// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGeneration;
internal abstract partial class AbstractCodeGenerationService<TCodeGenerationContextInfo>
protected abstract IList<bool>? GetAvailableInsertionIndices(SyntaxNode destination, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
private IList<bool>? GetAvailableInsertionIndices<TDeclarationNode>(TDeclarationNode destination, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TDeclarationNode : SyntaxNode
=> GetAvailableInsertionIndices((SyntaxNode)destination, cancellationToken);
public bool CanAddTo(ISymbol destination, Solution solution, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var declarations = _symbolDeclarationService.GetDeclarations(destination);
return declarations.Any(static (r, arg) => arg.self.CanAddTo(r.GetSyntax(arg.cancellationToken), arg.solution, arg.cancellationToken), (self: this, solution, cancellationToken));
protected static SyntaxToken GetEndToken(SyntaxNode node)
var lastToken = node.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth: true, includeSkipped: true);
if (lastToken.IsMissing)
var nextToken = lastToken.GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth: true, includeSkipped: true);
if (nextToken.RawKind != 0)
return nextToken;
return lastToken;
protected static TextSpan GetSpan(SyntaxNode node)
var start = node.GetFirstToken();
var end = GetEndToken(node);
return TextSpan.FromBounds(start.SpanStart, end.Span.End);
public bool CanAddTo(SyntaxNode destination, Solution solution, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> CanAddTo(destination, solution, cancellationToken, out _);
private bool CanAddTo(
SyntaxNode? destination,
Solution solution,
CancellationToken cancellationToken,
out IList<bool>? availableIndices,
bool checkGeneratedCode = false)
availableIndices = null;
if (destination == null)
return false;
var syntaxTree = destination.SyntaxTree;
var document = solution.GetDocument(syntaxTree);
if (document == null)
return false;
// We can never generate into a document from a source generator, because those are immutable
if (document is SourceGeneratedDocument)
return false;
// If we are avoiding generating into files marked as generated (but are still regular files)
// then check accordingly. This is distinct from the prior check in that we as a fallback
// will generate into these files is we have no alternative.
if (checkGeneratedCode && document.IsGeneratedCode(cancellationToken))
return false;
// Anything completely hidden is something you can't add to. Anything completely visible
// is something you can add to. Anything that is partially hidden will have to defer to
// the underlying language to make a determination.
var span = GetSpan(destination);
if (syntaxTree.IsEntirelyHidden(span, cancellationToken))
// It's entirely hidden, there's no place to generate inside of this.
return false;
var overlapsHiddenRegion = syntaxTree.OverlapsHiddenPosition(span, cancellationToken);
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
return false;
if (!overlapsHiddenRegion)
// Totally safe to add to this node.
return true;
// Part of this node overlaps a hidden region. We have to defer to the specific language
// to see if there's anywhere we can generate into here.
availableIndices = GetAvailableInsertionIndices(destination, cancellationToken);
return availableIndices != null && availableIndices.Any(b => b);
/// <summary>
/// Return the most relevant declaration to namespaceOrType,
/// it will first search the context node contained within,
/// then the declaration in the same file, then non auto-generated file,
/// then all the potential location. Return null if no declaration.
/// </summary>
public SyntaxNode? FindMostRelevantNameSpaceOrTypeDeclaration(
Solution solution,
INamespaceOrTypeSymbol namespaceOrType,
Location? location,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var (declaration, _) = FindMostRelevantDeclaration(solution, namespaceOrType, location, cancellationToken);
return declaration;
private (SyntaxNode? declaration, IList<bool>? availableIndices) FindMostRelevantDeclaration(
Solution solution,
INamespaceOrTypeSymbol namespaceOrType,
Location? location,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var symbol = namespaceOrType;
var declarationReferences = _symbolDeclarationService.GetDeclarations(symbol);
var declarations = declarationReferences.SelectAsArray(r => r.GetSyntax(cancellationToken));
using var _ = PooledHashSet<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance(out var ancestors);
var fallbackDeclaration = (SyntaxNode?)null;
if (location != null && location.IsInSource)
var token = location.FindToken(cancellationToken);
// Prefer non-compilation-unit results over compilation-unit results. If we're adding to a type, we'd prefer
// to actually add to a real type-decl vs the compilation-unit if this is a top level type.
if (TryAddToRelatedDeclaration(declarations.Where(d => d is not ICompilationUnitSyntax), checkGeneratedCode: false, out var declaration1, out var availableIndices1) ||
TryAddToRelatedDeclaration(declarations.Where(d => d is ICompilationUnitSyntax), checkGeneratedCode: false, out declaration1, out availableIndices1))
return (declaration1, availableIndices1);
// Check all declarations, preferring declarations not in generated files.
if (TryAddToWorker(declarations, checkGeneratedCode: true, out var declaration2, out var availableIndices2, predicate: node => true))
return (declaration2, availableIndices2);
// Generate into any declaration we can find.
return (fallbackDeclaration, availableIndices: null);
bool TryAddToRelatedDeclaration(
IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> declarations,
bool checkGeneratedCode,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out SyntaxNode? declaration,
out IList<bool>? availableIndices)
// Prefer a declaration that the context node is contained within.
// Note: This behavior is slightly suboptimal in some cases. For example, when the user has the pattern:
// C.cs
// partial class C
// {
// // Stuff.
// }
// C.NestedType.cs
// partial class C
// {
// class NestedType
// {
// // Context location.
// }
// }
// If we're at the specified context location, but we're trying to find the most relevant part for C, then
// we want to pick the part in C.cs not the one in C.NestedType.cs that contains the context location. This
// is because this container isn't really used by the user to place code, but is instead just used to
// separate out the nested type. It would be nice to detect this and do the right thing.
// If we didn't find a declaration that the context node is contained within, then just pick the first
// declaration in the same file.
TryAddToWorker(declarations, checkGeneratedCode, out declaration, out availableIndices, d => ancestors.Contains(d)) ||
TryAddToWorker(declarations, checkGeneratedCode, out declaration, out availableIndices, d => d.SyntaxTree == location?.SourceTree);
bool TryAddToWorker(
IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> declarations,
bool checkGeneratedCode,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out SyntaxNode? declaration,
out IList<bool>? availableIndices,
Func<SyntaxNode, bool> predicate)
foreach (var decl in declarations)
if (predicate(decl))
fallbackDeclaration ??= decl;
if (CanAddTo(decl, solution, cancellationToken, out availableIndices, checkGeneratedCode))
declaration = decl;
return true;
declaration = null;
availableIndices = null;
return false;