// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PatternMatching;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
internal readonly struct MatchResult(
CompletionItem completionItem,
bool shouldBeConsideredMatchingFilterText,
PatternMatch? patternMatch,
int index,
string? matchedAdditionalFilterText,
int recentItemIndex = -1)
/// <summary>
/// The CompletionItem used to create this MatchResult.
/// </summary>
public readonly CompletionItem CompletionItem = completionItem;
public readonly PatternMatch? PatternMatch = patternMatch;
// The value of `ShouldBeConsideredMatchingFilterText` doesn't 100% reflect the actual PatternMatch result.
// In certain cases, there'd be no match but we'd still want to consider it a match (e.g. when the item is in MRU list,)
// and this is why PatternMatch can be null. There's also cases it's a match but we want to consider it a non-match
// (e.g. when not a prefix match in deletion scenario).
public readonly bool ShouldBeConsideredMatchingFilterText = shouldBeConsideredMatchingFilterText;
public string FilterTextUsed => MatchedAdditionalFilterText ?? CompletionItem.FilterText;
// We want to preserve the original alphabetical order for items with same pattern match score,
// but `ArrayBuilder.Sort` we currently use isn't stable. So we have to add a monotonically increasing
// integer to achieve this.
public readonly int IndexInOriginalSortedOrder = index;
public readonly int RecentItemIndex = recentItemIndex;
/// <summary>
/// If `CompletionItem.AdditionalFilterTexts` was used to create this MatchResult, then this is set to the one that was used.
/// Otherwise this is set to null.
/// </summary>
public readonly string? MatchedAdditionalFilterText = matchedAdditionalFilterText;
public bool MatchedWithAdditionalFilterTexts => MatchedAdditionalFilterText is not null;
public static IComparer<MatchResult> SortingComparer { get; } = new Comparer();
private sealed class Comparer : IComparer<MatchResult>
// This comparison is used for sorting items in the completion list for the original sorting.
public int Compare(MatchResult x, MatchResult y)
var matchX = x.PatternMatch;
var matchY = y.PatternMatch;
if (matchX.HasValue)
if (matchY.HasValue)
var ret = matchX.Value.CompareTo(matchY.Value);
// We'd rank match of FilterText over match of any of AdditionalFilterTexts if they has same pattern match score
if (ret == 0)
ret = x.MatchedWithAdditionalFilterTexts.CompareTo(y.MatchedWithAdditionalFilterTexts);
// We want to preserve the original order for items with same pattern match score.
return ret == 0 ? x.IndexInOriginalSortedOrder - y.IndexInOriginalSortedOrder : ret;
return -1;
if (matchY.HasValue)
return 1;
return x.IndexInOriginalSortedOrder - y.IndexInOriginalSortedOrder;
public override string ToString()
=> this.CompletionItem.ToString();