// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Shared.LanguageParser
* Class: Token
* Base class for all token classes.
internal abstract class Token
// The text from the originating source file that caused this token.
private string _innerText = null;
// The line number that the token fell on.
private int _line = 0;
* Method: InnerText
* Get or set the InnerText for this token
internal string InnerText
get { return _innerText; }
set { _innerText = value; }
* Method: Line
* Get or set the Line for this token
internal int Line
return _line;
_line = value;
* Method: EqualsIgnoreCase
* Return true if the given string equals the content of this token
internal bool EqualsIgnoreCase(string compareTo)
return String.Equals(_innerText, compareTo, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Table of tokens shared by the parsers.
Tokens that are specific to a particular parser are nested within the given
parser class.
internal class WhitespaceToken : Token { }
internal abstract class LiteralToken : Token { }
internal class BooleanLiteralToken : Token { } // i.e. true or false
internal abstract class IntegerLiteralToken : Token { } // i.e. a literal integer
internal class HexIntegerLiteralToken : IntegerLiteralToken { } // i.e. a hex literal integer
internal class DecimalIntegerLiteralToken : IntegerLiteralToken { } // i.e. a hex literal integer
internal class StringLiteralToken : Token { } // i.e. A string value.
internal abstract class SyntaxErrorToken : Token { } // A syntax error.
internal class ExpectedIdentifierToken : SyntaxErrorToken { }
internal class ExpectedValidHexDigitToken : SyntaxErrorToken { } // Got a non-hex digit when we expected to have one.
internal class EndOfFileInsideStringToken : SyntaxErrorToken { } // The file ended inside a string.
internal class UnrecognizedToken : SyntaxErrorToken { } // An unrecognized token was spotted.
internal class CommentToken : Token { }
internal class IdentifierToken : Token { } // An identifier
internal class KeywordToken : Token { } // An keyword
internal class PreprocessorToken : Token { } // #if, #region, etc.
internal class OpenConditionalDirectiveToken : PreprocessorToken { }
internal class CloseConditionalDirectiveToken : PreprocessorToken { }
internal class OperatorOrPunctuatorToken : Token { } // One of the predefined operators or punctuators
internal class OperatorToken : OperatorOrPunctuatorToken { }