Generated\BoundNodes.xml.Generated.cs (5)
2984if (operand != this.Operand || conversion != this.Conversion || isBaseConversion != this.IsBaseConversion || @checked != this.Checked || explicitCastInCode != this.ExplicitCastInCode || constantValueOpt != this.ConstantValueOpt || conversionGroupOpt != this.ConversionGroupOpt || originalUserDefinedConversionsOpt != this.OriginalUserDefinedConversionsOpt || !TypeSymbol.Equals(type, this.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything))
11279return node.Update(operand, node.Conversion, node.IsBaseConversion, node.Checked, node.ExplicitCastInCode, node.ConstantValueOpt, node.ConversionGroupOpt, node.OriginalUserDefinedConversionsOpt, type);
13310updatedNode = node.Update(operand, node.Conversion, node.IsBaseConversion, node.Checked, node.ExplicitCastInCode, node.ConstantValueOpt, node.ConversionGroupOpt, node.OriginalUserDefinedConversionsOpt, infoAndType.Type!);
13315updatedNode = node.Update(operand, node.Conversion, node.IsBaseConversion, node.Checked, node.ExplicitCastInCode, node.ConstantValueOpt, node.ConversionGroupOpt, node.OriginalUserDefinedConversionsOpt, node.Type);
15663new TreeDumperNode("conversion", node.Conversion, null),
Lowering\LocalRewriter\LocalRewriter_Conversion.cs (7)
61case ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable when node.Conversion.UnderlyingConversions[0].Kind is ConversionKind.CollectionExpression:
62var rewrittenCollection = RewriteCollectionExpressionConversion(node.Conversion.UnderlyingConversions[0], (BoundCollectionExpression)node.Operand);
66return RewriteCollectionExpressionConversion(node.Conversion, (BoundCollectionExpression)node.Operand);
79var result = MakeConversionNode(node, node.Syntax, rewrittenOperand, node.Conversion, node.Checked, node.ExplicitCastInCode, node.ConstantValueOpt, rewrittenType);
1005case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable }, Operand: var convertedArgument }
1010case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable, UnderlyingConversions: var underlying }, Operand: var convertedArgument } conversion
Lowering\LocalRewriter\LocalRewriter_TupleBinaryOperator.cs (15)
49case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: ConversionKind.Identity }, Operand: var o }:
51case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: ConversionKind.ImplicitTupleLiteral }, Operand: var o }:
56case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: var kind } c, Operand: var o } conversion when
88case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: var kind }, Operand: var o } when
103if (expr is BoundConversion { ConversionKind: ConversionKind.ImplicitTuple, Conversion: var conversion } boundConversion)
190case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: ConversionKind.DefaultLiteral } }: // This conversion can be performed lazily, but need not be saved. It is treated as non-side-effecting.
191case BoundConversion { Conversion.IsTupleConversion: true }: // If we were not able to push this conversion down the tree before getting here, it must be performed early, otherwise it won't be properly lowered by this machinery.
193case BoundConversion { Conversion: { Kind: var conversionKind } conversion } when conversionMustBePerformedOnOriginalExpression(conversionKind):
196case BoundConversion { Conversion: { IsUserDefined: true } } conv when conv.ExplicitCastInCode || enclosingConversionWasExplicit:
401case BoundConversion { Conversion: { IsIdentity: true }, Operand: var o }:
403case BoundConversion { Conversion: { IsNullable: true, UnderlyingConversions: var underlying } conversion, Operand: var o }
435case BoundConversion { Conversion: { IsIdentity: true }, Operand: var o }:
437case BoundConversion { Conversion: { IsNullable: true, UnderlyingConversions: var nested }, Operand: var o } conv when
611conversion: conv.Conversion, @checked: conv.Checked, explicitCastInCode: conv.ExplicitCastInCode,