1 instantiation of SourceSpan
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (1)
EditAndContinue\Utilities\Extensions.cs (1)
34=> new(span.Start.Line, span.Start.Character, span.End.Line, span.End.Character);
18 references to SourceSpan
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (18)
Contracts\EditAndContinue\ManagedActiveStatementDebugInfo.cs (3)
22SourceSpan sourceSpan, 40/// or default(<see cref="SourceSpan"/>) if the debugger can't determine the location of the active statement. 43public SourceSpan SourceSpan { get; } = sourceSpan;
Contracts\EditAndContinue\ManagedActiveStatementUpdate.cs (2)
22SourceSpan newSpan) 42public SourceSpan NewSpan { get; } = newSpan;
Contracts\EditAndContinue\ManagedExceptionRegionUpdate.cs (2)
21SourceSpan newSpan) 52public SourceSpan NewSpan { get; } = newSpan;
Contracts\EditAndContinue\ManagedHotReloadDiagnostic.cs (2)
26SourceSpan span) 57public SourceSpan Span { get; } = span;
Contracts\EditAndContinue\SourceSpan.cs (7)
17internal readonly struct SourceSpan : IEquatable<SourceSpan> 81public bool Equals(SourceSpan other) 89public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is SourceSpan span && Equals(span); 99public static bool operator ==(SourceSpan left, SourceSpan right) => left.Equals(right); 101public static bool operator !=(SourceSpan left, SourceSpan right) => !(left == right);
EditAndContinue\Utilities\Extensions.cs (2)
30public static LinePositionSpan ToLinePositionSpan(this SourceSpan span) 33public static SourceSpan ToSourceSpan(this LinePositionSpan span)