// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
namespace Microsoft.Build.Logging;
/// <summary>
/// Capture states on nodes to be rendered on display.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class TerminalNodesFrame
private const int MaxColumn = 120;
private readonly (TerminalNodeStatus nodeStatus, int durationLength)[] _nodes;
private readonly StringBuilder _renderBuilder = new();
public int Width { get; }
public int Height { get; }
public int NodesCount { get; private set; }
public TerminalNodesFrame(TerminalNodeStatus?[] nodes, int width, int height)
Width = Math.Min(width, MaxColumn);
Height = height;
_nodes = new (TerminalNodeStatus, int)[nodes.Length];
foreach (TerminalNodeStatus? status in nodes)
if (status is not null)
_nodes[NodesCount++].nodeStatus = status;
internal ReadOnlySpan<char> RenderNodeStatus(int i)
TerminalNodeStatus status = _nodes[i].nodeStatus;
string durationString = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword(
_nodes[i].durationLength = durationString.Length;
string project = status.Project;
string? targetFramework = status.TargetFramework;
string target = status.Target;
string? targetPrefix = status.TargetPrefix;
TerminalColor targetPrefixColor = status.TargetPrefixColor;
var targetWithoutAnsiLength = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetPrefix)
// +1 because we will join them by space in the final output.
? targetPrefix!.Length + 1 + target.Length
: target.Length;
int renderedWidth = Length(durationString, project, targetFramework, targetWithoutAnsiLength);
if (renderedWidth > Width)
renderedWidth -= targetWithoutAnsiLength;
targetPrefix = target = string.Empty;
targetWithoutAnsiLength = 0;
if (renderedWidth > Width)
int lastDotInProject = project.LastIndexOf('.');
renderedWidth -= lastDotInProject;
project = project.Substring(lastDotInProject + 1);
if (renderedWidth > Width)
return project.AsSpan();
var renderedTarget = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetPrefix) ? $"{AnsiCodes.Colorize(targetPrefix, targetPrefixColor)} {target}" : target;
return $"{TerminalLogger.Indentation}{project}{(targetFramework is null ? string.Empty : " ")}{AnsiCodes.Colorize(targetFramework, TerminalLogger.TargetFrameworkColor)} {AnsiCodes.SetCursorHorizontal(MaxColumn)}{AnsiCodes.MoveCursorBackward(targetWithoutAnsiLength + durationString.Length + 1)}{renderedTarget} {durationString}".AsSpan();
static int Length(string durationString, string project, string? targetFramework, int targetWithoutAnsiLength) =>
TerminalLogger.Indentation.Length +
project.Length + 1 +
(targetFramework?.Length ?? -1) + 1 +
targetWithoutAnsiLength + 1 +
/// <summary>
/// Render VT100 string to update from current to next frame.
/// </summary>
public string Render(TerminalNodesFrame previousFrame)
StringBuilder sb = _renderBuilder;
// Move cursor back to 1st line of nodes.
sb.AppendLine($"{AnsiCodes.CSI}{previousFrame.NodesCount + 1}{AnsiCodes.MoveUpToLineStart}");
int i = 0;
for (; i < NodesCount; i++)
ReadOnlySpan<char> needed = RenderNodeStatus(i);
// Do we have previous node string to compare with?
if (previousFrame.NodesCount > i)
if (previousFrame._nodes[i] == _nodes[i])
// Same everything except time, AND same number of digits in time
string durationString = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("DurationDisplay", _nodes[i].nodeStatus.Stopwatch.ElapsedSeconds);
// TODO: check components to figure out skips and optimize this
// From now on we have to simply WriteLine
// Next line
// clear no longer used lines
if (i < previousFrame.NodesCount)
return sb.ToString();
public void Clear()
NodesCount = 0;