SyntaxNodeOrToken, symbol As Symbol) As Boolean
Dim useSiteInfo As UseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol) = symbol.GetUseSiteInfo()
Return ReportUseSite(diagBag, syntax, useSiteInfo)
End Function
Friend Function GetAccessibleConstructors(type As NamedTypeSymbol, <[In], Out> ByRef useSiteInfo As CompoundUseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol)) As ImmutableArray(Of MethodSymbol)
Dim ctors = type.InstanceConstructors
If ctors.IsEmpty Then
Return ctors
End If
Dim builder = ArrayBuilder(Of MethodSymbol).GetInstance()
For Each constructor In ctors
If IsAccessible(constructor, useSiteInfo) Then
End If
Return builder.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
''' <summary>
''' The type binder class handles binding of type names.
''' </summary>
Private Class TypeBinder
''' <summary>
''' Bind a type name using the given binder. Returns a type symbol if the binding bound
''' to something, or an error symbol if the binding failed. In either case, errors may
''' be reported via the context. For example, if an inaccessible type or type with the
''' wrong arity was found, the best possible type is returned, but an error is also
''' generated.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="typeSyntax">The syntax to bind.</param>
''' <param name="binder">The binder to bind within. This binder is used for looking up
''' unqualified names, accessibility checking, reporting errors, and probably other
''' stuff too.</param>
''' <returns>The best type that can be found, or and ErrorTypeSymbol if no reasonable type can be found.</returns>
Public Shared Function BindTypeSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean,
resolvingBaseType As Boolean) As TypeSymbol
Dim symbol = BindTypeOrAliasSyntax(typeSyntax, binder, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError, False, resolvingBaseType:=resolvingBaseType)
Debug.Assert(symbol Is Nothing OrElse TypeOf symbol Is TypeSymbol OrElse TypeOf symbol Is AliasSymbol, "unexpected symbol from BindTypeOrAliasSyntax")
If symbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Alias Then
symbol = DirectCast(symbol, AliasSymbol).Target
End If
Return DirectCast(symbol, TypeSymbol)
End Function
Friend Shared Function BindTypeOrAliasSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean,
inGetTypeContext As Boolean,
resolvingBaseType As Boolean) As Symbol
Debug.Assert(Not inGetTypeContext OrElse Not resolvingBaseType)
Dim lookupResult As LookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance()
Dim reportedAnError As Boolean = False
LookupTypeOrNamespaceSyntax(lookupResult, typeSyntax, binder, diagBag, reportedAnError,
unwrapAliases:=False, suppressUseSiteError:=suppressUseSiteError,
inGetTypeContext:=inGetTypeContext, resolvingBaseType:=resolvingBaseType)
' Report appropriate errors from the result.
Dim diagInfo As DiagnosticInfo = Nothing
If Not lookupResult.HasSymbol Then
Dim diagName = GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(typeSyntax)
' Don't report more errors if one is already reported
diagInfo = NotFound(typeSyntax, diagName, binder, If(reportedAnError, Nothing, diagBag))
Return Binder.GetErrorSymbol(diagName, diagInfo)
If lookupResult.HasDiagnostic Then
Dim diagName = GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(typeSyntax)
diagInfo = lookupResult.Diagnostic
If Not reportedAnError Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, lookupResult.Diagnostic)
End If
Return ErrorTypeFromLookupResult(diagName, lookupResult, binder)
End If
' LookupTypeOrNamespaceSyntax can't return more than one symbol.
Dim sym = lookupResult.SingleSymbol
Dim typeSymbol As TypeSymbol = Nothing
If sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Alias Then
typeSymbol = TryCast(DirectCast(sym, AliasSymbol).Target, TypeSymbol)
typeSymbol = TryCast(sym, TypeSymbol)
End If
If typeSymbol Is Nothing Then ' i.e., lookupResult.SingleSymbol was a namespace instead of a type.
diagInfo = New BadSymbolDiagnostic(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, ERRID.ERR_UnrecognizedType)
If Not reportedAnError Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, diagInfo)
End If
Return Binder.GetErrorSymbol(GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(typeSyntax), diagInfo, ImmutableArray.Create(Of Symbol)(sym), LookupResultKind.NotATypeOrNamespace)
' When we bind generic type reference, we pass through here with symbols for
' the generic type definition, each type argument and for the final constructed
' symbol. To avoid reporting duplicate diagnostics in this scenario, report use
' site errors only on a definition.
If Not reportedAnError AndAlso Not suppressUseSiteError AndAlso
Not typeSymbol.IsArrayType() AndAlso Not typeSymbol.IsTupleType AndAlso typeSymbol.IsDefinition Then
ReportUseSite(diagBag, typeSyntax, typeSymbol)
ElseIf typeSymbol Is sym Then
binder.AddTypesAssemblyAsDependency(TryCast(typeSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol), diagBag)
End If
If diagBag.AccumulatesDiagnostics AndAlso typeSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType AndAlso binder.SourceModule.AnyReferencedAssembliesAreLinked Then
Emit.NoPia.EmbeddedTypesManager.IsValidEmbeddableType(DirectCast(typeSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol), typeSyntax, diagBag.DiagnosticBag)
End If
binder.ReportDiagnosticsIfObsoleteOrNotSupported(diagBag, sym, typeSyntax)
Return sym
End If
End If
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function NotFound(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax, diagName As String, binder As Binder, diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As DiagnosticInfo
Dim diagInfo As DiagnosticInfo
If diagName = "Any" AndAlso IsParameterTypeOfDeclareMethod(typeSyntax) Then
diagInfo = ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_ObsoleteAsAny, diagName)
If diagBag IsNot Nothing Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, diagInfo)
End If
Return diagInfo
End If
Dim forwardedToAssembly As AssemblySymbol = Nothing
If diagName.Length > 0 Then
CheckForForwardedType(binder.Compilation.Assembly, typeSyntax, diagName, forwardedToAssembly, diagBag)
Debug.Assert(typeSyntax.IsMissing OrElse typeSyntax.HasErrors)
Return Nothing
End If
If forwardedToAssembly Is Nothing Then
diagInfo = ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_UndefinedType1, diagName)
diagInfo = ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_ForwardedTypeUnavailable3, diagName, binder.Compilation.Assembly, forwardedToAssembly)
End If
If diagBag IsNot Nothing Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, diagInfo)
End If
Return diagInfo
End Function
''' <summary>
''' If lookup failed for a qualified name, we don't know which part of the lookup failed. Therefore, we have
''' to check for a type forwarder for each prefix of the name.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="containingAssembly">Starting assembly.</param>
''' <param name="typeSyntax">Full name of type that failed lookup. Shortened as different prefixes are checked.</param>
''' <param name="diagName">GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(typeSyntax) (basically dot-delimited list of names). Shortened as different prefixes are checked.</param>
''' <param name="forwardedToAssembly">Set if some prefix matches a forwarded type.</param>
''' <param name="diagBag">Diagnostics bag (Nothing if errors should not be reported).</param>
Private Shared Sub CheckForForwardedType(containingAssembly As AssemblySymbol, ByRef typeSyntax As TypeSyntax, ByRef diagName As String, ByRef forwardedToAssembly As AssemblySymbol, diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag)
Dim currTypeSyntax As TypeSyntax = typeSyntax
Dim currDiagName As String = diagName
' Each iteration of this loop strips the right part off a qualified name (in both currTypeSyntax and currDiagName).
While True
Dim typeIsQualifiedName = currTypeSyntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.QualifiedName
Dim arity As Integer = 0
Dim fullName As String = currDiagName
Dim rightPart = If(typeIsQualifiedName, DirectCast(currTypeSyntax, QualifiedNameSyntax).Right, currTypeSyntax)
If rightPart.Kind = SyntaxKind.GenericName Then
arity = DirectCast(rightPart, GenericNameSyntax).Arity
fullName = MetadataHelpers.ComposeAritySuffixedMetadataName(currDiagName, arity, associatedFileIdentifier:=Nothing)
End If
forwardedToAssembly = GetForwardedToAssembly(containingAssembly, fullName, arity, typeSyntax, diagBag)
If forwardedToAssembly IsNot Nothing Then
typeSyntax = currTypeSyntax
diagName = currDiagName
Exit While
ElseIf typeIsQualifiedName Then
currTypeSyntax = DirectCast(currTypeSyntax, QualifiedNameSyntax).Left
currDiagName = currDiagName.Substring(0, currDiagName.LastIndexOf("."c))
Exit While
End If
End While
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Look for a type forwarder for the given type in the containing assembly and any referenced assemblies.
''' If one is found, search again in the target assembly. Return the last assembly in the chain.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="containingAssembly">The assembly in which to look for the type forwarder.</param>
''' <param name="fullName">The metadata name of the (potentially) forwarded type, including the arity (if non-zero).</param>
''' <param name="arity">The arity of the forwarded type.</param>
''' <param name="typeSyntax">The syntax to report types on (if any).</param>
''' <param name="diagBag">The diagnostics bag (Nothing if errors should not be reported).</param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks>
''' Since this method is intended to be used for error reporting, it stops as soon as it finds
''' any type forwarder (or an error to report). It does not check other assemblies for consistency or better results.
''' NOTE: unlike in C#, this method searches for type forwarders case-insensitively.
''' </remarks>
Private Shared Function GetForwardedToAssembly(containingAssembly As AssemblySymbol, fullName As String, arity As Integer, typeSyntax As TypeSyntax, diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As AssemblySymbol
Debug.Assert(arity = 0 OrElse fullName.EndsWith("`" & arity, StringComparison.Ordinal))
' NOTE: This won't work if the type isn't using CLS-style generic naming (i.e. `arity), but this code is
' only intended to improve diagnostic messages, so false negatives in corner cases aren't a big deal.
Dim metadataName = MetadataTypeName.FromFullName(fullName, useCLSCompliantNameArityEncoding:=True, forcedArity:=arity)
Dim forwardedType As NamedTypeSymbol = Nothing
For Each referencedAssembly In containingAssembly.Modules(0).GetReferencedAssemblySymbols()
forwardedType = referencedAssembly.TryLookupForwardedMetadataType(metadataName, ignoreCase:=True)
If forwardedType IsNot Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
If forwardedType IsNot Nothing Then
If diagBag IsNot Nothing AndAlso forwardedType.IsErrorType Then
Dim errorInfo = DirectCast(forwardedType, ErrorTypeSymbol).ErrorInfo
If errorInfo.Code = ERRID.ERR_TypeFwdCycle2 Then
Debug.Assert(forwardedType.ContainingAssembly IsNot Nothing, "How did we find a cycle if there is no forwarding?")
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, ERRID.ERR_TypeFwdCycle2, fullName, forwardedType.ContainingAssembly)
ElseIf errorInfo.Code = ERRID.ERR_TypeForwardedToMultipleAssemblies Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, errorInfo)
Return Nothing ' Cannot determine a suitable forwarding assembly
End If
End If
Return forwardedType.ContainingAssembly
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function IsParameterTypeOfDeclareMethod(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax) As Boolean
Dim p = typeSyntax.Parent
If p IsNot Nothing AndAlso p.Kind = SyntaxKind.SimpleAsClause Then
p = p.Parent
If p.Kind = SyntaxKind.Parameter Then
p = p.Parent
If p.Kind = SyntaxKind.ParameterList Then
p = p.Parent
Return p.Kind = SyntaxKind.DeclareFunctionStatement OrElse p.Kind = SyntaxKind.DeclareSubStatement
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Bind a type or namespace using the given binder.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="typeSyntax">The syntax to bind.</param>
''' <param name="binder">The binder to bind within. This binder is used for looking up
''' unqualified names, accessibility checking, reporting errors, and probably other stuff too.</param>
''' <returns>The best type or namespace that can be found, or and ErrorTypeSymbol if no reasonable type can be found.</returns>
Public Shared Function BindNamespaceOrTypeSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean) As NamespaceOrTypeSymbol
Return DirectCast(BindNamespaceOrTypeSyntax(typeSyntax, binder, diagBag, unwrapAliases:=True,
suppressUseSiteError:=suppressUseSiteError), NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)
End Function
Public Shared Function BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean) As Symbol
Return BindNamespaceOrTypeSyntax(typeSyntax, binder, diagBag, unwrapAliases:=False, suppressUseSiteError:=suppressUseSiteError)
End Function
Private Shared Function BindNamespaceOrTypeSyntax(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
unwrapAliases As Boolean,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean) As Symbol
Dim lookupResult As LookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance()
Dim reportedAnError As Boolean = False
LookupTypeOrNamespaceSyntax(lookupResult, typeSyntax, binder, diagBag, reportedAnError,
unwrapAliases, suppressUseSiteError, inGetTypeContext:=False, resolvingBaseType:=False)
' Report appropriate errors from the result.
If Not lookupResult.HasSymbol Then
Dim diagInfo As DiagnosticInfo = Nothing
Dim diagName = GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(typeSyntax)
' In Imports clauses, a missing namespace or type is just a warning.
diagInfo = ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_UndefinedTypeOrNamespace1, diagName)
Dim reportErrorWhenReferenced = False
If typeSyntax.Parent?.Kind = SyntaxKind.SimpleImportsClause Then
If DirectCast(typeSyntax.Parent, SimpleImportsClauseSyntax).Alias IsNot Nothing Then
reportErrorWhenReferenced = True
End If
If Not reportedAnError Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.WRN_UndefinedOrEmptyNamespaceOrClass1, diagName))
reportedAnError = True
End If
End If
If Not reportedAnError Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, diagInfo)
End If
Return Binder.GetErrorSymbol(diagName, diagInfo, reportErrorWhenReferenced)
If lookupResult.HasDiagnostic Then
If Not reportedAnError Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, lookupResult.Diagnostic)
End If
Return ErrorTypeFromLookupResult(lookupResult.SingleSymbol.Name, lookupResult, binder)
End If
' LookupTypeOrNamespaceSyntax can't return more than one symbol.
Dim result = lookupResult.SingleSymbol
binder.ReportDiagnosticsIfObsoleteOrNotSupported(diagBag, result, typeSyntax)
binder.AddTypesAssemblyAsDependency(TryCast(result, NamedTypeSymbol), diagBag)
Return result
End If
End Try
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Lookup a typeSyntax, confining the lookup to namespaces or types. Returns a LookupResult
''' that summarizes the results of the lookup, which might contain a Diagnostic associated with the lookup.
''' However, other diagnostics associated with parts of the binding process (i.e., binding type arguments)
''' will be emitted via the diagnostic bag.
''' The LookupResult will always have at most one symbol in it, since types and namespaces are not overloadable symbols.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub LookupTypeOrNamespaceSyntax(lookupResult As LookupResult,
typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean,
unwrapAliases As Boolean,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean,
inGetTypeContext As Boolean,
resolvingBaseType As Boolean)
Select Case typeSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName
LookupBasicName(lookupResult, DirectCast(typeSyntax, IdentifierNameSyntax), binder, diagBag, reportedAnError)
If unwrapAliases AndAlso
lookupResult.IsGood AndAlso
lookupResult.SingleSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Alias Then
lookupResult.ReplaceSymbol(DirectCast(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, AliasSymbol).Target)
End If
Case SyntaxKind.GenericName
LookupGenericName(lookupResult, DirectCast(typeSyntax, GenericNameSyntax), binder, diagBag, reportedAnError, suppressUseSiteError)
Case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName
LookupDottedName(lookupResult, DirectCast(typeSyntax, QualifiedNameSyntax), binder, diagBag, reportedAnError, suppressUseSiteError, resolvingBaseType:=resolvingBaseType)
Case SyntaxKind.GlobalName
lookupResult.SetFrom(LookupGlobalName(DirectCast(typeSyntax, GlobalNameSyntax), binder))
Case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType
lookupResult.SetFrom(LookupPredefinedTypeName(DirectCast(typeSyntax, PredefinedTypeSyntax), binder, diagBag, reportedAnError, suppressUseSiteError))
Case SyntaxKind.ArrayType
lookupResult.SetFrom(LookupArrayType(DirectCast(typeSyntax, ArrayTypeSyntax), binder, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError, inGetTypeContext:=inGetTypeContext))
Case SyntaxKind.NullableType
lookupResult.SetFrom(LookupNullableType(DirectCast(typeSyntax, NullableTypeSyntax), binder, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError))
Case SyntaxKind.TupleType
lookupResult.SetFrom(LookupTupleType(DirectCast(typeSyntax, TupleTypeSyntax), binder, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError, inGetTypeContext, resolvingBaseType))
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(typeSyntax.Kind)
End Select
If resolvingBaseType AndAlso lookupResult.IsGood Then
Debug.Assert(binder.BasesBeingResolved.InheritsBeingResolvedOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso binder.BasesBeingResolved.InheritsBeingResolvedOpt.Any)
AnalyzeLookupResultForIllegalBaseTypeReferences(lookupResult, typeSyntax, binder, diagBag, reportedAnError)
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function LookupTupleType(syntax As TupleTypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean,
inGetTypeContext As Boolean,
resolvingBaseType As Boolean) As TypeSymbol
Dim numElements As Integer = syntax.Elements.Count
Dim types = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeSymbol).GetInstance(numElements)
Dim locations = ArrayBuilder(Of Location).GetInstance(numElements)
Dim elementNames As ArrayBuilder(Of String) = Nothing
' set of names already used
Dim uniqueFieldNames = New HashSet(Of String)(IdentifierComparison.Comparer)
Dim hasExplicitNames = False
For i As Integer = 0 To numElements - 1
Dim argumentSyntax = syntax.Elements(i)
Dim argumentType As TypeSymbol = Nothing
Dim name As String = Nothing
Dim nameSyntax As SyntaxToken = Nothing
If argumentSyntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.TypedTupleElement Then
Dim typedElement = DirectCast(argumentSyntax, TypedTupleElementSyntax)
argumentType = binder.BindTypeSyntax(typedElement.Type, diagnostics, suppressUseSiteError, inGetTypeContext, resolvingBaseType)
Dim namedElement = DirectCast(argumentSyntax, NamedTupleElementSyntax)
nameSyntax = namedElement.Identifier
name = nameSyntax.GetIdentifierText()
argumentType = binder.DecodeIdentifierType(nameSyntax, namedElement.AsClause, getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc:=Nothing, diagBag:=diagnostics)
End If
If nameSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken Then
' validate name if we have one
hasExplicitNames = True
Binder.CheckTupleMemberName(name, i, nameSyntax, diagnostics, uniqueFieldNames)
End If
Binder.CollectTupleFieldMemberName(name, i, numElements, elementNames)
If hasExplicitNames Then
' If the tuple type with names is bound then we must have the TupleElementNamesAttribute to emit
' it is typically there though, if we have ValueTuple at all
' and we need System.String as well
Dim constructorSymbol = TryCast(binder.Compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_TupleElementNamesAttribute__ctorTransformNames), MethodSymbol)
If constructorSymbol Is Nothing Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, syntax, ERRID.ERR_TupleElementNamesAttributeMissing, AttributeDescription.TupleElementNamesAttribute.FullName)
diagnostics.Add(GetUseSiteInfoForWellKnownTypeMember(constructorSymbol, WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_TupleElementNamesAttribute__ctorTransformNames, embedVBRuntimeUsed:=False),
End If
End If
Dim typesArray As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol) = types.ToImmutableAndFree()
Dim locationsArray As ImmutableArray(Of Location) = locations.ToImmutableAndFree()
If typesArray.Length < 2 Then
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(typesArray.Length)
End If
Return TupleTypeSymbol.Create(syntax.GetLocation,
If(elementNames Is Nothing, Nothing, elementNames.ToImmutableAndFree()),
End Function
Private Shared Sub AnalyzeLookupResultForIllegalBaseTypeReferences(lookupResult As LookupResult,
typeSyntax As TypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean)
Debug.Assert(lookupResult.IsGood AndAlso lookupResult.HasSingleSymbol)
' In case we are binding the base type we need to check if the symbol we found is a nested
' type of the type which base we are being binding. Note that we need to do the check at
' all lookup phases instead of only checking the final type because in the following case,
' for example, the final type will be A.X with any relation to B already wiped out:
' Class A
' Public Class X
' End Class
' End Class
' Class B <-- 'typeWithBaseBeingResolved' variable below
' Inherits B.C.X <-- binding this base, still need to report BC31446
' Public Class C
' Inherits A
' End Class
' End Class
' The current containing type is the one whose base is being resolved; as we
' currently bind this class' Inherits clause, we need to check all the
' types we go through for being nested in it or to be inherited from it
' or its nested types
Dim typeWithBaseBeingResolved As NamedTypeSymbol = binder.ContainingType
Dim currentSymbol As Symbol = lookupResult.SingleSymbol
While currentSymbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso currentSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType
If typeWithBaseBeingResolved.Equals(currentSymbol.OriginalDefinition) Then
If currentSymbol Is lookupResult.SingleSymbol Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax, ERRID.ERR_TypeInItsInheritsClause1, typeWithBaseBeingResolved)
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, typeSyntax,
ERRID.ERR_NestedTypeInInheritsClause2, typeWithBaseBeingResolved, lookupResult.SingleSymbol)
End If
' and clear lookup result
reportedAnError = True
Exit While
End If
currentSymbol = currentSymbol.ContainingSymbol
End While
End Sub
Private Shared Function ErrorTypeFromLookupResult(name As String, result As LookupResult, binder As Binder) As ErrorTypeSymbol
If result.Kind = LookupResultKind.Ambiguous AndAlso result.HasSingleSymbol AndAlso TypeOf result.Diagnostic Is AmbiguousSymbolDiagnostic Then
' Special case: set of ambiguous symbols is stored in the diagnostics.
Return Binder.GetErrorSymbol(name, result.Diagnostic, DirectCast(result.Diagnostic, AmbiguousSymbolDiagnostic).AmbiguousSymbols, result.Kind)
End If
Return Binder.GetErrorSymbol(name, result.Diagnostic, result.Symbols.ToImmutable(), result.Kind)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Bind a built in type name to the correct type symbol.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function LookupPredefinedTypeName(predefinedTypeSyntax As PredefinedTypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean) As SingleLookupResult
Return LookupPredefinedTypeName(predefinedTypeSyntax, predefinedTypeSyntax.Keyword.Kind, binder, diagBag, reportedAnError, suppressUseSiteError)
End Function
Public Shared Function LookupPredefinedTypeName(node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
predefinedType As SyntaxKind,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean) As SingleLookupResult
Dim type As SpecialType
Select Case predefinedType
Case SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Object
Case SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Boolean
Case SyntaxKind.DateKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_DateTime
Case SyntaxKind.CharKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Char
Case SyntaxKind.StringKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_String
Case SyntaxKind.DecimalKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Decimal
Case SyntaxKind.ByteKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Byte
Case SyntaxKind.SByteKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_SByte
Case SyntaxKind.UShortKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_UInt16
Case SyntaxKind.ShortKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Int16
Case SyntaxKind.UIntegerKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_UInt32
Case SyntaxKind.IntegerKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Int32
Case SyntaxKind.ULongKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_UInt64
Case SyntaxKind.LongKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Int64
Case SyntaxKind.SingleKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Single
Case SyntaxKind.DoubleKeyword
type = SpecialType.System_Double
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(predefinedType)
End Select
Dim sym = binder.GetSpecialType(type, node, diagBag, reportedAnError, suppressUseSiteError)
Return SingleLookupResult.Good(sym)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Bind array type syntax to the correct type symbol.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function LookupArrayType(arrayTypeSyntax As ArrayTypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean,
inGetTypeContext As Boolean) As SingleLookupResult
Dim elementType As TypeSymbol = binder.BindTypeSyntax(arrayTypeSyntax.ElementType,
Return SingleLookupResult.Good(binder.ApplyArrayRankSpecifiersToType(elementType, arrayTypeSyntax.RankSpecifiers, diagBag))
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Bind Nullable (?) type syntax to the correct type symbol.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function LookupNullableType(nullableTypeSyntax As NullableTypeSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean) As SingleLookupResult
Dim elementType As TypeSymbol = binder.BindTypeSyntax(nullableTypeSyntax.ElementType, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError)
Return SingleLookupResult.Good(binder.CreateNullableOf(elementType, nullableTypeSyntax, nullableTypeSyntax.ElementType, diagBag))
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Bind a basic name to a type or namespace.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub LookupBasicName(lookupResult As LookupResult,
basicNameSyntax As IdentifierNameSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean)
' Get the identifier to look up.
Dim idSyntax As SyntaxToken = basicNameSyntax.Identifier
Dim idText As String = idSyntax.ValueText
Binder.DisallowTypeCharacter(idSyntax, diagBag)
' Lookup the text in the current binder.
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(idText) Then
' Syntax error.
reportedAnError = True
Dim useSiteInfo = binder.GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagBag)
If SyntaxFacts.IsAttributeName(basicNameSyntax) Then
binder.LookupAttributeType(lookupResult, Nothing, idText, LookupOptions.AttributeTypeOnly, useSiteInfo)
binder.Lookup(lookupResult, idText, 0, LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly, useSiteInfo)
End If
diagBag.Add(basicNameSyntax, useSiteInfo)
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Bind a generic name to a type.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub LookupGenericName(lookupResult As LookupResult,
genericNameSyntax As GenericNameSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean)
' Get the identifier to look up.
Dim idSyntax As SyntaxToken = genericNameSyntax.Identifier
Dim idText As String = idSyntax.ValueText
Binder.DisallowTypeCharacter(idSyntax, diagBag)
' Get type arguments and arity we're looking up
Dim typeArgumentsSyntax = genericNameSyntax.TypeArgumentList
Dim arity As Integer = typeArgumentsSyntax.Arguments.Count
' Bind the generic symbol with the current binder.
Dim useSiteInfo = binder.GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagBag)
binder.Lookup(lookupResult, idText, arity, LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly, useSiteInfo)
diagBag.Add(genericNameSyntax, useSiteInfo)
' Bind the type arguments and report errors in the current context.
Dim typeArguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol) = BindTypeArguments(typeArgumentsSyntax, binder, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError)
If lookupResult.Kind = LookupResultKind.Empty Then
End If
Dim genericType = TryCast(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol)
If genericType Is Nothing OrElse
Not genericType.IsGenericType OrElse
Not genericType.CanConstruct Then
' not generic symbol or symbol is a namespace
If lookupResult.IsGood Then
' TODO: Dev10 squiggles type arguments for this error, but Roslyn will squiggle the whole type name.
' If we want to preserve Dev10 behavior, it should be possible to provide optional location/syntax node
' for the diagnostic attached to LookupResult.
New BadSymbolDiagnostic(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, ERRID.ERR_TypeOrMemberNotGeneric1, lookupResult.SingleSymbol)))
End If
If Not suppressUseSiteError Then
If ReportUseSite(diagBag, genericNameSyntax, genericType) Then
reportedAnError = True
End If
End If
' Construct the type and validate constraints.
Dim constructedType = binder.ConstructAndValidateConstraints(
genericType, typeArguments, genericNameSyntax, typeArgumentsSyntax.Arguments, diagBag)
' Put the constructed type in. Note that this preserves any error associated with the lookupResult.
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Bind a dotted name to a type or namespace.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub LookupDottedName(lookupResult As LookupResult,
dottedNameSyntax As QualifiedNameSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean,
resolvingBaseType As Boolean)
Dim right = TryCast(dottedNameSyntax.Right, GenericNameSyntax)
If right IsNot Nothing Then
LookupGenericDottedName(lookupResult, dottedNameSyntax, binder, diagBag,
reportedAnError, suppressUseSiteError, resolvingBaseType)
End If
Dim rightIdentSyntax As SimpleNameSyntax = dottedNameSyntax.Right
Dim rightIdentToken As SyntaxToken = rightIdentSyntax.Identifier
Dim leftNameSyntax As NameSyntax = dottedNameSyntax.Left
Binder.DisallowTypeCharacter(rightIdentToken, diagBag)
LookupTypeOrNamespaceSyntax(lookupResult, leftNameSyntax, binder, diagBag, reportedAnError,
unwrapAliases:=True, suppressUseSiteError:=suppressUseSiteError,
inGetTypeContext:=False, resolvingBaseType:=resolvingBaseType)
If Not lookupResult.HasSymbol Then
ElseIf lookupResult.HasDiagnostic AndAlso Not reportedAnError Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, leftNameSyntax, lookupResult.Diagnostic)
reportedAnError = (lookupResult.Diagnostic.Severity = DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
End If
Dim leftSymbol As NamespaceOrTypeSymbol = DirectCast(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)
binder.ReportDiagnosticsIfObsoleteOrNotSupported(diagBag, leftSymbol, leftNameSyntax)
binder.AddTypesAssemblyAsDependency(leftSymbol, diagBag)
Dim useSiteInfo = binder.GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagBag)
If SyntaxFacts.IsAttributeName(rightIdentSyntax) Then
Dim isLeftUnboundGenericType As Boolean = leftSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType AndAlso DirectCast(leftSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol).IsUnboundGenericType
If isLeftUnboundGenericType Then
' If left name bound to an unbound generic type,
' we want to perform right name lookup within
' left's original named type definition.
leftSymbol = DirectCast(leftSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol).OriginalDefinition
End If
If lookupResult.HasSingleSymbol AndAlso lookupResult.SingleSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType Then
Dim namedType = DirectCast(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol)
' If left name bound to an unbound generic type
' and right name bound to a generic type, we must
' convert right to an unbound generic type.
If isLeftUnboundGenericType AndAlso namedType.IsGenericType Then
ElseIf namedType.Arity > 0 AndAlso Not namedType.IsDefinition AndAlso namedType Is namedType.ConstructedFrom Then
' Note: this preserves any error associated with the generic type, which is what we want.
StaticCast(Of TypeSymbol).From(namedType.OriginalDefinition.TypeParameters)))
End If
End If
End If
diagBag.Add(leftNameSyntax, useSiteInfo)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Bind a generic dotted name to a type or namespace.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub LookupGenericDottedName(lookupResult As LookupResult,
genDottedNameSyntax As QualifiedNameSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
ByRef reportedAnError As Boolean,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean,
resolvingBaseType As Boolean)
Debug.Assert(TryCast(genDottedNameSyntax.Right, GenericNameSyntax) IsNot Nothing)
Dim right = DirectCast(genDottedNameSyntax.Right, GenericNameSyntax)
Dim rightIdentSyntax As SyntaxToken = right.Identifier
Dim leftNameSyntax As NameSyntax = genDottedNameSyntax.Left
Binder.DisallowTypeCharacter(rightIdentSyntax, diagBag)
' Get type arguments and arity we're looking up
Dim typeArgumentsSyntax = right.TypeArgumentList
Dim arity As Integer = typeArgumentsSyntax.Arguments.Count
' Get the symbol on the left.
LookupTypeOrNamespaceSyntax(lookupResult, leftNameSyntax, binder, diagBag, reportedAnError,
unwrapAliases:=True, suppressUseSiteError:=suppressUseSiteError,
inGetTypeContext:=False, resolvingBaseType:=resolvingBaseType)
' Bind the type arguments and report errors in the current context.
Dim typeArguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol) = BindTypeArguments(typeArgumentsSyntax, binder, diagBag, suppressUseSiteError)
If Not lookupResult.HasSymbol Then
ElseIf lookupResult.HasDiagnostic AndAlso Not reportedAnError Then
Binder.ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, leftNameSyntax, lookupResult.Diagnostic)
reportedAnError = (lookupResult.Diagnostic.Severity = DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
End If
Dim leftSymbol As NamespaceOrTypeSymbol = DirectCast(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)
Dim isLeftUnboundGenericType As Boolean = leftSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType AndAlso DirectCast(leftSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol).IsUnboundGenericType
If isLeftUnboundGenericType Then
' If left name bound to an unbound generic type,
' we want to perform right name lookup within
' left's original named type definition.
leftSymbol = DirectCast(leftSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol).OriginalDefinition
End If
binder.ReportDiagnosticsIfObsoleteOrNotSupported(diagBag, leftSymbol, leftNameSyntax)
binder.AddTypesAssemblyAsDependency(leftSymbol, diagBag)
' Lookup the generic type.
Dim useSiteInfo = binder.GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagBag)
diagBag.Add(leftNameSyntax, useSiteInfo)
If lookupResult.Kind = LookupResultKind.Empty Then
End If
' Doing a Lookup with NamespaceAndTypesOnly can never result in more than one symbols, because
' namespace and types are not overloadable.
Dim genericType = TryCast(lookupResult.SingleSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol)
If genericType Is Nothing Then
' no symbol or symbol is a namespace
ElseIf isLeftUnboundGenericType AndAlso genericType.IsGenericType Then
' If left name bound to an unbound generic type
' and right name bound to a generic type, we must
' convert right to an unbound generic type.
' Construct the type and validate constraints.
Dim constructedType = binder.ConstructAndValidateConstraints(
genericType, typeArguments, genDottedNameSyntax, typeArgumentsSyntax.Arguments, diagBag)
' Note: this preserves any error associated with the generic type, which is what we want.
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Bind to the global namespace.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function LookupGlobalName(syntax As GlobalNameSyntax,
binder As Binder) As SingleLookupResult
Return SingleLookupResult.Good(binder.Compilation.GlobalNamespace)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Bind a list of type arguments to their types.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function BindTypeArguments(typeArgumentsSyntax As TypeArgumentListSyntax,
binder As Binder,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
suppressUseSiteError As Boolean) As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)
Dim arity As Integer = typeArgumentsSyntax.Arguments.Count
Dim types As TypeSymbol() = New TypeSymbol(0 To arity - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To arity - 1
types(i) = binder.BindTypeSyntax(typeArgumentsSyntax.Arguments(i), diagBag, suppressUseSiteError)
Return types.AsImmutableOrNull()
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given a type syntax, strip out ?, (), (of xxx) stuff and return a string of the form
''' x.y.z, for use in an error message.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(typeSyntax As TypeSyntax) As String
Select Case typeSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName
Return DirectCast(typeSyntax, IdentifierNameSyntax).Identifier.ValueText
Case SyntaxKind.TupleType
Return typeSyntax.ToString
Case SyntaxKind.GenericName
Return DirectCast(typeSyntax, GenericNameSyntax).Identifier.ValueText
Case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName
Return GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(DirectCast(typeSyntax, QualifiedNameSyntax).Left) +
"." +
DirectCast(typeSyntax, QualifiedNameSyntax).Right.Identifier.ValueText
Case SyntaxKind.ArrayType
Return GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(DirectCast(typeSyntax, ArrayTypeSyntax).ElementType)
Case SyntaxKind.NullableType
Return GetBaseNamesForDiagnostic(DirectCast(typeSyntax, NullableTypeSyntax).ElementType)
Case SyntaxKind.GlobalName, SyntaxKind.PredefinedType
Return typeSyntax.ToString
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(typeSyntax.Kind)
End Select
End Function
End Class
End Class
End Namespace