1 instantiation of NullType
Microsoft.CSharp (1)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Types\NullType.cs (1)
12public static readonly NullType Instance = new NullType();
24 references to NullType
Microsoft.CSharp (24)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\ExpressionTreeCallRewriter.cs (1)
703Debug.Assert(pExpr.Type is NullType);
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Conversion.cs (2)
389if (expr.Type is NullType && dest.FundamentalType != FUNDTYPE.FT_REF) 506if (expr.Type is NullType && dest.FundamentalType != FUNDTYPE.FT_REF)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\ExprFactory.cs (1)
208public static ExprConstant CreateNull() => CreateConstant(NullType.Instance, default);
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\ImplicitConversion.cs (2)
95if (!(_typeSrc is NullType)) 307if (_typeSrc is NullType)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\MethodTypeInferrer.cs (1)
244!(pType is NullType) && !(pType is VoidType) && !(pType is MethodGroupType);
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Operators.cs (9)
460if (info.type1 is NullableType && info.type2 is NullType) 465if (info.type1 is NullType && info.type2 is NullableType) 929if (type1 is NullType && type2 is NullType) 954if (type2 is NullType) 970if (type1 is NullType) 1517if (arg.Type is NullType) 2044if (nonNullableType1 is NullType) 2048else if (nonNullableType2 is NullType)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Symbols\SymbolLoader.cs (1)
274else if (pSource is NullType)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Tree\Constant.cs (1)
54if (Type is NullType)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Tree\Visitors\ExpressionTreeRewriter.cs (5)
882if (expr.Type is NullType) 1003if (aatype1 is NullType || aatype1 == fptype1 && (aatype2 == nubfptype2 || aatype2 is NullType)) 1009if (aatype2 is NullType || aatype2 == fptype2 && (aatype1 == nubfptype1 || aatype1 is NullType))
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\Types\NullType.cs (1)
12public static readonly NullType Instance = new NullType();