File: Parser\AbstractLexer.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.InternalSyntax
    // separate out text windowing implementation (keeps scanning & lexing functions from abusing details)
    internal class AbstractLexer : IDisposable
        internal readonly SlidingTextWindow TextWindow;
        private List<SyntaxDiagnosticInfo>? _errors;
        protected AbstractLexer(SourceText text)
            this.TextWindow = new SlidingTextWindow(text);
        public virtual void Dispose()
        protected void Start()
            _errors = null;
        protected bool HasErrors
            get { return _errors != null; }
        protected SyntaxDiagnosticInfo[]? GetErrors(int leadingTriviaWidth)
            if (_errors != null)
                if (leadingTriviaWidth > 0)
                    var array = new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo[_errors.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < _errors.Count; i++)
                        // fixup error positioning to account for leading trivia
                        array[i] = _errors[i].WithOffset(_errors[i].Offset + leadingTriviaWidth);
                    return array;
                    return _errors.ToArray();
                return null;
        protected void AddError(int position, int width, ErrorCode code)
            this.AddError(this.MakeError(position, width, code));
        protected void AddError(int position, int width, ErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            this.AddError(this.MakeError(position, width, code, args));
        protected void AddError(int position, int width, XmlParseErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            this.AddError(this.MakeError(position, width, code, args));
        protected void AddError(ErrorCode code)
        protected void AddError(ErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            this.AddError(MakeError(code, args));
        protected void AddError(XmlParseErrorCode code)
        protected void AddError(XmlParseErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            this.AddError(MakeError(code, args));
        protected void AddError(SyntaxDiagnosticInfo? error)
            if (error != null)
                if (_errors == null)
                    _errors = new List<SyntaxDiagnosticInfo>(8);
        protected SyntaxDiagnosticInfo MakeError(int position, int width, ErrorCode code)
            int offset = GetLexemeOffsetFromPosition(position);
            return new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo(offset, width, code);
        protected SyntaxDiagnosticInfo MakeError(int position, int width, ErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            int offset = GetLexemeOffsetFromPosition(position);
            return new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo(offset, width, code, args);
        protected XmlSyntaxDiagnosticInfo MakeError(int position, int width, XmlParseErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            int offset = GetLexemeOffsetFromPosition(position);
            return new XmlSyntaxDiagnosticInfo(offset, width, code, args);
        private int GetLexemeOffsetFromPosition(int position)
            return position >= TextWindow.LexemeStartPosition ? position - TextWindow.LexemeStartPosition : position;
        protected static SyntaxDiagnosticInfo MakeError(ErrorCode code)
            return new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo(code);
        protected static SyntaxDiagnosticInfo MakeError(ErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            return new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo(code, args);
        protected static XmlSyntaxDiagnosticInfo MakeError(XmlParseErrorCode code)
            return new XmlSyntaxDiagnosticInfo(0, 0, code);
        protected static XmlSyntaxDiagnosticInfo MakeError(XmlParseErrorCode code, params object[] args)
            return new XmlSyntaxDiagnosticInfo(0, 0, code, args);