// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics
internal enum MethodKindEnum
None = 0,
Constructor = 1, // Ctor or static ctor
Destructor = 2,
PropAccessor = 3,
EventAccessor = 4,
ExplicitConv = 5, // Explicit user defined conversion
ImplicitConv = 6, // Implicit user defined conversion
Anonymous = 7,
// delegates
Invoke = 8, // Invoke method of a delegate type
BeginInvoke = 9, // BeginInvoke method of a delegate type
EndInvoke = 10, // EndInvoke method of a delegate type
// AnonymousTypes
AnonymousTypeToString = 11,
AnonymousTypeEquals = 12,
AnonymousTypeGetHashCode = 13,
// Iterators
IteratorDispose = 14,
IteratorReset = 15,
IteratorGetEnumerator = 16,
IteratorGetEnumeratorDelegating = 17,
IteratorMoveNext = 18,
// Partial Methods
Latent = 19,
Actual = 20,
IteratorFinally = 21,