// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExtractMethod;
/// <summary>
/// Holds onto fine-grained information about the types of flow control constructs seen in a selection being extracted.
/// If there are two or more different flow control types seen, then information about that flow control is will need to
/// be passed out from the extracted method to the caller. If this is the case, then <see cref="NeedsControlFlowValue"
/// /> will return true. When <see langword="true"/> the type needed to pass back that information will be exposed in
/// <see cref="ControlFlowValueType"/>. When <see langword="false"/> the type will be <see cref="System.Void"/>.
/// <para/> A mapping between flow control kind and a specific flow control value to use to represent it will be
/// created. That mapping can be queried using the <see cref="TryGetBreakFlowValue"/> helper (and siblings).
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation
private enum FlowControlKind
public readonly int BreakStatementCount;
public readonly int ContinueStatementCount;
public readonly int ReturnStatementCount;
public readonly bool EndPointIsReachable;
private readonly Dictionary<FlowControlKind, object?> _flowValues = [];
public readonly ITypeSymbol ControlFlowValueType;
private ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation(
int breakStatementCount,
int continueStatementCount,
int returnStatementCount,
bool endPointIsReachable,
ITypeSymbol controlFlowValueType,
Dictionary<FlowControlKind, object?> flowValues)
BreakStatementCount = breakStatementCount;
ContinueStatementCount = continueStatementCount;
ReturnStatementCount = returnStatementCount;
EndPointIsReachable = endPointIsReachable;
ControlFlowValueType = controlFlowValueType;
_flowValues = flowValues;
public static ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation Create(
Compilation compilation,
bool supportsComplexFlowControl,
int breakStatementCount,
int continueStatementCount,
int returnStatementCount,
bool endPointIsReachable)
var controlFlowValueType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Void);
var flowValues = new Dictionary<FlowControlKind, object?>();
if (supportsComplexFlowControl)
var controlFlowKindCount = GetControlFlowKindCount();
if (controlFlowKindCount == 2)
controlFlowValueType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
AssignFlowValues([false, true]);
else if (controlFlowKindCount == 3)
controlFlowValueType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T).Construct(compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean));
AssignFlowValues([false, true, null]);
else if (controlFlowKindCount == 4)
controlFlowValueType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32);
AssignFlowValues([0, 1, 2, 3]);
return new(
void AssignFlowValues(object?[] values)
var valuesIndex = 0;
if (breakStatementCount > 0)
flowValues[FlowControlKind.Break] = values[valuesIndex++];
if (continueStatementCount > 0)
flowValues[FlowControlKind.Continue] = values[valuesIndex++];
if (returnStatementCount > 0)
flowValues[FlowControlKind.Return] = values[valuesIndex++];
if (endPointIsReachable)
flowValues[FlowControlKind.FallThrough] = values[valuesIndex++];
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(valuesIndex == values.Length);
int GetControlFlowKindCount()
var flowControlKinds =
(breakStatementCount > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
(continueStatementCount > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
(returnStatementCount > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
(endPointIsReachable ? 1 : 0);
return flowControlKinds;
public bool NeedsControlFlowValue()
=> ControlFlowValueType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Void;
/// <summary>
/// Returns <see langword="true"/> if the selection returns the same way across all paths. For example,
/// 'continue'ing across all paths, or `return`ing across all paths. In this case, the extracted method doesn't
/// need to actually return a flow control value, and the caller can uniformly execute that same control flow
/// construct after calling the extracted method..
/// </summary>
public bool HasUniformControlFlow()
=> (BreakStatementCount > 0, ContinueStatementCount > 0, ReturnStatementCount > 0, EndPointIsReachable) switch
// All breaks on all paths.
(true, false, false, false) => true,
// All continues on all paths.
(false, true, false, false) => true,
// All returns on all paths.
(false, false, true, false) => true,
_ => false,
public bool TryGetBreakFlowValue(out object? value)
=> _flowValues.TryGetValue(FlowControlKind.Break, out value);
public bool TryGetContinueFlowValue(out object? value)
=> _flowValues.TryGetValue(FlowControlKind.Continue, out value);
public bool TryGetReturnFlowValue(out object? value)
=> _flowValues.TryGetValue(FlowControlKind.Return, out value);
public bool TryGetFallThroughFlowValue(out object? value)
=> _flowValues.TryGetValue(FlowControlKind.FallThrough, out value);