// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.Debugging;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Internal
/// <summary>
/// Enumeration of all possible (currently supported) options for handshakes.
/// </summary>
internal enum HandshakeOptions
None = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Process is a TaskHost
/// </summary>
TaskHost = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Using the 2.0 CLR
/// </summary>
CLR2 = 2,
/// <summary>
/// 64-bit Intel process
/// </summary>
X64 = 4,
/// <summary>
/// Node reuse enabled
/// </summary>
NodeReuse = 8,
/// <summary>
/// Building with BelowNormal priority
/// </summary>
LowPriority = 16,
/// <summary>
/// Building with administrator privileges
/// </summary>
Administrator = 32,
/// <summary>
/// Using the .NET Core/.NET 5.0+ runtime
/// </summary>
NET = 64,
/// <summary>
/// ARM64 process
/// </summary>
Arm64 = 128,
internal class Handshake
protected readonly int options;
protected readonly int salt;
protected readonly int fileVersionMajor;
protected readonly int fileVersionMinor;
protected readonly int fileVersionBuild;
protected readonly int fileVersionPrivate;
private readonly int sessionId;
protected internal Handshake(HandshakeOptions nodeType)
const int handshakeVersion = (int)CommunicationsUtilities.handshakeVersion;
// We currently use 7 bits of this 32-bit integer. Very old builds will instantly reject any handshake that does not start with F5 or 06; slightly old builds always lead with 00.
// This indicates in the first byte that we are a modern build.
options = (int)nodeType | (handshakeVersion << 24);
CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Building handshake for node type {0}, (version {1}): options {2}.", nodeType, handshakeVersion, options);
string handshakeSalt = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT");
CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Handshake salt is " + handshakeSalt);
string toolsDirectory = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectoryRoot;
CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Tools directory root is " + toolsDirectory);
salt = CommunicationsUtilities.GetHashCode(handshakeSalt + toolsDirectory);
Version fileVersion = new Version(FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion);
fileVersionMajor = fileVersion.Major;
fileVersionMinor = fileVersion.Minor;
fileVersionBuild = fileVersion.Build;
fileVersionPrivate = fileVersion.Revision;
using Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
sessionId = currentProcess.SessionId;
// This is used as a key, so it does not need to be human readable.
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", options, salt, fileVersionMajor, fileVersionMinor, fileVersionBuild, fileVersionPrivate, sessionId);
public virtual int[] RetrieveHandshakeComponents()
public virtual string GetKey() => $"{options} {salt} {fileVersionMajor} {fileVersionMinor} {fileVersionBuild} {fileVersionPrivate} {sessionId}".ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public virtual byte? ExpectedVersionInFirstByte => CommunicationsUtilities.handshakeVersion;
internal sealed class ServerNodeHandshake : Handshake
/// <summary>
/// Caching computed hash.
/// </summary>
private string _computedHash = null;
public override byte? ExpectedVersionInFirstByte => null;
internal ServerNodeHandshake(HandshakeOptions nodeType)
: base(nodeType)
public override int[] RetrieveHandshakeComponents()
public override string GetKey()
return $"{options} {salt} {fileVersionMajor} {fileVersionMinor} {fileVersionBuild} {fileVersionPrivate}"
/// <summary>
/// Computes Handshake stable hash string representing whole state of handshake.
/// </summary>
public string ComputeHash()
if (_computedHash == null)
var input = GetKey();
using var sha = SHA256.Create();
var bytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input));
_computedHash = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes)
.Replace("/", "_")
.Replace("=", string.Empty);
return _computedHash;
/// <summary>
/// This class contains utility methods for the MSBuild engine.
/// </summary>
internal static class CommunicationsUtilities
/// <summary>
/// Indicates to the NodeEndpoint that all the various parts of the Handshake have been sent.
/// </summary>
private const int EndOfHandshakeSignal = -0x2a2a2a2a;
/// <summary>
/// The version of the handshake. This should be updated each time the handshake structure is altered.
/// </summary>
internal const byte handshakeVersion = 0x01;
/// <summary>
/// The timeout to connect to a node.
/// </summary>
private const int DefaultNodeConnectionTimeout = 900 * 1000; // 15 minutes; enough time that a dev will typically do another build in this time
/// <summary>
/// Whether to trace communications
/// </summary>
private static bool s_trace = Traits.Instance.DebugNodeCommunication;
/// <summary>
/// Lock trace to ensure we are logging in serial fashion.
/// </summary>
private static readonly object s_traceLock = new();
/// <summary>
/// Place to dump trace
/// </summary>
private static string s_debugDumpPath;
/// <summary>
/// Ticks at last time logged
/// </summary>
private static long s_lastLoggedTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
/// <summary>
/// Delegate to debug the communication utilities.
/// </summary>
internal delegate void LogDebugCommunications(string format, params object[] stuff);
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the node connection timeout.
/// </summary>
internal static int NodeConnectionTimeout
get { return GetIntegerVariableOrDefault("MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT", DefaultNodeConnectionTimeout); }
/// <summary>
/// Get environment block.
/// </summary>
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern unsafe char* GetEnvironmentStrings();
/// <summary>
/// Free environment block.
/// </summary>
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern unsafe bool FreeEnvironmentStrings(char* pStrings);
/// <summary>
/// Set environment variable P/Invoke.
/// </summary>
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetEnvironmentVariable", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool SetEnvironmentVariableNative(string name, string value);
/// <summary>
/// Sets an environment variable using P/Invoke to workaround the .NET Framework BCL implementation.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// .NET Framework implementation of SetEnvironmentVariable checks the length of the value and throws an exception if
/// it's greater than or equal to 32,767 characters. This limitation does not exist on modern Windows or .NET.
/// </remarks>
internal static void SetEnvironmentVariable(string name, string value)
if (!SetEnvironmentVariableNative(name, value))
throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error());
/// <summary>
/// Returns key value pairs of environment variables in a new dictionary
/// with a case-insensitive key comparer.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Copied from the BCL implementation to eliminate some expensive security asserts on .NET Framework.
/// </remarks>
internal static Dictionary<string, string> GetEnvironmentVariables()
// The DebugUtils static constructor can set the MSBUILDDEBUGPATH environment variable to propagate the debug path to out of proc nodes.
// Need to ensure that constructor is called before this method returns in order to capture its env var write.
// Otherwise the env var is not captured and thus gets deleted when RequiestBuilder resets the environment based on the cached results of this method.
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(DebugUtils.ProcessInfoString, nameof(DebugUtils.DebugPath));
Dictionary<string, string> table = new Dictionary<string, string>(200, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // Razzle has 150 environment variables
char* pEnvironmentBlock = null;
pEnvironmentBlock = GetEnvironmentStrings();
if (pEnvironmentBlock == null)
throw new OutOfMemoryException();
// Search for terminating \0\0 (two unicode \0's).
char* pEnvironmentBlockEnd = pEnvironmentBlock;
while (!(*pEnvironmentBlockEnd == '\0' && *(pEnvironmentBlockEnd + 1) == '\0'))
long stringBlockLength = pEnvironmentBlockEnd - pEnvironmentBlock;
// Copy strings out, parsing into pairs and inserting into the table.
// The first few environment variable entries start with an '='!
// The current working directory of every drive (except for those drives
// you haven't cd'ed into in your DOS window) are stored in the
// environment block (as =C:=pwd) and the program's exit code is
// as well (=ExitCode=00000000) Skip all that start with =.
// Read docs about Environment Blocks on MSDN's CreateProcess page.
// Format for GetEnvironmentStrings is:
// (=HiddenVar=value\0 | Variable=value\0)* \0
// See the description of Environment Blocks in MSDN's
// CreateProcess page (null-terminated array of null-terminated strings).
// Note the =HiddenVar's aren't always at the beginning.
for (int i = 0; i < stringBlockLength; i++)
int startKey = i;
// Skip to key
// On some old OS, the environment block can be corrupted.
// Some lines will not have '=', so we need to check for '\0'.
while (*(pEnvironmentBlock + i) != '=' && *(pEnvironmentBlock + i) != '\0')
if (*(pEnvironmentBlock + i) == '\0')
// Skip over environment variables starting with '='
if (i - startKey == 0)
while (*(pEnvironmentBlock + i) != 0)
string key = new string(pEnvironmentBlock, startKey, i - startKey);
// skip over '='
int startValue = i;
while (*(pEnvironmentBlock + i) != 0)
// Read to end of this entry
string value = new string(pEnvironmentBlock, startValue, i - startValue);
// skip over 0 handled by for loop's i++
table[key] = value;
if (pEnvironmentBlock != null)
return table;
/// <summary>
/// Sets an environment variable using <see cref="Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(string,string)" />.
/// </summary>
internal static void SetEnvironmentVariable(string name, string value)
=> Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(name, value);
/// <summary>
/// Returns key value pairs of environment variables in a new dictionary
/// with a case-insensitive key comparer.
/// </summary>
internal static Dictionary<string, string> GetEnvironmentVariables()
var vars = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
Dictionary<string, string> table = new Dictionary<string, string>(vars.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var key in vars.Keys)
table[(string)key] = (string)vars[key];
return table;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the environment to match the provided dictionary.
/// </summary>
internal static void SetEnvironment(IDictionary<string, string> newEnvironment)
if (newEnvironment != null)
// First, delete all no longer set variables
Dictionary<string, string> currentEnvironment = GetEnvironmentVariables();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in currentEnvironment)
if (!newEnvironment.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
SetEnvironmentVariable(entry.Key, null);
// Then, make sure the new ones have their new values.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in newEnvironment)
if (!currentEnvironment.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out string currentValue) || currentValue != entry.Value)
SetEnvironmentVariable(entry.Key, entry.Value);
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Indicate to the client that all elements of the Handshake have been sent.
/// </summary>
internal static void WriteEndOfHandshakeSignal(this PipeStream stream)
/// <summary>
/// Extension method to write a series of bytes to a stream
/// </summary>
internal static void WriteIntForHandshake(this PipeStream stream, int value)
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
// We want to read the long and send it from left to right (this means big endian)
// if we are little endian we need to reverse the array to keep the left to right reading
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(bytes.Length == 4, "Int should be 4 bytes");
stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
#pragma warning disable SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
internal static void ReadEndOfHandshakeSignal(
this PipeStream stream,
bool isProvider
, int timeout
#pragma warning restore SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
// Accept only the first byte of the EndOfHandshakeSignal
#pragma warning disable SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
int valueRead = stream.ReadIntForHandshake(
byteToAccept: null
, timeout
#pragma warning restore SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
if (valueRead != EndOfHandshakeSignal)
if (isProvider)
CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Handshake failed on part {0}. Probably the client is a different MSBuild build.", valueRead);
CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Expected end of handshake signal but received {0}. Probably the host is a different MSBuild build.", valueRead);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
#pragma warning disable SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
/// <summary>
/// Extension method to read a series of bytes from a stream.
/// If specified, leading byte matches one in the supplied array if any, returns rejection byte and throws IOException.
/// </summary>
internal static int ReadIntForHandshake(this PipeStream stream, byte? byteToAccept
, int timeout
#pragma warning restore SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
if (!NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
// Enforce a minimum timeout because the Windows code can pass
// a timeout of 0 for the connection, but that doesn't work for
// the actual timeout here.
timeout = Math.Max(timeout, 50);
// A legacy MSBuild.exe won't try to connect to MSBuild running
// in a dotnet host process, so we can read the bytes simply.
var readTask = stream.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// Manual timeout here because the timeout passed to Connect() just before
// calling this method does not apply on UNIX domain socket-based
// implementations of PipeStream.
// https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/28791
if (!readTask.Wait(timeout))
throw new IOException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Did not receive return handshake in {0}ms", timeout));
int bytesRead = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// Abort for connection attempts from ancient MSBuild.exes
if (byteToAccept != null && bytesRead > 0 && byteToAccept != bytes[0])
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Client: rejected old host. Received byte {0} instead of {1}.", bytes[0], byteToAccept));
if (bytesRead != bytes.Length)
// We've unexpectly reached end of stream.
// We are now in a bad state, disconnect on our end
throw new IOException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unexpected end of stream while reading for handshake"));
int result;
// We want to read the long and send it from left to right (this means big endian)
// If we are little endian the stream has already been reversed by the sender, we need to reverse it again to get the original number
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
result = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0 /* start index */);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
throw new IOException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed to convert the handshake to big-endian. {0}", ex.Message));
return result;
#nullable disable
internal static async Task<int> ReadAsync(Stream stream, byte[] buffer, int bytesToRead)
int totalBytesRead = 0;
while (totalBytesRead < bytesToRead)
int bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory(totalBytesRead, bytesToRead - totalBytesRead), CancellationToken.None);
if (bytesRead == 0)
return totalBytesRead;
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
return totalBytesRead;
/// <summary>
/// Given the appropriate information, return the equivalent HandshakeOptions.
/// </summary>
internal static HandshakeOptions GetHandshakeOptions(bool taskHost, string architectureFlagToSet = null, bool nodeReuse = false, bool lowPriority = false, IDictionary<string, string> taskHostParameters = null)
HandshakeOptions context = taskHost ? HandshakeOptions.TaskHost : HandshakeOptions.None;
int clrVersion = 0;
// We don't know about the TaskHost.
if (taskHost)
// No parameters given, default to current
if (taskHostParameters == null)
clrVersion = typeof(bool).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Version.Major;
architectureFlagToSet = XMakeAttributes.GetCurrentMSBuildArchitecture();
else // Figure out flags based on parameters given
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(taskHostParameters.TryGetValue(XMakeAttributes.runtime, out string runtimeVersion), "Should always have an explicit runtime when we call this method.");
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(taskHostParameters.TryGetValue(XMakeAttributes.architecture, out string architecture), "Should always have an explicit architecture when we call this method.");
if (runtimeVersion.Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.clr2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
clrVersion = 2;
else if (runtimeVersion.Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.clr4, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
clrVersion = 4;
else if (runtimeVersion.Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.net, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
clrVersion = 5;
architectureFlagToSet = architecture;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(architectureFlagToSet))
if (architectureFlagToSet.Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.x64, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
context |= HandshakeOptions.X64;
else if (architectureFlagToSet.Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.arm64, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
context |= HandshakeOptions.Arm64;
switch (clrVersion)
case 0:
// Not a taskhost, runtime must match
case 4:
// Default for MSBuild running on .NET Framework 4,
// not represented in handshake
case 2:
context |= HandshakeOptions.CLR2;
case >= 5:
context |= HandshakeOptions.NET;
if (nodeReuse)
context |= HandshakeOptions.NodeReuse;
if (lowPriority)
context |= HandshakeOptions.LowPriority;
// If we are running in elevated privs, we will only accept a handshake from an elevated process as well.
// Both the client and the host will calculate this separately, and the idea is that if they come out the same
// then we can be sufficiently confident that the other side has the same elevation level as us. This is complementary
// to the username check which is also done on connection.
if (new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()).IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator))
context |= HandshakeOptions.Administrator;
return context;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of an integer environment variable, or returns the default if none is set or it cannot be converted.
/// </summary>
internal static int GetIntegerVariableOrDefault(string environmentVariable, int defaultValue)
string environmentValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(environmentVariable);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(environmentValue))
return defaultValue;
int localDefaultValue;
if (Int32.TryParse(environmentValue, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out localDefaultValue))
defaultValue = localDefaultValue;
return defaultValue;
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace<T>(string format, T arg0)
Trace(nodeId: -1, format, arg0);
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace<T>(int nodeId, string format, T arg0)
if (s_trace)
TraceCore(nodeId, string.Format(format, arg0));
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace<T0, T1>(string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1)
Trace(nodeId: -1, format, arg0, arg1);
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace<T0, T1>(int nodeId, string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1)
if (s_trace)
TraceCore(nodeId, string.Format(format, arg0, arg1));
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace<T0, T1, T2>(string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
Trace(nodeId: -1, format, arg0, arg1, arg2);
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace<T0, T1, T2>(int nodeId, string format, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
if (s_trace)
TraceCore(nodeId, string.Format(format, arg0, arg1, arg2));
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace(string format, params object[] args)
Trace(nodeId: -1, format, args);
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
internal static void Trace(int nodeId, string format, params object[] args)
if (s_trace)
string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, format, args);
TraceCore(nodeId, message);
internal static void Trace(int nodeId, string message)
if (s_trace)
TraceCore(nodeId, message);
/// <summary>
/// Writes trace information to a log file
/// </summary>
private static void TraceCore(int nodeId, string message)
lock (s_traceLock)
s_debugDumpPath ??=
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s_debugDumpPath))
s_debugDumpPath = FileUtilities.TempFileDirectory;
string fileName = @"MSBuild_CommTrace_PID_{0}";
if (nodeId != -1)
fileName += "_node_" + nodeId;
fileName += ".txt";
using (StreamWriter file = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(
string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Path.Combine(s_debugDumpPath, fileName), EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId, nodeId), append: true))
long now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
float millisecondsSinceLastLog = (float)(now - s_lastLoggedTicks) / 10000L;
s_lastLoggedTicks = now;
file.WriteLine("{0} (TID {1}) {2,15} +{3,10}ms: {4}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, now, millisecondsSinceLastLog, message);
catch (IOException)
// Ignore
/// <summary>
/// Gets a hash code for this string. If strings A and B are such that A.Equals(B), then
/// they will return the same hash code.
/// This is as implemented in CLR String.GetHashCode() [ndp\clr\src\BCL\system\String.cs]
/// but stripped out architecture specific defines
/// that causes the hashcode to be different and this causes problem in cross-architecture handshaking
/// </summary>
internal static int GetHashCode(string fileVersion)
fixed (char* src = fileVersion)
int hash1 = (5381 << 16) + 5381;
int hash2 = hash1;
int* pint = (int*)src;
int len = fileVersion.Length;
while (len > 0)
hash1 = ((hash1 << 5) + hash1 + (hash1 >> 27)) ^ pint[0];
if (len <= 2)
hash2 = ((hash2 << 5) + hash2 + (hash2 >> 27)) ^ pint[1];
pint += 2;
len -= 4;
return hash1 + (hash2 * 1566083941);
internal static int AvoidEndOfHandshakeSignal(int x)
return x == EndOfHandshakeSignal ? ~x : x;