1 write to Kind
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (1)
EditAndContinue\SemanticEditInfo.cs (1)
51Kind = kind;
12 references to Kind
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (12)
EditAndContinue\EditSession.cs (8)
694if (edit.Kind is SemanticEditKind.Update or SemanticEditKind.Delete) 705if (edit.Kind is SemanticEditKind.Update or SemanticEditKind.Insert or SemanticEditKind.Replace) 710else if (edit.Kind == SemanticEditKind.Delete && edit.DeletedSymbolContainer is not null) 732if (edit.Kind == SemanticEditKind.Insert) 739edit.Kind, 761.Where(edit => edit is { PartialType: not null, Kind: SemanticEditKind.Update }) 798var syntaxMaps = (edit.Kind == SemanticEditKind.Update) ? mergedUpdateEditSyntaxMaps[edit.PartialType.Value] : default; 799mergedEditsBuilder.Add(new SemanticEdit(edit.Kind, oldSymbol, newSymbol, syntaxMaps.matchingNodes, syntaxMaps.runtimeRudeEdits));
EditAndContinue\SemanticEditInfo.cs (4)
97/// If <see cref="Kind"/> is <see cref="SemanticEditKind.Insert"/> represents the inserted symbol in the new compilation. 98/// If <see cref="Kind"/> is <see cref="SemanticEditKind.Update"/> represents the updated symbol in both compilations. 99/// If <see cref="Kind"/> is <see cref="SemanticEditKind.Delete"/> represents the deleted symbol in the old compilation. 108/// If <see cref="Kind"/> is <see cref="SemanticEditKind.Delete"/> represents the containing symbol in the new compilation.