// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Shared.LanguageParser
* Class: VisualBasicTokenizer
* Given vb sources, return an enumerator that will provide tokens one at a time.
internal sealed class VisualBasicTokenizer : IEnumerable
These are the tokens that are specific to the VB tokenizer.
Tokens that should be shared with other tokenizers should go
into Token.cs.
internal class LineTerminatorToken : Token { }
internal class SeparatorToken : Token { }
internal class LineContinuationToken : WhitespaceToken { }
internal class OctalIntegerLiteralToken : IntegerLiteralToken { }
internal class ExpectedValidOctalDigitToken : SyntaxErrorToken { }
// The source lines
private Stream _binaryStream = null;
// Whether or not to force ANSI reading.
private bool _forceANSI;
* Method: VisualBasicTokenizer
* Construct
internal VisualBasicTokenizer(Stream binaryStream, bool forceANSI)
_binaryStream = binaryStream;
_forceANSI = forceANSI;
* Method: GetEnumerator
* Return a new token enumerator.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new VisualBasicTokenEnumerator(_binaryStream, _forceANSI);