' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
#If DEBUG Then
' We use a struct rather than a class to represent the state for efficiency
' for data flow analysis, with 32 bits of data inline. Merely copying the state
' variable causes the first 32 bits to be cloned, as they are inline. This can
' hide a plethora of errors that would only be exhibited in programs with more
' than 32 variables to be tracked. However, few of our tests have that many
' variables.
' To help diagnose these problems, we use the preprocessor symbol REFERENCE_STATE
' to cause the data flow state be a class rather than a struct. When it is a class,
' this category of problems would be exhibited in programs with a small number of
' tracked variables. But it is slower, so we only do it in DEBUG mode.
#End If
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports OptionalState = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.[Optional](Of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.DataFlowPass.LocalState)
Imports OptionalState = System.Nullable(Of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.DataFlowPass.LocalState)
#End If
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Partial Friend Class DataFlowPass
Inherits AbstractFlowPass(Of LocalState)
Public Enum SlotKind
''' <summary>
''' Special slot for untracked variables
''' </summary>
NotTracked = -1
''' <summary>
''' Special slot for tracking whether code is reachable
''' </summary>
Unreachable = 0
''' <summary>
''' Special slot for tracking the implicit local for the function return value
''' </summary>
FunctionValue = 1
''' <summary>
''' The first available slot for variables
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
FirstAvailable = 2
End Enum
''' <summary>
''' Some variables that should be considered initially assigned. Used for region analysis.
''' </summary>
Protected ReadOnly initiallyAssignedVariables As HashSet(Of Symbol)
''' <summary>
''' Defines whether or not fields of intrinsic type should be tracked. Such fields should
''' not be tracked for error reporting purposes, but should be tracked for region flow analysis
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' Variables that were used anywhere, in the sense required to suppress warnings about unused variables.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _unusedVariables As HashSet(Of LocalSymbol) = New HashSet(Of LocalSymbol)()
''' <summary>
''' Variables that were initialized or written anywhere.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _writtenVariables As HashSet(Of Symbol) = New HashSet(Of Symbol)()
''' <summary>
''' A mapping from local variables to the index of their slot in a flow analysis local state.
''' WARNING: if variable identifier maps into SlotKind.NotTracked, it may mean that VariableIdentifier
''' is a structure without traceable fields. This mapping is created in MakeSlotImpl(...)
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _variableSlot As Dictionary(Of VariableIdentifier, Integer) = New Dictionary(Of VariableIdentifier, Integer)()
''' <summary>
''' A mapping from the local variable slot to the symbol for the local variable itself. This is used in the
''' implementation of region analysis (support for extract method) to compute the set of variables "always
''' assigned" in a region of code.
''' </summary>
Protected variableBySlot As VariableIdentifier() = New VariableIdentifier(10) {}
''' <summary>
''' Variable slots are allocated to local variables sequentially and never reused. This is
''' the index of the next slot number to use.
''' </summary>
Protected nextVariableSlot As Integer = SlotKind.FirstAvailable
''' <summary>
''' Tracks variables for which we have already reported a definite assignment error. This
''' allows us to report at most one such error per variable.
''' </summary>
Private _alreadyReported As BitVector
''' <summary>
''' Did we see [On Error] or [Resume] statement? Used to suppress some diagnostics.
''' </summary>
Private _seenOnErrorOrResume As Boolean
Protected _convertInsufficientExecutionStackExceptionToCancelledByStackGuardException As Boolean = False ' By default, just let the original exception to bubble up.
Friend Sub New(info As FlowAnalysisInfo, suppressConstExpressionsSupport As Boolean, Optional trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(info, suppressConstExpressionsSupport)
Me.initiallyAssignedVariables = Nothing
Me._trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields = trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields
End Sub
Friend Sub New(info As FlowAnalysisInfo, region As FlowAnalysisRegionInfo,
suppressConstExpressionsSupport As Boolean,
Optional initiallyAssignedVariables As HashSet(Of Symbol) = Nothing,
Optional trackUnassignments As Boolean = False,
Optional trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(info, region, suppressConstExpressionsSupport, trackUnassignments)
Me.initiallyAssignedVariables = initiallyAssignedVariables
Me._trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields = trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub InitForScan()
For Each parameter In MethodParameters
Me._alreadyReported = BitVector.Empty ' no variables yet reported unassigned
Me.EnterParameters(MethodParameters) ' with parameters assigned
Dim methodMeParameter = Me.MeParameter ' and with 'Me' assigned as well
If methodMeParameter IsNot Nothing Then
End If
' Usually we need to treat locals used without being assigned first as assigned in the beginning of the block.
' When data flow analysis determines that the variable is sometimes used without being assigned first, we want
' to treat that variable, during region analysis, as assigned where it is introduced.
' However with goto statements that branch into for/foreach/using statements (error case) we need to treat them
' as assigned in the beginning of the method body.
' Example:
' Goto label1
' For x = 0 to 10
' label1:
' Dim y = [| x |] ' x should not be in dataFlowsOut.
' Next
' This can only happen in VB because the labels are visible in the whole method. In C# the labels are not visible
' this case.
If initiallyAssignedVariables IsNot Nothing Then
For Each local In initiallyAssignedVariables
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function Scan() As Boolean
If Not MyBase.Scan() Then
Return False
End If
' check unused variables
If Not _seenOnErrorOrResume Then
For Each local In _unusedVariables
End If
' VB doesn't support "out" so it doesn't warn for unassigned parameters. However, check variables passed
' byref are assigned so that data flow analysis detects parameters flowing out.
If ShouldAnalyzeByRefParameters Then
End If
Dim methodMeParameter = Me.MeParameter ' and also 'Me'
If methodMeParameter IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Sub ReportUnused(local As LocalSymbol)
' Never report that the function value is unused
' Never report that local with empty name is unused
' Locals with empty name can be generated in code with syntax errors and
' we shouldn't report such locals as unused because they were not explicitly declared
' by the user in the code
If Not local.IsFunctionValue AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(local.Name) Then
If _writtenVariables.Contains(local) Then
If local.IsConst Then
Me.diagnostics.Add(ERRID.WRN_UnusedLocalConst, local.Locations(0), If(local.Name, "dummy"))
End If
Me.diagnostics.Add(ERRID.WRN_UnusedLocal, local.Locations(0), If(local.Name, "dummy"))
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub ReportUnassignedByRefParameter(parameter As ParameterSymbol)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Perform data flow analysis, reporting all necessary diagnostics.
''' </summary>
Public Overloads Shared Sub Analyze(info As FlowAnalysisInfo, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, suppressConstExpressionsSupport As Boolean)
Dim walker = New DataFlowPass(info, suppressConstExpressionsSupport)
If diagnostics IsNot Nothing Then
walker._convertInsufficientExecutionStackExceptionToCancelledByStackGuardException = True
End If
Dim result As Boolean = walker.Analyze()
If diagnostics IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Catch ex As CancelledByStackGuardException When diagnostics IsNot Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function ConvertInsufficientExecutionStackExceptionToCancelledByStackGuardException() As Boolean
Return _convertInsufficientExecutionStackExceptionToCancelledByStackGuardException
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub Free()
Me._alreadyReported = BitVector.Null
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function Dump(state As LocalState) As String
Dim builder As New StringBuilder()
builder.Append("[assigned ")
AppendBitNames(state.Assigned, builder)
Return builder.ToString()
End Function
Protected Sub AppendBitNames(a As BitVector, builder As StringBuilder)
Dim any As Boolean = False
For Each bit In a.TrueBits
If any Then
builder.Append(", ")
End If
any = True
AppendBitName(bit, builder)
End Sub
Protected Sub AppendBitName(bit As Integer, builder As StringBuilder)
Dim id As VariableIdentifier = variableBySlot(bit)
If id.ContainingSlot > 0 Then
AppendBitName(id.ContainingSlot, builder)
End If
builder.Append(If(bit = 0, "*", id.Symbol.Name))
End Sub
#Region "Note Read/Write"
Protected Overridable Sub NoteRead(variable As Symbol)
If variable IsNot Nothing AndAlso variable.Kind = SymbolKind.Local Then
_unusedVariables.Remove(DirectCast(variable, LocalSymbol))
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub NoteWrite(variable As Symbol, value As BoundExpression)
If variable IsNot Nothing Then
Dim local = TryCast(variable, LocalSymbol)
If value IsNot Nothing AndAlso (local IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not local.IsConst AndAlso local.Type.IsReferenceType OrElse value.HasErrors) Then
' We duplicate Dev10's behavior here. The reasoning is, I would guess, that otherwise unread
' variables of reference type are useful because they keep objects alive, i.e., they are read by the
' VM. And variables that are initialized by non-constant expressions presumably are useful because
' they enable us to clearly document a discarded return value from a method invocation, e.g. var
' discardedValue = F(); >shrug<
' Note, this rule only applies to local variables and not to const locals, i.e. we always report unused
' const locals. In addition, if the value has errors then suppress these diagnostics in all cases.
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Function GetNodeSymbol(node As BoundNode) As Symbol
While node IsNot Nothing
Select Case node.Kind
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(node, BoundFieldAccess)
If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(fieldAccess) Then
node = fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt
Continue While
End If
Return Nothing
Case BoundKind.PropertyAccess
node = DirectCast(node, BoundPropertyAccess).ReceiverOpt
Continue While
Case BoundKind.MeReference
Return MeParameter
Case BoundKind.Local
Return DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol
Case BoundKind.RangeVariable
Return DirectCast(node, BoundRangeVariable).RangeVariable
Case BoundKind.Parameter
Return DirectCast(node, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol
Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder
Dim substitute As BoundExpression = GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase))
If substitute IsNot Nothing Then
Return GetNodeSymbol(substitute)
End If
Return Nothing
Case BoundKind.LocalDeclaration
Return DirectCast(node, BoundLocalDeclaration).LocalSymbol
Case BoundKind.ForToStatement,
Return DirectCast(node, BoundForStatement).DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt
Case BoundKind.ByRefArgumentWithCopyBack
node = DirectCast(node, BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack).OriginalArgument
Continue While
Case Else
Return Nothing
End Select
End While
Return Nothing
End Function
Protected Overridable Sub NoteWrite(node As BoundExpression, value As BoundExpression)
Dim symbol As Symbol = GetNodeSymbol(node)
If symbol IsNot Nothing Then
If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(symbol, LocalSymbol).DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then
' We have several locals grouped in AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol
For Each local In DirectCast(symbol, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol).Locals
NoteWrite(local, value)
NoteWrite(symbol, value)
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub NoteRead(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess)
Dim symbol As Symbol = GetNodeSymbol(fieldAccess)
If symbol IsNot Nothing Then
If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(symbol, LocalSymbol).DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then
' We have several locals grouped in AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol
For Each local In DirectCast(symbol, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol).Locals
End If
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Operations with slots"
''' <summary>
''' Locals are given slots when their declarations are encountered. We only need give slots to local variables, and
''' the "Me" variable of a structure constructs. Other variables are not given slots, and are therefore not tracked
''' by the analysis. This returns SlotKind.NotTracked for a variable that is not tracked, for fields of structs
''' that have the same assigned status as the container, and for structs that (recursively) contain no data members.
''' We do not need to track references to variables that occur before the variable is declared, as those are reported
''' in an earlier phase as "use before declaration". That allows us to avoid giving slots to local variables before
''' processing their declarations.
''' </summary>
Protected Function VariableSlot(symbol As Symbol, Optional containingSlot As Integer = 0) As Integer
containingSlot = DescendThroughTupleRestFields(symbol, containingSlot, forceContainingSlotsToExist:=False)
If symbol Is Nothing Then
' NOTE: This point may be hit in erroneous code, like
' referencing instance members from static methods
Return SlotKind.NotTracked
End If
Dim slot As Integer
Return If((_variableSlot.TryGetValue(New VariableIdentifier(symbol, containingSlot), slot)), slot, SlotKind.NotTracked)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Return the slot for a variable, or SlotKind.NotTracked if it is not tracked (because, for example, it is an empty struct).
''' </summary>
Protected Function MakeSlotsForExpression(node As BoundExpression) As SlotCollection
Dim result As New SlotCollection() ' empty
Select Case node.Kind
Case BoundKind.MeReference, BoundKind.MyBaseReference, BoundKind.MyClassReference
If MeParameter IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Case BoundKind.Local
Dim local As LocalSymbol = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol
If local.DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then
' multiple locals
For Each loc In DirectCast(local, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol).Locals
' just one simple local
End If
Case BoundKind.RangeVariable
result.Append(GetOrCreateSlot(DirectCast(node, BoundRangeVariable).RangeVariable))
Case BoundKind.Parameter
result.Append(GetOrCreateSlot(DirectCast(node, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol))
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(node, BoundFieldAccess)
Dim fieldsymbol = fieldAccess.FieldSymbol
Dim receiverOpt = fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt
' do not track static fields
If fieldsymbol.IsShared OrElse receiverOpt Is Nothing OrElse receiverOpt.Kind = BoundKind.TypeExpression Then
Exit Select ' empty result
End If
' do not track fields of non-structs
If receiverOpt.Type Is Nothing OrElse receiverOpt.Type.TypeKind <> TypeKind.Structure Then
Exit Select ' empty result
End If
result = MakeSlotsForExpression(receiverOpt)
' update slots, reuse collection
' NOTE: we don't filter out SlotKind.NotTracked values
For i = 0 To result.Count - 1
result(i) = GetOrCreateSlot(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, result(0))
Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder
Dim substitute As BoundExpression = Me.GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase))
If substitute IsNot Nothing Then
Return MakeSlotsForExpression(substitute)
End If
End Select
Return result
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Force a variable to have a slot.
''' </summary>
''' <param name = "symbol"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Protected Function GetOrCreateSlot(symbol As Symbol, Optional containingSlot As Integer = 0) As Integer
containingSlot = DescendThroughTupleRestFields(symbol, containingSlot, forceContainingSlotsToExist:=True)
If containingSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked Then
Return SlotKind.NotTracked
End If
' Check if the slot already exists
Dim varIdentifier As New VariableIdentifier(symbol, containingSlot)
Dim slot As Integer
If Not _variableSlot.TryGetValue(varIdentifier, slot) Then
If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local Then
Me._unusedVariables.Add(DirectCast(symbol, LocalSymbol))
End If
Dim variableType As TypeSymbol = GetVariableType(symbol)
If IsEmptyStructType(variableType) Then
Return SlotKind.NotTracked
End If
' Create a slot
slot = nextVariableSlot
nextVariableSlot = nextVariableSlot + 1
_variableSlot.Add(varIdentifier, slot)
If slot >= variableBySlot.Length Then
Array.Resize(Me.variableBySlot, slot * 2)
End If
variableBySlot(slot) = varIdentifier
End If
Return slot
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Descends through Rest fields of a tuple if "symbol" is an extended field
''' As a result the "symbol" will be adjusted to be the field of the innermost tuple
''' and a corresponding containingSlot is returned.
''' Return value -1 indicates a failure which could happen for the following reasons
''' a) Rest field does not exist, which could happen in rare error scenarios involving broken ValueTuple types
''' b) Rest is not tracked already and forceSlotsToExist is false (otherwise we create slots on demand)
''' </summary>
Private Function DescendThroughTupleRestFields(ByRef symbol As Symbol, containingSlot As Integer, forceContainingSlotsToExist As Boolean) As Integer
Dim fieldSymbol = TryCast(symbol, TupleFieldSymbol)
If fieldSymbol IsNot Nothing Then
Dim containingType As TypeSymbol = DirectCast(symbol.ContainingType, TupleTypeSymbol).UnderlyingNamedType
' for tuple fields the variable identifier represents the underlying field
symbol = fieldSymbol.TupleUnderlyingField
' descend through Rest fields
' force corresponding slots if do not exist
While Not TypeSymbol.Equals(containingType, symbol.ContainingType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)
Dim restField = TryCast(containingType.GetMembers(TupleTypeSymbol.RestFieldName).FirstOrDefault(), FieldSymbol)
If restField Is Nothing Then
Return -1
End If
If forceContainingSlotsToExist Then
containingSlot = GetOrCreateSlot(restField, containingSlot)
If Not _variableSlot.TryGetValue(New VariableIdentifier(restField, containingSlot), containingSlot) Then
Return -1
End If
End If
containingType = restField.Type.GetTupleUnderlyingTypeOrSelf()
End While
End If
Return containingSlot
End Function
' In C#, we moved this cache to a separate cache held onto by the compilation, so we didn't
' recompute it each time.
' This is not so simple in VB, because we'd have to move the cache for members of the
' struct, and we'd need two different caches depending on _trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields.
' So this optimization is not done for now in VB.
Private ReadOnly _isEmptyStructType As New Dictionary(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Boolean)()
Protected Overridable Function IsEmptyStructType(type As TypeSymbol) As Boolean
Dim namedType = TryCast(type, NamedTypeSymbol)
If namedType Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
If Not IsTrackableStructType(namedType) Then
Return False
End If
Dim result As Boolean = False
If _isEmptyStructType.TryGetValue(namedType, result) Then
Return result
End If
' to break cycles
_isEmptyStructType(namedType) = True
For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(namedType)
If Not IsEmptyStructType(field.Type) Then
_isEmptyStructType(namedType) = False
Return False
End If
_isEmptyStructType(namedType) = True
Return True
End Function
Private Shared Function IsTrackableStructType(symbol As TypeSymbol) As Boolean
If IsNonPrimitiveValueType(symbol) Then
Dim type = TryCast(symbol.OriginalDefinition, NamedTypeSymbol)
Return (type IsNot Nothing) AndAlso Not type.KnownCircularStruct
End If
Return False
End Function
''' <summary> Calculates the flag of being already reported; for structure types
''' the slot may be reported if ALL the children are reported </summary>
Private Function IsSlotAlreadyReported(symbolType As TypeSymbol, slot As Integer) As Boolean
If _alreadyReported(slot) Then
Return True
End If
' not applicable for 'special slots'
If slot <= SlotKind.FunctionValue Then
Return False
End If
If Not IsTrackableStructType(symbolType) Then
Return False
End If
' For structures - check field slots
For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(symbolType)
Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot)
If childSlot <> SlotKind.NotTracked Then
If Not IsSlotAlreadyReported(field.Type, childSlot) Then
Return False
End If
Return False ' slot not created yet
End If
' Seems to be assigned through children
_alreadyReported(slot) = True
Return True
End Function
''' <summary> Marks slot as reported, propagates 'reported' flag to the children if necessary </summary>
Private Sub MarkSlotAsReported(symbolType As TypeSymbol, slot As Integer)
If _alreadyReported(slot) Then
End If
_alreadyReported(slot) = True
' not applicable for 'special slots'
If slot <= SlotKind.FunctionValue Then
End If
If Not IsTrackableStructType(symbolType) Then
End If
' For structures - propagate to field slots
For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(symbolType)
Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot)
If childSlot <> SlotKind.NotTracked Then
MarkSlotAsReported(field.Type, childSlot)
End If
End Sub
''' <summary> Unassign a slot for a regular variable </summary>
Private Sub SetSlotUnassigned(slot As Integer)
If slot >= Me.State.Assigned.Capacity Then
End If
If Me._tryState.HasValue Then
Dim tryState = Me._tryState.Value
SetSlotUnassigned(slot, tryState)
Me._tryState = tryState
End If
SetSlotUnassigned(slot, Me.State)
End Sub
Private Sub SetSlotUnassigned(slot As Integer, ByRef state As LocalState)
Dim id As VariableIdentifier = variableBySlot(slot)
Dim type As TypeSymbol = GetVariableType(id.Symbol)
Debug.Assert(Not IsEmptyStructType(type))
' If the state of the slot is 'assigned' we need to clear it
' and possibly propagate it to all the parents
'unassign struct children (if possible)
If IsTrackableStructType(type) Then
For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(type)
' get child's slot
' NOTE: we don't need to care about possible cycles here because we took care of it
' in MakeSlotImpl when we created slots; we will just get SlotKind.NotTracked in worst case
Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot)
If childSlot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then
SetSlotUnassigned(childSlot, state)
End If
End If
' propagate to parents
While id.ContainingSlot > 0
' check the parent
Dim parentSlot = id.ContainingSlot
Dim parentIdentifier = variableBySlot(parentSlot)
Dim parentSymbol As Symbol = parentIdentifier.Symbol
If Not state.IsAssigned(parentSlot) Then
Exit While
End If
' unassign and continue loop
If parentSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(parentSymbol, LocalSymbol).IsFunctionValue Then
End If
id = parentIdentifier
End While
End Sub
''' <summary>Assign a slot for a regular variable in a given state.</summary>
Private Sub SetSlotAssigned(slot As Integer, ByRef state As LocalState)
Dim id As VariableIdentifier = variableBySlot(slot)
Dim type As TypeSymbol = GetVariableType(id.Symbol)
Debug.Assert(Not IsEmptyStructType(type))
If slot >= Me.State.Assigned.Capacity Then
End If
If Not state.IsAssigned(slot) Then
' assign this slot
If IsTrackableStructType(type) Then
' propagate to children
For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(type)
' get child's slot
' NOTE: we don't need to care about possible cycles here because we took care of it
' in MakeSlotImpl when we created slots; we will just get SlotKind.NotTracked in worst case
Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot)
If childSlot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then
SetSlotAssigned(childSlot, state)
End If
End If
' propagate to parents
While id.ContainingSlot > 0
' check if all parent's children are set
Dim parentSlot = id.ContainingSlot
Dim parentIdentifier = variableBySlot(parentSlot)
Dim parentSymbol As Symbol = parentIdentifier.Symbol
Dim parentStructType = GetVariableType(parentSymbol)
' exit while if there is at least one child with a slot which is not assigned
For Each childSymbol In GetStructInstanceFields(parentStructType)
Dim childSlot = GetOrCreateSlot(childSymbol, parentSlot)
If childSlot <> SlotKind.NotTracked AndAlso Not state.IsAssigned(childSlot) Then
Exit While
End If
' otherwise the parent can be set to assigned
If parentSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(parentSymbol, LocalSymbol).IsFunctionValue Then
End If
id = parentIdentifier
End While
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>Assign a slot for a regular variable.</summary>
Private Sub SetSlotAssigned(slot As Integer)
SetSlotAssigned(slot, Me.State)
End Sub
''' <summary> Hash structure fields as we may query them many times </summary>
Private _typeToMembersCache As Dictionary(Of TypeSymbol, ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)) = Nothing
Private Function ShouldIgnoreStructField(field As FieldSymbol) As Boolean
If field.IsShared Then
Return True
End If
If Me._trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields Then
' If the flag is set we do not ignore any structure instance fields
Return False
End If
Dim fieldType As TypeSymbol = field.Type
' otherwise of fields of intrinsic type are ignored
If fieldType.IsIntrinsicValueType() Then
Return True
End If
' it the type is a type parameter and also type does NOT guarantee it is
' always a reference type, we ignore the field following Dev11 implementation
If fieldType.IsTypeParameter() Then
Dim typeParam = DirectCast(fieldType, TypeParameterSymbol)
If Not typeParam.IsReferenceType Then
Return True
End If
End If
' We also do NOT ignore all non-private fields
If field.DeclaredAccessibility <> Accessibility.Private Then
Return False
End If
' Do NOT ignore private fields from source
' NOTE: We should do this for all fields, but dev11 ignores private fields from
' metadata, so we need to as well to avoid breaking people. That's why we're
' distinguishing between source and metadata, rather than between the current
' compilation and another compilation.
If field.Dangerous_IsFromSomeCompilationIncludingRetargeting Then
' NOTE: Dev11 ignores fields auto-generated for events
Dim eventOrProperty As Symbol = field.AssociatedSymbol
If eventOrProperty Is Nothing OrElse eventOrProperty.Kind <> SymbolKind.Event Then
Return False
End If
End If
'' If the field is private we don't ignore it if it is a field of a generic struct
If field.ContainingType.IsGenericType Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function GetStructInstanceFields(type As TypeSymbol) As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)
Dim result As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol) = Nothing
If _typeToMembersCache Is Nothing OrElse Not _typeToMembersCache.TryGetValue(type, result) Then
' load and add to cache
Dim builder = ArrayBuilder(Of FieldSymbol).GetInstance()
For Each member In type.GetMembersUnordered()
' only fields
If member.Kind = SymbolKind.Field Then
Dim field = DirectCast(member, FieldSymbol)
' Do not report virtual tuple fields.
' They are additional aliases to the fields of the underlying struct or nested extensions.
' and as such are already accounted for via the nonvirtual fields.
If field.IsVirtualTupleField Then
Continue For
End If
' only instance fields
If Not ShouldIgnoreStructField(field) Then
' NOTE: DO NOT skip fields of intrinsic types if _trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields is True
End If
End If
result = builder.ToImmutableAndFree()
If _typeToMembersCache Is Nothing Then
_typeToMembersCache = New Dictionary(Of TypeSymbol, ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol))
End If
_typeToMembersCache.Add(type, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function GetVariableType(symbol As Symbol) As TypeSymbol
Select Case symbol.Kind
Case SymbolKind.Local
Return DirectCast(symbol, LocalSymbol).Type
Case SymbolKind.RangeVariable
Return DirectCast(symbol, RangeVariableSymbol).Type
Case SymbolKind.Field
Return DirectCast(symbol, FieldSymbol).Type
Case SymbolKind.Parameter
Return DirectCast(symbol, ParameterSymbol).Type
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol.Kind)
End Select
End Function
Protected Sub SetSlotState(slot As Integer, assigned As Boolean)
Debug.Assert(slot <> SlotKind.Unreachable)
If slot = SlotKind.NotTracked Then
ElseIf slot = SlotKind.FunctionValue Then
' Function value slot is treated in a special way. For example it does not have Symbol assigned
' Just do a simple assign/unassign
If assigned Then
End If
' The rest should be a regular slot
If assigned Then
End If
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Assignments: Check and Report"
''' <summary>
''' Check that the given variable is definitely assigned. If not, produce an error.
''' </summary>
Protected Sub CheckAssigned(symbol As Symbol, node As SyntaxNode, Optional rwContext As ReadWriteContext = ReadWriteContext.None)
If symbol IsNot Nothing Then
Dim local = TryCast(symbol, LocalSymbol)
If local IsNot Nothing AndAlso local.IsCompilerGenerated AndAlso Not Me.ProcessCompilerGeneratedLocals Then
' Do not process compiler generated temporary locals
End If
' 'local' can be a pseudo-local representing a set of real locals
If local IsNot Nothing AndAlso local.DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then
Dim ambiguous = DirectCast(local, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol)
' Ambiguous implicit receiver is always considered to be assigned
' Note reads of locals
For Each subLocal In ambiguous.Locals
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(symbol)
If slot >= Me.State.Assigned.Capacity Then
End If
If slot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable AndAlso Me.State.Reachable AndAlso Not Me.State.IsAssigned(slot) Then
ReportUnassigned(symbol, node, rwContext)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary> Version of CheckAssigned for bound field access </summary>
Private Sub CheckAssigned(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess, node As SyntaxNode, Optional rwContext As ReadWriteContext = ReadWriteContext.None)
Dim unassignedSlot As Integer
If Me.State.Reachable AndAlso Not IsAssigned(fieldAccess, unassignedSlot) Then
ReportUnassigned(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, node, rwContext, unassignedSlot, fieldAccess)
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub VisitAmbiguousLocalSymbol(ambiguous As AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub VisitLvalue(node As BoundExpression, Optional dontLeaveRegion As Boolean = False)
MyBase.VisitLvalue(node, True) ' Don't leave region
If node.Kind = BoundKind.Local Then
Dim symbol As LocalSymbol = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol
If symbol.DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then
VisitAmbiguousLocalSymbol(DirectCast(symbol, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol))
End If
End If
' NOTE: we can skip checking if Me._firstInRegion is nothing because 'node' is not nothing
If Not dontLeaveRegion AndAlso node Is Me._lastInRegion AndAlso IsInside Then
End If
End Sub
''' <summary> Check node for being assigned, return the value of unassigned slot in unassignedSlot </summary>
Private Function IsAssigned(node As BoundExpression, ByRef unassignedSlot As Integer) As Boolean
unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked
If IsEmptyStructType(node.Type) Then
Return True
End If
Select Case node.Kind
Case BoundKind.MeReference
unassignedSlot = VariableSlot(MeParameter)
Case BoundKind.Local
Dim local As LocalSymbol = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol
If local.IsCompilerGenerated AndAlso Not Me.ProcessCompilerGeneratedLocals Then
' For consistency with Assign behavior, which does not process compiler generated temporary locals.
Return True
End If
If local.DeclarationKind <> LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then
unassignedSlot = VariableSlot(local)
' We never report ambiguous locals pseudo-symbol as unassigned,
unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked
VisitAmbiguousLocalSymbol(DirectCast(local, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol))
End If
Case BoundKind.RangeVariable
' range variables are always assigned
unassignedSlot = -1
Return True
Case BoundKind.Parameter
unassignedSlot = VariableSlot(DirectCast(node, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(node, BoundFieldAccess)
If Not FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(fieldAccess) OrElse IsAssigned(fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt, unassignedSlot) Then
Return True
End If
' NOTE: unassignedSlot must have been set by previous call to IsAssigned(...)
unassignedSlot = GetOrCreateSlot(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, unassignedSlot)
Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder
Dim substitute As BoundExpression = Me.GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase))
If substitute IsNot Nothing Then
Return IsAssigned(substitute, unassignedSlot)
End If
unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked
Case Else
' The value is a method call return value or something else we can assume is assigned.
unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked
End Select
Return Me.State.IsAssigned(unassignedSlot)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Property controls Roslyn data flow analysis features which are disabled in command-line
''' compiler mode to maintain backward compatibility (mostly diagnostics not reported by Dev11),
''' but *enabled* in flow analysis API
''' </summary>
Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property EnableBreakingFlowAnalysisFeatures As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Specifies if the analysis should process compiler generated locals.
''' Note that data flow API should never report compiler generated variables
''' as well as those should not generate any diagnostics (like being unassigned, etc...).
''' But when the analysis is used for iterators or async captures it should process
''' compiler generated locals as well...
''' </summary>
Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property ProcessCompilerGeneratedLocals As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
Private Function GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(sym As Symbol, boundFieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess) As Location
Select Case sym.Kind
Case SymbolKind.Parameter
Return Nothing
Case SymbolKind.RangeVariable
Return Nothing
Case SymbolKind.Local
Dim locations As ImmutableArray(Of Location) = sym.Locations
Return If(locations.IsEmpty, Nothing, locations(0))
Case SymbolKind.Field
Debug.Assert(boundFieldAccess IsNot Nothing)
If sym.IsShared Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim receiver As BoundExpression = boundFieldAccess.ReceiverOpt
Debug.Assert(receiver IsNot Nothing)
Select Case receiver.Kind
Case BoundKind.Local
Return GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(DirectCast(receiver, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol, Nothing)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(receiver, BoundFieldAccess)
Return GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, fieldAccess)
Case Else
Return Nothing
End Select
Case Else
Debug.Assert(False, "Why is this reachable?")
Return Nothing
End Select
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Report a given variable as not definitely assigned. Once a variable has been so
''' reported, we suppress further reports of that variable.
''' </summary>
Protected Overridable Sub ReportUnassigned(sym As Symbol,
node As SyntaxNode,
rwContext As ReadWriteContext,
Optional slot As Integer = SlotKind.NotTracked,
Optional boundFieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess = Nothing)
If slot < SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then
slot = VariableSlot(sym)
End If
If slot >= Me._alreadyReported.Capacity Then
End If
If sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Parameter Then
' Because there are no Out parameters in VB, general workflow should not hit this point;
' but in region analysis parameters are being unassigned, so it is reachable
End If
If sym.Kind = SymbolKind.RangeVariable Then
' Range variables are always assigned for the purpose of error reporting.
End If
Debug.Assert(sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Local OrElse sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Field)
Dim localOrFieldType As TypeSymbol
Dim isFunctionValue As Boolean
Dim isStaticLocal As Boolean
Dim isImplicitlyDeclared As Boolean = False
If sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Local Then
Dim locSym = DirectCast(sym, LocalSymbol)
localOrFieldType = locSym.Type
isFunctionValue = locSym.IsFunctionValue AndAlso EnableBreakingFlowAnalysisFeatures
isStaticLocal = locSym.IsStatic
isImplicitlyDeclared = locSym.IsImplicitlyDeclared
isFunctionValue = False
isStaticLocal = False
localOrFieldType = DirectCast(sym, FieldSymbol).Type
End If
If Not IsSlotAlreadyReported(localOrFieldType, slot) Then
Dim warning As ERRID = Nothing
' NOTE: When a variable is being used before declaration VB generates ERR_UseOfLocalBeforeDeclaration1
' NOTE: error, thus we don't want to generate redundant warning; we base such an analysis on node
' NOTE: and symbol locations
Dim firstLocation As Location = GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(sym, boundFieldAccess)
If isImplicitlyDeclared OrElse firstLocation Is Nothing OrElse firstLocation.SourceSpan.Start < node.SpanStart Then
' Because VB does not support out parameters, only locals OR fields of local structures can be unassigned.
If localOrFieldType IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not isStaticLocal Then
If localOrFieldType.IsIntrinsicValueType OrElse localOrFieldType.IsReferenceType Then
If localOrFieldType.IsIntrinsicValueType AndAlso Not isFunctionValue Then
warning = Nothing
warning = If(rwContext = ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefByRef, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRef)
End If
ElseIf localOrFieldType.IsValueType Then
' This is only reported for structures with reference type fields.
warning = If(rwContext = ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefByRefStr, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefStr)
End If
If warning <> Nothing Then
Me.diagnostics.Add(warning, node.GetLocation(), If(sym.Name, "dummy"))
End If
End If
MarkSlotAsReported(localOrFieldType, slot)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckAssignedFunctionValue(local As LocalSymbol, node As SyntaxNode)
If Not Me.State.FunctionAssignedValue AndAlso Not _seenOnErrorOrResume Then
Dim type As TypeSymbol = local.Type
' NOTE: Dev11 does NOT report warning on user-defined empty value types
' Special case: We specifically want to give a warning if the user doesn't return from a WinRT AddHandler.
' NOTE: Strictly speaking, dev11 actually checks whether the return type is EventRegistrationToken (see IsWinRTEventAddHandler),
' but the conditions should be equivalent (i.e. return EventRegistrationToken if and only if WinRT).
If EnableBreakingFlowAnalysisFeatures OrElse Not type.IsValueType OrElse type.IsIntrinsicOrEnumType OrElse Not IsEmptyStructType(type) OrElse
(Me.MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.EventAdd AndAlso DirectCast(Me.MethodSymbol.AssociatedSymbol, EventSymbol).IsWindowsRuntimeEvent) Then
ReportUnassignedFunctionValue(local, node)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReportUnassignedFunctionValue(local As LocalSymbol, node As SyntaxNode)
If Not _alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) Then
Dim type As TypeSymbol = Nothing
Dim method = Me.MethodSymbol
type = method.ReturnType
If type IsNot Nothing AndAlso
Not (method.IsIterator OrElse
(method.IsAsync AndAlso type.Equals(compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task)))) Then
Dim warning As ERRID = Nothing
Dim localName As String = GetFunctionLocalName(method, local)
type = type.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf
' Actual warning depends on whether the local is a function,
' property, or operator value versus reference type.
If type.IsIntrinsicValueType Then
Select Case MethodSymbol.MethodKind
Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValOpVal1
Case MethodKind.PropertyGet
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValPropVal1
Case Else
Debug.Assert(MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.Ordinary OrElse MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.LambdaMethod)
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValFuncVal1
End Select
ElseIf type.IsReferenceType Then
Select Case MethodSymbol.MethodKind
Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValOpRef1
Case MethodKind.PropertyGet
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValPropRef1
Case Else
Debug.Assert(MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.Ordinary OrElse MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.LambdaMethod)
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValFuncRef1
End Select
ElseIf type.TypeKind = TypeKind.TypeParameter Then
' IsReferenceType was false, so this type parameter was not known to be a reference type.
' Following past practice, no warning is given in this case.
Select Case MethodSymbol.MethodKind
Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator
' no warning is given in this case.
Case MethodKind.PropertyGet
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValPropRef1
Case MethodKind.EventAdd
' In Dev11, there wasn't time to change the syntax of AddHandler to allow the user
' to specify a return type (necessarily, EventRegistrationToken) for WinRT events.
' DevDiv #376690 reflects the fact that this leads to an incredibly confusing user
' experience if nothing is return: no diagnostics are reported, but RemoveHandler
' statements will silently fail. To prompt the user, (1) warn if there is no
' explicit return, and (2) modify the error message to say "AddHandler As
' EventRegistrationToken" to hint at the nature of the problem.
' Update: Dev11 just mangles an existing error message, but we'll introduce a new,
' clearer, one.
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValWinRtEventVal1
localName = MethodSymbol.AssociatedSymbol.Name
Case Else
warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValFuncRef1
End Select
End If
If warning <> Nothing Then
Debug.Assert(localName IsNot Nothing)
Me.diagnostics.Add(warning, node.GetLocation(), localName)
End If
End If
_alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = True
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetFunctionLocalName(method As MethodSymbol, local As LocalSymbol) As String
Select Case method.MethodKind
Case MethodKind.LambdaMethod
Return StringConstants.AnonymousMethodName
Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator
' The operator's function local is op_<something> and not
' VB's operator name, so we need to take the identifier token
' directly
Dim operatorBlock = DirectCast(DirectCast(local.ContainingSymbol, SourceMemberMethodSymbol).BlockSyntax, OperatorBlockSyntax)
Return operatorBlock.OperatorStatement.OperatorToken.Text
Case Else
Return If(local.Name, method.Name)
End Select
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Mark a variable as assigned (or unassigned).
''' </summary>
Protected Overridable Sub Assign(node As BoundNode, value As BoundExpression, Optional assigned As Boolean = True)
Select Case node.Kind
Case BoundKind.LocalDeclaration
Dim local = DirectCast(node, BoundLocalDeclaration)
Debug.Assert(local.InitializerOpt Is value OrElse local.InitializedByAsNew)
Dim symbol = local.LocalSymbol
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(symbol)
Dim written As Boolean = assigned OrElse Not Me.State.Reachable
SetSlotState(slot, written)
' Note write if the local has an initializer or if it is part of an as-new.
If assigned AndAlso (value IsNot Nothing OrElse local.InitializedByAsNew) Then NoteWrite(symbol, value)
Case BoundKind.ForToStatement,
Dim forStatement = DirectCast(node, BoundForStatement)
Dim symbol = forStatement.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt
Debug.Assert(symbol IsNot Nothing)
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(symbol)
Dim written As Boolean = assigned OrElse Not Me.State.Reachable
SetSlotState(slot, written)
Case BoundKind.Local
Dim local = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal)
Dim symbol = local.LocalSymbol
If symbol.IsCompilerGenerated AndAlso Not Me.ProcessCompilerGeneratedLocals Then
' Do not process compiler generated temporary locals.
End If
' Regular variable
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(symbol)
SetSlotState(slot, assigned)
If symbol.IsFunctionValue Then
SetSlotState(SlotKind.FunctionValue, assigned)
End If
If assigned Then
NoteWrite(symbol, value)
End If
Case BoundKind.Parameter
Dim local = DirectCast(node, BoundParameter)
Dim symbol = local.ParameterSymbol
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(symbol)
SetSlotState(slot, assigned)
If assigned Then NoteWrite(symbol, value)
Case BoundKind.MeReference
' var local = node as BoundThisReference;
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(MeParameter)
SetSlotState(slot, assigned)
If assigned Then NoteWrite(MeParameter, value)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess, BoundKind.PropertyAccess
Dim expression = DirectCast(node, BoundExpression)
Dim slots As SlotCollection = MakeSlotsForExpression(expression)
For i = 0 To slots.Count - 1
SetSlotState(slots(i), assigned)
If assigned Then NoteWrite(expression, value)
Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder
Dim substitute As BoundExpression = Me.GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase))
If substitute IsNot Nothing Then
Assign(substitute, value, assigned)
End If
Case BoundKind.ByRefArgumentWithCopyBack
Assign(DirectCast(node, BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack).OriginalArgument, value, assigned)
Case Else
' Other kinds of left-hand-sides either represent things not tracked (e.g. array elements)
' or errors that have been reported earlier (e.g. assignment to a unary increment)
End Select
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Try statements"
' When assignments happen inside a region, they are treated as UN-assignments.
' Generally this is enough.
' The tricky part is that any instruction in Try/Catch/Finally must be considered as potentially throwing.
' Even if a subsequent write outside of the region may kill an assignment inside the region, it cannot prevent escape of
' the previous assignment.
' === Example:
' Dim x as integer = 0
' Try
' [| region starts here
' x = 1
' Blah() ' <- this statement may throw. (any instruction can).
' |] region ends here
' x = 2 ' <- it may seem that this assignment kills one above, where in fact "x = 1" can easily escape.
' Finally
' SomeUse(x) ' we can see side effects of "x = 1" here
' End Try
' As a result, when dealing with exception handling flows we need to maintain a separate state
' that collects UN-assignments only and is not affected by subsequent assignments.
Private _tryState As OptionalState
Protected Overrides Sub VisitTryBlock(tryBlock As BoundStatement, node As BoundTryStatement, ByRef _tryState As LocalState)
If Me.TrackUnassignments Then
' store original try state
Dim oldTryState As OptionalState = Me._tryState
' start with AllBitsSet (means there were no assignments)
Me._tryState = AllBitsSet()
' visit try block. Any assignment inside the region will UN-assign corresponding bit in the tryState.
MyBase.VisitTryBlock(tryBlock, node, _tryState)
' merge resulting tryState into tryState that we were given.
Me.IntersectWith(_tryState, Me._tryState.Value)
' restore and merge old state with new changes.
If oldTryState.HasValue Then
Dim tryState = Me._tryState.Value
Me.IntersectWith(tryState, oldTryState.Value)
Me._tryState = tryState
Me._tryState = oldTryState
End If
MyBase.VisitTryBlock(tryBlock, node, _tryState)
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub VisitCatchBlock(catchBlock As BoundCatchBlock, ByRef finallyState As LocalState)
If Me.TrackUnassignments Then
Dim oldTryState As OptionalState = Me._tryState
Me._tryState = AllBitsSet()
Me.VisitCatchBlockInternal(catchBlock, finallyState)
Me.IntersectWith(finallyState, Me._tryState.Value)
If oldTryState.HasValue Then
Dim tryState = Me._tryState.Value
Me.IntersectWith(tryState, oldTryState.Value)
Me._tryState = tryState
Me._tryState = oldTryState
End If
Me.VisitCatchBlockInternal(catchBlock, finallyState)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub VisitCatchBlockInternal(catchBlock As BoundCatchBlock, ByRef finallyState As LocalState)
Dim local = catchBlock.LocalOpt
If local IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dim exceptionSource = catchBlock.ExceptionSourceOpt
If exceptionSource IsNot Nothing Then
Assign(exceptionSource, value:=Nothing, assigned:=True)
End If
MyBase.VisitCatchBlock(catchBlock, finallyState)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub VisitFinallyBlock(finallyBlock As BoundStatement, ByRef unsetInFinally As LocalState)
If Me.TrackUnassignments Then
Dim oldTryState As OptionalState = Me._tryState
Me._tryState = AllBitsSet()
MyBase.VisitFinallyBlock(finallyBlock, unsetInFinally)
Me.IntersectWith(unsetInFinally, Me._tryState.Value)
If oldTryState.HasValue Then
Dim tryState = Me._tryState.Value
Me.IntersectWith(tryState, oldTryState.Value)
Me._tryState = tryState
Me._tryState = oldTryState
End If
MyBase.VisitFinallyBlock(finallyBlock, unsetInFinally)
End If
End Sub
#End Region
Protected Overrides Function ReachableState() As LocalState
Return New LocalState(BitVector.Empty)
End Function
Private Sub EnterParameters(parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol))
For Each parameter In parameters
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub EnterParameter(parameter As ParameterSymbol)
' this code has no effect except in the region analysis APIs, which assign
' variable slots to all parameters.
Dim slot As Integer = VariableSlot(parameter)
If slot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then
End If
NoteWrite(parameter, Nothing)
End Sub
Private Sub LeaveParameters(parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol))
If Me.State.Reachable Then
For Each parameter In parameters
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LeaveParameter(parameter As ParameterSymbol)
If parameter.IsByRef Then
Dim slot = VariableSlot(parameter)
If Not Me.State.IsAssigned(slot) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function UnreachableState() As LocalState
' at this point we don't know what size of the bitarray to use, so we only set
' 'reachable' flag which mean 'all bits are set' in intersect/union
Return New LocalState(UnreachableBitsSet)
End Function
Protected Overrides Function AllBitsSet() As LocalState
Dim result = New LocalState(BitVector.AllSet(nextVariableSlot))
Return result
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub VisitLocalInReadWriteContext(node As BoundLocal, rwContext As ReadWriteContext)
MyBase.VisitLocalInReadWriteContext(node, rwContext)
CheckAssigned(node.LocalSymbol, node.Syntax, rwContext)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal) As BoundNode
CheckAssigned(node.LocalSymbol, node.Syntax, ReadWriteContext.None)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariable(node As BoundRangeVariable) As BoundNode
' Sometimes query expressions refer to query range variable just to
' copy its value to a new compound variable. There is no reference
' to the range variable in code and, from user point of view, there is
' no access to it.
If Not node.WasCompilerGenerated Then
CheckAssigned(node.RangeVariable, node.Syntax, ReadWriteContext.None)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
' Should this local variable be considered assigned at first? It is if in the set of initially
' assigned variables, or else the current state is not reachable.
Protected Function ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(variable As LocalSymbol) As Boolean
Return Not Me.State.Reachable OrElse
initiallyAssignedVariables IsNot Nothing AndAlso initiallyAssignedVariables.Contains(variable)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration) As BoundNode
Dim placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase = Nothing
Dim variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned = DeclaredVariableIsAlwaysAssignedBeforeInitializer(node.Syntax.Parent, node.InitializerOpt, placeholder)
Dim local As LocalSymbol = node.LocalSymbol
If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then
SetPlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder, New BoundLocal(node.Syntax, local, local.Type))
End If
' Create a slot for the declared variable to be able to track it.
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(local)
'If initializer is a lambda, we need to treat the local as assigned within the lambda.
Assign(node, node.InitializerOpt,
ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(local) OrElse
variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned OrElse
TreatTheLocalAsAssignedWithinTheLambda(local, node.InitializerOpt))
If node.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing OrElse node.InitializedByAsNew Then
' Assign must be called after the initializer is analyzed, because the variable needs to be
' consider unassigned which the initializer is being analyzed.
End If
AssignLocalOnDeclaration(local, node)
If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Protected Overridable Function TreatTheLocalAsAssignedWithinTheLambda(local As LocalSymbol, right As BoundExpression) As Boolean
Return IsConvertedLambda(right)
End Function
Private Shared Function IsConvertedLambda(value As BoundExpression) As Boolean
If value Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Select Case value.Kind
Case BoundKind.Lambda
Return True
Case BoundKind.Conversion
value = DirectCast(value, BoundConversion).Operand
Case BoundKind.DirectCast
value = DirectCast(value, BoundDirectCast).Operand
Case BoundKind.TryCast
value = DirectCast(value, BoundTryCast).Operand
Case BoundKind.Parenthesized
value = DirectCast(value, BoundParenthesized).Expression
Case Else
Return False
End Select
End Function
Friend Overridable Sub AssignLocalOnDeclaration(local As LocalSymbol, node As BoundLocalDeclaration)
If node.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing OrElse node.InitializedByAsNew Then
Assign(node, node.InitializerOpt)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock) As BoundNode
' Implicitly declared local variables don't have LocalDeclarations nodes for them. Thus,
' we need to create slots for any implicitly declared local variables in this block.
' For flow analysis purposes, we treat an implicit declared local as equivalent to a variable declared at the
' start of the method body (this block) with no initializer.
Dim localVariables = node.Locals
For Each local In localVariables
If local.IsImplicitlyDeclared Then
SetSlotState(GetOrCreateSlot(local), ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(local))
End If
Return MyBase.VisitBlock(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLambda(node As BoundLambda) As BoundNode
Dim oldPending As SavedPending = SavePending()
Dim oldSymbol = Me.symbol
Me.symbol = node.LambdaSymbol
Dim finalState As LocalState = Me.State
Me.SetState(If(finalState.Reachable, finalState.Clone(), Me.AllBitsSet()))
Me.State.Assigned(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = False
Dim save_alreadyReportedFunctionValue = _alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue)
_alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = False
Me.symbol = oldSymbol
_alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = save_alreadyReportedFunctionValue
Me.State.Assigned(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = True
Me.IntersectWith(finalState, Me.State)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryLambda(node As BoundQueryLambda) As BoundNode
Dim oldSymbol = Me.symbol
Me.symbol = node.LambdaSymbol
Dim finalState As LocalState = Me.State.Clone()
Me.symbol = oldSymbol
Me.IntersectWith(finalState, Me.State)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryExpression(node As BoundQueryExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQuerySource(node As BoundQuerySource) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryableSource(node As BoundQueryableSource) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(node As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryClause(node As BoundQueryClause) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAggregateClause(node As BoundAggregateClause) As BoundNode
If node.CapturedGroupOpt IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOrdering(node As BoundOrdering) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariableAssignment(node As BoundRangeVariableAssignment) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference) As BoundNode
CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node.Syntax)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter) As BoundNode
If Not node.WasCompilerGenerated Then
CheckAssigned(node.ParameterSymbol, node.Syntax)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess) As BoundNode
Dim result = MyBase.VisitFieldAccess(node)
If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(node) Then
CheckAssigned(node, node.Syntax, ReadWriteContext.None)
End If
Return result
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub VisitFieldAccessInReadWriteContext(node As BoundFieldAccess, rwContext As ReadWriteContext)
MyBase.VisitFieldAccessInReadWriteContext(node, rwContext)
If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(node) Then
CheckAssigned(node, node.Syntax, rwContext)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function VisitAssignmentOperator(node As BoundAssignmentOperator) As BoundNode
Dim left As BoundExpression = node.Left
'If right expression is a lambda, we need to treat the left side as assigned within the lambda.
Dim treatLocalAsAssigned As Boolean = False
If left.Kind = BoundKind.Local Then
treatLocalAsAssigned = TreatTheLocalAsAssignedWithinTheLambda(
DirectCast(left, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol, node.Right)
End If
If treatLocalAsAssigned Then
Assign(left, node.Right)
End If
If Not treatLocalAsAssigned Then
Assign(left, node.Right)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property SuppressRedimOperandRvalueOnPreserve As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function VisitRedimClause(node As BoundRedimClause) As BoundNode
Assign(node.Operand, Nothing)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitReferenceAssignment(node As BoundReferenceAssignment) As BoundNode
Assign(node.ByRefLocal, node.LValue)
Return Nothing
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub VisitForControlInitialization(node As BoundForToStatement)
Assign(node.ControlVariable, node.InitialValue)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub VisitForControlInitialization(node As BoundForEachStatement)
Assign(node.ControlVariable, Nothing)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub VisitForStatementVariableDeclaration(node As BoundForStatement)
' if the for each statement declared a variable explicitly or by using local type inference we'll
' need to create a new slot for the new variable that is initially unassigned.
If node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt IsNot Nothing Then
Dim slot As Integer = GetOrCreateSlot(node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt) 'not initially assigned
Assign(node, Nothing, ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt))
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithStatement(node As BoundWithStatement) As BoundNode
Me.SetPlaceholderSubstitute(node.ExpressionPlaceholder, node.DraftPlaceholderSubstitute)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUsingStatement(node As BoundUsingStatement) As BoundNode
If node.ResourceList.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then
' only an expression. Let the base class' implementation deal with digging into the expression
Return MyBase.VisitUsingStatement(node)
End If
' all locals are considered initially assigned, even if the initialization expression is missing in source (error case)
For Each variableDeclarations In node.ResourceList
If variableDeclarations.Kind = BoundKind.AsNewLocalDeclarations Then
For Each variableDeclaration In DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations).LocalDeclarations
Dim local = variableDeclaration.LocalSymbol
Dim slot = GetOrCreateSlot(local)
If slot >= 0 Then
NoteWrite(local, Nothing)
End If
Dim local = DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundLocalDeclaration).LocalSymbol
Dim slot = GetOrCreateSlot(local)
If slot >= 0 Then
NoteWrite(local, Nothing)
End If
End If
Dim result = MyBase.VisitUsingStatement(node)
' all locals are being read in the finally block.
For Each variableDeclarations In node.ResourceList
If variableDeclarations.Kind = BoundKind.AsNewLocalDeclarations Then
For Each variableDeclaration In DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations).LocalDeclarations
NoteRead(DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundLocalDeclaration).LocalSymbol)
End If
Return result
End Function
Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property IgnoreOutSemantics As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property
Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub VisitArgument(arg As BoundExpression, p As ParameterSymbol)
Debug.Assert(arg IsNot Nothing)
If p.IsByRef Then
If p.IsOut And Not Me.IgnoreOutSemantics Then
VisitRvalue(arg, rwContext:=ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument)
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub WriteArgument(arg As BoundExpression, isOut As Boolean)
If Not isOut Then
CheckAssignedFromArgumentWrite(arg, arg.Syntax)
End If
Assign(arg, Nothing)
MyBase.WriteArgument(arg, isOut)
End Sub
Protected Sub CheckAssignedFromArgumentWrite(expr As BoundExpression, node As SyntaxNode)
If Not Me.State.Reachable Then
End If
Select Case expr.Kind
Case BoundKind.Local
CheckAssigned(DirectCast(expr, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol, node)
Case BoundKind.Parameter
CheckAssigned(DirectCast(expr, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol, node)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(expr, BoundFieldAccess)
Dim field As FieldSymbol = fieldAccess.FieldSymbol
If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(fieldAccess) Then
CheckAssigned(fieldAccess, node, ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument)
End If
Case BoundKind.EventAccess
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(expr.Kind) ' TODO: is this reachable at all?
Case BoundKind.MeReference,
CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node)
End Select
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub VisitLateBoundArgument(arg As BoundExpression, isByRef As Boolean)
If isByRef Then
VisitRvalue(arg, rwContext:=ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement) As BoundNode
If Not node.IsEndOfMethodReturn Then
' We should mark it as set disregarding whether or not there is an expression; if there
' is no expression, error 30654 will be generated which in Dev10 suppresses this error
SetSlotState(SlotKind.FunctionValue, True)
Dim functionLocal = TryCast(node.ExpressionOpt, BoundLocal)
If functionLocal IsNot Nothing Then
CheckAssignedFunctionValue(functionLocal.LocalSymbol, node.Syntax)
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyBaseReference(node As BoundMyBaseReference) As BoundNode
CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node.Syntax)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference) As BoundNode
CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node.Syntax)
Return Nothing
End Function
''' <summary>
''' A variable declared with As New can be considered assigned before the initializer is executed in case the variable
''' is a value type. The reason is that in this case the initialization happens in place (not in a temporary) and
''' the variable already got the object creation expression assigned.
''' </summary>
Private Function DeclaredVariableIsAlwaysAssignedBeforeInitializer(syntax As SyntaxNode, boundInitializer As BoundExpression,
<Out> ByRef placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase) As Boolean
placeholder = Nothing
If boundInitializer IsNot Nothing AndAlso
(boundInitializer.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression OrElse boundInitializer.Kind = BoundKind.NewT) Then
Dim boundInitializerBase = DirectCast(boundInitializer, BoundObjectCreationExpressionBase).InitializerOpt
If boundInitializerBase IsNot Nothing AndAlso boundInitializerBase.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression Then
Dim objectInitializer = DirectCast(boundInitializerBase, BoundObjectInitializerExpression)
If syntax IsNot Nothing AndAlso syntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator Then
Dim declarator = DirectCast(syntax, VariableDeclaratorSyntax)
If declarator.AsClause IsNot Nothing AndAlso declarator.AsClause.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsNewClause Then
placeholder = objectInitializer.PlaceholderOpt
Return Not objectInitializer.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(node As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations) As BoundNode
Dim placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase = Nothing
Dim variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned =
DeclaredVariableIsAlwaysAssignedBeforeInitializer(node.Syntax, node.Initializer, placeholder)
Dim declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration) = node.LocalDeclarations
If declarations.IsEmpty Then
Return Nothing
End If
' An initializer might access the declared variables in the initializer and therefore need to create a slot to
' track them
For Each localDeclaration In declarations
' NOTE: in case 'variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned' is set it must be
' Dim a[, b, ...] As New Struct(...) With { ... }.
' In this case Roslyn (following Dev10/Dev11) consecutively calls constructors
' and executes initializers for all declared variables. Thus, when the first
' initializer is being executed, all other locals are not assigned yet.
' This behavior is emulated below by assigning the first local and visiting
' the initializer before assigning all the other locals. We don't really need
' to revisit initializer after because all errors/warnings will be property
' reported in the first visit.
Dim localToUseAsSubstitute As LocalSymbol = CreateLocalSymbolForVariables(declarations)
' process the first local declaration once
Dim localDecl As BoundLocalDeclaration = declarations(0)
' A valuetype variable declared with AsNew and initialized by an object initializer is considered
' assigned when visiting the initializer, because the initialization happens inplace and the
' variable already got the object creation expression assigned (this assignment will be created
' in the local rewriter).
Assign(localDecl, node.Initializer, ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(localDecl.LocalSymbol) OrElse variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned)
' if needed, replace the placeholders with the bound local for the current declared variable.
If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then
Me.SetPlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder, New BoundLocal(localDecl.Syntax, localToUseAsSubstitute, localToUseAsSubstitute.Type))
End If
Visit(localDecl) ' TODO: do we really need that?
' Visit all other declarations
For index = 1 To declarations.Length - 1
localDecl = declarations(index)
' A valuetype variable declared with AsNew and initialized by an object initializer is considered
' assigned when visiting the initializer, because the initialization happens inplace and the
' variable already got the object creation expression assigned (this assignment will be created
'in the local rewriter).
Assign(localDecl, node.Initializer, ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(localDecl.LocalSymbol) OrElse variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned)
Visit(localDecl) ' TODO: do we really need that?
' We also need to mark all
If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Protected Overridable Function CreateLocalSymbolForVariables(declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration)) As LocalSymbol
Debug.Assert(declarations.Length > 0)
Return declarations(0).LocalSymbol
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub VisitObjectCreationExpressionInitializer(node As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)
Dim resetPlaceholder As Boolean = node IsNot Nothing AndAlso
node.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression AndAlso
DirectCast(node, BoundObjectInitializerExpression).CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization
If resetPlaceholder Then
Me.SetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundObjectInitializerExpression).PlaceholderOpt, Nothing) ' Override substitute
End If
If resetPlaceholder Then
Me.RemovePlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundObjectInitializerExpression).PlaceholderOpt)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function VisitOnErrorStatement(node As BoundOnErrorStatement) As BoundNode
_seenOnErrorOrResume = True
Return MyBase.VisitOnErrorStatement(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitResumeStatement(node As BoundResumeStatement) As BoundNode
_seenOnErrorOrResume = True
Return MyBase.VisitResumeStatement(node)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace