// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.InternalSyntax
internal partial class Lexer
/// <returns>The number of quotes that were consumed</returns>
private int ConsumeCharSequence(char ch)
var start = TextWindow.Position;
while (TextWindow.PeekChar() == ch)
return TextWindow.Position - start;
private int ConsumeQuoteSequence()
=> ConsumeCharSequence('"');
private int ConsumeDollarSignSequence()
=> ConsumeCharSequence('$');
private int ConsumeAtSignSequence()
=> ConsumeCharSequence('@');
private int ConsumeOpenBraceSequence()
=> ConsumeCharSequence('{');
private int ConsumeCloseBraceSequence()
=> ConsumeCharSequence('}');
private void ConsumeWhitespace(StringBuilder? builder)
while (true)
var ch = TextWindow.PeekChar();
if (!SyntaxFacts.IsWhitespace(ch))
private bool IsAtEndOfText(char currentChar)
=> currentChar == SlidingTextWindow.InvalidCharacter && TextWindow.IsReallyAtEnd();
private void ScanRawStringLiteral(ref TokenInfo info, bool inDirective)
_builder.Length = 0;
var startingQuoteCount = ConsumeQuoteSequence();
Debug.Assert(startingQuoteCount >= 3);
// Keep consuming whitespace after the initial quote sequence.
ConsumeWhitespace(builder: null);
if (SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(TextWindow.PeekChar()))
// Past the initial whitespace, and we hit a newline, this is a multi line raw string literal.
ScanMultiLineRawStringLiteral(ref info, startingQuoteCount);
// Past the initial whitespace, and we hit anything else, this is a single line raw string literal.
ScanSingleLineRawStringLiteral(ref info, startingQuoteCount);
// If we encounter any errors while scanning this raw string then we can't really determine the true
// value of the string. So just do what we do with the normal strings and treat the contents as the
// value from after the starting quote to the current position. Note that for normal strings this will
// have interpreted things like escape sequences. However, as we're a raw string and there are no
// escapes, we can just grab the text block directly. This does mean that things like leading indentation
// will not be stripped, and that multiline raw strings will contain the contents of their first line.
// However, as this is error code anyways, the interpretation of the value is fine for us to define
// however we want. The user can (and should) check for the presence of diagnostics before blindly
// trusting the contents.
if (this.HasErrors)
var afterStartDelimiter = TextWindow.LexemeStartPosition + startingQuoteCount;
var valueLength = TextWindow.Position - afterStartDelimiter;
info.StringValue = TextWindow.GetText(
position: afterStartDelimiter,
length: valueLength,
intern: true);
// If we didn't have an error, the subroutines better have set the string value for this literal.
Debug.Assert(info.StringValue != null);
Debug.Assert(info.Kind is (SyntaxKind.SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken or SyntaxKind.MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken));
if (!inDirective && ScanUtf8Suffix())
switch (info.Kind)
case SyntaxKind.SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken:
info.Kind = SyntaxKind.Utf8SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken;
case SyntaxKind.MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken:
info.Kind = SyntaxKind.Utf8MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken;
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(info.Kind);
info.Text = TextWindow.GetText(intern: true);
private void ScanSingleLineRawStringLiteral(ref TokenInfo info, int startingQuoteCount)
info.Kind = SyntaxKind.SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken;
while (true)
var currentChar = TextWindow.PeekChar();
// See if we reached the end of the line or file before hitting the end.
if (SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(currentChar))
this.AddError(TextWindow.Position, width: TextWindow.GetNewLineWidth(), ErrorCode.ERR_UnterminatedRawString);
else if (IsAtEndOfText(currentChar))
this.AddError(TextWindow.Position, width: 0, ErrorCode.ERR_UnterminatedRawString);
if (currentChar != '"')
// anything not a quote sequence just moves it forward.
var beforeEndDelimiter = TextWindow.Position;
var currentQuoteCount = ConsumeQuoteSequence();
// A raw string literal starting with some number of quotes can contain a quote sequence with fewer quotes.
if (currentQuoteCount < startingQuoteCount)
// A raw string could never be followed by another string. So once we've consumed all the closing quotes
// if we have any more closing quotes then that's an error we can give a message for.
if (currentQuoteCount > startingQuoteCount)
var excessQuoteCount = currentQuoteCount - startingQuoteCount;
position: TextWindow.Position - excessQuoteCount,
width: excessQuoteCount,
// We have enough quotes to finish this string at this point.
var afterStartDelimiter = TextWindow.LexemeStartPosition + startingQuoteCount;
var valueLength = beforeEndDelimiter - afterStartDelimiter;
info.StringValue = TextWindow.GetText(
position: afterStartDelimiter,
length: valueLength,
intern: true);
private void ScanMultiLineRawStringLiteral(ref TokenInfo info, int startingQuoteCount)
info.Kind = SyntaxKind.MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken;
// The indentation-whitespace computed from the very last line of the raw string literal
var indentationWhitespace = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
// The leading whitespace of whatever line we are currently on.
var currentLineWhitespace = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
// Do the first pass, finding the end of the raw string, and determining the 'indentation whitespace'
// that must be complimentary with all content lines of the raw string literal.
var afterStartDelimiter = TextWindow.Position;
var contentLineCount = 0;
while (ScanMultiLineRawStringLiteralLine(startingQuoteCount, indentationWhitespace.Builder))
// If the initial scan failed then just bail out without a constant value.
if (this.HasErrors)
// The trivial raw string literal is not legal in the language.
if (contentLineCount == 0)
position: TextWindow.Position - startingQuoteCount,
width: startingQuoteCount,
// Now, do the second pass, building up the literal value. This may produce an error as well if the
// indentation whitespace of the lines isn't complimentary.
// Reset us to right after the starting delimiter. Note: if we fail to generate a constant value we'll
// ensure that we reset back to the original end we scanned to above.
var tokenEnd = TextWindow.Position;
for (var currentLine = 0; currentLine < contentLineCount; currentLine++)
firstContentLine: currentLine == 0);
// If processing the line produced errors, then bail out from continued processing.
if (this.HasErrors)
info.StringValue = this.HasErrors ? "" : TextWindow.Intern(_builder);
// Make sure that even if we fail to determine the constant content value of the string that
// we still consume all the way to original end that we computed.
private bool ScanMultiLineRawStringLiteralLine(
int startingQuoteCount, StringBuilder indentationWhitespace)
// after the whitespace see if this the line that ends the multiline literal.
var currentQuoteCount = ConsumeQuoteSequence();
if (currentQuoteCount >= startingQuoteCount)
// A raw string could never be followed by another string. So once we've consumed all the closing quotes
// if we have any more closing quotes then that's an error we can give a message for.
if (currentQuoteCount > startingQuoteCount)
var excessQuoteCount = currentQuoteCount - startingQuoteCount;
position: TextWindow.Position - excessQuoteCount,
width: excessQuoteCount,
// Done scanning lines.
return false;
// We're not on the terminating line. Consume a normal content line. Eat to the end of line (or file in the
// case of errors).
while (true)
var currentChar = TextWindow.PeekChar();
if (IsAtEndOfText(currentChar))
this.AddError(TextWindow.Position, width: 0, ErrorCode.ERR_UnterminatedRawString);
return false;
if (SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(currentChar))
return true;
if (currentChar == '"')
// Don't allow a content line to contain a quote sequence that looks like a delimiter (or longer)
currentQuoteCount = ConsumeQuoteSequence();
if (currentQuoteCount >= startingQuoteCount)
position: TextWindow.Position - currentQuoteCount,
width: currentQuoteCount,
return false;
private void AddMultiLineRawStringLiteralLineContents(
StringBuilder indentationWhitespace,
StringBuilder currentLineWhitespace,
bool firstContentLine)
var newLineWidth = TextWindow.GetNewLineWidth();
for (var i = 0; i < newLineWidth; i++)
// the initial newline in `""" \r\n` is not added to the contents.
if (!firstContentLine)
var lineStartPosition = TextWindow.Position;
if (!StartsWith(currentLineWhitespace, indentationWhitespace))
// We have a line where the indentation of that line isn't a prefix of indentation
// whitespace.
// If we're not on a blank line then this is bad. That's a content line that doesn't start
// with the indentation whitespace. If we are on a blank line then it's ok if the whitespace
// we do have is a prefix of the indentation whitespace.
var isBlankLine = SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(TextWindow.PeekChar());
var isLegalBlankLine = isBlankLine && StartsWith(indentationWhitespace, currentLineWhitespace);
if (!isLegalBlankLine)
// Specialized error message if this is a spacing difference.
if (CheckForSpaceDifference(
currentLineWhitespace, indentationWhitespace,
out var currentLineWhitespaceChar, out var indentationWhitespaceChar))
width: TextWindow.Position - lineStartPosition,
currentLineWhitespaceChar, indentationWhitespaceChar);
width: TextWindow.Position - lineStartPosition,
// Skip the leading whitespace that matches the terminator line and add any whitespace past that to the
// string value. Note: if the current line is shorter than the indentation whitespace, this will
// intentionally copy nothing.
#if NET
_builder.Append(currentLineWhitespace, startIndex: indentationWhitespace.Length, count: Math.Max(0, currentLineWhitespace.Length - indentationWhitespace.Length));
for (var i = indentationWhitespace.Length; i < currentLineWhitespace.Length; i++)
// Consume up to the next new line.
while (true)
var currentChar = TextWindow.PeekChar();
if (SyntaxFacts.IsNewLine(currentChar))
private static bool CheckForSpaceDifference(
StringBuilder currentLineWhitespace,
StringBuilder indentationLineWhitespace,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out string? currentLineMessage,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out string? indentationLineMessage)
for (int i = 0, n = Math.Min(currentLineWhitespace.Length, indentationLineWhitespace.Length); i < n; i++)
var currentLineChar = currentLineWhitespace[i];
var indentationLineChar = indentationLineWhitespace[i];
if (currentLineChar != indentationLineChar &&
SyntaxFacts.IsWhitespace(currentLineChar) &&
currentLineMessage = CharToString(currentLineChar);
indentationLineMessage = CharToString(indentationLineChar);
return true;
currentLineMessage = null;
indentationLineMessage = null;
return false;
public static string CharToString(char ch)
return ch switch
'\t' => @"\t",
'\v' => @"\v",
'\f' => @"\f",
_ => @$"\u{(int)ch:x4}",
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if <paramref name="sb"/> starts with <paramref name="value"/>.
/// </summary>
private static bool StartsWith(StringBuilder sb, StringBuilder value)
if (sb.Length < value.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
if (sb[i] != value[i])
return false;
return true;