// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Contracts.EditAndContinue;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditAndContinue.UnitTests
using static ActiveStatementTestHelpers;
public class ActiveStatementsMapTests
[InlineData(/*span*/ 3, 0, 5, 2, /*expected*/ 0, 4)]
[InlineData(/*span*/ 2, 0, 3, 1, /*expected*/ 0, 1)]
[InlineData(/*span*/ 19, 1, 19, 100, /*expected*/ 0, 0)]
[InlineData(/*span*/ 20, 1, 20, 2, /*expected*/ 0, 0)]
[InlineData(/*span*/ 0, 0, 100, 0, /*expected*/ 0, 6)]
public void GetSpansStartingInSpan1(int sl, int sc, int el, int ec, int s, int e)
var span = new LinePositionSpan(new(sl, sc), new(el, ec));
var array = ImmutableArray.Create(
new LinePositionSpan(new(3, 0), new(3, 1)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(3, 5), new(3, 6)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(4, 4), new(4, 18)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(5, 1), new(5, 2)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(5, 2), new(5, 8)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(19, 0), new(19, 42)));
Assert.Equal(new Range(s, e), ActiveStatementsMap.GetSpansStartingInSpan(span.Start, span.End, array, startPositionComparer: (x, y) => x.Start.CompareTo(y)));
public void GetSpansStartingInSpan2()
var span = TextSpan.FromBounds(8, 11);
var array = ImmutableArray.Create(
TextSpan.FromBounds(1, 6), // does not overlap
TextSpan.FromBounds(3, 9), // overlaps
TextSpan.FromBounds(4, 5), // does not overlap
TextSpan.FromBounds(6, 7), // does not overlap
TextSpan.FromBounds(7, 9), // overlaps
TextSpan.FromBounds(10, 12), // overlaps
TextSpan.FromBounds(13, 15)); // does not overlap
// only one span has start position within the span:
Assert.Equal(new Range(5, 6), ActiveStatementsMap.GetSpansStartingInSpan(span.Start, span.End, array, startPositionComparer: (x, y) => x.Start.CompareTo(y)));
[InlineData(/*span*/ 5, 1, 5, 2, /*expected*/ 0, 2)]
[InlineData(/*span*/ 5, 1, 5, 8, /*expected*/ 0, 2)]
public void GetSpansStartingInSpan_MultipleSameStart1(int sl, int sc, int el, int ec, int s, int e)
var span = new LinePositionSpan(new(sl, sc), new(el, ec));
var array = ImmutableArray.Create(
new LinePositionSpan(new(5, 1), new(5, 2)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(5, 1), new(5, 8)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(6, 4), new(6, 18)));
Assert.Equal(new Range(s, e), ActiveStatementsMap.GetSpansStartingInSpan(span.Start, span.End, array, startPositionComparer: (x, y) => x.Start.CompareTo(y)));
[InlineData(/*span*/ 5, 1, 5, 2, /*expected*/ 0, 3)]
public void GetSpansStartingInSpan_MultipleSameStart2(int sl, int sc, int el, int ec, int s, int e)
var span = new LinePositionSpan(new(sl, sc), new(el, ec));
var array = ImmutableArray.Create(
new LinePositionSpan(new(5, 1), new(5, 2)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(5, 1), new(5, 3)),
new LinePositionSpan(new(5, 1), new(5, 8)));
Assert.Equal(new Range(s, e), ActiveStatementsMap.GetSpansStartingInSpan(span.Start, span.End, array, startPositionComparer: (x, y) => x.Start.CompareTo(y)));
public async Task Ordering()
using var workspace = new TestWorkspace(composition: FeaturesTestCompositions.Features);
var source = @"
class C
void F()
#line 2 ""x""
#line 1 ""x""
#line 5 ""x""
#line default
var solution = workspace.CurrentSolution
.AddProject("proj", "proj", LanguageNames.CSharp)
.AddDocument("doc", SourceText.From(source, Encoding.UTF8), filePath: "a.cs").Project.Solution;
var project = solution.Projects.Single();
var document = project.Documents.Single();
var analyzer = project.Services.GetRequiredService<IEditAndContinueAnalyzer>();
var documentPathMap = new Dictionary<string, ImmutableArray<ActiveStatement>>();
var moduleId = Guid.NewGuid();
var token = 0x06000001;
ManagedActiveStatementDebugInfo CreateInfo(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, string fileName)
=> new(new(new(moduleId, token++, version: 1), ilOffset: 0), fileName, new SourceSpan(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn), ActiveStatementFlags.MethodUpToDate);
var debugInfos = ImmutableArray.Create(
CreateInfo(3, 0, 3, 4, "x"),
CreateInfo(6, 0, 6, 4, "x"),
CreateInfo(4, 0, 4, 4, "x"),
CreateInfo(2, 0, 2, 4, "x"),
CreateInfo(5, 0, 5, 4, "x"),
CreateInfo(0, 0, 0, 4, "x"),
CreateInfo(1, 0, 1, 4, "x")
var map = ActiveStatementsMap.Create(debugInfos, remapping: ImmutableDictionary<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>>.Empty);
var oldSpans = await map.GetOldActiveStatementsAsync(analyzer, document, CancellationToken.None);
"[48..52) -> (1,0)-(1,4) #6",
"[55..59) -> (2,0)-(2,4) #3",
"[62..66) -> (3,0)-(3,4) #0",
"[86..90) -> (0,0)-(0,4) #5",
"[120..124) -> (4,0)-(4,4) #2",
"[127..131) -> (5,0)-(5,4) #4",
"[134..138) -> (6,0)-(6,4) #1"
], oldSpans.Select(s => $"{s.UnmappedSpan} -> {s.Statement.Span} #{s.Statement.Id.Ordinal}"));
public async Task InvalidActiveStatements()
using var workspace = new TestWorkspace(composition: FeaturesTestCompositions.Features);
var source = @"
class C
void F()
var solution = workspace.CurrentSolution
.AddProject("proj", "proj", LanguageNames.CSharp)
.AddDocument("doc", SourceText.From(source, Encoding.UTF8), filePath: "a.cs").Project.Solution;
var project = solution.Projects.Single();
var document = project.Documents.Single();
var analyzer = project.Services.GetRequiredService<IEditAndContinueAnalyzer>();
var documentPathMap = new Dictionary<string, ImmutableArray<ActiveStatement>>();
var moduleId = Guid.NewGuid();
var token = 0x06000001;
ManagedActiveStatementDebugInfo CreateInfo(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, string fileName)
=> new(new(new(moduleId, token++, version: 1), ilOffset: 0), fileName, new SourceSpan(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn), ActiveStatementFlags.MethodUpToDate);
// Create a bad active span that is outside the document, but passes the `TryGetTextSpan` check in ActiveStatementMap
var debugInfos = ImmutableArray.Create(
CreateInfo(7, 9, 7, 10, "a.cs")
var map = ActiveStatementsMap.Create(debugInfos, remapping: ImmutableDictionary<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>>.Empty);
var oldSpans = await map.GetOldActiveStatementsAsync(analyzer, document, CancellationToken.None);
public void ExpandMultiLineSpan()
using var workspace = new TestWorkspace(composition: FeaturesTestCompositions.Features);
var source = @"
using System;
class C
void F()
G(x => x switch
_ => 0,
static void G(Func<int, int> a)
var solution = workspace.CurrentSolution
.AddProject("proj", "proj", LanguageNames.CSharp)
.AddDocument("doc", SourceText.From(source, Encoding.UTF8), filePath: "a.cs").Project.Solution;
var project = solution.Projects.Single();
var document = project.Documents.Single();
var analyzer = project.Services.GetRequiredService<IEditAndContinueAnalyzer>();
var documentPathMap = new Dictionary<string, ImmutableArray<ActiveStatement>>();
var moduleId = Guid.NewGuid();
var token = 0x06000001;
ManagedActiveStatementDebugInfo CreateInfo(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
=> new(new(new(moduleId, token++, version: 1), ilOffset: 0), "a.cs", new SourceSpan(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn), ActiveStatementFlags.NonLeafFrame);
var debugInfos = ImmutableArray.Create(
CreateInfo(9, 17, 9, 18), // 0
CreateInfo(7, 16, 10, 9), // x switch { ... }
CreateInfo(15, 8, 15, 13) // a()
var remapping = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>>();
CreateRegion(0, Span(9, 17, 9, 18), Span(9, 17, 9, 18)); // Current active statement doesn't move
CreateRegion(1, Span(7, 16, 10, 9), Span(7, 16, 15, 9)); // Insert 5 lines inside the switch
CreateRegion(2, Span(15, 8, 15, 13), Span(20, 8, 20, 13)); // a() call moves down 5 lines
var map = ActiveStatementsMap.Create(debugInfos, remapping.ToImmutable());
], map.DocumentPathMap["a.cs"].OrderBy(s => s.Span.Start.Line).Select(s => $"{s.Span}"));
void CreateRegion(int ordinal, SourceFileSpan oldSpan, SourceFileSpan newSpan)
=> remapping.Add(debugInfos[ordinal].ActiveInstruction.Method, [new NonRemappableRegion(oldSpan, newSpan, isExceptionRegion: false)]);
SourceFileSpan Span(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
=> new("a.cs", new(new(startLine, startColumn), new(endLine, endColumn)));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public void NonRemappableRegionOrdering(bool reverse)
var source1 =
@"class C
static void M()
var unmappedActiveStatements = GetUnmappedActiveStatementsCSharp(
flags: [ActiveStatementFlags.LeafFrame]);
var debugInfos = ActiveStatementsDescription.GetActiveStatementDebugInfos(
methodRowIds: [1],
methodVersions: [1],
ilOffsets: [1]);
var exceptionRegions = unmappedActiveStatements[0].ExceptionRegions;
// Emulate move of the catch block by +3 lines while the active statement remains in the same line.
var mapping1 = new NonRemappableRegion(oldSpan: exceptionRegions.Spans[0], newSpan: exceptionRegions.Spans[0].AddLineDelta(+3), isExceptionRegion: true);
var mapping2 = new NonRemappableRegion(oldSpan: unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.FileSpan, newSpan: unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.FileSpan, isExceptionRegion: false);
// The order should not matter.
var remapping = ImmutableDictionary<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>>.Empty.Add(
reverse ? [mapping1, mapping2] : [mapping2, mapping1]);
var map = ActiveStatementsMap.Create(debugInfos, remapping);
var activeStatement = map.DocumentPathMap[unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.FilePath][0];
// Span shouldn't be mapped because the only non-remappable region mapping is an exception region, not an active statement:
Assert.Equal(unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.Span, activeStatement.FileSpan.Span);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public void SubSpan(bool reverse)
var source1 =
@"class C
static void M()
<AS:0>var x = y switch { 1 => 0, _ => <AS:1>1</AS:1> };</AS:0>
var unmappedActiveStatements = GetUnmappedActiveStatementsCSharp(
flags: [ActiveStatementFlags.LeafFrame, ActiveStatementFlags.LeafFrame]);
var debugInfos = ActiveStatementsDescription.GetActiveStatementDebugInfos(
methodRowIds: [1, 1],
methodVersions: [1, 1],
ilOffsets: [1, 10]);
// Emulate move of both active statements by +1 line.
var mapping1 = new NonRemappableRegion(oldSpan: unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.FileSpan, newSpan: unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.FileSpan.AddLineDelta(+1), isExceptionRegion: false);
var mapping2 = new NonRemappableRegion(oldSpan: unmappedActiveStatements[1].Statement.FileSpan, newSpan: unmappedActiveStatements[1].Statement.FileSpan.AddLineDelta(+1), isExceptionRegion: false);
// The order should not matter.
var remapping = ImmutableDictionary<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>>.Empty.Add(
reverse ? [mapping1, mapping2] : [mapping2, mapping1]);
var map = ActiveStatementsMap.Create(debugInfos, remapping);
var newActiveStatements = map.DocumentPathMap[unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.FilePath];
// Span shouldn't be mapped because the only non-remappable region mapping is an exception region, not an active statement:
Assert.Equal(unmappedActiveStatements[0].Statement.Span.AddLineDelta(+1), newActiveStatements[0].FileSpan.Span);
Assert.Equal(unmappedActiveStatements[1].Statement.Span.AddLineDelta(+1), newActiveStatements[1].FileSpan.Span);