// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
/// <summary>
/// Traverses the symbol table processing XML documentation comments and optionally writing them to
/// a provided stream.
/// </summary>
internal partial class DocumentationCommentCompiler : CSharpSymbolVisitor
private readonly string _assemblyName;
private readonly CSharpCompilation _compilation;
private readonly TextWriter _writer; //never write directly - always use a helper
private readonly SyntaxTree _filterTree; //if not null, limit analysis to types residing in this tree
private readonly TextSpan? _filterSpanWithinTree; //if filterTree and filterSpanWithinTree is not null, limit analysis to types residing within this span in the filterTree.
private readonly bool _processIncludes;
private readonly bool _isForSingleSymbol; //minor differences in behavior between batch case and API case.
private readonly BindingDiagnosticBag _diagnostics;
private readonly CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
private SyntaxNodeLocationComparer _lazyComparer;
private DocumentationCommentIncludeCache _includedFileCache;
private int _indentDepth;
private Stack<TemporaryStringBuilder> _temporaryStringBuilders;
private DocumentationCommentCompiler(
string assemblyName,
CSharpCompilation compilation,
TextWriter writer,
SyntaxTree filterTree,
TextSpan? filterSpanWithinTree,
bool processIncludes,
bool isForSingleSymbol,
BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_compilation = compilation;
_writer = writer;
_filterTree = filterTree;
_filterSpanWithinTree = filterSpanWithinTree;
_processIncludes = processIncludes;
_isForSingleSymbol = isForSingleSymbol;
_diagnostics = diagnostics;
_cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
/// <summary>
/// Traverses the symbol table processing XML documentation comments and optionally writing them to
/// a provided stream.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="compilation">Compilation that owns the symbol table.</param>
/// <param name="assemblyName">Assembly name override, if specified. Otherwise the <see cref="ISymbol.Name"/> of the source assembly is used.</param>
/// <param name="xmlDocStream">Stream to which XML will be written, if specified.</param>
/// <param name="diagnostics">Will be supplemented with documentation comment diagnostics.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">To stop traversing the symbol table early.</param>
/// <param name="filterTree">Only report diagnostics from this syntax tree, if non-null.</param>
/// <param name="filterSpanWithinTree">If <paramref name="filterTree"/> and filterSpanWithinTree is non-null, report diagnostics within this span in the <paramref name="filterTree"/>.</param>
#nullable enable
public static void WriteDocumentationCommentXml(CSharpCompilation compilation, string? assemblyName, Stream? xmlDocStream, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, CancellationToken cancellationToken, SyntaxTree? filterTree = null, TextSpan? filterSpanWithinTree = null)
#nullable disable
StreamWriter writer = null;
if (xmlDocStream != null && xmlDocStream.CanWrite)
writer = new StreamWriter(
stream: xmlDocStream,
encoding: new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false, throwOnInvalidBytes: false),
bufferSize: 0x400, // Default.
leaveOpen: true); // Don't close caller's stream.
using (writer)
var compiler = new DocumentationCommentCompiler(assemblyName ?? compilation.SourceAssembly.Name, compilation, writer, filterTree, filterSpanWithinTree,
processIncludes: true, isForSingleSymbol: false, diagnostics: diagnostics, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
Debug.Assert(compiler._indentDepth == 0);
catch (Exception e)
diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DocFileGen, Location.None, e.Message);
if (diagnostics.DiagnosticBag is DiagnosticBag diagnosticBag)
if (filterTree != null)
// Will respect the DocumentationMode.
UnprocessedDocumentationCommentFinder.ReportUnprocessed(filterTree, filterSpanWithinTree, diagnosticBag, cancellationToken);
foreach (SyntaxTree tree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
// Will respect the DocumentationMode.
UnprocessedDocumentationCommentFinder.ReportUnprocessed(tree, null, diagnosticBag, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the XML that would be written to the documentation comment file for this assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="symbol">The symbol for which to retrieve documentation comments.</param>
/// <param name="processIncludes">True to treat includes as semantically meaningful (pull in contents from other files and bind crefs, etc).</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">To stop traversing the symbol table early.</param>
internal static string GetDocumentationCommentXml(Symbol symbol, bool processIncludes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Event ||
symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Field ||
symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method ||
symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType ||
symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Property);
CSharpCompilation compilation = symbol.DeclaringCompilation;
Debug.Assert(compilation != null);
PooledStringBuilder pooled = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(pooled.Builder);
var compiler = new DocumentationCommentCompiler(
assemblyName: null,
compilation: compilation,
writer: writer,
filterTree: null,
filterSpanWithinTree: null,
processIncludes: processIncludes,
isForSingleSymbol: true,
diagnostics: BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
Debug.Assert(compiler._indentDepth == 0);
return pooled.ToStringAndFree();
/// <summary>
/// Write header, descend into members, and write footer.
/// </summary>
public override void VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol)
if (symbol.IsGlobalNamespace)
Debug.Assert(_assemblyName != null);
WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
if (!_compilation.Options.OutputKind.IsNetModule())
WriteLine("<name>{0}</name>", _assemblyName);
foreach (var s in symbol.GetMembers())
if (symbol.IsGlobalNamespace)
/// <summary>
/// Write own documentation comments and then descend into members.
/// </summary>
public override void VisitNamedType(NamedTypeSymbol symbol)
if (_filterTree != null && !symbol.IsDefinedInSourceTree(_filterTree, _filterSpanWithinTree))
if (!_isForSingleSymbol)
foreach (Symbol member in symbol.GetMembers())
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Compile documentation comments on the symbol and write them to the stream if one is provided.
/// </summary>
public override void DefaultVisit(Symbol symbol)
if (ShouldSkip(symbol))
if (_filterTree != null && !symbol.IsDefinedInSourceTree(_filterTree, _filterSpanWithinTree))
bool shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments = false;
if (symbol.IsPartialDefinition())
Symbol? implementationPart = symbol.GetPartialImplementationPart();
if (implementationPart is not null)
foreach (var trivia in implementationPart.GetNonNullSyntaxNode().GetLeadingTrivia())
if (trivia.Kind() is SyntaxKind.SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia or SyntaxKind.MultiLineDocumentationCommentTrivia)
// If the partial method implementation has doc comments,
// we will not emit any doc comments found on the definition,
// regardless of whether the partial implementation doc comments are valid.
shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments = true;
// The partial method has no implementation. Since it won't be present in the
// output assembly, it shouldn't be included in the documentation file.
shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments = !_isForSingleSymbol;
// synthesized record property: emit the matching param doc on containing type as the summary doc of the property.
var symbolForDocComments = symbol is SynthesizedRecordPropertySymbol ? symbol.ContainingType : symbol;
if (!TryGetDocumentationCommentNodes(symbolForDocComments, out var maxDocumentationMode, out var docCommentNodes))
// If the XML in any of the doc comments is invalid, skip all further processing (for this symbol) and
// just write a comment saying that info was lost for this symbol.
string message = ErrorFacts.GetMessage(MessageID.IDS_XMLIGNORED, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, message, symbol.GetDocumentationCommentId()));
// If there are no doc comments, then no further work is required (other than to report a diagnostic if one is required).
if (docCommentNodes.IsEmpty)
if (maxDocumentationMode >= DocumentationMode.Diagnose
&& RequiresDocumentationComment(symbol)
// We never give a missing doc comment warning on a partial method
// implementation, and we skip the missing doc comment warning on a partial
// definition whose documentation we were not going to output anyway.
&& !symbol.IsPartialImplementation()
&& !shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments)
// Report the error at a location in the tree that was parsing doc comments.
Location location = GetLocationInTreeReportingDocumentationCommentDiagnostics(symbol);
if (location != null)
_diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_MissingXMLComment, location, symbol);
string withUnprocessedIncludes;
bool haveParseError;
HashSet<TypeParameterSymbol> documentedTypeParameters;
HashSet<ParameterSymbol> documentedParameters;
ImmutableArray<CSharpSyntaxNode> includeElementNodes;
if (!TryProcessDocumentationCommentTriviaNodes(
out withUnprocessedIncludes,
out haveParseError,
out documentedTypeParameters,
out documentedParameters,
out includeElementNodes))
if (haveParseError)
// If the XML in any of the doc comments is invalid, skip all further processing (for this symbol) and
// just write a comment saying that info was lost for this symbol.
string message = ErrorFacts.GetMessage(MessageID.IDS_XMLIGNORED, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, message, symbol.GetDocumentationCommentId()));
// If there are no include elements, then there's nothing to expand.
if (!includeElementNodes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
// NOTE: we are expanding include elements AFTER formatting the comment, since the included text is pure
// XML, not XML mixed with documentation comment trivia (e.g. ///). If we expanded them before formatting,
// the formatting engine would have trouble determining what prefix to remove from each line.
TextWriter? expanderWriter = shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments ? null : _writer; // Don't actually write partial method definition parts.
IncludeElementExpander.ProcessIncludes(withUnprocessedIncludes, symbol, includeElementNodes,
_compilation, ref documentedParameters, ref documentedTypeParameters, ref _includedFileCache, expanderWriter, _diagnostics, _cancellationToken);
else if (_writer != null && !shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments)
// CONSIDER: The output would look a little different if we ran the XDocument through an XmlWriter. In particular,
// formatting inside tags (e.g. <__tag___attr__=__"value"__>) would be normalized. Whitespace in elements would
// (or should) not be affected. If we decide that this difference matters, we can run the XDocument through an XmlWriter.
// Otherwise, just writing out the string saves a bunch of processing and does a better job of preserving whitespace.
bool reportParameterOrTypeParameterDiagnostics = GetLocationInTreeReportingDocumentationCommentDiagnostics(symbol) != null;
if (reportParameterOrTypeParameterDiagnostics)
if (documentedParameters != null)
foreach (ParameterSymbol parameter in GetParameters(symbol))
if (!documentedParameters.Contains(parameter))
Location location = parameter.GetFirstLocation();
Debug.Assert(location.SourceTree!.ReportDocumentationCommentDiagnostics()); //Should be the same tree as for the symbol.
// NOTE: parameter name, since the parameter would be displayed as just its type.
_diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_MissingParamTag, location, parameter.Name, symbol);
if (documentedTypeParameters != null)
foreach (TypeParameterSymbol typeParameter in GetTypeParameters(symbol))
if (!documentedTypeParameters.Contains(typeParameter))
Location location = typeParameter.GetFirstLocation();
Debug.Assert(location.SourceTree!.ReportDocumentationCommentDiagnostics()); //Should be the same tree as for the symbol.
_diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_MissingTypeParamTag, location, typeParameter, symbol);
private static bool ShouldSkip(Symbol symbol)
return symbol.IsImplicitlyDeclared ||
symbol.IsAccessor() ||
symbol is SynthesizedSimpleProgramEntryPointSymbol;
private bool TryProcessRecordPropertyDocumentation(
SynthesizedRecordPropertySymbol recordPropertySymbol,
ImmutableArray<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax> docCommentNodes,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out string? withUnprocessedIncludes,
out ImmutableArray<CSharpSyntaxNode> includeElementNodes)
if (getMatchingParamTags(recordPropertySymbol.Name, docCommentNodes) is not { } paramTags)
withUnprocessedIncludes = null;
includeElementNodes = default;
return false;
Debug.Assert(paramTags.Count > 0);
WriteLine("<member name=\"{0}\">", recordPropertySymbol.GetDocumentationCommentId());
var substitutedTextBuilder = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
var includeElementNodesBuilder = _processIncludes ? ArrayBuilder<CSharpSyntaxNode>.GetInstance() : null;
DocumentationCommentWalker.GetSubstitutedText(_compilation, recordPropertySymbol, paramTags, includeElementNodesBuilder, substitutedTextBuilder.Builder);
string substitutedText = substitutedTextBuilder.ToStringAndFree();
string formattedXml = FormatComment(substitutedText);
withUnprocessedIncludes = GetAndEndTemporaryString();
includeElementNodes = includeElementNodesBuilder?.ToImmutableAndFree() ?? default;
return true;
static ArrayBuilder<XmlElementSyntax>? getMatchingParamTags(string propertyName, ImmutableArray<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax> docCommentNodes)
ArrayBuilder<XmlElementSyntax>? result = null;
foreach (var trivia in docCommentNodes)
foreach (var contentItem in trivia.Content)
if (contentItem is XmlElementSyntax elementSyntax)
foreach (var attribute in elementSyntax.StartTag.Attributes)
if (attribute is XmlNameAttributeSyntax nameAttribute
&& nameAttribute.GetElementKind() == XmlNameAttributeElementKind.Parameter
&& string.Equals(nameAttribute.Identifier.Identifier.ValueText, propertyName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
result ??= ArrayBuilder<XmlElementSyntax>.GetInstance();
return result;
#nullable disable
/// <summary>
/// Loop over the DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntaxes. Gather
/// 1) concatenated XML, as a string;
/// 2) whether or not the XML is valid;
/// 3) set of type parameters covered by <typeparam> elements;
/// 4) set of parameters covered by <param> elements;
/// 5) list of <include> elements, as SyntaxNodes.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True, if at least one documentation comment was processed; false, otherwise.</returns>
/// <remarks>This was factored out for clarity, not because it's reusable.</remarks>
private bool TryProcessDocumentationCommentTriviaNodes(
Symbol symbol,
bool shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments,
ImmutableArray<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax> docCommentNodes,
out string withUnprocessedIncludes,
out bool haveParseError,
out HashSet<TypeParameterSymbol> documentedTypeParameters,
out HashSet<ParameterSymbol> documentedParameters,
out ImmutableArray<CSharpSyntaxNode> includeElementNodes)
bool processedDocComment = false; // Even if there are DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax, we may not need to process any of them.
ArrayBuilder<CSharpSyntaxNode> includeElementNodesBuilder = null;
documentedParameters = null;
documentedTypeParameters = null;
// Saw an XmlException while parsing one of the DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax nodes.
haveParseError = false;
if (symbol is SynthesizedRecordPropertySymbol recordProperty)
return TryProcessRecordPropertyDocumentation(recordProperty, docCommentNodes, out withUnprocessedIncludes, out includeElementNodes);
// We're doing substitution and formatting per-trivia, rather than per-symbol,
// because a single symbol can have both single-line and multi-line style
// doc comments.
foreach (DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax trivia in docCommentNodes)
bool reportDiagnosticsForCurrentTrivia = trivia.SyntaxTree.ReportDocumentationCommentDiagnostics();
if (!processedDocComment)
// Since we have to throw away all the parts if any part is bad, we need to write to an intermediate temp.
if (_processIncludes)
includeElementNodesBuilder = ArrayBuilder<CSharpSyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
// We DO want to write out partial method definition parts if we're processing includes
// because we need to have XML to process.
if (!shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments || _processIncludes)
WriteLine("<member name=\"{0}\">", symbol.GetDocumentationCommentId());
processedDocComment = true;
// Will respect the DocumentationMode.
string substitutedText = DocumentationCommentWalker.GetSubstitutedText(_compilation, _diagnostics, symbol, trivia,
includeElementNodesBuilder, ref documentedParameters, ref documentedTypeParameters);
string formattedXml = FormatComment(substitutedText);
// It would be preferable to just parse the concatenated XML at the end of the loop (we wouldn't have
// to wrap it in a root element and we wouldn't have to reparse in the IncludeElementExpander), but
// then we wouldn't know whether or where to report a diagnostic.
XmlException e = XmlDocumentationCommentTextReader.ParseAndGetException(formattedXml);
if (e != null)
haveParseError = true;
if (reportDiagnosticsForCurrentTrivia)
Location location = new SourceLocation(trivia.SyntaxTree, new TextSpan(trivia.SpanStart, 0));
_diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_XMLParseError, location, GetDescription(e));
// For partial methods, all parts are validated, but only the implementation part is written to the XML stream.
if (!shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments || _processIncludes)
// This string already has indentation and line breaks, so don't call WriteLine - just write the text directly.
if (!processedDocComment)
withUnprocessedIncludes = null;
includeElementNodes = default(ImmutableArray<CSharpSyntaxNode>);
return false;
if (!shouldSkipPartialDefinitionComments || _processIncludes)
// Free the temp.
withUnprocessedIncludes = GetAndEndTemporaryString();
// Free the builder, even if there was an error.
includeElementNodes = _processIncludes ? includeElementNodesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree() : default(ImmutableArray<CSharpSyntaxNode>);
return true;
private static Location GetLocationInTreeReportingDocumentationCommentDiagnostics(Symbol symbol)
foreach (Location location in symbol.Locations)
if (location.SourceTree.ReportDocumentationCommentDiagnostics())
return location;
return null;
/// <remarks>
/// Similar to SymbolExtensions.GetParameters, but returns empty for unsupported symbols
/// and handles delegates.
/// </remarks>
private static ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> GetParameters(Symbol symbol)
switch (symbol.Kind)
case SymbolKind.NamedType:
MethodSymbol delegateInvoke = ((NamedTypeSymbol)symbol).DelegateInvokeMethod;
if ((object)delegateInvoke != null)
return delegateInvoke.Parameters;
case SymbolKind.Method:
case SymbolKind.Property:
case SymbolKind.Event:
return symbol.GetParameters();
return ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol>.Empty;
/// <remarks>
/// Similar to SymbolExtensions.GetMemberTypeParameters, but returns empty for unsupported symbols.
/// </remarks>
private static ImmutableArray<TypeParameterSymbol> GetTypeParameters(Symbol symbol)
switch (symbol.Kind)
case SymbolKind.Method:
case SymbolKind.NamedType:
case SymbolKind.ErrorType:
return symbol.GetMemberTypeParameters();
return ImmutableArray<TypeParameterSymbol>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// A symbol requires a documentation comment if it was explicitly declared and
/// will be visible outside the current assembly (ignoring InternalsVisibleTo).
/// Exception: accessors do not require doc comments.
/// </summary>
private static bool RequiresDocumentationComment(Symbol symbol)
Debug.Assert((object)symbol != null);
if (ShouldSkip(symbol))
return false;
while ((object)symbol != null)
switch (symbol.DeclaredAccessibility)
case Accessibility.Public:
case Accessibility.Protected:
case Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal:
symbol = symbol.ContainingType;
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Get all of the DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax associated with any declaring syntax of the
/// given symbol (except for partial methods, which only consider the part with the body).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the nodes are all valid XML.</returns>
private bool TryGetDocumentationCommentNodes(Symbol symbol, out DocumentationMode maxDocumentationMode, out ImmutableArray<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax> nodes)
maxDocumentationMode = DocumentationMode.None;
nodes = default(ImmutableArray<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax>);
ArrayBuilder<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax> builder = null;
var diagnosticBag = _diagnostics.DiagnosticBag ?? DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
foreach (SyntaxReference reference in symbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences)
DocumentationMode currDocumentationMode = reference.SyntaxTree.Options.DocumentationMode;
maxDocumentationMode = currDocumentationMode > maxDocumentationMode ? currDocumentationMode : maxDocumentationMode;
ImmutableArray<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax> triviaList = SourceDocumentationCommentUtils.GetDocumentationCommentTriviaFromSyntaxNode((CSharpSyntaxNode)reference.GetSyntax(), diagnosticBag);
foreach (var trivia in triviaList)
if (ContainsXmlParseDiagnostic(trivia))
if (builder != null)
return false;
if (builder == null)
builder = ArrayBuilder<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax>.GetInstance();
if (diagnosticBag != _diagnostics.DiagnosticBag)
if (builder == null)
nodes = ImmutableArray<DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax>.Empty;
nodes = builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
return true;
private static bool ContainsXmlParseDiagnostic(DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax node)
if (!node.ContainsDiagnostics)
return false;
foreach (Diagnostic diag in node.GetDiagnostics())
if ((ErrorCode)diag.Code == ErrorCode.WRN_XMLParseError)
return true;
return false;
private static readonly string[] s_newLineSequences = new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" };
/// <summary>
/// Given the full text of a documentation comment, strip off the comment punctuation (///, /**, etc)
/// and add appropriate indentations.
/// </summary>
private string FormatComment(string substitutedText)
if (TrimmedStringStartsWith(substitutedText, "///"))
//Debug.Assert(lines.Take(numLines).All(line => TrimmedStringStartsWith(line, "///")));
string[] lines = substitutedText.Split(s_newLineSequences, StringSplitOptions.None);
int numLines = lines.Length;
Debug.Assert(numLines > 0);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[numLines - 1]))
Debug.Assert(numLines > 0);
// We may use multi-line formatting in a "fragment" scenario.
// /** <summary>The record</summary>
// <param name="P">The parameter</param>
// */
// record Rec(int P);
// When formatting docs for property 'Rec.P' we may have just the line with '<param ...>' as input to this method.
WriteFormattedMultiLineComment(lines, numLines);
return GetAndEndTemporaryString();
/// <summary>
/// Given a string, find the index of the first non-whitespace char.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The string to search</param>
/// <returns>The index of the first non-whitespace char in the string</returns>
private static int GetIndexOfFirstNonWhitespaceChar(string str)
return GetIndexOfFirstNonWhitespaceChar(str, 0, str.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Find the first non-whitespace character in a given substring.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The string to search</param>
/// <param name="start">The start index</param>
/// <param name="end">The last index (non-inclusive)</param>
/// <returns>The index of the first non-whitespace char after index start in the string up to, but not including the end index</returns>
private static int GetIndexOfFirstNonWhitespaceChar(string str, int start, int end)
Debug.Assert(start >= 0);
Debug.Assert(start <= str.Length);
Debug.Assert(end >= 0);
Debug.Assert(end <= str.Length);
Debug.Assert(end >= start);
for (; start < end; start++)
if (!SyntaxFacts.IsWhitespace(str[start]))
return start;
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the given string starts with the given prefix if whitespace
/// is first trimmed from the beginning.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The string to search</param>
/// <param name="prefix">The prefix</param>
/// <returns>true if str.TrimStart().StartsWith(prefix)</returns>
private static bool TrimmedStringStartsWith(string str, string prefix)
// PERF: Avoid calling string.Trim() because that allocates a new substring
int start = GetIndexOfFirstNonWhitespaceChar(str);
int len = str.Length - start;
if (len < prefix.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < prefix.Length; i++)
if (prefix[i] != str[i + start])
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Given a string which may contain newline sequences, get the index of the first newline
/// sequence beginning at the given starting index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The string to split.</param>
/// <param name="start">The starting index within the string.</param>
/// <param name="newLineLength">The length of the newline sequence discovered. 0 if the end of the string was reached, otherwise either 1 or 2 chars</param>
/// <returns>The index of the start of the first newline sequence following the start index</returns>
private static int IndexOfNewLine(string str, int start, out int newLineLength)
for (; start < str.Length; start++)
switch (str[start])
case '\r':
if ((start + 1) < str.Length && str[start + 1] == '\n')
newLineLength = 2;
newLineLength = 1;
return start;
case '\n':
newLineLength = 1;
return start;
newLineLength = 0;
return start;
/// <summary>
/// Given the full text of a single-line style documentation comment, for each line, strip off
/// the comment punctuation (///) and add appropriate indentations.
/// </summary>
private void WriteFormattedSingleLineComment(string text)
// PERF: Avoid allocating intermediate strings e.g. via Split, Trim or Substring
bool skipSpace = true;
for (int start = 0; start < text.Length;)
int newLineLength;
int end = IndexOfNewLine(text, start, out newLineLength);
int trimStart = GetIndexOfFirstNonWhitespaceChar(text, start, end);
int trimmedLength = end - trimStart;
if (trimmedLength < 4 || !SyntaxFacts.IsWhitespace(text[trimStart + 3]))
skipSpace = false;
start = end + newLineLength;
int substringStart = skipSpace ? 4 : 3;
for (int start = 0; start < text.Length;)
int newLineLength;
int end = IndexOfNewLine(text, start, out newLineLength);
int trimStart = GetIndexOfFirstNonWhitespaceChar(text, start, end) + substringStart;
WriteSubStringLine(text, trimStart, end - trimStart);
start = end + newLineLength;
/// <summary>
/// Given the full text of a multi-line style documentation comment, broken into lines, strip off
/// the comment punctuation (/**, */, etc) and add appropriate indentations.
/// </summary>
private void WriteFormattedMultiLineComment(string[] lines, int numLines)
bool skipFirstLine = lines[0].Trim() == "/**";
bool skipLastLine = lines[numLines - 1].Trim() == "*/";
if (skipLastLine)
Debug.Assert(numLines > 0);
int skipLength = 0;
if (numLines > 1)
string pattern = FindMultiLineCommentPattern(lines[1]);
if (pattern != null)
bool allMatch = true;
for (int i = 2; i < numLines; i++)
string currentLinePattern = LongestCommonPrefix(pattern, lines[i]);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentLinePattern))
allMatch = false;
Debug.Assert(pattern.StartsWith(currentLinePattern, StringComparison.Ordinal));
pattern = currentLinePattern;
if (allMatch)
skipLength = pattern.Length;
if (!skipFirstLine)
string trimmed = lines[0].TrimStart(null);
if (!skipLastLine && numLines == 1)
trimmed = TrimEndOfMultiLineComment(trimmed);
trimmed.StartsWith("/** ") ? 4 :
trimmed.StartsWith("/**") ? 3 :
trimmed.StartsWith("* ") ? 2 :
trimmed.StartsWith("*") ? 1 :
for (int i = 1; i < numLines; i++)
string trimmed = lines[i].Substring(skipLength);
// If we've already skipped the last line, this can't happen.
if (!skipLastLine && i == numLines - 1)
trimmed = TrimEndOfMultiLineComment(trimmed);
/// <summary>
/// Remove "*/" and any following text, if it is present.
/// </summary>
private static string TrimEndOfMultiLineComment(string trimmed)
int index = trimmed.IndexOf("*/", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (index >= 0)
trimmed = trimmed.Substring(0, index);
return trimmed;
/// <summary>
/// Return the longest prefix matching [whitespace]*[*][whitespace]*.
/// </summary>
private static string FindMultiLineCommentPattern(string line)
int length = 0;
bool seenStar = false;
foreach (char ch in line)
if (SyntaxFacts.IsWhitespace(ch))
else if (!seenStar && ch == '*')
seenStar = true;
return seenStar ? line.Substring(0, length) : null;
/// <summary>
/// Return the longest common prefix of two strings
/// </summary>
private static string LongestCommonPrefix(string str1, string str2)
int pos = 0;
int minLength = Math.Min(str1.Length, str2.Length);
for (; pos < minLength && str1[pos] == str2[pos]; pos++)
return str1.Substring(0, pos);
/// <summary>
/// Bind a CrefSyntax and unwrap the result if it's an alias.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Does not respect DocumentationMode, so use a temporary bag if diagnostics are not desired.
/// </remarks>
private static string GetDocumentationCommentId(CrefSyntax crefSyntax, Binder binder, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
if (crefSyntax.ContainsDiagnostics)
return ToBadCrefString(crefSyntax);
Symbol ambiguityWinner;
ImmutableArray<Symbol> symbols = binder.BindCref(crefSyntax, out ambiguityWinner, diagnostics);
Symbol symbol;
switch (symbols.Length)
case 0:
return ToBadCrefString(crefSyntax);
case 1:
symbol = symbols[0];
symbol = ambiguityWinner;
Debug.Assert((object)symbol != null);
if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Alias)
symbol = ((AliasSymbol)symbol).GetAliasTarget(basesBeingResolved: null);
if (symbol is NamespaceSymbol ns)
diagnostics.AddDependencies(symbol as TypeSymbol ?? symbol.ContainingType);
return symbol.OriginalDefinition.GetDocumentationCommentId();
/// <summary>
/// Given a cref syntax that cannot be resolved, get the string that will be written to
/// the documentation file in place of a documentation comment ID.
/// </summary>
private static string ToBadCrefString(CrefSyntax cref)
using (StringWriter tmp = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
return "!:" + tmp.ToString().Replace("{", "<").Replace("}", ">");
/// <summary>
/// Bind an XmlNameAttributeSyntax and update the sets of documented parameters and type parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Does not respect DocumentationMode, so do not call unless diagnostics are desired.
/// </remarks>
private static void BindName(
XmlNameAttributeSyntax syntax,
Binder binder,
Symbol memberSymbol,
ref HashSet<ParameterSymbol> documentedParameters,
ref HashSet<TypeParameterSymbol> documentedTypeParameters,
BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
XmlNameAttributeElementKind elementKind = syntax.GetElementKind();
// NOTE: We want the corresponding hash set to be non-null if we saw
// any <param>/<typeparam> elements, even if they didn't bind (for
// WRN_MissingParamTag and WRN_MissingTypeParamTag).
if (elementKind == XmlNameAttributeElementKind.Parameter)
if (documentedParameters == null)
documentedParameters = new HashSet<ParameterSymbol>();
else if (elementKind == XmlNameAttributeElementKind.TypeParameter)
if (documentedTypeParameters == null)
documentedTypeParameters = new HashSet<TypeParameterSymbol>();
IdentifierNameSyntax identifier = syntax.Identifier;
if (identifier.ContainsDiagnostics)
CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo = binder.GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagnostics);
ImmutableArray<Symbol> referencedSymbols = binder.BindXmlNameAttribute(syntax, ref useSiteInfo);
diagnostics.Add(syntax, useSiteInfo);
if (referencedSymbols.IsEmpty)
switch (elementKind)
case XmlNameAttributeElementKind.Parameter:
diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_UnmatchedParamTag, identifier.Location, identifier);
case XmlNameAttributeElementKind.ParameterReference:
diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_UnmatchedParamRefTag, identifier.Location, identifier, memberSymbol);
case XmlNameAttributeElementKind.TypeParameter:
diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_UnmatchedTypeParamTag, identifier.Location, identifier);
case XmlNameAttributeElementKind.TypeParameterReference:
diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_UnmatchedTypeParamRefTag, identifier.Location, identifier, memberSymbol);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(elementKind);
foreach (Symbol referencedSymbol in referencedSymbols)
if (elementKind == XmlNameAttributeElementKind.Parameter)
Debug.Assert(referencedSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Parameter);
Debug.Assert(documentedParameters != null);
// Restriction preserved from dev11: don't report this for the "value" parameter.
// Here, we detect that case by checking the containing symbol - only "value"
// parameters are contained by accessors, others are on the corresponding property/event.
ParameterSymbol parameter = (ParameterSymbol)referencedSymbol;
if (!parameter.ContainingSymbol.IsAccessor() && !documentedParameters.Add(parameter))
diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_DuplicateParamTag, syntax.Location, identifier);
else if (elementKind == XmlNameAttributeElementKind.TypeParameter)
Debug.Assert(referencedSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.TypeParameter);
Debug.Assert(documentedTypeParameters != null);
if (!documentedTypeParameters.Add((TypeParameterSymbol)referencedSymbol))
diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_DuplicateTypeParamTag, syntax.Location, identifier);
private IComparer<CSharpSyntaxNode> Comparer
if (_lazyComparer == null)
_lazyComparer = new SyntaxNodeLocationComparer(_compilation);
return _lazyComparer;
private void BeginTemporaryString()
if (_temporaryStringBuilders == null)
_temporaryStringBuilders = new Stack<TemporaryStringBuilder>();
_temporaryStringBuilders.Push(new TemporaryStringBuilder(_indentDepth));
private string GetAndEndTemporaryString()
TemporaryStringBuilder t = _temporaryStringBuilders.Pop();
RoslynDebug.Assert(_indentDepth == t.InitialIndentDepth, $"Temporary strings should be indent-neutral (was {t.InitialIndentDepth}, is {_indentDepth})");
_indentDepth = t.InitialIndentDepth;
return t.Pooled.ToStringAndFree();
private void Indent()
private void Unindent()
Debug.Assert(_indentDepth >= 0);
private void Write(string indentedAndWrappedString)
if (_temporaryStringBuilders != null && _temporaryStringBuilders.Count > 0)
StringBuilder builder = _temporaryStringBuilders.Peek().Pooled.Builder;
else if (_writer != null)
private void WriteLine(string message)
if (_temporaryStringBuilders?.Count > 0)
StringBuilder builder = _temporaryStringBuilders.Peek().Pooled.Builder;
else if (_writer != null)
private void WriteSubStringLine(string message, int start, int length)
if (_temporaryStringBuilders?.Count > 0)
StringBuilder builder = _temporaryStringBuilders.Peek().Pooled.Builder;
builder.Append(message, start, length);
else if (_writer != null)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
_writer.Write(message[start + i]);
private void WriteLine(string format, params object[] args)
WriteLine(string.Format(format, args));
private static string MakeIndent(int depth)
Debug.Assert(depth >= 0);
// Since we know a lot about the structure of the output,
// we should be able to do this without constructing any
// new string objects.
switch (depth)
case 0:
return "";
case 1:
return " ";
case 2:
return " ";
case 3:
return " ";
Debug.Assert(false, "Didn't expect nesting to reach depth " + depth);
return new string(' ', depth * 4);
/// <remarks>
/// We're taking a dependency on the location and structure of a framework assembly resource. This is not a robust solution.
/// Possible alternatives:
/// 1) Polish our XML parser until it matches MSXML. We don't want to reinvent the wheel.
/// 2) Build a map that lets us go from XML string positions back to source positions.
/// This is what the native compiler did, and it was a lot of work. We'd also still need to modify the message.
/// 3) Do not report a diagnostic. This is very unhelpful.
/// 4) Report a vague diagnostic (i.e. there's a problem somewhere in this doc comment). This is relatively unhelpful.
/// 5) Always report the message in English, so that we can pull it apart without needing to consume resource files.
/// This engenders a lot of ill will.
/// 6) Report the exception message without modification and (optionally) include the text with respect to which the
/// position is specified. This would not look sufficiently polished.
/// </remarks>
private static string GetDescription(XmlException e)
string message = e.Message;
ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager("System.Xml", typeof(XmlException).GetTypeInfo().Assembly);
string locationTemplate = manager.GetString("Xml_MessageWithErrorPosition");
string locationString = string.Format(locationTemplate, "", e.LineNumber, e.LinePosition); // first arg is where the problem description goes
int position = message.IndexOf(locationString, StringComparison.Ordinal); // Expect exact match
return position < 0
? message
: message.Remove(position, locationString.Length);
Debug.Assert(false, "If we hit this, then we might need to think about a different workaround " +
"for stripping the location out the message.");
// If anything at all goes wrong, just return the message verbatim. It probably
// contains an invalid position, but it's better than nothing.
return message;
private readonly struct TemporaryStringBuilder
public readonly PooledStringBuilder Pooled;
public readonly int InitialIndentDepth;
public TemporaryStringBuilder(int indentDepth)
this.InitialIndentDepth = indentDepth;
this.Pooled = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();