// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExtractMethod;
internal abstract partial class AbstractExtractMethodService<
internal abstract partial class MethodExtractor
protected abstract partial class Analyzer
protected readonly CancellationToken CancellationToken;
protected readonly SelectionResult SelectionResult;
protected readonly bool LocalFunction;
private SemanticDocument SemanticDocument => SelectionResult.SemanticDocument;
protected SemanticModel SemanticModel => SemanticDocument.SemanticModel;
protected ISemanticFactsService SemanticFacts => this.SemanticDocument.Document.GetRequiredLanguageService<ISemanticFactsService>();
protected ISyntaxFactsService SyntaxFacts => this.SemanticDocument.Document.GetRequiredLanguageService<ISyntaxFactsService>();
protected Analyzer(SelectionResult selectionResult, bool localFunction, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
SelectionResult = selectionResult;
CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
LocalFunction = localFunction;
protected abstract bool IsInPrimaryConstructorBaseType();
protected virtual bool IsReadOutside(ISymbol symbol, HashSet<ISymbol> readOutsideMap)
=> readOutsideMap.Contains(symbol);
protected abstract bool TreatOutAsRef { get; }
/// <summary>
/// get type of the range variable symbol
/// </summary>
protected abstract ITypeSymbol? GetRangeVariableType(IRangeVariableSymbol symbol);
/// <summary>
/// check whether the selection is at the placed where read-only field is allowed to be extracted out
/// </summary>
protected abstract bool ReadOnlyFieldAllowed();
protected abstract ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation GetStatementFlowControlInformation(
ControlFlowAnalysis controlFlowAnalysis);
public AnalyzerResult Analyze()
// do data flow analysis
var model = this.SemanticModel;
var dataFlowAnalysisData = this.SelectionResult.GetDataFlowAnalysis();
// build symbol map for the identifiers used inside of the selection
var symbolMap = GetSymbolMap();
var isInPrimaryConstructorBaseType = this.IsInPrimaryConstructorBaseType();
// gather initial local or parameter variable info
bestEffort: false, dataFlowAnalysisData, symbolMap, isInPrimaryConstructorBaseType, out var variableInfoMap, out var failedVariables);
if (failedVariables.Count > 0)
// If we weren't able to figure something out, go back and regenerate the map
// this time in 'best effort' mode. We'll give the user a message saying there
// was a problem, but we allow them to proceed so they're not unnecessarily
// blocked just because we didn't understand something.
bestEffort: true, dataFlowAnalysisData, symbolMap, isInPrimaryConstructorBaseType, out variableInfoMap, out var unused);
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(unused.Count == 0);
var thisParameterBeingRead = (IParameterSymbol?)dataFlowAnalysisData.ReadInside.FirstOrDefault(IsThisParameter);
var isThisParameterWritten = dataFlowAnalysisData.WrittenInside.Any(static s => IsThisParameter(s));
// Need to generate an instance method if any primary constructor parameter is read or written inside the
// selection. This does not apply if we're in the base-type-list as that will still need a static method.
var primaryConstructorParameterReadOrWritten = !isInPrimaryConstructorBaseType && dataFlowAnalysisData.ReadInside
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IsPrimaryConstructor(this.CancellationToken)) != null;
var localFunctionCallsNotWithinSpan = symbolMap.Keys.Where(s => s.IsLocalFunction() && !s.Locations.Any(static (l, self) => self.SelectionResult.FinalSpan.Contains(l.SourceSpan), this));
// Checks to see if selection includes a local function call + if the given local function declaration is not included in the selection.
var containsAnyLocalFunctionCallNotWithinSpan = localFunctionCallsNotWithinSpan.Any();
// Checks to see if selection includes a non-static local function call + if the given local function declaration is not included in the selection.
var containsNonStaticLocalFunctionCallNotWithinSpan = containsAnyLocalFunctionCallNotWithinSpan && localFunctionCallsNotWithinSpan.Where(s => !s.IsStatic).Any();
var instanceMemberIsUsed = thisParameterBeingRead != null
|| isThisParameterWritten
|| containsNonStaticLocalFunctionCallNotWithinSpan
|| primaryConstructorParameterReadOrWritten;
var shouldBeReadOnly = !isThisParameterWritten
&& thisParameterBeingRead is { Type: { TypeKind: TypeKind.Struct, IsReadOnly: false } };
// check whether the selection contains "&" over a symbol exist
var unsafeAddressTakenUsed = dataFlowAnalysisData.UnsafeAddressTaken.Intersect(variableInfoMap.Keys).Any();
var flowControlInformation = GetFlowControlInformation();
var (variables, returnType, returnsByRef) = GetSignatureInformation(variableInfoMap, flowControlInformation);
// collect method type variable used in selected code
var sortedMap = new SortedDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol>();
var typeParametersInConstraintList = GetMethodTypeParametersInConstraintList(variableInfoMap, symbolMap, sortedMap);
var typeParametersInDeclaration = GetMethodTypeParametersInDeclaration(returnType, sortedMap);
// check various error cases
var operationStatus = GetOperationStatus(
symbolMap, variables, failedVariables, unsafeAddressTakenUsed, returnType.ContainsAnonymousType(), containsAnyLocalFunctionCallNotWithinSpan);
return new AnalyzerResult(
private (ImmutableArray<VariableInfo> finalOrderedVariableInfos, ITypeSymbol returnType, bool returnsByRef)
GetSignatureInformation(Dictionary<ISymbol, VariableInfo> symbolMap, ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation flowControlInformation)
var allVariableInfos = symbolMap.Values.Order().ToImmutableArray();
if (this.SelectionResult.IsExtractMethodOnExpression ||
flowControlInformation.ReturnStatementCount > 0)
// If we're just selecting an expression, then we want the extract method to have the type of that
// expression. Similarly, if we're selecting a statement that contains a return statement, then we
// want the extracted method to have the return type of the containing method.
// Note: if there's more complex flow control, that will be handled later on with an additional
// value added to the return value.
var (returnType, returnsByRef) = SelectionResult.GetReturnTypeInfo(this.CancellationToken);
return (allVariableInfos, UnwrapTaskIfNeeded(returnType), returnsByRef);
var finalOrderedVariableInfos = MarkVariableInfosToUseAsReturnValueIfPossible(
allVariableInfos, flowControlInformation.NeedsControlFlowValue());
var variablesToUseAsReturnValue = finalOrderedVariableInfos.WhereAsArray(v => v.UseAsReturnValue);
var returnType = GetReturnType(variablesToUseAsReturnValue);
return (finalOrderedVariableInfos, returnType, returnsByRef: false);
ITypeSymbol UnwrapTaskIfNeeded(ITypeSymbol returnType)
if (this.SelectionResult.ContainingScopeHasAsyncKeyword())
// We compute the desired return type for the extract method from our own return type. But for
// the purposes of manipulating the return type, we need to get to the underlying type if this
// was wrapped in a Task in an explicitly 'async' method. In other words, if we're in an `async
// Task<int>` method, then we want the extract method to return `int`. Note: we will possibly
// then wrap that as `Task<int>` again if we see that we extracted out any await-expressions.
var compilation = this.SemanticModel.Compilation;
var knownTaskTypes = new KnownTaskTypes(compilation);
// Map from `Task/ValueTask` to `void`
if (returnType.Equals(knownTaskTypes.TaskType) || returnType.Equals(knownTaskTypes.ValueTaskType))
return compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Void);
// Map from `Task<T>/ValueTask<T>` to `T`
if (returnType.OriginalDefinition.Equals(knownTaskTypes.TaskOfTType) || returnType.OriginalDefinition.Equals(knownTaskTypes.ValueTaskOfTType))
return returnType.GetTypeArguments().Single();
return returnType;
ITypeSymbol GetReturnType(ImmutableArray<VariableInfo> variablesToUseAsReturnValue)
var compilation = this.SemanticModel.Compilation;
if (variablesToUseAsReturnValue.IsEmpty)
return compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Void);
if (variablesToUseAsReturnValue is [var info])
return info.SymbolType;
return compilation.CreateTupleTypeSymbol(
variablesToUseAsReturnValue.SelectAsArray(v => v.SymbolType),
variablesToUseAsReturnValue.SelectAsArray(v => v.Name)!);
private ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation GetFlowControlInformation()
return this.SelectionResult.IsExtractMethodOnExpression
? ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation.Create(this.SemanticModel.Compilation, supportsComplexFlowControl: true, breakStatementCount: 0, continueStatementCount: 0, returnStatementCount: 0, endPointIsReachable: true)
: GetStatementFlowControlInformation(this.SelectionResult.GetStatementControlFlowAnalysis());
private OperationStatus GetOperationStatus(
MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> symbolMap,
ImmutableArray<VariableInfo> variables,
IList<ISymbol> failedVariables,
bool unsafeAddressTakenUsed,
bool returnTypeHasAnonymousType,
bool containsAnyLocalFunctionCallNotWithinSpan)
var readonlyFieldStatus = CheckReadOnlyFields(symbolMap);
var namesWithAnonymousTypes = variables.Where(v => v.OriginalTypeHadAnonymousTypeOrDelegate).Select(v => v.Name ?? string.Empty);
if (returnTypeHasAnonymousType)
namesWithAnonymousTypes = namesWithAnonymousTypes.Concat("return type");
var anonymousTypeStatus = !namesWithAnonymousTypes.Any()
? OperationStatus.SucceededStatus
: new OperationStatus(succeeded: true,
string.Join(", ", namesWithAnonymousTypes)));
var unsafeAddressStatus = unsafeAddressTakenUsed
? OperationStatus.UnsafeAddressTaken
: OperationStatus.SucceededStatus;
var asyncRefOutParameterStatus = CheckAsyncMethodRefOutParameters(variables);
var variableMapStatus = failedVariables.Count == 0
? OperationStatus.SucceededStatus
: new OperationStatus(succeeded: true,
string.Join(", ", failedVariables.Select(v => v.Name))));
var localFunctionStatus = (containsAnyLocalFunctionCallNotWithinSpan && !LocalFunction)
? OperationStatus.LocalFunctionCallWithoutDeclaration
: OperationStatus.SucceededStatus;
return readonlyFieldStatus
private OperationStatus CheckAsyncMethodRefOutParameters(IList<VariableInfo> parameters)
if (SelectionResult.ContainsAwaitExpression())
var names = parameters
.Where(v => v is { UseAsReturnValue: false, ParameterModifier: ParameterBehavior.Out or ParameterBehavior.Ref })
.Select(p => p.Name ?? string.Empty);
if (names.Any())
return new OperationStatus(succeeded: true, string.Format(FeaturesResources.Asynchronous_method_cannot_have_ref_out_parameters_colon_bracket_0_bracket, string.Join(", ", names)));
return OperationStatus.SucceededStatus;
private MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> GetSymbolMap()
var symbolMap = new MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken>();
var semanticModel = this.SemanticModel;
var syntaxFacts = this.SyntaxFacts;
var context = SelectionResult.GetContainingScope();
foreach (var token in context.DescendantTokens())
if (token.IsMissing ||
token.Width() <= 0 ||
!this.SelectionResult.FinalSpan.Contains(token.Span) ||
!syntaxFacts.IsIdentifier(token) ||
var symbolInfo = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(token, this.CancellationToken);
foreach (var sym in symbolInfo.GetAllSymbols())
symbolMap.Add(sym, token);
return symbolMap;
private ImmutableArray<VariableInfo> MarkVariableInfosToUseAsReturnValueIfPossible(
ImmutableArray<VariableInfo> variableInfos, bool hasFlowControlResult)
var index = GetIndexOfVariableInfoToUseAsReturnValue(variableInfos, out var numberOfOutParameters, out var numberOfRefParameters);
// If there are any variables we'd make out/ref and this is async, then we need to make these the return
// values of the method since we can't actually have out/ref with an async method.
// Similarly, if we have a flow control variable, then make that one of the return values of the method
// so that the caller can see what the called method wants to do.
var outRefCount = numberOfOutParameters + numberOfRefParameters;
var createAsyncTuple = outRefCount > 0 &&
this.SelectionResult.ContainsAwaitExpression() &&
if (createAsyncTuple || hasFlowControlResult)
var result = new FixedSizeArrayBuilder<VariableInfo>(variableInfos.Length);
foreach (var info in variableInfos)
result.Add(info.CanBeUsedAsReturnValue && info.ParameterModifier is ParameterBehavior.Out or ParameterBehavior.Ref
? VariableInfo.CreateReturnValue(info)
: info);
return result.MoveToImmutable();
// If there's just one variable that would be ref/out, then make that the return value of the final method.
if (index >= 0)
return variableInfos.SetItem(index, VariableInfo.CreateReturnValue(variableInfos[index]));
return variableInfos;
/// <summary>
/// among variables that will be used as parameters at the extracted method, check whether one of the parameter can be used as return
/// </summary>
private int GetIndexOfVariableInfoToUseAsReturnValue(
ImmutableArray<VariableInfo> variableInfo,
out int numberOfOutParameters,
out int numberOfRefParameters)
numberOfOutParameters = 0;
numberOfRefParameters = 0;
var outSymbolIndex = -1;
var refSymbolIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < variableInfo.Length; i++)
var variable = variableInfo[i];
// there should be no-one set as return value yet
if (!variable.CanBeUsedAsReturnValue)
// check modifier
if (variable.ParameterModifier == ParameterBehavior.Ref ||
(variable.ParameterModifier == ParameterBehavior.Out && TreatOutAsRef))
refSymbolIndex = i;
else if (variable.ParameterModifier == ParameterBehavior.Out)
outSymbolIndex = i;
// if there is only one "out" or "ref", that will be converted to return statement.
if (numberOfOutParameters == 1)
return outSymbolIndex;
if (numberOfRefParameters == 1)
return refSymbolIndex;
return -1;
/// <param name="bestEffort">When false, variables whose data flow is not understood
/// will be returned in <paramref name="failedVariables"/>. When true, we assume any
/// variable we don't understand has <see cref="VariableStyle.None"/></param>
private void GenerateVariableInfoMap(
bool bestEffort,
DataFlowAnalysis dataFlowAnalysisData,
MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> symbolMap,
bool isInPrimaryConstructorBaseType,
out Dictionary<ISymbol, VariableInfo> variableInfoMap,
out List<ISymbol> failedVariables)
variableInfoMap = [];
failedVariables = [];
// create map of each data
using var _0 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.Captured, out var capturedMap);
using var _1 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.DataFlowsIn, out var dataFlowInMap);
using var _2 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.DataFlowsOut, out var dataFlowOutMap);
using var _3 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.AlwaysAssigned, out var alwaysAssignedMap);
using var _4 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.VariablesDeclared, out var variableDeclaredMap);
using var _5 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.ReadInside, out var readInsideMap);
using var _6 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.WrittenInside, out var writtenInsideMap);
using var _7 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.ReadOutside, out var readOutsideMap);
using var _8 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.WrittenOutside, out var writtenOutsideMap);
using var _9 = GetPooledSymbolSet(dataFlowAnalysisData.UnsafeAddressTaken, out var unsafeAddressTakenMap);
// gather all meaningful symbols for the span.
var candidates = new HashSet<ISymbol>(readInsideMap);
// Need to analyze from the start of what we're extracting to the end of the scope that this variable could
// have been referenced in.
var containingScope = SelectionResult.GetContainingScope();
var analysisRange = TextSpan.FromBounds(SelectionResult.FinalSpan.Start, containingScope.Span.End);
var selectionOperation = this.SemanticModel.GetOperation(containingScope);
foreach (var symbol in candidates)
// We don't care about the 'this' parameter. It will be available to an extracted method already.
if (symbol.IsThisParameter())
// Primary constructor parameters will be in scope for any instance extracted method. No need to do
// anything special with them. They won't be in scope for a static method generated in a primary
// constructor base type list.
if (!isInPrimaryConstructorBaseType && symbol is IParameterSymbol parameter && parameter.IsPrimaryConstructor(this.CancellationToken))
if (IsInteractiveSynthesizedParameter(symbol))
var captured = capturedMap.Contains(symbol);
var dataFlowIn = dataFlowInMap.Contains(symbol);
var dataFlowOut = dataFlowOutMap.Contains(symbol);
var alwaysAssigned = alwaysAssignedMap.Contains(symbol);
var variableDeclared = variableDeclaredMap.Contains(symbol);
var readInside = readInsideMap.Contains(symbol);
var writtenInside = writtenInsideMap.Contains(symbol);
var readOutside = IsReadOutside(symbol, readOutsideMap);
var writtenOutside = writtenOutsideMap.Contains(symbol);
var unsafeAddressTaken = unsafeAddressTakenMap.Contains(symbol);
// if it is static local, make sure it is not defined inside
if (symbol.IsStatic)
dataFlowIn = dataFlowIn && !variableDeclared;
// make sure readoutside is true when dataflowout is true (bug #3790)
// when a variable is only used inside of loop, a situation where dataflowout == true and readOutside == false
// can happen. but for extract method's point of view, this is not an information that would affect output.
// so, here we adjust flags to follow predefined assumption.
readOutside = readOutside || dataFlowOut;
// make sure data flow out is true when declared inside/written inside/read outside/not written outside are true (bug #6277)
dataFlowOut = dataFlowOut || (variableDeclared && writtenInside && readOutside && !writtenOutside);
// variable that is declared inside but never referenced outside. just ignore it and move to next one.
if (variableDeclared && !dataFlowOut && !readOutside && !writtenOutside)
// parameter defined inside of the selection (such as lambda parameter) will be ignored (bug # 10964)
if (symbol is IParameterSymbol && variableDeclared)
var type = GetSymbolTypeWithUpdatedNullability(symbol);
if (type == null)
// If the variable doesn't have a name, it is invalid.
if (symbol.Name.IsEmpty())
if (!TryGetVariableStyle(
bestEffort, symbolMap, symbol, type,
captured, dataFlowIn, dataFlowOut, alwaysAssigned, variableDeclared,
readInside, writtenInside, readOutside, writtenOutside, unsafeAddressTaken,
out var variableStyle))
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(bestEffort, "Should never fail if bestEffort is true");
// An assignment to a VB 'function value'. (e.g. `MethodName = value`) needs to be treated as a
// return value from the inner function which the outer function then still assigns to its function
// value.
if (symbol is ILocalSymbol { IsFunctionValue: true } &&
variableStyle.ParameterStyle.DeclarationBehavior != DeclarationBehavior.None)
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(variableStyle.ParameterStyle.DeclarationBehavior == DeclarationBehavior.MoveIn || variableStyle.ParameterStyle.DeclarationBehavior == DeclarationBehavior.SplitIn);
variableStyle = AlwaysReturn(variableStyle);
CreateFromSymbol(symbol, type, variableStyle));
PooledDisposer<PooledHashSet<ISymbol>> GetPooledSymbolSet(ImmutableArray<ISymbol> symbols, out PooledHashSet<ISymbol> symbolSet)
var disposer = PooledHashSet<ISymbol>.GetInstance(out symbolSet);
return disposer;
ITypeSymbol? GetSymbolTypeWithUpdatedNullability(ISymbol symbol)
var type = GetUnderlyingSymbolType(symbol);
if (type is null)
return type;
// Check if null is possibly assigned to the symbol. If it is, leave nullable annotation as is, otherwise we
// can modify the annotation to be NotAnnotated to code that more likely matches the user's intent.
if (type.NullableAnnotation is not NullableAnnotation.Annotated)
return type;
// For Extract-Method we don't care about analyzing the declaration of this variable. For example, even if
// it was initially assigned 'null' for the purposes of determining the type of it for a return value, all
// we care is if it is null at the end of the selection. If it is only assigned non-null values, for
// example, we want to treat it as non-null.
if (selectionOperation is not null &&
this.SemanticFacts, this.SemanticModel, selectionOperation, symbol, analysisRange, includeDeclaration: false, this.CancellationToken) == false)
return type.WithNullableAnnotation(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated);
return type;
static VariableInfo CreateFromSymbol(
ISymbol symbol,
ITypeSymbol type,
VariableStyle style)
return symbol switch
ILocalSymbol local => new VariableInfo(
new LocalVariableSymbol(local, type),
useAsReturnValue: false),
IParameterSymbol parameter => new VariableInfo(new ParameterVariableSymbol(parameter, type), style, useAsReturnValue: false),
IRangeVariableSymbol rangeVariable => new VariableInfo(new QueryVariableSymbol(rangeVariable, type), style, useAsReturnValue: false),
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol)
private ITypeSymbol? GetUnderlyingSymbolType(ISymbol symbol)
return symbol switch
ILocalSymbol local => local.Type,
IParameterSymbol parameter => parameter.Type,
IRangeVariableSymbol rangeVariable => GetRangeVariableType(rangeVariable),
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol)
private static void AddVariableToMap(IDictionary<ISymbol, VariableInfo> variableInfoMap, ISymbol localOrParameter, VariableInfo variableInfo)
=> variableInfoMap.Add(localOrParameter, variableInfo);
private bool TryGetVariableStyle(
bool bestEffort,
MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> symbolMap,
ISymbol symbol,
ITypeSymbol type,
bool captured,
bool dataFlowIn,
bool dataFlowOut,
bool alwaysAssigned,
bool variableDeclared,
bool readInside,
bool writtenInside,
bool readOutside,
bool writtenOutside,
bool unsafeAddressTaken,
out VariableStyle variableStyle)
if (!ExtractMethodMatrix.TryGetVariableStyle(
bestEffort, dataFlowIn, dataFlowOut, alwaysAssigned, variableDeclared,
readInside, writtenInside, readOutside, writtenOutside, unsafeAddressTaken,
out variableStyle))
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(bestEffort, "Should never fail if bestEffort is true");
return false;
if (SelectionContainsOnlyIdentifierWithSameType(type))
return true;
// for captured variable, never try to move the decl into extracted method
if (captured && variableStyle == VariableStyle.MoveIn)
variableStyle = VariableStyle.Out;
return true;
// check special value type cases
if (type.IsValueType && !IsWrittenInsideForFrameworkValueType(symbolMap, symbol, writtenInside))
return true;
// don't blindly always return. make sure there is a write inside of the selection
if (!writtenInside)
return true;
variableStyle = AlwaysReturn(variableStyle);
return true;
private bool IsWrittenInsideForFrameworkValueType(
MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> symbolMap, ISymbol symbol, bool writtenInside)
var tokens = symbolMap[symbol];
if (tokens.Count == 0)
return writtenInside;
var semanticFacts = this.SemanticFacts;
return tokens.Any(t => semanticFacts.IsWrittenTo(this.SemanticModel, t.Parent, this.CancellationToken));
private bool SelectionContainsOnlyIdentifierWithSameType(ITypeSymbol type)
if (!SelectionResult.IsExtractMethodOnExpression)
return false;
var firstToken = SelectionResult.GetFirstTokenInSelection();
var lastToken = SelectionResult.GetLastTokenInSelection();
if (!firstToken.Equals(lastToken))
return false;
return type.Equals(SelectionResult.GetReturnType(this.CancellationToken));
protected static VariableStyle AlwaysReturn(VariableStyle style)
if (style == VariableStyle.InputOnly)
return VariableStyle.Ref;
if (style == VariableStyle.MoveIn)
return VariableStyle.Out;
if (style == VariableStyle.SplitIn)
return VariableStyle.Out;
if (style == VariableStyle.SplitOut)
return VariableStyle.OutWithMoveOut;
return style;
private static bool IsThisParameter(ISymbol localOrParameter)
if (localOrParameter is not IParameterSymbol parameter)
return false;
return parameter.IsThis;
private static bool IsInteractiveSynthesizedParameter(ISymbol localOrParameter)
if (localOrParameter is not IParameterSymbol parameter)
return false;
return parameter.IsImplicitlyDeclared &&
parameter.ContainingAssembly.IsInteractive &&
parameter.ContainingSymbol != null &&
parameter.ContainingSymbol.ContainingType != null &&
private void AddTypeParametersToMap(IEnumerable<ITypeParameterSymbol> typeParameters, IDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
foreach (var typeParameter in typeParameters)
AddTypeParameterToMap(typeParameter, sortedMap);
private void AddTypeParameterToMap(ITypeParameterSymbol typeParameter, IDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
if (typeParameter == null ||
typeParameter.DeclaringMethod == null ||
// Only care about type parameters declared outside of the span being selected. If the type parameter
// is within the selection, that means it comes from a generic local function and would not otherwise be
// usable by the calling method.
var selectionSpan = this.SelectionResult.FinalSpan;
if (typeParameter.Locations is not [var location] || selectionSpan.Contains(location.SourceSpan))
sortedMap[typeParameter.Ordinal] = typeParameter;
private void AppendMethodTypeVariableFromDataFlowAnalysis(
IDictionary<ISymbol, VariableInfo> variableInfoMap,
IDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
foreach (var symbol in variableInfoMap.Keys)
AddTypeParametersToMap(TypeParameterCollector.Collect(GetUnderlyingSymbolType(symbol)), sortedMap);
private void AppendMethodTypeParameterFromConstraint(SortedDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
var typeParametersInConstraint = new List<ITypeParameterSymbol>();
// collect all type parameter appears in constraint
foreach (var typeParameter in sortedMap.Values)
var constraintTypes = typeParameter.ConstraintTypes;
if (constraintTypes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
foreach (var type in constraintTypes)
// constraint itself is type parameter
// pick up only valid type parameter and add them to the map
foreach (var typeParameter in typeParametersInConstraint)
AddTypeParameterToMap(typeParameter, sortedMap);
private void AppendMethodTypeParameterUsedDirectly(MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> symbolMap, IDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
foreach (var typeParameter in symbolMap.Keys.OfType<ITypeParameterSymbol>())
AddTypeParameterToMap(typeParameter, sortedMap);
private ImmutableArray<ITypeParameterSymbol> GetMethodTypeParametersInConstraintList(
IDictionary<ISymbol, VariableInfo> variableInfoMap,
MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> symbolMap,
SortedDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
// find starting points
AppendMethodTypeVariableFromDataFlowAnalysis(variableInfoMap, sortedMap);
AppendMethodTypeParameterUsedDirectly(symbolMap, sortedMap);
// recursively dive into constraints to find all constraints needed
return [.. sortedMap.Values];
private void AppendTypeParametersInConstraintsUsedByConstructedTypeWithItsOwnConstraints(SortedDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
using var _1 = PooledHashSet<ITypeSymbol>.GetInstance(out var visited);
using var _2 = PooledHashSet<ITypeParameterSymbol>.GetInstance(out var candidates);
// collect all type parameter appears in constraint
foreach (var typeParameter in sortedMap.Values)
var constraintTypes = typeParameter.ConstraintTypes;
if (constraintTypes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
foreach (var type in constraintTypes)
AddTypeParametersInConstraintsUsedByConstructedTypeWithItsOwnConstraints(type, visited, candidates);
// pick up only valid type parameter and add them to the map
foreach (var typeParameter in candidates)
AddTypeParameterToMap(typeParameter, sortedMap);
private static void AddTypeParametersInConstraintsUsedByConstructedTypeWithItsOwnConstraints(
ITypeSymbol type, HashSet<ITypeSymbol> visited, HashSet<ITypeParameterSymbol> typeParameters)
if (!visited.Add(type))
if (type.OriginalDefinition.Equals(type))
if (type is not INamedTypeSymbol constructedType)
var parameters = constructedType.GetAllTypeParameters();
var arguments = constructedType.GetAllTypeArguments();
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(parameters.Length == arguments.Length);
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
if (arguments[i] is ITypeParameterSymbol argument)
if (parameters[i] is not
HasConstructorConstraint: false,
HasReferenceTypeConstraint: false,
HasValueTypeConstraint: false,
AllowsRefLikeType: false,
ConstraintTypes.IsDefaultOrEmpty: true
else if (arguments[i] is INamedTypeSymbol candidate)
AddTypeParametersInConstraintsUsedByConstructedTypeWithItsOwnConstraints(candidate, visited, typeParameters);
private ImmutableArray<ITypeParameterSymbol> GetMethodTypeParametersInDeclaration(ITypeSymbol returnType, SortedDictionary<int, ITypeParameterSymbol> sortedMap)
// add return type to the map
AddTypeParametersToMap(TypeParameterCollector.Collect(returnType), sortedMap);
return [.. sortedMap.Values];
private OperationStatus CheckReadOnlyFields(MultiDictionary<ISymbol, SyntaxToken> symbolMap)
if (ReadOnlyFieldAllowed())
return OperationStatus.SucceededStatus;
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<string>.GetInstance(out var names);
var semanticFacts = this.SemanticFacts;
foreach (var pair in symbolMap.Where(p => p.Key.Kind == SymbolKind.Field))
var field = (IFieldSymbol)pair.Key;
if (!field.IsReadOnly)
var tokens = pair.Value;
if (tokens.All(t => !semanticFacts.IsWrittenTo(this.SemanticModel, t.Parent, CancellationToken)))
names.Add(field.Name ?? string.Empty);
if (names.Count > 0)
return new OperationStatus(succeeded: true, string.Format(FeaturesResources.Assigning_to_readonly_fields_must_be_done_in_a_constructor_colon_bracket_0_bracket, string.Join(", ", names)));
return OperationStatus.SucceededStatus;