// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
/// <summary>
/// One of many possible completions used to form the completion list presented to the user.
/// </summary>
public sealed class CompletionItem : IComparable<CompletionItem>
private readonly string? _filterText;
private string? _lazyEntireDisplayText;
private ImmutableDictionary<string, string>? _lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary;
private readonly ImmutableArray<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _properties;
/// <summary>
/// The text that is displayed to the user.
/// </summary>
public string DisplayText { get; }
/// <summary>
/// An optional prefix to be displayed prepended to <see cref="DisplayText"/>. Can be null.
/// Pattern-matching of user input will not be performed against this, but only against <see
/// cref="DisplayText"/>.
/// </summary>
public string DisplayTextPrefix { get; }
/// <summary>
/// An optional suffix to be displayed appended to <see cref="DisplayText"/>. Can be null.
/// Pattern-matching of user input will not be performed against this, but only against <see
/// cref="DisplayText"/>.
/// </summary>
public string DisplayTextSuffix { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The text used to determine if the item matches the filter and is show in the list.
/// This is often the same as <see cref="DisplayText"/> but may be different in certain circumstances.
/// </summary>
public string FilterText => _filterText ?? DisplayText;
/// <summary>
/// If provided, each additional string would be used in the same way as <see cref="FilterText"/> for item matching.
/// However, there's a key difference: matches of <see cref="AdditionalFilterTexts"/> is considered inferior than matches
/// of <see cref="FilterText"/> when they have identical pattern matching result.
/// </summary>
internal ImmutableArray<string> AdditionalFilterTexts { get; init; } = [];
/// <summary>
/// Returns <see langword="true"/> if <see cref="DisplayText"/> is identical to <see cref="FilterText"/>.
/// Otherwise returns <see langword="false"/>.
/// Be aware that this value is independent from <see cref="HasAdditionalFilterTexts"/> and could return <see langword="false"/>
/// even if <see cref="HasAdditionalFilterTexts"/> is <see langword="true"/>.
/// </summary>
internal bool HasDifferentFilterText => _filterText != null;
internal bool HasAdditionalFilterTexts => !AdditionalFilterTexts.IsEmpty;
/// <summary>
/// The text used to determine the order that the item appears in the list.
/// This is often the same as the <see cref="DisplayText"/> but may be different in certain circumstances.
/// </summary>
public string SortText { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Descriptive text to place after <see cref="DisplayText"/> in the display layer. Should
/// be short as it will show up in the UI. Display will present this in a way to distinguish
/// this from the normal text (for example, by fading out and right-aligning).
/// </summary>
public string InlineDescription { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The span of the syntax element associated with this item.
/// The span identifies the text in the document that is used to filter the initial list presented to the user,
/// and typically represents the region of the document that will be changed if this item is committed.
/// The latter is not always true because individual provider is free to make more complex changes to the document.
/// If this is the case, the provider should set <see cref="IsComplexTextEdit"/> to true.
/// </summary>
public TextSpan Span { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Additional information attached to a completion item by it creator.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableDictionary<string, string> Properties
if (_lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary is null)
_lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary = _properties.ToImmutableDictionary();
return _lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary;
internal ImmutableArray<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetProperties()
return _properties;
internal bool TryGetProperty(string name, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? value)
if (_lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary is not null)
return _lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out value);
foreach ((var propName, var propValue) in _properties)
if (name == propName)
value = propValue;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
internal string GetProperty(string name)
if (TryGetProperty(name, out var value))
return value;
// Let ImmutableDictionary handle throwing
if (_lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary is not null)
return _lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary[name];
throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Property {name} not found");
/// <summary>
/// Descriptive tags from <see cref="Tags.WellKnownTags"/>.
/// These tags may influence how the item is displayed.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<string> Tags { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Rules that declare how this item should behave.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItemRules Rules { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this item's text edit requires complex resolution.
/// An edit is considered complex if the span of the change is different from
/// specified by <see cref="Span"/>.
/// Example of an item type requiring complex resolution is C#/VB override completion.
/// </summary>
public bool IsComplexTextEdit { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The name of the <see cref="CompletionProvider"/> that created this
/// <see cref="CompletionItem"/>. Not available to clients. Only used by
/// the Completion subsystem itself for things like getting description text
/// and making additional change during commit.
/// </summary>
internal string? ProviderName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The automation text to use when narrating the completion item. If set to
/// null, narration will use the <see cref="DisplayText"/> instead.
/// </summary>
internal string? AutomationText { get; set; }
internal CompletionItemFlags Flags { get; set; }
private CompletionItem(
string? displayText,
string? filterText,
string? sortText,
TextSpan span,
ImmutableArray<KeyValuePair<string, string>> properties,
ImmutableArray<string> tags,
CompletionItemRules? rules,
string? displayTextPrefix,
string? displayTextSuffix,
string? inlineDescription,
bool isComplexTextEdit)
DisplayText = displayText ?? "";
DisplayTextPrefix = displayTextPrefix ?? "";
DisplayTextSuffix = displayTextSuffix ?? "";
SortText = sortText ?? DisplayText;
InlineDescription = inlineDescription ?? "";
Span = span;
Tags = tags.NullToEmpty();
Rules = rules ?? CompletionItemRules.Default;
IsComplexTextEdit = isComplexTextEdit;
_properties = properties.NullToEmpty();
if (_properties.Length > 10)
// Prefer to just keep an ImmutableArray, but performance on large property collections
// (quite uncommon) dictate falling back to a non-linear lookup data structure.
_lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary = _properties.ToImmutableDictionary();
if (!DisplayText.Equals(filterText ?? "", StringComparison.Ordinal))
_filterText = filterText;
// binary back compat overload
public static CompletionItem Create(
string? displayText,
string? filterText,
string? sortText,
ImmutableDictionary<string, string>? properties,
ImmutableArray<string> tags,
CompletionItemRules? rules)
return Create(displayText, filterText, sortText, properties, tags, rules, displayTextPrefix: null, displayTextSuffix: null);
// binary back compat overload
public static CompletionItem Create(
string? displayText,
string? filterText,
string? sortText,
ImmutableDictionary<string, string>? properties,
ImmutableArray<string> tags,
CompletionItemRules? rules,
string? displayTextPrefix,
string? displayTextSuffix)
return Create(displayText, filterText, sortText, properties, tags, rules, displayTextPrefix, displayTextSuffix, inlineDescription: null);
// binary back compat overload
public static CompletionItem Create(
string? displayText,
string? filterText,
string? sortText,
ImmutableDictionary<string, string>? properties,
ImmutableArray<string> tags,
CompletionItemRules? rules,
string? displayTextPrefix,
string? displayTextSuffix,
string? inlineDescription)
return Create(
displayText, filterText, sortText, properties, tags, rules, displayTextPrefix,
displayTextSuffix, inlineDescription, isComplexTextEdit: false);
public static CompletionItem Create(
string? displayText,
string? filterText = null,
string? sortText = null,
ImmutableDictionary<string, string>? properties = null,
ImmutableArray<string> tags = default,
CompletionItemRules? rules = null,
string? displayTextPrefix = null,
string? displayTextSuffix = null,
string? inlineDescription = null,
bool isComplexTextEdit = false)
var result = CreateInternal(
displayText, filterText, sortText, properties.AsImmutableOrNull(), tags, rules, displayTextPrefix,
displayTextSuffix, inlineDescription, isComplexTextEdit);
result._lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary = properties;
return result;
internal static CompletionItem CreateInternal(
string? displayText,
string? filterText = null,
string? sortText = null,
ImmutableArray<KeyValuePair<string, string>> properties = default,
ImmutableArray<string> tags = default,
CompletionItemRules? rules = null,
string? displayTextPrefix = null,
string? displayTextSuffix = null,
string? inlineDescription = null,
bool isComplexTextEdit = false)
return new CompletionItem(
span: default,
displayText: displayText,
filterText: filterText,
sortText: sortText,
properties: properties,
tags: tags,
rules: rules,
displayTextPrefix: displayTextPrefix,
displayTextSuffix: displayTextSuffix,
inlineDescription: inlineDescription,
isComplexTextEdit: isComplexTextEdit);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="CompletionItem"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="displayText">The text that is displayed to the user.</param>
/// <param name="filterText">The text used to determine if the item matches the filter and is show in the list.</param>
/// <param name="sortText">The text used to determine the order that the item appears in the list.</param>
/// <param name="span">The span of the syntax element in the document associated with this item.</param>
/// <param name="properties">Additional information.</param>
/// <param name="tags">Descriptive tags that may influence how the item is displayed.</param>
/// <param name="rules">The rules that declare how this item should behave.</param>
[Obsolete("Use the Create overload that does not take a span", error: true)]
public static CompletionItem Create(
string displayText,
string filterText,
string sortText,
TextSpan span,
ImmutableDictionary<string, string>? properties,
ImmutableArray<string> tags,
CompletionItemRules rules)
var result = new CompletionItem(
span: span,
displayText: displayText,
filterText: filterText,
sortText: sortText,
properties: properties.AsImmutableOrNull(),
tags: tags,
rules: rules,
displayTextPrefix: null,
displayTextSuffix: null,
inlineDescription: null,
isComplexTextEdit: false);
result._lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary = properties;
return result;
private CompletionItem With(
Optional<TextSpan> span = default,
Optional<string> displayText = default,
Optional<string> filterText = default,
Optional<string> sortText = default,
Optional<ImmutableArray<KeyValuePair<string, string>>> properties = default,
Optional<ImmutableArray<string>> tags = default,
Optional<CompletionItemRules> rules = default,
Optional<string> displayTextPrefix = default,
Optional<string> displayTextSuffix = default,
Optional<string> inlineDescription = default,
Optional<bool> isComplexTextEdit = default,
Optional<ImmutableArray<string>> additionalFilterTexts = default)
var newSpan = span.HasValue ? span.Value : Span;
var newDisplayText = displayText.HasValue ? displayText.Value : DisplayText;
var newFilterText = filterText.HasValue ? filterText.Value : FilterText;
var newSortText = sortText.HasValue ? sortText.Value : SortText;
var newInlineDescription = inlineDescription.HasValue ? inlineDescription.Value : InlineDescription;
var newProperties = properties.HasValue ? properties.Value : _properties;
var newTags = tags.HasValue ? tags.Value : Tags;
var newRules = rules.HasValue ? rules.Value : Rules;
var newDisplayTextPrefix = displayTextPrefix.HasValue ? displayTextPrefix.Value : DisplayTextPrefix;
var newDisplayTextSuffix = displayTextSuffix.HasValue ? displayTextSuffix.Value : DisplayTextSuffix;
var newIsComplexTextEdit = isComplexTextEdit.HasValue ? isComplexTextEdit.Value : IsComplexTextEdit;
var newAdditionalFilterTexts = additionalFilterTexts.HasValue ? additionalFilterTexts.Value.NullToEmpty() : AdditionalFilterTexts;
if (newSpan == Span &&
newDisplayText == DisplayText &&
newFilterText == FilterText &&
newSortText == SortText &&
newProperties == _properties &&
newTags == Tags &&
newRules == Rules &&
newDisplayTextPrefix == DisplayTextPrefix &&
newDisplayTextSuffix == DisplayTextSuffix &&
newInlineDescription == InlineDescription &&
newIsComplexTextEdit == IsComplexTextEdit &&
newAdditionalFilterTexts == AdditionalFilterTexts)
return this;
return new CompletionItem(
displayText: newDisplayText,
filterText: newFilterText,
span: newSpan,
sortText: newSortText,
properties: newProperties,
tags: newTags,
rules: newRules,
displayTextPrefix: newDisplayTextPrefix,
displayTextSuffix: newDisplayTextSuffix,
inlineDescription: newInlineDescription,
isComplexTextEdit: newIsComplexTextEdit)
AutomationText = AutomationText,
ProviderName = ProviderName,
Flags = Flags,
AdditionalFilterTexts = newAdditionalFilterTexts
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="Span"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("Not used anymore. CompletionList.Span is used to control the span used for filtering.", error: true)]
public CompletionItem WithSpan(TextSpan span)
=> this;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="DisplayText"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithDisplayText(string text)
=> With(displayText: text);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="DisplayTextPrefix"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithDisplayTextPrefix(string displayTextPrefix)
=> With(displayTextPrefix: displayTextPrefix);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="DisplayTextSuffix"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithDisplayTextSuffix(string displayTextSuffix)
=> With(displayTextSuffix: displayTextSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="FilterText"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithFilterText(string text)
=> With(filterText: text);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="SortText"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithSortText(string text)
=> With(sortText: text);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the specified property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithProperties(ImmutableDictionary<string, string> properties)
var result = With(properties: properties.AsImmutableOrNull());
result._lazyPropertiesAsImmutableDictionary = properties;
return result;
internal CompletionItem WithProperties(ImmutableArray<KeyValuePair<string, string>> properties)
=> With(properties: properties);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the specified property.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem AddProperty(string name, string value)
=> With(properties: GetProperties().Add(KeyValuePairUtil.Create(name, value)));
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="Tags"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithTags(ImmutableArray<string> tags)
=> With(tags: tags);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with a tag added to the <see cref="Tags"/> collection.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem AddTag(string tag)
if (tag == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tag));
if (Tags.Contains(tag))
return this;
return With(tags: Tags.Add(tag));
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="Rules"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithRules(CompletionItemRules rules)
=> With(rules: rules);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="IsComplexTextEdit"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
public CompletionItem WithIsComplexTextEdit(bool isComplexTextEdit)
=> With(isComplexTextEdit: isComplexTextEdit);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of this <see cref="CompletionItem"/> with the <see cref="AdditionalFilterTexts"/> property changed.
/// </summary>
internal CompletionItem WithAdditionalFilterTexts(ImmutableArray<string> additionalFilterTexts)
=> With(additionalFilterTexts: additionalFilterTexts);
int IComparable<CompletionItem>.CompareTo([AllowNull] CompletionItem other)
if (other == null)
return 1;
// Make sure expanded items are listed after non-expanded ones.
// Note that in our ItemManager at async-completion layer, we implicitly
// rely on this behavior when combining delayed expanded items list with
// non-expanded items (to avoid sorting again). if this changed, we need
// to make sure to sort items properly in ItemManager.
var thisIsExpandItem = Flags.IsExpanded();
var otherIsExpandItem = other.Flags.IsExpanded();
if (thisIsExpandItem == otherIsExpandItem)
var result = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(SortText, other.SortText);
if (result == 0)
result = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(GetEntireDisplayText(), other.GetEntireDisplayText());
return result;
else if (thisIsExpandItem)
return 1;
return -1;
internal string GetEntireDisplayText()
// Avoid allocating in common case where prefix and suffix are empty
_lazyEntireDisplayText ??= (DisplayTextPrefix.Length > 0 || DisplayTextSuffix.Length > 0)
? DisplayTextPrefix + DisplayText + DisplayTextSuffix
: DisplayText;
return _lazyEntireDisplayText;
public override string ToString() => GetEntireDisplayText();