File: Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\Semantics\BinOpSig.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.CSharp\src\Microsoft.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Syntax;
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Semantics
    internal readonly partial struct ExpressionBinder
        private class BinOpSig
            protected BinOpSig()
            public BinOpSig(PredefinedType pt1, PredefinedType pt2,
                BinOpMask mask, int cbosSkip, PfnBindBinOp pfn, OpSigFlags grfos, BinOpFuncKind fnkind)
                this.pt1 = pt1;
                this.pt2 = pt2;
                this.mask = mask;
                this.cbosSkip = cbosSkip;
                this.pfn = pfn;
                this.grfos = grfos;
                this.fnkind = fnkind;
            public PredefinedType pt1;
            public PredefinedType pt2;
            public BinOpMask mask;
            public int cbosSkip;
            public PfnBindBinOp pfn;
            public OpSigFlags grfos;
            public BinOpFuncKind fnkind;
            public bool ConvertOperandsBeforeBinding()
                return (grfos & OpSigFlags.Convert) != 0;
            public bool CanLift()
                return (grfos & OpSigFlags.CanLift) != 0;
            public bool AutoLift()
                return (grfos & OpSigFlags.AutoLift) != 0;
        private sealed class BinOpFullSig : BinOpSig
            private readonly LiftFlags _grflt;
            private readonly CType _type1;
            private readonly CType _type2;
            public BinOpFullSig(CType type1, CType type2, PfnBindBinOp pfn, OpSigFlags grfos,
                LiftFlags grflt, BinOpFuncKind fnkind)
                this.pt1 = PredefinedType.PT_UNDEFINEDINDEX;
                this.pt2 = PredefinedType.PT_UNDEFINEDINDEX;
                this.mask = BinOpMask.None;
                this.cbosSkip = 0;
                this.pfn = pfn;
                this.grfos = grfos;
                _type1 = type1;
                _type2 = type2;
                _grflt = grflt;
                this.fnkind = fnkind;
                Set the values of the BinOpFullSig from the given BinOpSig. The ExpressionBinder is needed to get
                the predefined types. Returns true iff the predef types are found.
            public BinOpFullSig(BinOpSig bos)
                this.pt1 = bos.pt1;
                this.pt2 = bos.pt2;
                this.mask = bos.mask;
                this.cbosSkip = bos.cbosSkip;
                this.pfn = bos.pfn;
                this.grfos = bos.grfos;
                this.fnkind = bos.fnkind;
                _type1 = pt1 != PredefinedType.PT_UNDEFINEDINDEX ? GetPredefindType(pt1) : null;
                _type2 = pt2 != PredefinedType.PT_UNDEFINEDINDEX ? GetPredefindType(pt2) : null;
                _grflt = LiftFlags.None;
            public bool FPreDef()
                return pt1 != PredefinedType.PT_UNDEFINEDINDEX;
            public bool isLifted()
                if (_grflt == LiftFlags.None)
                    return false;
                // We can't both convert and lift.
                Debug.Assert(((_grflt & LiftFlags.Lift1) == 0) || ((_grflt & LiftFlags.Convert1) == 0));
                Debug.Assert(((_grflt & LiftFlags.Lift2) == 0) || ((_grflt & LiftFlags.Convert2) == 0));
                return true;
            public bool ConvertFirst()
                return (_grflt & LiftFlags.Convert1) != 0;
            public bool ConvertSecond()
                return (_grflt & LiftFlags.Convert2) != 0;
            public CType Type1()
                return _type1;
            public CType Type2()
                return _type2;