File: EditAndContinue\EditSession.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Features\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Contracts.EditAndContinue;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditAndContinue;
internal sealed class EditSession
    internal readonly DebuggingSession DebuggingSession;
    internal readonly EditSessionTelemetry Telemetry;
    // Maps active statement instructions reported by the debugger to their latest spans that might not yet have been applied
    // (remapping not triggered yet). Consumed by the next edit session and updated when changes are committed at the end of the edit session.
    // Consider a function F containing a call to function G. While G is being executed, F is updated a couple of times (in two edit sessions)
    // before the thread returns from G and is remapped to the latest version of F. At the start of the second edit session,
    // the active instruction reported by the debugger is still at the original location since function F has not been remapped yet (G has not returned yet).
    // '>' indicates an active statement instruction for non-leaf frame reported by the debugger.
    // v1 - before first edit, G executing
    // v2 - after first edit, G still executing
    // v3 - after second edit and G returned
    // F v1:        F v2:       F v3:
    // 0: nop       0: nop      0: nop
    // 1> G()       1> nop      1: nop
    // 2: nop       2: G()      2: nop
    // 3: nop       3: nop      3> G()
    // When entering a break state we query the debugger for current active statements.
    // The returned statements reflect the current state of the threads in the runtime.
    // When a change is successfully applied we remember changes in active statement spans.
    // These changes are passed to the next edit session.
    // We use them to map the spans for active statements returned by the debugger.
    // In the above case the sequence of events is
    // 1st break: get active statements returns (F, v=1, il=1, span1) the active statement is up-to-date
    // 1st apply: detected span change for active statement (F, v=1, il=1): span1->span2
    // 2nd break: previously updated statements contains (F, v=1, il=1)->span2
    //            get active statements returns (F, v=1, il=1, span1) which is mapped to (F, v=1, il=1, span2) using previously updated statements
    // 2nd apply: detected span change for active statement (F, v=1, il=1): span2->span3
    // 3rd break: previously updated statements contains (F, v=1, il=1)->span3
    //            get active statements returns (F, v=3, il=3, span3) the active statement is up-to-date
    internal readonly ImmutableDictionary<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>> NonRemappableRegions;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the capabilities of the runtime with respect to applying code changes.
    /// Retrieved lazily from <see cref="DebuggingSession.DebuggerService"/> since they are only needed when changes are detected in the solution.
    /// </summary>
    internal readonly AsyncLazy<EditAndContinueCapabilities> Capabilities;
    /// <summary>
    /// Map of base active statements.
    /// Calculated lazily based on info retrieved from <see cref="DebuggingSession.DebuggerService"/> since it is only needed when changes are detected in the solution.
    /// </summary>
    internal readonly AsyncLazy<ActiveStatementsMap> BaseActiveStatements;
    /// <summary>
    /// Cache of document EnC analyses.
    /// </summary>
    internal readonly EditAndContinueDocumentAnalysesCache Analyses;
    /// <summary>
    /// True for Edit and Continue edit sessions - when the application is in break state.
    /// False for Hot Reload edit sessions - when the application is running.
    /// </summary>
    internal readonly bool InBreakState;
    internal EditSession(
        DebuggingSession debuggingSession,
        ImmutableDictionary<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>> nonRemappableRegions,
        EditSessionTelemetry telemetry,
        AsyncLazy<ActiveStatementsMap>? lazyActiveStatementMap,
        bool inBreakState)
        DebuggingSession = debuggingSession;
        NonRemappableRegions = nonRemappableRegions;
        Telemetry = telemetry;
        InBreakState = inBreakState;
        BaseActiveStatements = lazyActiveStatementMap ?? (inBreakState
            ? AsyncLazy.Create(static (self, cancellationToken) =>
                arg: this)
            : AsyncLazy.Create(ActiveStatementsMap.Empty));
        Capabilities = AsyncLazy.Create(static (self, cancellationToken) =>
            arg: this);
        Analyses = new EditAndContinueDocumentAnalysesCache(BaseActiveStatements, Capabilities, debuggingSession.AnalysisLog);
    public TraceLog Log
        => DebuggingSession.SessionLog;
    /// <summary>
    /// The compiler has various scenarios that will cause it to synthesize things that might not be covered
    /// by existing rude edits, but we still need to ensure the runtime supports them before we proceed.
    /// </summary>
    private async Task<Diagnostic?> GetUnsupportedChangesDiagnosticAsync(EmitDifferenceResult emitResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Debug.Assert(emitResult.Baseline is not null);
        // if there were no changed types then there is nothing to check
        if (emitResult.ChangedTypes.Length == 0)
            return null;
        var capabilities = await Capabilities.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        if (!capabilities.HasFlag(EditAndContinueCapabilities.NewTypeDefinition))
            // If the runtime doesn't support adding new types then we expect every row number for any type that is
            // emitted will be less than or equal to the number of rows in the original metadata.
            var highestEmittedTypeDefRow = emitResult.ChangedTypes.Max(t => MetadataTokens.GetRowNumber(t));
            var highestExistingTypeDefRow = emitResult.Baseline.OriginalMetadata.GetMetadataReader().GetTableRowCount(TableIndex.TypeDef);
            if (highestEmittedTypeDefRow > highestExistingTypeDefRow)
                var descriptor = EditAndContinueDiagnosticDescriptors.GetDescriptor(EditAndContinueErrorCode.AddingTypeRuntimeCapabilityRequired);
                return Diagnostic.Create(descriptor, Location.None);
        return null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Errors to be reported when a project is updated but the corresponding module does not support EnC.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns><see langword="default"/> if the module is not loaded.</returns>
    public async Task<ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>?> GetModuleDiagnosticsAsync(Guid mvid, Project oldProject, Project newProject, ImmutableArray<DocumentAnalysisResults> documentAnalyses, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var availability = await DebuggingSession.DebuggerService.GetAvailabilityAsync(mvid, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        if (availability.Status == ManagedHotReloadAvailabilityStatus.ModuleNotLoaded)
            return null;
        if (availability.Status == ManagedHotReloadAvailabilityStatus.Available)
            return ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>.Empty;
        var descriptor = EditAndContinueDiagnosticDescriptors.GetModuleDiagnosticDescriptor(availability.Status);
        var messageArgs = new[] { newProject.Name, availability.LocalizedMessage };
        using var _ = ArrayBuilder<Diagnostic>.GetInstance(out var diagnostics);
        await foreach (var location in CreateChangedLocationsAsync(oldProject, newProject, documentAnalyses, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
            diagnostics.Add(Diagnostic.Create(descriptor, location, messageArgs));
        return diagnostics.ToImmutableAndClear();
    private static async IAsyncEnumerable<Location> CreateChangedLocationsAsync(Project oldProject, Project newProject, ImmutableArray<DocumentAnalysisResults> documentAnalyses, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var hasRemovedOrAddedDocument = false;
        foreach (var documentAnalysis in documentAnalyses)
            if (!documentAnalysis.HasChanges)
            var oldDocument = await oldProject.GetDocumentAsync(documentAnalysis.DocumentId, includeSourceGenerated: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            var newDocument = await newProject.GetDocumentAsync(documentAnalysis.DocumentId, includeSourceGenerated: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            if (oldDocument == null || newDocument == null)
                hasRemovedOrAddedDocument = true;
            var oldText = await oldDocument.GetValueTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            var newText = await newDocument.GetValueTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            var newTree = await newDocument.GetRequiredSyntaxTreeAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // document location:
            yield return Location.Create(newTree, GetFirstLineDifferenceSpan(oldText, newText));
        // project location:
        if (hasRemovedOrAddedDocument)
            yield return Location.None;
    private static TextSpan GetFirstLineDifferenceSpan(SourceText oldText, SourceText newText)
        var oldLineCount = oldText.Lines.Count;
        var newLineCount = newText.Lines.Count;
        for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(oldLineCount, newLineCount); i++)
            var oldLineSpan = oldText.Lines[i].Span;
            var newLineSpan = newText.Lines[i].Span;
            if (oldLineSpan != newLineSpan || !oldText.GetSubText(oldLineSpan).ContentEquals(newText.GetSubText(newLineSpan)))
                return newText.Lines[i].Span;
        return (oldLineCount == newLineCount) ? default :
               (newLineCount > oldLineCount) ? newText.Lines[oldLineCount].Span :
               TextSpan.FromBounds(newText.Lines[newLineCount - 1].End, newText.Lines[newLineCount - 1].EndIncludingLineBreak);
    private async Task<EditAndContinueCapabilities> GetCapabilitiesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var capabilities = await DebuggingSession.DebuggerService.GetCapabilitiesAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            return EditAndContinueCapabilitiesParser.Parse(capabilities);
        catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatchUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken))
            return EditAndContinueCapabilities.Baseline;
    private async Task<ActiveStatementsMap> GetBaseActiveStatementsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Last committed solution reflects the state of the source that is in sync with the binaries that are loaded in the debuggee.
            var debugInfos = await DebuggingSession.DebuggerService.GetActiveStatementsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            return ActiveStatementsMap.Create(debugInfos, NonRemappableRegions);
        catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatchUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken))
            return ActiveStatementsMap.Empty;
    public static async ValueTask<bool> HasChangesAsync(Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution, string sourceFilePath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Note that this path look up does not work for source-generated files:
        var newDocumentIds = newSolution.GetDocumentIdsWithFilePath(sourceFilePath);
        if (newDocumentIds.IsEmpty)
            // file does not exist or has been removed:
            return !oldSolution.GetDocumentIdsWithFilePath(sourceFilePath).IsEmpty;
        // it suffices to check the content of one of the document if there are multiple linked ones:
        var documentId = newDocumentIds.First();
        var oldDocument = oldSolution.GetTextDocument(documentId);
        if (oldDocument == null)
            // file has been added
            return true;
        var newDocument = newSolution.GetRequiredTextDocument(documentId);
        return oldDocument != newDocument && !await ContentEqualsAsync(oldDocument, newDocument, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    public static async ValueTask<bool> HasChangesAsync(Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (oldSolution == newSolution)
            return false;
        foreach (var newProject in newSolution.Projects)
            if (!newProject.SupportsEditAndContinue())
            var oldProject = oldSolution.GetProject(newProject.Id);
            if (oldProject == null || await HasChangedOrAddedDocumentsAsync(oldProject, newProject, changedOrAddedDocuments: null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                // project added or has changes
                return true;
        foreach (var oldProject in oldSolution.Projects)
            if (!oldProject.SupportsEditAndContinue())
            var newProject = newSolution.GetProject(oldProject.Id);
            if (newProject == null)
                // project removed
                return true;
        return false;
    private static async ValueTask<bool> ContentEqualsAsync(TextDocument oldDocument, TextDocument newDocument, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Check if the currently observed document content has changed compared to the base document content.
        // This is an important optimization that aims to avoid IO while stepping in sources that have not changed.
        // We may be comparing out-of-date committed document content but we only make a decision based on that content
        // if it matches the current content. If the current content is equal to baseline content that does not match
        // the debuggee then the workspace has not observed the change made to the file on disk since baseline was captured
        // (there had to be one as the content doesn't match). When we are about to apply changes it is ok to ignore this
        // document because the user does not see the change yet in the buffer (if the doc is open) and won't be confused
        // if it is not applied yet. The change will be applied later after it's observed by the workspace.
        var oldSource = await oldDocument.GetValueTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        var newSource = await newDocument.GetValueTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        return oldSource.ContentEquals(newSource);
    internal static async ValueTask<bool> HasChangedOrAddedDocumentsAsync(Project oldProject, Project newProject, ArrayBuilder<Document>? changedOrAddedDocuments, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (!newProject.SupportsEditAndContinue())
            return false;
        if (oldProject.State == newProject.State)
            return false;
        foreach (var documentId in newProject.State.DocumentStates.GetChangedStateIds(oldProject.State.DocumentStates, ignoreUnchangedContent: true))
            var document = newProject.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
            if (document.State.Attributes.DesignTimeOnly)
            if (await ContentEqualsAsync(oldProject.GetRequiredDocument(documentId), document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
            if (changedOrAddedDocuments is null)
                return true;
        foreach (var documentId in newProject.State.DocumentStates.GetAddedStateIds(oldProject.State.DocumentStates))
            var document = newProject.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
            if (document.State.Attributes.DesignTimeOnly)
            if (changedOrAddedDocuments is null)
                return true;
        // Any changes in non-generated document content might affect source generated documents as well,
        // no need to check further in that case.
        if (changedOrAddedDocuments is { Count: > 0 })
            return true;
        foreach (var documentId in newProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates.GetChangedStateIds(oldProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates, ignoreUnchangedContent: true))
            var document = newProject.GetRequiredAdditionalDocument(documentId);
            if (!await ContentEqualsAsync(oldProject.GetRequiredAdditionalDocument(documentId), document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                return true;
        foreach (var documentId in newProject.State.AnalyzerConfigDocumentStates.GetChangedStateIds(oldProject.State.AnalyzerConfigDocumentStates, ignoreUnchangedContent: true))
            var document = newProject.GetRequiredAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId);
            if (!await ContentEqualsAsync(oldProject.GetRequiredAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId), document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                return true;
        // TODO: should handle removed documents above (detect them as edits)
        if (newProject.State.DocumentStates.GetRemovedStateIds(oldProject.State.DocumentStates).Any() ||
            newProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates.GetRemovedStateIds(oldProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates).Any() ||
            newProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates.GetAddedStateIds(oldProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates).Any() ||
            newProject.State.AnalyzerConfigDocumentStates.GetRemovedStateIds(oldProject.State.AnalyzerConfigDocumentStates).Any() ||
            return true;
        return false;
    internal static async Task PopulateChangedAndAddedDocumentsAsync(TraceLog log, Project oldProject, Project newProject, ArrayBuilder<Document> changedOrAddedDocuments, ArrayBuilder<ProjectDiagnostics> diagnostics, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (!await HasChangedOrAddedDocumentsAsync(oldProject, newProject, changedOrAddedDocuments, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
        var oldSourceGeneratedDocumentStates = await GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(log, oldProject, diagnostics, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        var newSourceGeneratedDocumentStates = await GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(log, newProject, diagnostics, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        foreach (var documentId in newSourceGeneratedDocumentStates.GetChangedStateIds(oldSourceGeneratedDocumentStates, ignoreUnchangedContent: true))
            var newState = newSourceGeneratedDocumentStates.GetRequiredState(documentId);
            if (newState.Attributes.DesignTimeOnly)
        foreach (var documentId in newSourceGeneratedDocumentStates.GetAddedStateIds(oldSourceGeneratedDocumentStates))
            var newState = newSourceGeneratedDocumentStates.GetRequiredState(documentId);
            if (newState.Attributes.DesignTimeOnly)
    private static async ValueTask<TextDocumentStates<SourceGeneratedDocumentState>> GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(TraceLog log, Project project, ArrayBuilder<ProjectDiagnostics>? diagnostics, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var generatorDiagnostics = await project.Solution.CompilationState.GetSourceGeneratorDiagnosticsAsync(project.State, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        if (generatorDiagnostics is not [])
            diagnostics?.Add(new ProjectDiagnostics(project.Id, generatorDiagnostics));
        foreach (var generatorDiagnostic in generatorDiagnostics)
            log.Write($"Source generator failed: {generatorDiagnostic}", generatorDiagnostic.Severity switch
                DiagnosticSeverity.Warning => LogMessageSeverity.Warning,
                DiagnosticSeverity.Error => LogMessageSeverity.Error,
                _ => LogMessageSeverity.Info
        return await project.Solution.CompilationState.GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(project.State, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    /// <summary>
    /// Enumerates <see cref="DocumentId"/>s of changed (not added or removed) <see cref="Document"/>s (not additional nor analyzer config).
    /// </summary>
    internal static async IAsyncEnumerable<DocumentId> GetChangedDocumentsAsync(TraceLog log, Project oldProject, Project newProject, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Debug.Assert(oldProject.Id == newProject.Id);
        if (!newProject.SupportsEditAndContinue() || oldProject.State == newProject.State)
            yield break;
        foreach (var documentId in newProject.State.DocumentStates.GetChangedStateIds(oldProject.State.DocumentStates, ignoreUnchangedContent: true))
            yield return documentId;
        // Given the following assumptions:
        // - source generators are deterministic,
        // - metadata references and compilation options have not changed (TODO -- need to check),
        // - source documents have not changed,
        // - additional documents have not changed,
        // - analyzer config documents have not changed,
        // the outputs of source generators will not change.
        if (!newProject.State.DocumentStates.HasAnyStateChanges(oldProject.State.DocumentStates) &&
            !newProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates.HasAnyStateChanges(oldProject.State.AdditionalDocumentStates) &&
            // Based on the above assumption there are no changes in source generated files.
            yield break;
        var oldSourceGeneratedDocumentStates = await GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(log, oldProject, diagnostics: null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        var newSourceGeneratedDocumentStates = await GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(log, newProject, diagnostics: null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        foreach (var documentId in newSourceGeneratedDocumentStates.GetChangedStateIds(oldSourceGeneratedDocumentStates, ignoreUnchangedContent: true))
            yield return documentId;
    private async Task<(ImmutableArray<DocumentAnalysisResults> results, ImmutableArray<Diagnostic> diagnostics)> AnalyzeDocumentsAsync(
        ArrayBuilder<Document> changedOrAddedDocuments,
        ActiveStatementSpanProvider newDocumentActiveStatementSpanProvider,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<Diagnostic>.GetInstance(out var documentDiagnostics);
        using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<(Document? oldDocument, Document newDocument)>.GetInstance(out var documents);
        foreach (var newDocument in changedOrAddedDocuments)
            var (oldDocument, oldDocumentState) = await DebuggingSession.LastCommittedSolution.GetDocumentAndStateAsync(newDocument.Id, newDocument, cancellationToken, reloadOutOfSyncDocument: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
            switch (oldDocumentState)
                case CommittedSolution.DocumentState.DesignTimeOnly:
                case CommittedSolution.DocumentState.Indeterminate:
                case CommittedSolution.DocumentState.OutOfSync:
                    var descriptor = EditAndContinueDiagnosticDescriptors.GetDescriptor((oldDocumentState == CommittedSolution.DocumentState.Indeterminate) ?
                        EditAndContinueErrorCode.UnableToReadSourceFileOrPdb : EditAndContinueErrorCode.DocumentIsOutOfSyncWithDebuggee);
                    documentDiagnostics.Add(Diagnostic.Create(descriptor, Location.Create(newDocument.FilePath!, textSpan: default, lineSpan: default), [newDocument.FilePath]));
                case CommittedSolution.DocumentState.MatchesBuildOutput:
                    // Include the document regardless of whether the module it was built into has been loaded or not.
                    // If the module has been built it might get loaded later during the debugging session,
                    // at which point we apply all changes that have been made to the project so far.
                    documents.Add((oldDocument, newDocument));
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(oldDocumentState);
        var analyses = await Analyses.GetDocumentAnalysesAsync(DebuggingSession.LastCommittedSolution, documents, newDocumentActiveStatementSpanProvider, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        return (analyses, documentDiagnostics.ToImmutable());
    private static ProjectAnalysisSummary GetProjectAnalysisSummary(ImmutableArray<DocumentAnalysisResults> documentAnalyses)
        var hasChanges = false;
        var hasSignificantValidChanges = false;
        foreach (var analysis in documentAnalyses)
            // skip documents that actually were not changed:
            if (!analysis.HasChanges)
            // rude edit detection wasn't completed due to errors that prevent us from analyzing the document:
            if (analysis.HasChangesAndSyntaxErrors)
                return ProjectAnalysisSummary.SyntaxErrors;
            // rude edits detected:
            if (analysis.HasBlockingRudeEdits)
                return ProjectAnalysisSummary.RudeEdits;
            hasChanges = true;
            hasSignificantValidChanges |= analysis.HasSignificantValidChanges;
        if (!hasChanges)
            // we get here if a document is closed and reopen without any actual change:
            return ProjectAnalysisSummary.NoChanges;
        if (!hasSignificantValidChanges)
            return ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidInsignificantChanges;
        return ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidChanges;
    internal static async ValueTask<ProjectChanges> GetProjectChangesAsync(
        ActiveStatementsMap baseActiveStatements,
        Compilation oldCompilation,
        Compilation newCompilation,
        Project oldProject,
        Project newProject,
        ImmutableArray<DocumentAnalysisResults> changedDocumentAnalyses,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<SemanticEditInfo>.GetInstance(out var allEdits);
            using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<SequencePointUpdates>.GetInstance(out var allLineEdits);
            using var _3 = ArrayBuilder<DocumentActiveStatementChanges>.GetInstance(out var activeStatementsInChangedDocuments);
            var analyzer = newProject.Services.GetRequiredService<IEditAndContinueAnalyzer>();
            var requiredCapabilities = EditAndContinueCapabilities.None;
            foreach (var analysis in changedDocumentAnalyses)
                if (!analysis.HasSignificantValidChanges)
                // we shouldn't be asking for deltas in presence of errors:
                // Active statements are calculated if document changed and has no syntax errors:
                requiredCapabilities |= analysis.RequiredCapabilities;
                if (analysis.ActiveStatements.Length > 0)
                    var oldDocument = await oldProject.GetDocumentAsync(analysis.DocumentId, includeSourceGenerated: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var oldActiveStatements = (oldDocument == null) ? [] :
                        await baseActiveStatements.GetOldActiveStatementsAsync(analyzer, oldDocument, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    activeStatementsInChangedDocuments.Add(new(oldActiveStatements, analysis.ActiveStatements, analysis.ExceptionRegions));
            MergePartialEdits(oldCompilation, newCompilation, allEdits, out var mergedEdits, out var addedSymbols, cancellationToken);
            return new ProjectChanges(
        catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken))
            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
    internal static void MergePartialEdits(
        Compilation oldCompilation,
        Compilation newCompilation,
        IReadOnlyList<SemanticEditInfo> edits,
        out ImmutableArray<SemanticEdit> mergedEdits,
        out ImmutableHashSet<ISymbol> addedSymbols,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        using var _0 = ArrayBuilder<SemanticEdit>.GetInstance(edits.Count, out var mergedEditsBuilder);
        using var _1 = PooledHashSet<ISymbol>.GetInstance(out var addedSymbolsBuilder);
        using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<(ISymbol? oldSymbol, ISymbol? newSymbol)>.GetInstance(edits.Count, out var resolvedSymbols);
        foreach (var edit in edits)
            SymbolKeyResolution oldResolution;
            if (edit.Kind is SemanticEditKind.Update or SemanticEditKind.Delete)
                oldResolution = edit.Symbol.Resolve(oldCompilation, ignoreAssemblyKey: true, cancellationToken);
                oldResolution = default;
            SymbolKeyResolution newResolution;
            if (edit.Kind is SemanticEditKind.Update or SemanticEditKind.Insert or SemanticEditKind.Replace)
                newResolution = edit.Symbol.Resolve(newCompilation, ignoreAssemblyKey: true, cancellationToken);
            else if (edit.Kind == SemanticEditKind.Delete && edit.DeletedSymbolContainer is not null)
                // For deletes, we use NewSymbol to reference the containing type of the deleted member
                newResolution = edit.DeletedSymbolContainer.Value.Resolve(newCompilation, ignoreAssemblyKey: true, cancellationToken);
                newResolution = default;
            resolvedSymbols.Add((oldResolution.Symbol, newResolution.Symbol));
        for (var i = 0; i < edits.Count; i++)
            var edit = edits[i];
            if (edit.PartialType == null)
                var (oldSymbol, newSymbol) = resolvedSymbols[i];
                if (edit.Kind == SemanticEditKind.Insert)
                mergedEditsBuilder.Add(new SemanticEdit(
                    oldSymbol: oldSymbol,
                    newSymbol: newSymbol,
                    syntaxMap: edit.SyntaxMaps.MatchingNodes,
                    runtimeRudeEdit: edit.SyntaxMaps.RuntimeRudeEdits));
        // no partial type merging needed:
        if (edits.Count == mergedEditsBuilder.Count)
            mergedEdits = mergedEditsBuilder.ToImmutable();
            addedSymbols = [.. addedSymbolsBuilder];
        // Calculate merged syntax map for each partial type symbol:
        var symbolKeyComparer = SymbolKey.GetComparer(ignoreCase: false, ignoreAssemblyKeys: true);
        var mergedUpdateEditSyntaxMaps = new Dictionary<SymbolKey, (Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode?>? matchingNodes, Func<SyntaxNode, RuntimeRudeEdit?>? runtimeRudeEdits)>(symbolKeyComparer);
        var updatesByPartialType = edits
            .Where(edit => edit is { PartialType: not null, Kind: SemanticEditKind.Update })
            .GroupBy(edit => edit.PartialType!.Value, symbolKeyComparer);
        foreach (var partialTypeEdits in updatesByPartialType)
            Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode?>? mergedMatchingNodes;
            Func<SyntaxNode, RuntimeRudeEdit?>? mergedRuntimeRudeEdits;
            if (partialTypeEdits.Any(static e => e.SyntaxMaps.HasMap))
                var newMaps = partialTypeEdits.Where(static edit => edit.SyntaxMaps.HasMap).SelectAsArray(static edit => edit.SyntaxMaps);
                mergedMatchingNodes = node => newMaps[newMaps.IndexOf(static (m, node) => m.NewTree == node.SyntaxTree, node)].MatchingNodes!(node);
                mergedRuntimeRudeEdits = node => newMaps[newMaps.IndexOf(static (m, node) => m.NewTree == node.SyntaxTree, node)].RuntimeRudeEdits?.Invoke(node);
                mergedMatchingNodes = null;
                mergedRuntimeRudeEdits = null;
            mergedUpdateEditSyntaxMaps.Add(partialTypeEdits.Key, (mergedMatchingNodes, mergedRuntimeRudeEdits));
        // Deduplicate edits based on their target symbol and use merged syntax map calculated above for a given partial type.
        using var _3 = PooledHashSet<ISymbol>.GetInstance(out var visitedSymbols);
        for (var i = 0; i < edits.Count; i++)
            var edit = edits[i];
            if (edit.PartialType != null)
                var (oldSymbol, newSymbol) = resolvedSymbols[i];
                if (visitedSymbols.Add(newSymbol ?? oldSymbol!))
                    var syntaxMaps = (edit.Kind == SemanticEditKind.Update) ? mergedUpdateEditSyntaxMaps[edit.PartialType.Value] : default;
                    mergedEditsBuilder.Add(new SemanticEdit(edit.Kind, oldSymbol, newSymbol, syntaxMaps.matchingNodes, syntaxMaps.runtimeRudeEdits));
        mergedEdits = mergedEditsBuilder.ToImmutable();
        addedSymbols = [.. addedSymbolsBuilder];
    public async ValueTask<SolutionUpdate> EmitSolutionUpdateAsync(Solution solution, ActiveStatementSpanProvider solutionActiveStatementSpanProvider, UpdateId updateId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Log.Write($"Found {updateId.SessionId} potentially changed document(s) in project {updateId.Ordinal} '{solution.FilePath}'");
            using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<ManagedHotReloadUpdate>.GetInstance(out var deltas);
            using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<(Guid ModuleId, ImmutableArray<(ManagedModuleMethodId Method, NonRemappableRegion Region)>)>.GetInstance(out var nonRemappableRegions);
            using var _3 = ArrayBuilder<ProjectBaseline>.GetInstance(out var newProjectBaselines);
            using var _4 = ArrayBuilder<ProjectDiagnostics>.GetInstance(out var diagnostics);
            using var _5 = ArrayBuilder<Document>.GetInstance(out var changedOrAddedDocuments);
            using var _6 = ArrayBuilder<(DocumentId, ImmutableArray<RudeEditDiagnostic>)>.GetInstance(out var documentsWithRudeEdits);
            Diagnostic? syntaxError = null;
            var oldSolution = DebuggingSession.LastCommittedSolution;
            var isBlocked = false;
            var hasEmitErrors = false;
            foreach (var newProject in solution.Projects)
                if (!newProject.SupportsEditAndContinue(Log))
                var oldProject = oldSolution.GetProject(newProject.Id);
                if (oldProject == null)
                    Log.Write($"EnC state of {newProject.Name} '{newProject.FilePath}' queried: project not loaded");
                    // TODO (
                    // When debugging session is started some projects might not have been loaded to the workspace yet (may be explicitly unloaded by the user).
                    // We capture the base solution. Edits in files that are in projects that haven't been loaded won't be applied
                    // and will result in source mismatch when the user steps into them.
                    // We can allow project to be added by including all its documents here.
                    // When we analyze these documents later on we'll check if they match the PDB.
                    // If so we can add them to the committed solution and detect further changes.
                    // It might be more efficient though to track added projects separately.
                await PopulateChangedAndAddedDocumentsAsync(Log, oldProject, newProject, changedOrAddedDocuments, diagnostics, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (changedOrAddedDocuments.IsEmpty)
                Log.Write($"Found {changedOrAddedDocuments.Count} potentially changed document(s) in project {newProject.Name} '{newProject.FilePath}'");
                var (mvid, mvidReadError) = await DebuggingSession.GetProjectModuleIdAsync(newProject, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (mvidReadError != null)
                    // The error hasn't been reported by GetDocumentDiagnosticsAsync since it might have been intermittent.
                    // The MVID is required for emit so we consider the error permanent and report it here.
                    // Bail before analyzing documents as the analysis needs to read the PDB which will likely fail if we can't even read the MVID.
                    diagnostics.Add(new(newProject.Id, [mvidReadError]));
                    Telemetry.LogProjectAnalysisSummary(ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidChanges, newProject.State.ProjectInfo.Attributes.TelemetryId, ImmutableArray.Create(mvidReadError.Descriptor.Id));
                    isBlocked = true;
                if (mvid == Guid.Empty)
                    Log.Write($"Emitting update of {newProject.Name} '{newProject.FilePath}': project not built");
                // Ensure that all changed documents are in-sync. Once a document is in-sync it can't get out-of-sync.
                // Therefore, results of further computations based on base snapshots of changed documents can't be invalidated by
                // incoming events updating the content of out-of-sync documents.
                // If in past we concluded that a document is out-of-sync, attempt to check one more time before we block apply.
                // The source file content might have been updated since the last time we checked.
                // TODO (investigate):
                // It is possible that the result of Rude Edit semantic analysis of an unchanged document will change if there
                // another document is updated. If we encounter a significant case of this we should consider caching such a result per project,
                // rather then per document. Also, we might be observing an older semantics if the document that is causing the change is out-of-sync --
                // e.g. the binary was built with an overload C.M(object), but a generator updated class C to also contain C.M(string),
                // which change we have not observed yet. Then call-sites of C.M in a changed document observed by the analysis will be seen as C.M(object)
                // instead of the true C.M(string).
                var (changedDocumentAnalyses, documentDiagnostics) = await AnalyzeDocumentsAsync(changedOrAddedDocuments, solutionActiveStatementSpanProvider, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (documentDiagnostics.Any())
                    // The diagnostic hasn't been reported by GetDocumentDiagnosticsAsync since out-of-sync documents are likely to be synchronized
                    // before the changes are attempted to be applied. If we still have any out-of-sync documents we report warnings and ignore changes in them.
                    // If in future the file is updated so that its content matches the PDB checksum, the document transitions to a matching state,
                    // and we consider any further changes to it for application.
                    diagnostics.Add(new(newProject.Id, documentDiagnostics));
                foreach (var changedDocumentAnalysis in changedDocumentAnalyses)
                    if (changedDocumentAnalysis.SyntaxError != null)
                        // only remember the first syntax error we encounter:
                        syntaxError ??= changedDocumentAnalysis.SyntaxError;
                        Log.Write($"Changed document '{changedDocumentAnalysis.FilePath}' has syntax error: {changedDocumentAnalysis.SyntaxError}");
                    else if (changedDocumentAnalysis.HasChanges)
                        Log.Write($"Document changed, added, or deleted: '{changedDocumentAnalysis.FilePath}'");
                var projectSummary = GetProjectAnalysisSummary(changedDocumentAnalyses);
                Log.Write($"Project summary for {newProject.Name} '{newProject.FilePath}': {projectSummary}");
                if (projectSummary == ProjectAnalysisSummary.NoChanges)
                // The capability of a module to apply edits may change during edit session if the user attaches debugger to 
                // an additional process that doesn't support EnC (or detaches from such process). Before we apply edits 
                // we need to check with the debugger.
                var (moduleDiagnostics, isModuleLoaded) = await GetModuleDiagnosticsAsync(mvid, oldProject, newProject, changedDocumentAnalyses, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var isModuleEncBlocked = isModuleLoaded && !moduleDiagnostics.IsEmpty;
                if (isModuleEncBlocked)
                    diagnostics.Add(new(newProject.Id, moduleDiagnostics));
                    isBlocked = true;
                if (projectSummary is ProjectAnalysisSummary.SyntaxErrors or ProjectAnalysisSummary.RudeEdits)
                    isBlocked = true;
                // Report rude edit diagnostics - these can be blocking (errors) or non-blocking (warnings):
                foreach (var analysis in changedDocumentAnalyses)
                    if (!analysis.RudeEdits.IsEmpty)
                        documentsWithRudeEdits.Add((analysis.DocumentId, analysis.RudeEdits));
                        Telemetry.LogRudeEditDiagnostics(analysis.RudeEdits, newProject.State.Attributes.TelemetryId);
                if (isModuleEncBlocked || projectSummary != ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidChanges)
                    Telemetry.LogProjectAnalysisSummary(projectSummary, newProject.State.ProjectInfo.Attributes.TelemetryId, moduleDiagnostics.NullToEmpty().SelectAsArray(d => d.Descriptor.Id));
                    await LogDocumentChangesAsync(generation: null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var oldCompilation = await oldProject.GetCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var projectBaselines = DebuggingSession.GetOrCreateEmitBaselines(mvid, oldProject, oldCompilation, out var createBaselineErrors, out var baselineAccessLock);
                if (!createBaselineErrors.IsEmpty)
                    // Report diagnosics even when the module is never going to be loaded (e.g. in multi-targeting scenario, where only one framework being debugged).
                    // This is consistent with reporting compilation errors - the IDE reports them for all TFMs regardless of what framework the app is running on.
                    diagnostics.Add(new(newProject.Id, createBaselineErrors));
                    Telemetry.LogProjectAnalysisSummary(projectSummary, newProject.State.ProjectInfo.Attributes.TelemetryId, createBaselineErrors);
                    isBlocked = true;
                    await LogDocumentChangesAsync(generation: null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                Log.Write($"Emitting update of {newProject.Name} '{newProject.FilePath}': project not built");
                var newCompilation = await newProject.GetCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // project must support compilations since it supports EnC
                var oldActiveStatementsMap = await BaseActiveStatements.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var projectChanges = await GetProjectChangesAsync(oldActiveStatementsMap, oldCompilation, newCompilation, oldProject, newProject, changedDocumentAnalyses, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // The compiler only uses this predicate to determine if CS7101: "Member 'X' added during the current debug session
                // can only be accessed from within its declaring assembly 'Lib'" should be reported. 
                // Prior to .NET 8 Preview 4 the runtime failed to apply such edits.
                // This was fixed in Preview 4 along with support for generics. If we see a generic capability we can disable reporting
                // this compiler error. Otherwise, we leave the check as is in order to detect at least some runtime failures on .NET Framework.
                // Note that the analysis in the compiler detecting the circumstances under which the runtime fails
                // to apply the change has both false positives (flagged generic updates that shouldn't be flagged) and negatives
                // (didn't flag cases like
                var capabilities = await Capabilities.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var requiredCapabilities = projectChanges.RequiredCapabilities.ToStringArray();
                var isAddedSymbolPredicate = capabilities.HasFlag(EditAndContinueCapabilities.GenericAddMethodToExistingType) ?
                    static _ => false : (Func<ISymbol, bool>)projectChanges.AddedSymbols.Contains;
                var emitDiagnostics = ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>.Empty;
                foreach (var projectBaseline in projectBaselines)
                    await LogDocumentChangesAsync(projectBaseline.Generation + 1, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    using var pdbStream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
                    using var metadataStream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
                    using var ilStream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
                    EmitDifferenceResult emitResult;
                    // The lock protects underlying baseline readers from being disposed while emitting delta.
                    // If the lock is disposed at this point the session has been incorrectly disposed while operations on it are in progress.
                    using (baselineAccessLock.DisposableRead())
                        var emitDifferenceTimer = SharedStopwatch.StartNew();
                        emitResult = newCompilation.EmitDifference(
                    // TODO:
                    // We should only report diagnostics from emit phase.
                    // Syntax and semantic diagnostics are already reported by the diagnostic analyzer.
                    // Currently we do not have means to distinguish between diagnostics reported from compilation and emit phases.
                    // Querying diagnostics of the entire compilation or just the updated files migth be slow.
                    // In fact, it is desirable to allow emitting deltas for symbols affected by the change while allowing untouched
                    // method bodies to have errors.
                    if (!emitResult.Diagnostics.IsEmpty)
                        diagnostics.Add(new(newProject.Id, emitResult.Diagnostics));
                    if (!emitResult.Success)
                        // error
                        isBlocked = hasEmitErrors = true;
                        emitDiagnostics = emitResult.Diagnostics;
                    var unsupportedChangesDiagnostic = await GetUnsupportedChangesDiagnosticAsync(emitResult, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (unsupportedChangesDiagnostic is not null)
                        emitDiagnostics = [unsupportedChangesDiagnostic];
                        diagnostics.Add(new(newProject.Id, emitDiagnostics));
                        isBlocked = true;
                    var updatedMethodTokens = emitResult.UpdatedMethods.SelectAsArray(h => MetadataTokens.GetToken(h));
                    var changedTypeTokens = emitResult.ChangedTypes.SelectAsArray(h => MetadataTokens.GetToken(h));
                    // Determine all active statements whose span changed and exception region span deltas.
                        out var activeStatementsInUpdatedMethods,
                        out var moduleNonRemappableRegions,
                        out var exceptionRegionUpdates);
                    var delta = new ManagedHotReloadUpdate(
                        newCompilation.AssemblyName ?? newProject.Name, // used for display in debugger diagnostics
                    nonRemappableRegions.Add((mvid, moduleNonRemappableRegions));
                    newProjectBaselines.Add(new ProjectBaseline(mvid, projectBaseline.ProjectId, emitResult.Baseline, projectBaseline.Generation + 1));
                    var fileLog = Log.FileLog;
                    if (fileLog != null)
                        await LogDeltaFilesAsync(fileLog, delta, projectBaseline.Generation, oldProject, newProject, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                Telemetry.LogProjectAnalysisSummary(projectSummary, newProject.State.ProjectInfo.Attributes.TelemetryId, emitDiagnostics);
                async ValueTask LogDocumentChangesAsync(int? generation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                    var fileLog = Log.FileLog;
                    if (fileLog != null)
                        foreach (var changedDocumentAnalysis in changedDocumentAnalyses)
                            if (changedDocumentAnalysis.HasChanges)
                                var oldDocument = await oldProject.GetDocumentAsync(changedDocumentAnalysis.DocumentId, includeSourceGenerated: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                var newDocument = await newProject.GetDocumentAsync(changedDocumentAnalysis.DocumentId, includeSourceGenerated: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                await fileLog.WriteDocumentChangeAsync(oldDocument, newDocument, updateId, generation, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // log capabilities for edit sessions with changes or reported errors:
            if (isBlocked || deltas.Count > 0)
                Telemetry.LogRuntimeCapabilities(await Capabilities.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
            var update = isBlocked
                ? SolutionUpdate.Blocked(diagnostics.ToImmutable(), documentsWithRudeEdits.ToImmutable(), syntaxError, hasEmitErrors)
                : new SolutionUpdate(
                    new ModuleUpdates(
                        (deltas.Count > 0) ? ModuleUpdateStatus.Ready : ModuleUpdateStatus.None,
            return update;
        catch (Exception e) when (LogException(e) && FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken))
            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
        bool LogException(Exception e)
            Log.Write($"Exception while emitting update: {e}", LogMessageSeverity.Error);
            return true;
    private async ValueTask LogDeltaFilesAsync(TraceLog.FileLogger log, ManagedHotReloadUpdate delta, int baselineGeneration, Project oldProject, Project newProject, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var sessionId = DebuggingSession.Id;
        if (baselineGeneration == 0)
            var oldCompilationOutputs = DebuggingSession.GetCompilationOutputs(oldProject);
            await log.WriteAsync(
                async (stream, cancellationToken) => await oldCompilationOutputs.TryCopyAssemblyToAsync(stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false),
                PathUtilities.GetFileName(oldCompilationOutputs.AssemblyDisplayPath) ?? oldProject.Name + ".dll",
            await log.WriteAsync(
                async (stream, cancellationToken) => await oldCompilationOutputs.TryCopyPdbToAsync(stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false),
                PathUtilities.GetFileName(oldCompilationOutputs.PdbDisplayPath) ?? oldProject.Name + ".pdb",
        var generation = baselineGeneration + 1;
        log.Write(sessionId, delta.ILDelta, newProject.Name, generation + ".il");
        log.Write(sessionId, delta.MetadataDelta, newProject.Name, generation + ".meta");
        log.Write(sessionId, delta.PdbDelta, newProject.Name, generation + ".pdb");
    // internal for testing
    internal static void GetActiveStatementAndExceptionRegionSpans(
        Guid moduleId,
        ActiveStatementsMap oldActiveStatementMap,
        ImmutableArray<int> updatedMethodTokens,
        ImmutableDictionary<ManagedMethodId, ImmutableArray<NonRemappableRegion>> previousNonRemappableRegions,
        ImmutableArray<DocumentActiveStatementChanges> activeStatementsInChangedDocuments,
        out ImmutableArray<ManagedActiveStatementUpdate> activeStatementsInUpdatedMethods,
        out ImmutableArray<(ManagedModuleMethodId Method, NonRemappableRegion Region)> nonRemappableRegions,
        out ImmutableArray<ManagedExceptionRegionUpdate> exceptionRegionUpdates)
        using var _1 = PooledDictionary<(ManagedModuleMethodId MethodId, SourceFileSpan BaseSpan), SourceFileSpan>.GetInstance(out var changedNonRemappableSpans);
        var activeStatementsInUpdatedMethodsBuilder = ArrayBuilder<ManagedActiveStatementUpdate>.GetInstance();
        var nonRemappableRegionsBuilder = ArrayBuilder<(ManagedModuleMethodId Method, NonRemappableRegion Region)>.GetInstance();
        // Process active statements and their exception regions in changed documents of this project/module:
        foreach (var (oldActiveStatements, newActiveStatements, newExceptionRegions) in activeStatementsInChangedDocuments)
            Debug.Assert(oldActiveStatements.Length == newExceptionRegions.Length);
            Debug.Assert(newActiveStatements.Length == newExceptionRegions.Length);
            for (var i = 0; i < newActiveStatements.Length; i++)
                var (_, oldActiveStatement, oldActiveStatementExceptionRegions) = oldActiveStatements[i];
                var newActiveStatement = newActiveStatements[i];
                var newActiveStatementExceptionRegions = newExceptionRegions[i];
                var instructionId = newActiveStatement.InstructionId;
                var methodId = instructionId.Method.Method;
                var isMethodUpdated = updatedMethodTokens.Contains(methodId.Token);
                if (isMethodUpdated)
                    activeStatementsInUpdatedMethodsBuilder.Add(new ManagedActiveStatementUpdate(methodId, instructionId.ILOffset, newActiveStatement.Span.ToSourceSpan()));
                // Adds a region with specified PDB spans.
                void AddNonRemappableRegion(SourceFileSpan oldSpan, SourceFileSpan newSpan, bool isExceptionRegion)
                    // TODO: Remove comparer, the path should match exactly. Workaround for
                    Debug.Assert(string.Equals(oldSpan.Path, newSpan.Path,
                        EditAndContinueMethodDebugInfoReader.IgnoreCaseWhenComparingDocumentNames ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    // The up-to-date flag is copied when new active statement is created from the corresponding old one.
                    Debug.Assert(oldActiveStatement.IsMethodUpToDate == newActiveStatement.IsMethodUpToDate);
                    if (oldActiveStatement.IsMethodUpToDate)
                        // Start tracking non-remappable regions for active statements in methods that were up-to-date
                        // when break state was entered and now being updated (regardless of whether the active span changed or not).
                        if (isMethodUpdated)
                            nonRemappableRegionsBuilder.Add((methodId, new NonRemappableRegion(oldSpan, newSpan, isExceptionRegion)));
                        else if (!isExceptionRegion)
                            // If the method has been up-to-date and it is not updated now then either the active statement span has not changed,
                            // or the entire method containing it moved. In neither case do we need to start tracking non-remapable region
                            // for the active statement since movement of whole method bodies (if any) is handled only on PDB level without
                            // triggering any remapping on the IL level.
                            // That said, we still add a non-remappable region for this active statement, so that we know in future sessions
                            // that this active statement existed and its span has not changed. We don't report these regions to the debugger,
                            // but we use them to map active statement spans to the baseline snapshots of following edit sessions.
                            nonRemappableRegionsBuilder.Add((methodId, new NonRemappableRegion(oldSpan, oldSpan, isExceptionRegion: false)));
                    else if (oldSpan.Span != newSpan.Span)
                        // The method is not up-to-date hence we might have a previous non-remappable span mapping that needs to be brought forward to the new snapshot.
                        changedNonRemappableSpans[(methodId, oldSpan)] = newSpan;
                AddNonRemappableRegion(oldActiveStatement.FileSpan, newActiveStatement.FileSpan, isExceptionRegion: false);
                // The spans of the exception regions are known (non-default) for active statements in changed documents
                // as we ensured earlier that all changed documents are in-sync.
                for (var j = 0; j < oldActiveStatementExceptionRegions.Spans.Length; j++)
                    AddNonRemappableRegion(oldActiveStatementExceptionRegions.Spans[j], newActiveStatementExceptionRegions[j], isExceptionRegion: true);
        activeStatementsInUpdatedMethods = activeStatementsInUpdatedMethodsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
        // Gather all active method instances contained in this project/module that are not up-to-date:
        using var _2 = PooledHashSet<ManagedModuleMethodId>.GetInstance(out var unremappedActiveMethods);
        foreach (var (instruction, baseActiveStatement) in oldActiveStatementMap.InstructionMap)
            if (moduleId == instruction.Method.Module && !baseActiveStatement.IsMethodUpToDate)
        // Update previously calculated non-remappable region mappings.
        // These map to the old snapshot and we need them to map to the new snapshot, which will be the baseline for the next session.
        if (unremappedActiveMethods.Count > 0)
            foreach (var (methodInstance, regionsInMethod) in previousNonRemappableRegions)
                // Skip non-remappable regions that belong to method instances that are from a different module.
                if (methodInstance.Module != moduleId)
                // Skip no longer active methods - all active statements in these method instances have been remapped to newer versions.
                // New active statement can't appear in a stale method instance since such instance can't be invoked.
                if (!unremappedActiveMethods.Contains(methodInstance.Method))
                foreach (var region in regionsInMethod)
                    // We have calculated changes against a base snapshot (last break state):
                    var baseSpan = region.NewSpan;
                    NonRemappableRegion newRegion;
                    if (changedNonRemappableSpans.TryGetValue((methodInstance.Method, baseSpan), out var newSpan))
                        // all spans must be of the same size:
                        Debug.Assert(newSpan.Span.End.Line - newSpan.Span.Start.Line == baseSpan.Span.End.Line - baseSpan.Span.Start.Line);
                        Debug.Assert(region.OldSpan.Span.End.Line - region.OldSpan.Span.Start.Line == baseSpan.Span.End.Line - baseSpan.Span.Start.Line);
                        Debug.Assert(newSpan.Path == region.OldSpan.Path);
                        newRegion = region.WithNewSpan(newSpan);
                        newRegion = region;
                    nonRemappableRegionsBuilder.Add((methodInstance.Method, newRegion));
        nonRemappableRegions = nonRemappableRegionsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
        // Note:
        // The update should include the file name, otherwise it is not possible for the debugger to find
        // the right IL span of the exception handler in case when multiple handlers in the same method
        // have the same mapped span but different mapped file name:
        //   try { active statement }
        //   #line 20 "bar"
        //   catch (IOException) { }
        //   #line 20 "baz"
        //   catch (Exception) { }
        // The range span in exception region updates is the new span. Deltas are inverse.
        //   old = new + delta
        //   new = old – delta
        exceptionRegionUpdates = nonRemappableRegions.SelectAsArray(
            r => r.Region.IsExceptionRegion,
            r => new ManagedExceptionRegionUpdate(