// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.Providers;
internal abstract class AbstractObjectInitializerCompletionProvider : LSPCompletionProvider
protected abstract Tuple<ITypeSymbol, Location>? GetInitializedType(Document document, SemanticModel semanticModel, int position, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
protected abstract HashSet<string> GetInitializedMembers(SyntaxTree tree, int position, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
protected abstract string EscapeIdentifier(ISymbol symbol);
public override async Task ProvideCompletionsAsync(CompletionContext context)
var document = context.Document;
var position = context.Position;
var cancellationToken = context.CancellationToken;
var semanticModel = await document.ReuseExistingSpeculativeModelAsync(position, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (GetInitializedType(document, semanticModel, position, cancellationToken) is not var (type, initializerLocation))
if (type is ITypeParameterSymbol typeParameterSymbol)
type = typeParameterSymbol.GetNamedTypeSymbolConstraint();
if (type is not INamedTypeSymbol initializedType)
if (await IsExclusiveAsync(document, position, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
context.IsExclusive = true;
var enclosing = semanticModel.GetEnclosingNamedType(position, cancellationToken);
// Find the members that can be initialized. If we have a NamedTypeSymbol, also get the overridden members.
var members = semanticModel
.LookupSymbols(position, initializedType)
.Where(m => IsInitializableFieldOrProperty(m, enclosing));
// Filter out those members that have already been typed
var alreadyTypedMembers = GetInitializedMembers(semanticModel.SyntaxTree, position, cancellationToken);
var uninitializedMembers = members.Where(m => !alreadyTypedMembers.Contains(m.Name));
// Sort the members by name so if we preselect one, it'll be stable
uninitializedMembers = uninitializedMembers
.Where(m => m.IsEditorBrowsable(context.CompletionOptions.MemberDisplayOptions.HideAdvancedMembers, semanticModel.Compilation))
.OrderBy(m => m.Name);
var firstUninitializedRequiredMember = true;
foreach (var uninitializedMember in uninitializedMembers)
var rules = s_rules;
// We'll hard select the first required member to make it a bit easier to type out an object initializer
// with a bunch of members.
if (firstUninitializedRequiredMember && uninitializedMember.IsRequired())
rules = rules.WithSelectionBehavior(CompletionItemSelectionBehavior.HardSelection).WithMatchPriority(MatchPriority.Preselect);
firstUninitializedRequiredMember = false;
displayText: EscapeIdentifier(uninitializedMember),
displayTextSuffix: "",
insertionText: null,
symbols: [uninitializedMember],
contextPosition: initializerLocation.SourceSpan.Start,
inlineDescription: uninitializedMember.IsRequired() ? FeaturesResources.Required : null,
rules: rules));
internal override Task<CompletionDescription> GetDescriptionWorkerAsync(Document document, CompletionItem item, CompletionOptions options, SymbolDescriptionOptions displayOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> SymbolCompletionItem.GetDescriptionAsync(item, document, displayOptions, cancellationToken);
protected abstract Task<bool> IsExclusiveAsync(Document document, int position, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
private static readonly CompletionItemRules s_rules = CompletionItemRules.Create(enterKeyRule: EnterKeyRule.Never);
protected virtual bool IsInitializableFieldOrProperty(ISymbol fieldOrProperty, INamedTypeSymbol containingType)
if (!fieldOrProperty.IsStatic &&
!fieldOrProperty.IsImplicitlyDeclared &&
fieldOrProperty.CanBeReferencedByName &&
fieldOrProperty.MatchesKind(SymbolKind.Field, SymbolKind.Property) &&
if (fieldOrProperty.IsWriteableFieldOrProperty() ||
fieldOrProperty.ContainingType.IsAnonymousType ||
return true;
return false;
static bool CanSupportObjectInitializer(ISymbol fieldOrProperty)
Debug.Assert(!fieldOrProperty.IsWriteableFieldOrProperty(), "Assertion failed - expected writable field/property check before calling this method.");
return MemberTypeCanSupportObjectInitializer(fieldOrProperty switch
IFieldSymbol fieldSymbol => fieldSymbol.Type,
IPropertySymbol propertySymbol => propertySymbol.Type,
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable()
static bool MemberTypeCanSupportObjectInitializer(ITypeSymbol type)
// NOTE: While in C# it is legal to write 'Member = {}' on a member of any of
// the ruled out types below, it has no effects and is thus a needless recommendation
// Example of the above case:
class C
string S { get; }
new C()
S = {},
// We avoid some types that are common and easy to rule out
var definition = type.OriginalDefinition;
switch (definition.SpecialType)
case SpecialType.System_Enum:
case SpecialType.System_String:
case SpecialType.System_Object:
case SpecialType.System_Delegate:
case SpecialType.System_MulticastDelegate:
// We cannot use collection initializers in symbols of type `System.Array` (as opposed to actual
// instantiations like `int[]`).
case SpecialType.System_Array:
// We cannot add to an enumerable or enumerator
// so we cannot use a collection initializer
case SpecialType.System_Collections_IEnumerable:
case SpecialType.System_Collections_IEnumerator:
case SpecialType.System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_T:
case SpecialType.System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerator_T:
return false;
// - Delegate types have no settable members, which is the case for Delegate and MulticastDelegate too
// - Non-settable struct members cannot be used in object initializers
// - Pointers and function pointers do not have accessible members
return type.TypeKind is not (TypeKind.Delegate or TypeKind.Struct or TypeKind.FunctionPointer or TypeKind.Pointer);