// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGeneration;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ImplementType;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using DeclarationModifiers = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Editing.DeclarationModifiers;
using DeclarationModifiers = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing.DeclarationModifiers;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ImplementInterface;
using static ImplementHelpers;
internal abstract partial class AbstractImplementInterfaceService
private sealed partial class ImplementInterfaceGenerator
private readonly Document Document;
private readonly AbstractImplementInterfaceService Service;
private readonly IImplementInterfaceInfo State;
private readonly ImplementTypeOptions Options;
private readonly ImplementInterfaceConfiguration Configuration;
private bool Explicitly => Configuration.Explicitly;
private bool Abstractly => Configuration.Abstractly;
private bool OnlyRemaining => Configuration.OnlyRemaining;
private bool ImplementDisposePattern => Configuration.ImplementDisposePattern;
private ISymbol? ThroughMember => Configuration.ThroughMember;
internal ImplementInterfaceGenerator(
AbstractImplementInterfaceService service,
Document document,
IImplementInterfaceInfo state,
ImplementTypeOptions options,
ImplementInterfaceConfiguration configuration)
Service = service;
Document = document;
State = state;
Options = options;
Configuration = configuration;
public Task<Document> ImplementInterfaceAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var unimplementedMembers = Explicitly
? OnlyRemaining
? State.MembersWithoutExplicitOrImplicitImplementation
: State.MembersWithoutExplicitImplementation
: State.MembersWithoutExplicitOrImplicitImplementationWhichCanBeImplicitlyImplemented;
return ImplementDisposePattern
? ImplementDisposePatternAsync(unimplementedMembers, cancellationToken)
: ImplementInterfaceAsync(unimplementedMembers, extraMembers: [], cancellationToken);
private async Task<Document> ImplementInterfaceAsync(
ImmutableArray<(INamedTypeSymbol type, ImmutableArray<ISymbol> members)> unimplementedMembers,
ImmutableArray<ISymbol> extraMembers,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var tree = await this.Document.GetRequiredSyntaxTreeAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var compilation = await this.Document.Project.GetRequiredCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var isComImport = unimplementedMembers.Any(static t => t.type.IsComImport);
var memberDefinitions = GenerateMembers(
compilation, tree.Options, unimplementedMembers, Options.PropertyGenerationBehavior);
// Only group the members in the destination if the user wants that *and*
// it's not a ComImport interface. Member ordering in ComImport interfaces
// matters, so we don't want to much with them.
var groupMembers = !isComImport &&
Options.InsertionBehavior == ImplementTypeInsertionBehavior.WithOtherMembersOfTheSameKind;
return await CodeGenerator.AddMemberDeclarationsAsync(
new CodeGenerationSolutionContext(
new CodeGenerationContext(
contextLocation: State.ClassOrStructDecl.GetLocation(),
autoInsertionLocation: groupMembers,
sortMembers: groupMembers)),
private ImmutableArray<ISymbol> GenerateMembers(
Compilation compilation,
ParseOptions options,
ImmutableArray<(INamedTypeSymbol type, ImmutableArray<ISymbol> members)> unimplementedMembers,
ImplementTypePropertyGenerationBehavior propertyGenerationBehavior)
// As we go along generating members we may end up with conflicts. For example, say
// you have "interface IGoo { string Bar { get; } }" and "interface IQuux { int Bar
// { get; } }" and we need to implement both 'Bar' methods. The second will have to
// be explicitly implemented as it will conflict with the first. So we need to keep
// track of what we've actually implemented so that we can check further interface
// members against both the actual type and that list.
// Similarly, if you have two interfaces with the same member, then we don't want to
// implement that member twice.
// Note: if we implement a method explicitly then we do *not* add it to this list.
// That's because later members won't conflict with it even if they have the same
// signature otherwise. i.e. if we chose to implement IGoo.Bar explicitly, then we
// could implement IQuux.Bar implicitly (and vice versa).
using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<ISymbol>.GetInstance(out var implementedVisibleMembers);
using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<ISymbol>.GetInstance(out var implementedMembers);
foreach (var (_, unimplementedInterfaceMembers) in unimplementedMembers)
foreach (var unimplementedInterfaceMember in unimplementedInterfaceMembers)
var members = GenerateMembers(
compilation, options,
unimplementedInterfaceMember, implementedVisibleMembers,
foreach (var member in members)
if (member is null)
if (!(member.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations().Any() && Service.HasHiddenExplicitImplementation))
return implementedMembers.ToImmutableAndClear();
private bool IsReservedName(string name)
IdentifiersMatch(State.ClassOrStructType.Name, name) ||
State.ClassOrStructType.TypeParameters.Any(static (t, arg) => arg.self.IdentifiersMatch(t.Name, arg.name), (self: this, name));
private string DetermineMemberName(ISymbol member, ArrayBuilder<ISymbol> implementedVisibleMembers)
if (HasConflictingMember(member, implementedVisibleMembers))
var memberNames = State.ClassOrStructType.GetAccessibleMembersInThisAndBaseTypes<ISymbol>(State.ClassOrStructType).Select(m => m.Name);
return NameGenerator.GenerateUniqueName(
string.Format("{0}_{1}", member.ContainingType.Name, member.Name),
n => !memberNames.Contains(n) &&
!implementedVisibleMembers.Any(m => IdentifiersMatch(m.Name, n)) &&
return member.Name;
private IEnumerable<ISymbol?> GenerateMembers(
Compilation compilation,
ParseOptions options,
ISymbol member,
ArrayBuilder<ISymbol> implementedVisibleMembers,
ImplementTypePropertyGenerationBehavior propertyGenerationBehavior)
// First check if we already generate a member that matches the member we want to
// generate. This can happen in C# when you have interfaces that have the same
// method, and you are implementing implicitly. For example:
// interface IGoo { void Goo(); }
// interface IBar : IGoo { new void Goo(); }
// class C : IBar
// In this case we only want to generate 'Goo' once.
if (HasMatchingMember(implementedVisibleMembers, member))
return [];
var memberName = DetermineMemberName(member, implementedVisibleMembers);
// See if we need to generate an invisible member. If we do, then reset the name
// back to what then member wants it to be.
var generateInvisibleMember = ShouldGenerateInvisibleMember(options, member, memberName);
memberName = generateInvisibleMember ? member.Name : memberName;
// The language doesn't allow static abstract implementations of interface methods. i.e,
// Only interface member is declared abstract static, but implementation should be only static.
var generateAbstractly = !member.IsStatic && !generateInvisibleMember && Abstractly;
// Check if we need to add 'new' to the signature we're adding. We only need to do this
// if we're not generating something explicit and we have a naming conflict with
// something in our base class hierarchy.
var addNew = !generateInvisibleMember && HasNameConflict(member, memberName, State.ClassOrStructType.GetBaseTypes());
// Check if we need to add 'unsafe' to the signature we're generating.
var syntaxFacts = Document.GetRequiredLanguageService<ISyntaxFactsService>();
var addUnsafe = member.RequiresUnsafeModifier() && !syntaxFacts.IsUnsafeContext(State.InterfaceNode);
return GenerateMembers(
compilation, member, memberName, generateInvisibleMember, generateAbstractly,
addNew, addUnsafe, propertyGenerationBehavior);
private bool ShouldGenerateInvisibleMember(ParseOptions options, ISymbol member, string memberName)
if (Service.HasHiddenExplicitImplementation)
// User asked for an explicit (i.e. invisible) member.
if (Explicitly)
return true;
// Have to create an invisible member if we have constraints we can't express
// with a visible member.
if (HasUnexpressibleConstraint(options, member))
return true;
// If we had a conflict with a member of the same name, then we have to generate
// as an invisible member.
if (member.Name != memberName)
return true;
// If the member is less accessible than type, for which we are implementing it,
// then only explicit implementation is valid.
if (IsLessAccessibleThan(member, State.ClassOrStructType))
return true;
// Can't generate an invisible member if the language doesn't support it.
return false;
private bool HasUnexpressibleConstraint(ParseOptions options, ISymbol member)
// interface IGoo<T> { void Bar<U>() where U : T; }
// class A : IGoo<int> { }
// In this case we cannot generate an implement method for Bar. That's because we'd
// need to say "where U : int" and that's disallowed by the language. So we must
// generate something explicit here.
if (member is not IMethodSymbol method)
return false;
var allowDelegateAndEnumConstraints = this.Service.AllowDelegateAndEnumConstraints(options);
return method.TypeParameters.Any(t => IsUnexpressibleTypeParameter(t, allowDelegateAndEnumConstraints));
private static bool IsUnexpressibleTypeParameter(
ITypeParameterSymbol typeParameter,
bool allowDelegateAndEnumConstraints)
var condition1 = typeParameter.ConstraintTypes.Count(t => t.TypeKind == TypeKind.Class) >= 2;
var condition2 = typeParameter.ConstraintTypes.Any(static (ts, allowDelegateAndEnumConstraints) => ts.IsUnexpressibleTypeParameterConstraint(allowDelegateAndEnumConstraints), allowDelegateAndEnumConstraints);
var condition3 = typeParameter.HasReferenceTypeConstraint && typeParameter.ConstraintTypes.Any(static ts => ts.IsReferenceType && ts.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Object);
return condition1 || condition2 || condition3;
private IEnumerable<ISymbol?> GenerateMembers(
Compilation compilation,
ISymbol member,
string memberName,
bool generateInvisibly,
bool generateAbstractly,
bool addNew,
bool addUnsafe,
ImplementTypePropertyGenerationBehavior propertyGenerationBehavior)
var factory = Document.GetRequiredLanguageService<SyntaxGenerator>();
var modifiers = new DeclarationModifiers(isStatic: member.IsStatic, isAbstract: generateAbstractly, isNew: addNew, isUnsafe: addUnsafe);
var useExplicitInterfaceSymbol = generateInvisibly || !Service.CanImplementImplicitly;
var accessibility = member.Name == memberName || generateAbstractly
? Accessibility.Public
: Accessibility.Private;
if (member is IMethodSymbol method)
yield return GenerateMethod(compilation, method, accessibility, modifiers, generateAbstractly, useExplicitInterfaceSymbol, memberName);
else if (member is IPropertySymbol property)
foreach (var generated in GeneratePropertyMembers(compilation, property, accessibility, modifiers, generateAbstractly, useExplicitInterfaceSymbol, memberName, propertyGenerationBehavior))
yield return generated;
else if (member is IEventSymbol @event)
yield return GenerateEvent(compilation, memberName, generateInvisibly, factory, modifiers, useExplicitInterfaceSymbol, accessibility, @event);
private ISymbol GenerateEvent(Compilation compilation, string memberName, bool generateInvisibly, SyntaxGenerator factory, DeclarationModifiers modifiers, bool useExplicitInterfaceSymbol, Accessibility accessibility, IEventSymbol @event)
var accessor = CodeGenerationSymbolFactory.CreateAccessorSymbol(
attributes: default,
accessibility: Accessibility.NotApplicable,
statements: factory.CreateThrowNotImplementedStatementBlock(compilation));
return CodeGenerationSymbolFactory.CreateEventSymbol(
accessibility: accessibility,
modifiers: modifiers,
explicitInterfaceImplementations: useExplicitInterfaceSymbol ? [@event] : default,
name: memberName,
addMethod: GetAddOrRemoveMethod(@event, generateInvisibly, accessor, memberName, factory.AddEventHandler),
removeMethod: GetAddOrRemoveMethod(@event, generateInvisibly, accessor, memberName, factory.RemoveEventHandler));
private IMethodSymbol? GetAddOrRemoveMethod(
IEventSymbol @event, bool generateInvisibly, IMethodSymbol accessor, string memberName,
Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode> createAddOrRemoveHandler)
if (ThroughMember != null)
var generator = Document.GetRequiredLanguageService<SyntaxGenerator>();
var throughExpression = generator.CreateDelegateThroughExpression(@event, ThroughMember);
var statement = generator.ExpressionStatement(createAddOrRemoveHandler(
generator.MemberAccessExpression(throughExpression, memberName), generator.IdentifierName("value")));
return CodeGenerationSymbolFactory.CreateAccessorSymbol(
attributes: default,
accessibility: Accessibility.NotApplicable,
statements: [statement]);
return generateInvisibly ? accessor : null;
private bool HasNameConflict(
ISymbol member,
string memberName,
IEnumerable<INamedTypeSymbol> baseTypes)
// There's a naming conflict if any member in the base types chain is accessible to
// us, has our name. Note: a simple name won't conflict with a generic name (and
// vice versa). A method only conflicts with another method if they have the same
// parameter signature (return type is irrelevant).
baseTypes.Any(ts => ts.GetMembers(memberName)
.Where(m => m.IsAccessibleWithin(State.ClassOrStructType))
.Any(m => HasNameConflict(member, m)));
private static bool HasNameConflict(ISymbol member, ISymbol baseMember)
if (member is IMethodSymbol method1 && baseMember is IMethodSymbol method2)
// A method only conflicts with another method if they have the same parameter
// signature (return type is irrelevant).
return method1.MethodKind == MethodKind.Ordinary &&
method2.MethodKind == MethodKind.Ordinary &&
method1.TypeParameters.Length == method2.TypeParameters.Length &&
method1.Parameters.SequenceEqual(method2.Parameters, SymbolEquivalenceComparer.Instance.ParameterEquivalenceComparer);
// Any non method members with the same name simple name conflict.
return true;
private bool IdentifiersMatch(string identifier1, string identifier2)
=> IsCaseSensitive
? identifier1 == identifier2
: StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(identifier1, identifier2);
private bool IsCaseSensitive => Document.GetRequiredLanguageService<ISyntaxFactsService>().IsCaseSensitive;
private bool HasMatchingMember(ArrayBuilder<ISymbol> implementedVisibleMembers, ISymbol member)
// If this is a language that doesn't support implicit implementation then no
// implemented members will ever match. For example, if you have:
// Interface IGoo : sub Goo() : End Interface
// Interface IBar : Inherits IGoo : Shadows Sub Goo() : End Interface
// Class C : Implements IBar
// We'll first end up generating:
// Public Sub Goo() Implements IGoo.Goo
// However, that same method won't be viable for IBar.Goo (unlike C#) because it
// explicitly specifies its interface).
if (!Service.CanImplementImplicitly)
return false;
return implementedVisibleMembers.Any(m => MembersMatch(m, member));
private bool MembersMatch(ISymbol member1, ISymbol member2)
if (member1.Kind != member2.Kind)
return false;
if (member1.DeclaredAccessibility != member2.DeclaredAccessibility ||
member1.IsStatic != member2.IsStatic)
return false;
if (member1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations().Any() || member2.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations().Any())
return false;
return SignatureComparer.Instance.HaveSameSignatureAndConstraintsAndReturnTypeAndAccessors(
member1, member2, IsCaseSensitive);