// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.FileSystem;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Shared
/// <summary>
/// Functions for matching file names with patterns.
/// </summary>
internal class FileMatcher
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem;
private const string recursiveDirectoryMatch = "**";
private static readonly string s_directorySeparator = new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1);
private static readonly string s_thisDirectory = "." + s_directorySeparator;
private static readonly char[] s_wildcardCharacters = { '*', '?' };
private static readonly char[] s_wildcardAndSemicolonCharacters = { '*', '?', ';' };
private static readonly string[] s_propertyAndItemReferences = { "$(", "@(" };
// on OSX both System.IO.Path separators are '/', so we have to use the literals
internal static readonly char[] directorySeparatorCharacters = FileUtilities.Slashes;
// until Cloudbuild switches to EvaluationContext, we need to keep their dependence on global glob caching via an environment variable
private static readonly Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>> s_cachedGlobExpansions = new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>>(() => new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private static readonly Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>> s_cachedGlobExpansionsLock = new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>>(() => new ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>> _cachedGlobExpansions;
private readonly Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>> _cachedGlobExpansionsLock = new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>>(() => new ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
/// <summary>
/// Cache of the list of invalid path characters, because this method returns a clone (for security reasons)
/// which can cause significant transient allocations
/// </summary>
private static readonly char[] s_invalidPathChars = Path.GetInvalidPathChars();
public const RegexOptions DefaultRegexOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
private readonly GetFileSystemEntries _getFileSystemEntries;
private static class FileSpecRegexParts
internal const string BeginningOfLine = "^";
internal const string WildcardGroupStart = "(?<WILDCARDDIR>";
internal const string FilenameGroupStart = "(?<FILENAME>";
internal const string GroupEnd = ")";
internal const string EndOfLine = "$";
internal const string AnyNonSeparator = @"[^/\\]*";
internal const string AnySingleCharacterButDot = @"[^\.].";
internal const string AnythingButDot = @"[^\.]*";
internal const string DirSeparator = @"[/\\]+";
internal const string LeftDirs = @"((.*/)|(.*\\)|())";
internal const string MiddleDirs = @"((/)|(\\)|(/.*/)|(/.*\\)|(\\.*\\)|(\\.*/))";
internal const string SingleCharacter = ".";
internal const string UncSlashSlash = @"\\\\";
* FileSpecRegexParts.BeginningOfLine.Length + FileSpecRegexParts.WildcardGroupStart.Length + FileSpecRegexParts.GroupEnd.Length
+ FileSpecRegexParts.FilenameGroupStart.Length + FileSpecRegexParts.GroupEnd.Length + FileSpecRegexParts.EndOfLine.Length;
private const int FileSpecRegexMinLength = 31;
/// <summary>
/// The Default FileMatcher does not cache directory enumeration.
/// </summary>
public static FileMatcher Default = new FileMatcher(FileSystems.Default, null);
public FileMatcher(IFileSystem fileSystem, ConcurrentDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>> fileEntryExpansionCache = null) : this(
(entityType, path, pattern, projectDirectory, stripProjectDirectory) => GetAccessibleFileSystemEntries(
internal FileMatcher(IFileSystem fileSystem, GetFileSystemEntries getFileSystemEntries, ConcurrentDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>> getFileSystemDirectoryEntriesCache = null)
if (Traits.Instance.MSBuildCacheFileEnumerations)
_cachedGlobExpansions = s_cachedGlobExpansions.Value;
_cachedGlobExpansionsLock = s_cachedGlobExpansionsLock;
_cachedGlobExpansions = getFileSystemDirectoryEntriesCache;
_fileSystem = fileSystem;
_getFileSystemEntries = getFileSystemDirectoryEntriesCache == null
? getFileSystemEntries
: (type, path, pattern, directory, stripProjectDirectory) =>
// Always hit the filesystem with "*" pattern, cache the results, and do the filtering here.
string cacheKey = type switch
FileSystemEntity.Files => "F",
FileSystemEntity.Directories => "D",
FileSystemEntity.FilesAndDirectories => "A",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
} + ";" + path;
IReadOnlyList<string> allEntriesForPath = getFileSystemDirectoryEntriesCache.GetOrAdd(
s => getFileSystemEntries(
IEnumerable<string> filteredEntriesForPath = (pattern != null && !IsAllFilesWildcard(pattern))
? allEntriesForPath.Where(o => IsFileNameMatch(o, pattern))
: allEntriesForPath;
return stripProjectDirectory
? RemoveProjectDirectory(filteredEntriesForPath, directory).ToList()
: filteredEntriesForPath.ToList();
/// <summary>
/// The type of entity that GetFileSystemEntries should return.
/// </summary>
internal enum FileSystemEntity
/// <summary>
/// Delegate defines the GetFileSystemEntries signature that GetLongPathName uses
/// to enumerate directories on the file system.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityType">Files, Directories, or Files and Directories</param>
/// <param name="path">The path to search.</param>
/// <param name="pattern">The file pattern.</param>
/// <param name="projectDirectory"></param>
/// <param name="stripProjectDirectory"></param>
/// <returns>An enumerable of filesystem entries.</returns>
internal delegate IReadOnlyList<string> GetFileSystemEntries(FileSystemEntity entityType, string path, string pattern, string projectDirectory, bool stripProjectDirectory);
internal static void ClearFileEnumerationsCache()
if (s_cachedGlobExpansions.IsValueCreated)
if (s_cachedGlobExpansionsLock.IsValueCreated)
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the given path has any wild card characters.
/// </summary>
internal static bool HasWildcards(string filespec)
// Perf Note: Doing a [Last]IndexOfAny(...) is much faster than compiling a
// regular expression that does the same thing, regardless of whether
// filespec contains one of the characters.
// Choose LastIndexOfAny instead of IndexOfAny because it seems more likely
// that wildcards will tend to be towards the right side.
return -1 != filespec.LastIndexOfAny(s_wildcardCharacters);
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the given path has any wild card characters, any semicolons or any property references.
/// </summary>
internal static bool HasWildcardsSemicolonItemOrPropertyReferences(string filespec)
(-1 != filespec.IndexOfAny(s_wildcardAndSemicolonCharacters)) ||
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the given path has any property references.
/// </summary>
internal static bool HasPropertyOrItemReferences(string filespec)
return s_propertyAndItemReferences.Any(filespec.Contains);
/// <summary>
/// Get the files and\or folders specified by the given path and pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityType">Whether Files, Directories or both.</param>
/// <param name="path">The path to search.</param>
/// <param name="pattern">The pattern to search.</param>
/// <param name="projectDirectory">The directory for the project within which the call is made</param>
/// <param name="stripProjectDirectory">If true the project directory should be stripped</param>
/// <param name="fileSystem">The file system abstraction to use that implements file system operations</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static IReadOnlyList<string> GetAccessibleFileSystemEntries(IFileSystem fileSystem, FileSystemEntity entityType, string path, string pattern, string projectDirectory, bool stripProjectDirectory)
path = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(path);
switch (entityType)
case FileSystemEntity.Files: return GetAccessibleFiles(fileSystem, path, pattern, projectDirectory, stripProjectDirectory);
case FileSystemEntity.Directories: return GetAccessibleDirectories(fileSystem, path, pattern);
case FileSystemEntity.FilesAndDirectories: return GetAccessibleFilesAndDirectories(fileSystem, path, pattern);
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Unexpected filesystem entity type.");
return [];
/// <summary>
/// Returns an enumerable of file system entries matching the specified search criteria. Inaccessible or non-existent file
/// system entries are skipped.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"></param>
/// <param name="pattern"></param>
/// <param name="fileSystem">The file system abstraction to use that implements file system operations</param>
/// <returns>An enumerable of matching file system entries (can be empty).</returns>
private static IReadOnlyList<string> GetAccessibleFilesAndDirectories(IFileSystem fileSystem, string path, string pattern)
if (fileSystem.DirectoryExists(path))
return (ShouldEnforceMatching(pattern)
? fileSystem.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path, pattern)
.Where(o => IsFileNameMatch(o, pattern))
: fileSystem.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path, pattern))
// for OS security
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
// do nothing
// for code access security
catch (System.Security.SecurityException)
// do nothing
return [];
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the given search pattern will match loosely on Windows
/// </summary>
/// <param name="searchPattern">The search pattern to check</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool ShouldEnforceMatching(string searchPattern)
if (searchPattern == null)
return false;
// https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/3060
// NOTE: Corefx matches loosely in three cases (in the absence of the * wildcard in the extension):
// 1) if the extension ends with the ? wildcard, it matches files with shorter extensions also e.g. "file.tx?" would
// match both "file.txt" and "file.tx"
// 2) if the extension is three characters, and the filename contains the * wildcard, it matches files with longer
// extensions that start with the same three characters e.g. "*.htm" would match both "file.htm" and "file.html"
// 3) if the ? wildcard is to the left of a period, it matches files with shorter name e.g. ???.txt would match
// foo.txt, fo.txt and also f.txt
return searchPattern.IndexOf("?.", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ||
Path.GetExtension(searchPattern).Length == (3 + 1 /* +1 for the period */) &&
searchPattern.IndexOf('*') != -1) ||
searchPattern.EndsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal);
/// <summary>
/// Same as Directory.EnumerateFiles(...) except that files that
/// aren't accessible are skipped instead of throwing an exception.
/// Other exceptions are passed through.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path.</param>
/// <param name="filespec">The pattern.</param>
/// <param name="projectDirectory">The project directory</param>
/// <param name="stripProjectDirectory"></param>
/// <param name="fileSystem">The file system abstraction to use that implements file system operations</param>
/// <returns>Files that can be accessed.</returns>
private static IReadOnlyList<string> GetAccessibleFiles(
IFileSystem fileSystem,
string path,
string filespec, // can be null
string projectDirectory,
bool stripProjectDirectory)
// look in current directory if no path specified
string dir = ((path.Length == 0) ? s_thisDirectory : path);
// get all files in specified directory, unless a file-spec has been provided
IEnumerable<string> files;
if (filespec == null)
files = fileSystem.EnumerateFiles(dir);
files = fileSystem.EnumerateFiles(dir, filespec);
if (ShouldEnforceMatching(filespec))
files = files.Where(o => IsFileNameMatch(o, filespec));
// If the Item is based on a relative path we need to strip
// the current directory from the front
if (stripProjectDirectory)
files = RemoveProjectDirectory(files, projectDirectory);
// Files in the current directory are coming back with a ".\"
// prepended to them. We need to remove this; it breaks the
// IDE, which expects just the filename if it is in the current
// directory. But only do this if the original path requested
// didn't itself contain a ".\".
else if (!path.StartsWith(s_thisDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal))
files = RemoveInitialDotSlash(files);
return files.ToList();
catch (System.Security.SecurityException)
// For code access security.
return [];
catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
// For OS security.
return [];
/// <summary>
/// Same as Directory.EnumerateDirectories(...) except that files that
/// aren't accessible are skipped instead of throwing an exception.
/// Other exceptions are passed through.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path.</param>
/// <param name="pattern">Pattern to match</param>
/// <param name="fileSystem">The file system abstraction to use that implements file system operations</param>
/// <returns>Accessible directories.</returns>
private static IReadOnlyList<string> GetAccessibleDirectories(
IFileSystem fileSystem,
string path,
string pattern)
IEnumerable<string> directories = null;
if (pattern == null)
directories = fileSystem.EnumerateDirectories((path.Length == 0) ? s_thisDirectory : path);
directories = fileSystem.EnumerateDirectories((path.Length == 0) ? s_thisDirectory : path, pattern);
if (ShouldEnforceMatching(pattern))
directories = directories.Where(o => IsFileNameMatch(o, pattern));
// Subdirectories in the current directory are coming back with a ".\"
// prepended to them. We need to remove this; it breaks the
// IDE, which expects just the filename if it is in the current
// directory. But only do this if the original path requested
// didn't itself contain a ".\".
if (!path.StartsWith(s_thisDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal))
directories = RemoveInitialDotSlash(directories);
return directories.ToList();
catch (System.Security.SecurityException)
// For code access security.
return [];
catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
// For OS security.
return [];
/// <summary>
/// Given a path name, get its long version.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The short path.</param>
/// <returns>The long path.</returns>
internal string GetLongPathName(
string path)
return GetLongPathName(path, _getFileSystemEntries);
/// <summary>
/// Given a path name, get its long version.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The short path.</param>
/// <param name="getFileSystemEntries">Delegate.</param>
/// <returns>The long path.</returns>
internal static string GetLongPathName(
string path,
GetFileSystemEntries getFileSystemEntries)
if (path.IndexOf("~", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1)
// A path with no '~' must not be a short name.
return path;
"GetLongPathName does not handle wildcards and was passed '{0}'.", path);
string[] parts = path.Split(directorySeparatorCharacters);
string pathRoot;
bool isUnc = path.StartsWith(s_directorySeparator + s_directorySeparator, StringComparison.Ordinal);
int startingElement;
if (isUnc)
pathRoot = s_directorySeparator + s_directorySeparator;
pathRoot += parts[2];
pathRoot += s_directorySeparator;
pathRoot += parts[3];
pathRoot += s_directorySeparator;
startingElement = 4;
// Is it relative?
if (path.Length > 2 && path[1] == ':')
// Not relative
pathRoot = parts[0] + s_directorySeparator;
startingElement = 1;
// Relative
pathRoot = string.Empty;
startingElement = 0;
// Build up an array of parts. These elements may be "" if there are
// extra slashes.
string[] longParts = new string[parts.Length - startingElement];
string longPath = pathRoot;
for (int i = startingElement; i < parts.Length; ++i)
// If there is a zero-length part, then that means there was an extra slash.
if (parts[i].Length == 0)
longParts[i - startingElement] = string.Empty;
if (parts[i].IndexOf("~", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1)
// If there's no ~, don't hit the disk.
longParts[i - startingElement] = parts[i];
longPath = Path.Combine(longPath, parts[i]);
// getFileSystemEntries(...) returns an empty list if longPath doesn't exist.
IReadOnlyList<string> entries = getFileSystemEntries(FileSystemEntity.FilesAndDirectories, longPath, parts[i], null, false);
if (0 == entries.Count)
// The next part doesn't exist. Therefore, no more of the path will exist.
// Just return the rest.
for (int j = i; j < parts.Length; ++j)
longParts[j - startingElement] = parts[j];
// Since we know there are no wild cards, this should be length one, i.e. MoveNext should return false.
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(entries.Count == 1,
"Unexpected number of entries ({3}) found when enumerating '{0}' under '{1}'. Original path was '{2}'",
parts[i], longPath, path, entries.Count);
// Entries[0] contains the full path.
longPath = entries[0];
// We just want the trailing node.
longParts[i - startingElement] = Path.GetFileName(longPath);
return pathRoot + string.Join(s_directorySeparator, longParts);
/// <summary>
/// Given a filespec, split it into left-most 'fixed' dir part, middle 'wildcard' dir part, and filename part.
/// The filename part may have wildcard characters in it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filespec">The filespec to be decomposed.</param>
/// <param name="fixedDirectoryPart">Receives the fixed directory part.</param>
/// <param name="wildcardDirectoryPart">The wildcard directory part.</param>
/// <param name="filenamePart">The filename part.</param>
internal void SplitFileSpec(
string filespec,
out string fixedDirectoryPart,
out string wildcardDirectoryPart,
out string filenamePart)
out fixedDirectoryPart,
out wildcardDirectoryPart,
out filenamePart);
* Handle the special case in which filenamePart is '**'.
* In this case, filenamePart becomes '*.*' and the '**' is appended
* to the end of the wildcardDirectory part.
* This is so that later regular expression matching can accurately
* pull out the different parts (fixed, wildcard, filename) of given
* file specs.
if (recursiveDirectoryMatch == filenamePart)
wildcardDirectoryPart += recursiveDirectoryMatch;
wildcardDirectoryPart += s_directorySeparator;
filenamePart = "*.*";
fixedDirectoryPart = FileMatcher.GetLongPathName(fixedDirectoryPart, _getFileSystemEntries);
/// <summary>
/// Do most of the grunt work of splitting the filespec into parts.
/// Does not handle post-processing common to the different matching
/// paths.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filespec">The filespec to be decomposed.</param>
/// <param name="fixedDirectoryPart">Receives the fixed directory part.</param>
/// <param name="wildcardDirectoryPart">The wildcard directory part.</param>
/// <param name="filenamePart">The filename part.</param>
private static void PreprocessFileSpecForSplitting(
string filespec,
out string fixedDirectoryPart,
out string wildcardDirectoryPart,
out string filenamePart)
filespec = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(filespec);
int indexOfLastDirectorySeparator = filespec.LastIndexOfAny(directorySeparatorCharacters);
if (-1 == indexOfLastDirectorySeparator)
* No dir separator found. This is either this form,
* Source.cs
* *.cs
* or this form,
* **
fixedDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
wildcardDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
filenamePart = filespec;
int indexOfFirstWildcard = filespec.IndexOfAny(s_wildcardCharacters);
-1 == indexOfFirstWildcard
|| indexOfFirstWildcard > indexOfLastDirectorySeparator)
* There is at least one dir separator, but either there is no wild card or the
* wildcard is after the dir separator.
* The form is one of these:
* dir1\Source.cs
* dir1\*.cs
* Where the trailing spec is meant to be a filename. Or,
* dir1\**
* Where the trailing spec is meant to be any file recursively.
// We know the fixed director part now.
fixedDirectoryPart = filespec.Substring(0, indexOfLastDirectorySeparator + 1);
wildcardDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
filenamePart = filespec.Substring(indexOfLastDirectorySeparator + 1);
* Find the separator right before the first wildcard.
string filespecLeftOfWildcard = filespec.Substring(0, indexOfFirstWildcard);
int indexOfSeparatorBeforeWildCard = filespecLeftOfWildcard.LastIndexOfAny(directorySeparatorCharacters);
if (-1 == indexOfSeparatorBeforeWildCard)
* There is no separator before the wildcard, so the form is like this:
* dir?\Source.cs
* or this,
* dir?\**
fixedDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
wildcardDirectoryPart = filespec.Substring(0, indexOfLastDirectorySeparator + 1);
filenamePart = filespec.Substring(indexOfLastDirectorySeparator + 1);
* There is at least one wildcard and one dir separator, split parts out.
fixedDirectoryPart = filespec.Substring(0, indexOfSeparatorBeforeWildCard + 1);
wildcardDirectoryPart = filespec.Substring(indexOfSeparatorBeforeWildCard + 1, indexOfLastDirectorySeparator - indexOfSeparatorBeforeWildCard);
filenamePart = filespec.Substring(indexOfLastDirectorySeparator + 1);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the leading ".\" from all of the paths in the array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="paths">Paths to remove .\ from.</param>
private static IEnumerable<string> RemoveInitialDotSlash(
IEnumerable<string> paths)
foreach (string path in paths)
if (path.StartsWith(s_thisDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal))
yield return path.Substring(2);
yield return path;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the char is a DirectorySeparatorChar or a AltDirectorySeparatorChar
/// </summary>
/// <param name="c"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static bool IsDirectorySeparator(char c)
return c == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar || c == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the current directory converting the file back to relative path
/// </summary>
/// <param name="paths">Paths to remove current directory from.</param>
/// <param name="projectDirectory"></param>
internal static IEnumerable<string> RemoveProjectDirectory(
IEnumerable<string> paths,
string projectDirectory)
bool directoryLastCharIsSeparator = IsDirectorySeparator(projectDirectory[projectDirectory.Length - 1]);
foreach (string path in paths)
if (path.StartsWith(projectDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// If the project directory did not end in a slash we need to check to see if the next char in the path is a slash
if (!directoryLastCharIsSeparator)
// If the next char after the project directory is not a slash, skip this path
if (path.Length <= projectDirectory.Length || !IsDirectorySeparator(path[projectDirectory.Length]))
yield return path;
yield return path.Substring(projectDirectory.Length + 1);
yield return path.Substring(projectDirectory.Length);
yield return path;
private struct RecursiveStepResult
public string RemainingWildcardDirectory;
public bool ConsiderFiles;
public bool NeedsToProcessEachFile;
public string DirectoryPattern;
public bool NeedsDirectoryRecursion;
private class FilesSearchData
public FilesSearchData(
string filespec, // can be null
string directoryPattern, // can be null
Regex regexFileMatch, // can be null
bool needsRecursion)
Filespec = filespec;
DirectoryPattern = directoryPattern;
RegexFileMatch = regexFileMatch;
NeedsRecursion = needsRecursion;
/// <summary>
/// The filespec.
/// </summary>
public string Filespec { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Holds the directory pattern for globs like **/{pattern}/**, i.e. when we're looking for a matching directory name
/// regardless of where on the path it is. This field is used only if the wildcard directory part has this shape. In
/// other cases such as **/{pattern1}/**/{pattern2}/**, we don't use this optimization and instead rely on
/// <see cref="RegexFileMatch"/> to test if a file path matches the glob or not.
/// </summary>
public string DirectoryPattern { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Wild-card matching.
/// </summary>
public Regex RegexFileMatch { get; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, then recursion is required.
/// </summary>
public bool NeedsRecursion { get; }
private struct RecursionState
/// <summary>
/// The directory to search in
/// </summary>
public string BaseDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// The remaining, wildcard part of the directory.
/// </summary>
public string RemainingWildcardDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// True if SearchData.DirectoryPattern is non-null and we have descended into a directory that matches the pattern.
/// </summary>
public bool IsInsideMatchingDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// Data about a search that does not change as the search recursively traverses directories
/// </summary>
public FilesSearchData SearchData;
/// <summary>
/// True if a SearchData.DirectoryPattern is specified but we have not descended into a matching directory.
/// </summary>
public readonly bool IsLookingForMatchingDirectory => (SearchData.DirectoryPattern != null && !IsInsideMatchingDirectory);
/// <summary>
/// Get all files that match either the file-spec or the regular expression.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listOfFiles">List of files that gets populated.</param>
/// <param name="recursionState">Information about the search</param>
/// <param name="projectDirectory"></param>
/// <param name="stripProjectDirectory"></param>
/// <param name="searchesToExclude">Patterns to exclude from the results</param>
/// <param name="searchesToExcludeInSubdirs">exclude patterns that might activate farther down the directory tree. Keys assume paths are normalized with forward slashes and no trailing slashes</param>
/// <param name="taskOptions">Options for tuning the parallelization of subdirectories</param>
private void GetFilesRecursive(
ConcurrentStack<List<string>> listOfFiles,
RecursionState recursionState,
string projectDirectory,
bool stripProjectDirectory,
IList<RecursionState> searchesToExclude,
Dictionary<string, List<RecursionState>> searchesToExcludeInSubdirs,
TaskOptions taskOptions)
// This is a pretty quick, simple check, but it misses some cases:
// symlink in folder A pointing to folder B and symlink in folder B pointing to folder A
// If folder C contains file Foo.cs and folder D, and folder D contains a symlink pointing to folder C, calling GetFilesRecursive and
// passing in folder D would currently find Foo.cs, whereas this would make us miss it.
// and most obviously, frameworks other than net6.0
// The solution I'd propose for the first two, if necessary, would be maintaining a set of symlinks and verifying, before following it,
// that we had not followed it previously. The third would require a more involved P/invoke-style fix.
// These issues should ideally be resolved as part of #703
FileSystemInfo linkTarget = Directory.ResolveLinkTarget(recursionState.BaseDirectory, returnFinalTarget: true);
if (linkTarget is not null && recursionState.BaseDirectory.Contains(linkTarget.FullName))
// This fails in tests with the MockFileSystem when they don't have real paths.
catch (IOException) { }
catch (ArgumentException) { }
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { }
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((recursionState.SearchData.Filespec == null) || (recursionState.SearchData.RegexFileMatch == null),
"File-spec overrides the regular expression -- pass null for file-spec if you want to use the regular expression.");
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((recursionState.SearchData.Filespec != null) || (recursionState.SearchData.RegexFileMatch != null),
"Need either a file-spec or a regular expression to match files.");
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory != null, "Expected non-null remaning wildcard directory.");
RecursiveStepResult[] excludeNextSteps = null;
// Determine if any of searchesToExclude is necessarily a superset of the results that will be returned.
// This means all results will be excluded and we should bail out now.
if (searchesToExclude != null)
excludeNextSteps = new RecursiveStepResult[searchesToExclude.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < searchesToExclude.Count; i++)
RecursionState searchToExclude = searchesToExclude[i];
// The BaseDirectory of all the exclude searches should be the same as the include one
Debug.Assert(FileUtilities.PathsEqual(searchToExclude.BaseDirectory, recursionState.BaseDirectory), "Expected exclude search base directory to match include search base directory");
excludeNextSteps[i] = GetFilesRecursiveStep(searchesToExclude[i]);
// We can exclude all results in this folder if:
if (
// We are not looking for a directory matching the pattern given in SearchData.DirectoryPattern
!searchToExclude.IsLookingForMatchingDirectory &&
// We are matching files based on a filespec and not a regular expression
searchToExclude.SearchData.Filespec != null &&
// The wildcard path portion of the excluded search matches the include search
searchToExclude.RemainingWildcardDirectory == recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory &&
// The exclude search will match ALL filenames OR
(IsAllFilesWildcard(searchToExclude.SearchData.Filespec) ||
// The exclude search filename pattern matches the include search's pattern
searchToExclude.SearchData.Filespec == recursionState.SearchData.Filespec))
// We won't get any results from this search that we would end up keeping
RecursiveStepResult nextStep = GetFilesRecursiveStep(recursionState);
List<string> files = null;
foreach (string file in GetFilesForStep(nextStep, recursionState, projectDirectory,
if (excludeNextSteps != null)
bool exclude = false;
for (int i = 0; i < excludeNextSteps.Length; i++)
RecursiveStepResult excludeNextStep = excludeNextSteps[i];
if (excludeNextStep.ConsiderFiles && MatchFileRecursionStep(searchesToExclude[i], file))
exclude = true;
if (exclude)
files ??= new List<string>();
// Add all matched files at once to reduce thread contention
if (files?.Count > 0)
if (!nextStep.NeedsDirectoryRecursion)
Action<string> processSubdirectory = subdir =>
// RecursionState is a struct so this copies it
var newRecursionState = recursionState;
newRecursionState.BaseDirectory = subdir;
newRecursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory = nextStep.RemainingWildcardDirectory;
if (newRecursionState.IsLookingForMatchingDirectory &&
DirectoryEndsWithPattern(subdir, recursionState.SearchData.DirectoryPattern))
newRecursionState.IsInsideMatchingDirectory = true;
List<RecursionState> newSearchesToExclude = null;
if (excludeNextSteps != null)
newSearchesToExclude = new List<RecursionState>();
for (int i = 0; i < excludeNextSteps.Length; i++)
if (excludeNextSteps[i].NeedsDirectoryRecursion &&
(excludeNextSteps[i].DirectoryPattern == null || IsFileNameMatch(subdir, excludeNextSteps[i].DirectoryPattern)))
RecursionState thisExcludeStep = searchesToExclude[i];
thisExcludeStep.BaseDirectory = subdir;
thisExcludeStep.RemainingWildcardDirectory = excludeNextSteps[i].RemainingWildcardDirectory;
if (thisExcludeStep.IsLookingForMatchingDirectory &&
DirectoryEndsWithPattern(subdir, thisExcludeStep.SearchData.DirectoryPattern))
thisExcludeStep.IsInsideMatchingDirectory = true;
if (searchesToExcludeInSubdirs != null)
if (searchesToExcludeInSubdirs.TryGetValue(subdir, out List<RecursionState> searchesForSubdir))
// We've found the base directory that these exclusions apply to. So now add them as normal searches
newSearchesToExclude ??= new();
// We never want to strip the project directory from the leaves, because the current
// process directory maybe different
// Calcuate the MaxDegreeOfParallelism value in order to prevent too much tasks being running concurrently.
int dop = 0;
// Lock only when we may be dealing with multiple threads
if (taskOptions.MaxTasks > 1 && taskOptions.MaxTasksPerIteration > 1)
// We don't need to lock when there will be only one Parallel.ForEach running
// If the condition is true, means that we are going to iterate though the project root folder
// by using only one Parallel.ForEach
if (taskOptions.MaxTasks == taskOptions.MaxTasksPerIteration)
dop = taskOptions.AvailableTasks;
taskOptions.AvailableTasks = 0;
lock (taskOptions)
dop = Math.Min(taskOptions.MaxTasksPerIteration, taskOptions.AvailableTasks);
taskOptions.AvailableTasks -= dop;
// Use a foreach to avoid the overhead of Parallel.ForEach when we are not running in parallel
if (dop < 2)
foreach (string subdir in _getFileSystemEntries(FileSystemEntity.Directories, recursionState.BaseDirectory, nextStep.DirectoryPattern, null, false))
_getFileSystemEntries(FileSystemEntity.Directories, recursionState.BaseDirectory, nextStep.DirectoryPattern, null, false),
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = dop },
if (dop <= 0)
// We don't need to lock if there was only one Parallel.ForEach running
// If the condition is true, means that we finished the iteration though the project root folder and
// all its subdirectories
if (taskOptions.MaxTasks == taskOptions.MaxTasksPerIteration)
taskOptions.AvailableTasks = taskOptions.MaxTasks;
lock (taskOptions)
taskOptions.AvailableTasks += dop;
private IEnumerable<string> GetFilesForStep(
RecursiveStepResult stepResult,
RecursionState recursionState,
string projectDirectory,
bool stripProjectDirectory)
if (!stepResult.ConsiderFiles)
return [];
// Back-compat hack: We don't use case-insensitive file enumeration I/O on Linux so the behavior is different depending
// on the NeedsToProcessEachFile flag. If the flag is false and matching is done within the _getFileSystemEntries call,
// it is case sensitive. If the flag is true and matching is handled with MatchFileRecursionStep, it is case-insensitive.
// TODO: Can we fix this by using case-insensitive file I/O on Linux?
string filespec;
if (NativeMethodsShared.IsLinux && recursionState.SearchData.DirectoryPattern != null)
filespec = "*.*";
stepResult.NeedsToProcessEachFile = true;
filespec = recursionState.SearchData.Filespec;
IEnumerable<string> files = _getFileSystemEntries(FileSystemEntity.Files, recursionState.BaseDirectory,
filespec, projectDirectory, stripProjectDirectory);
if (!stepResult.NeedsToProcessEachFile)
return files;
return files.Where(o => MatchFileRecursionStep(recursionState, o));
private static bool MatchFileRecursionStep(RecursionState recursionState, string file)
if (IsAllFilesWildcard(recursionState.SearchData.Filespec))
return true;
else if (recursionState.SearchData.Filespec != null)
return IsFileNameMatch(file, recursionState.SearchData.Filespec);
// if no file-spec provided, match the file to the regular expression
// PERF NOTE: Regex.IsMatch() is an expensive operation, so we avoid it whenever possible
return recursionState.SearchData.RegexFileMatch.IsMatch(file);
private static RecursiveStepResult GetFilesRecursiveStep(
RecursionState recursionState)
RecursiveStepResult ret = new RecursiveStepResult();
* Get the matching files.
bool considerFiles = false;
// Only consider files if...
if (recursionState.SearchData.DirectoryPattern != null)
// We are looking for a directory pattern and have descended into a matching directory,
considerFiles = recursionState.IsInsideMatchingDirectory;
else if (recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.Length == 0)
// or we've reached the end of the wildcard directory elements,
considerFiles = true;
else if (recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.IndexOf(recursiveDirectoryMatch, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
// or, we've reached a "**" so everything else is matched recursively.
considerFiles = true;
ret.ConsiderFiles = considerFiles;
if (considerFiles)
ret.NeedsToProcessEachFile = recursionState.SearchData.Filespec == null;
* Recurse into subdirectories.
if (recursionState.SearchData.NeedsRecursion && recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.Length > 0)
// Find the next directory piece.
string pattern = null;
if (!IsRecursiveDirectoryMatch(recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory))
int indexOfNextSlash = recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.IndexOfAny(directorySeparatorCharacters);
pattern = indexOfNextSlash != -1 ? recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.Substring(0, indexOfNextSlash) : recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory;
if (pattern == recursiveDirectoryMatch)
// If pattern turned into **, then there's no choice but to enumerate everything.
pattern = null;
recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory = recursiveDirectoryMatch;
// Peel off the leftmost directory piece. So for example, if remainingWildcardDirectory
// contains:
// ?emp\foo\**\bar
// then put '?emp' into pattern. Then put the remaining part,
// foo\**\bar
// back into remainingWildcardDirectory.
// This is a performance optimization. We don't want to enumerate everything if we
// don't have to.
recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory = indexOfNextSlash != -1 ? recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.Substring(indexOfNextSlash + 1) : string.Empty;
ret.NeedsDirectoryRecursion = true;
ret.RemainingWildcardDirectory = recursionState.RemainingWildcardDirectory;
ret.DirectoryPattern = pattern;
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Given a split file spec consisting of a directory without wildcard characters,
/// a sub-directory containing wildcard characters,
/// and a filename which may contain wildcard characters,
/// create a regular expression that will match that file spec.
/// PERF WARNING: this method is called in performance-critical
/// scenarios, so keep it fast and cheap
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fixedDirectoryPart">The fixed directory part.</param>
/// <param name="wildcardDirectoryPart">The wildcard directory part.</param>
/// <param name="filenamePart">The filename part.</param>
/// <returns>The regular expression string.</returns>
internal static string RegularExpressionFromFileSpec(
string fixedDirectoryPart,
string wildcardDirectoryPart,
string filenamePart)
FileSpecRegexMinLength == FileSpecRegexParts.BeginningOfLine.Length
+ FileSpecRegexParts.WildcardGroupStart.Length
+ FileSpecRegexParts.FilenameGroupStart.Length
+ (FileSpecRegexParts.GroupEnd.Length * 2)
+ FileSpecRegexParts.EndOfLine.Length,
"Checked-in length of known regex components differs from computed length. Update checked-in constant.");
using (var matchFileExpression = new ReuseableStringBuilder(FileSpecRegexMinLength + NativeMethodsShared.MAX_PATH))
AppendRegularExpressionFromFixedDirectory(matchFileExpression, fixedDirectoryPart);
AppendRegularExpressionFromWildcardDirectory(matchFileExpression, wildcardDirectoryPart);
AppendRegularExpressionFromFilename(matchFileExpression, filenamePart);
return matchFileExpression.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the filespec is legal according to the following conditions:
/// (1) It is not legal for there to be a ".." after a wildcard.
/// (2) By definition, "**" must appear alone between directory slashes.If there is any remaining "**" then this is not
/// a valid filespec.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if both parts meet all conditions for a legal filespec.</returns>
private static bool IsLegalFileSpec(string wildcardDirectoryPart, string filenamePart) =>
&& !HasMisplacedRecursiveOperator(wildcardDirectoryPart)
&& !HasMisplacedRecursiveOperator(filenamePart);
private static bool HasDotDot(string str)
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length - 1; i++)
if (str[i] == '.' && str[i + 1] == '.')
return true;
return false;
private static bool HasMisplacedRecursiveOperator(string str)
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length - 1; i++)
bool isRecursiveOperator = str[i] == '*' && str[i + 1] == '*';
// Check boundaries for cases such as **\foo\ and *.cs**
bool isSurroundedBySlashes = (i == 0 || FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(str[i - 1]))
&& i < str.Length - 2 && FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(str[i + 2]);
if (isRecursiveOperator && !isSurroundedBySlashes)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Append the regex equivalents for character sequences in the fixed directory part of a filespec:
/// (1) The leading \\ in UNC paths, so that the doubled slash isn't reduced in the last step
/// (2) Common filespec characters
/// </summary>
private static void AppendRegularExpressionFromFixedDirectory(ReuseableStringBuilder regex, string fixedDir)
bool isUncPath = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows && fixedDir.Length > 1
&& fixedDir[0] == '\\' && fixedDir[1] == '\\';
if (isUncPath)
int startIndex = isUncPath ? LastIndexOfDirectorySequence(fixedDir, 0) + 1 : LastIndexOfDirectorySequence(fixedDir, 0);
for (int i = startIndex; i < fixedDir.Length; i = LastIndexOfDirectorySequence(fixedDir, i + 1))
AppendRegularExpressionFromChar(regex, fixedDir[i]);
/// <summary>
/// Append the regex equivalents for character sequences in the wildcard directory part of a filespec:
/// (1) The leading **\ if existing
/// (2) Each occurrence of recursive wildcard \**\
/// (3) Common filespec characters
/// </summary>
private static void AppendRegularExpressionFromWildcardDirectory(ReuseableStringBuilder regex, string wildcardDir)
bool hasRecursiveOperatorAtStart = wildcardDir.Length > 2 && wildcardDir[0] == '*' && wildcardDir[1] == '*';
if (hasRecursiveOperatorAtStart)
int startIndex = LastIndexOfDirectoryOrRecursiveSequence(wildcardDir, 0);
for (int i = startIndex; i < wildcardDir.Length; i = LastIndexOfDirectoryOrRecursiveSequence(wildcardDir, i + 1))
char ch = wildcardDir[i];
bool isRecursiveOperator = i < wildcardDir.Length - 2 && wildcardDir[i + 1] == '*' && wildcardDir[i + 2] == '*';
if (isRecursiveOperator)
AppendRegularExpressionFromChar(regex, ch);
/// <summary>
/// Append the regex equivalents for character sequences in the filename part of a filespec:
/// (1) Trailing dots in file names have to be treated specially.
/// We want:
/// *. to match foo
/// but 'foo' doesn't have a trailing '.' so we need to handle this while still being careful
/// not to match 'foo.txt' by modifying the generated regex for wildcard characters * and ?
/// (2) Common filespec characters
/// (3) Ignore the .* portion of any *.* sequence when no trailing dot exists
/// </summary>
private static void AppendRegularExpressionFromFilename(ReuseableStringBuilder regex, string filename)
bool hasTrailingDot = filename.Length > 0 && filename[filename.Length - 1] == '.';
int partLength = hasTrailingDot ? filename.Length - 1 : filename.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < partLength; i++)
char ch = filename[i];
if (hasTrailingDot && ch == '*')
else if (hasTrailingDot && ch == '?')
AppendRegularExpressionFromChar(regex, ch);
if (!hasTrailingDot && i < partLength - 2 && ch == '*' && filename[i + 1] == '.' && filename[i + 2] == '*')
i += 2;
/// <summary>
/// Append the regex equivalents for characters common to all filespec parts.
/// </summary>
private static void AppendRegularExpressionFromChar(ReuseableStringBuilder regex, char ch)
if (ch == '*')
else if (ch == '?')
else if (FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(ch))
else if (IsSpecialRegexCharacter(ch))
private static bool IsSpecialRegexCharacter(char ch) =>
ch == '$' || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '+' || ch == '.'
|| ch == '[' || ch == '^' || ch == '{' || ch == '|';
/// <summary>
/// Given an index at a directory separator,
/// iteratively skip to the end of two sequences:
/// (1) \.\ -> \
/// This is an identity, so for example, these two are equivalent,
/// dir1\.\dir2 == dir1\dir2
/// (2) \\ -> \
/// Double directory separators are treated as a single directory separator,
/// so, for example, this is an identity:
/// f:\dir1\\dir2 == f:\dir1\dir2
/// The single exemption is for UNC path names, like this:
/// \\server\share != \server\share
/// This case is handled by isUncPath in
/// a prior step.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The last index of a directory sequence.</returns>
private static int LastIndexOfDirectorySequence(string str, int startIndex)
if (startIndex >= str.Length || !FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(str[startIndex]))
return startIndex;
int i = startIndex;
bool isSequenceEndFound = false;
while (!isSequenceEndFound && i < str.Length)
bool isSeparator = i < str.Length - 1 && FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(str[i + 1]);
bool isRelativeSeparator = i < str.Length - 2 && str[i + 1] == '.' && FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(str[i + 2]);
if (isSeparator)
else if (isRelativeSeparator)
i += 2;
isSequenceEndFound = true;
return i;
/// <summary>
/// Given an index at a directory separator or start of a recursive operator,
/// iteratively skip to the end of three sequences:
/// (1), (2) Both sequences handled by IndexOfNextNonCollapsibleChar
/// (3) \**\**\ -> \**\
/// This is an identity, so for example, these two are equivalent,
/// dir1\**\**\ == dir1\**\
/// </summary>
/// <returns>]
/// If starting at a recursive operator, the last index of a recursive sequence.
/// Otherwise, the last index of a directory sequence.
/// </returns>
private static int LastIndexOfDirectoryOrRecursiveSequence(string str, int startIndex)
bool isRecursiveSequence = startIndex < str.Length - 1
&& str[startIndex] == '*' && str[startIndex + 1] == '*';
if (!isRecursiveSequence)
return LastIndexOfDirectorySequence(str, startIndex);
int i = startIndex + 2;
bool isSequenceEndFound = false;
while (!isSequenceEndFound && i < str.Length)
i = LastIndexOfDirectorySequence(str, i);
bool isRecursiveOperator = i < str.Length - 2 && str[i + 1] == '*' && str[i + 2] == '*';
if (isRecursiveOperator)
i += 3;
isSequenceEndFound = true;
return i + 1;
/// <summary>
/// Given a filespec, get the information needed for file matching.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filespec">The filespec.</param>
/// <param name="regexFileMatch">Receives the regular expression.</param>
/// <param name="needsRecursion">Receives the flag that is true if recursion is required.</param>
/// <param name="isLegalFileSpec">Receives the flag that is true if the filespec is legal.</param>
internal void GetFileSpecInfoWithRegexObject(
string filespec,
out Regex regexFileMatch,
out bool needsRecursion,
out bool isLegalFileSpec)
out string fixedDirectoryPart, out string wildcardDirectoryPart, out string filenamePart,
out needsRecursion, out isLegalFileSpec);
if (isLegalFileSpec)
string matchFileExpression = RegularExpressionFromFileSpec(fixedDirectoryPart, wildcardDirectoryPart, filenamePart);
regexFileMatch = new Regex(matchFileExpression, DefaultRegexOptions);
regexFileMatch = null;
internal delegate (string fixedDirectoryPart, string recursiveDirectoryPart, string fileNamePart) FixupParts(
string fixedDirectoryPart,
string recursiveDirectoryPart,
string filenamePart);
/// <summary>
/// Given a filespec, parse it and construct the regular expression string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filespec">The filespec.</param>
/// <param name="fixedDirectoryPart">Receives the fixed directory part.</param>
/// <param name="wildcardDirectoryPart">Receives the wildcard directory part.</param>
/// <param name="filenamePart">Receives the filename part.</param>
/// <param name="needsRecursion">Receives the flag that is true if recursion is required.</param>
/// <param name="isLegalFileSpec">Receives the flag that is true if the filespec is legal.</param>
/// <param name="fixupParts">hook method to further change the parts</param>
internal void GetFileSpecInfo(
string filespec,
out string fixedDirectoryPart,
out string wildcardDirectoryPart,
out string filenamePart,
out bool needsRecursion,
out bool isLegalFileSpec,
FixupParts fixupParts = null)
needsRecursion = false;
fixedDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
wildcardDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
filenamePart = string.Empty;
if (!RawFileSpecIsValid(filespec))
isLegalFileSpec = false;
* Now break up the filespec into constituent parts--fixed, wildcard and filename.
SplitFileSpec(filespec, out fixedDirectoryPart, out wildcardDirectoryPart, out filenamePart);
if (fixupParts != null)
var newParts = fixupParts(fixedDirectoryPart, wildcardDirectoryPart, filenamePart);
fixedDirectoryPart = newParts.fixedDirectoryPart;
wildcardDirectoryPart = newParts.recursiveDirectoryPart;
filenamePart = newParts.fileNamePart;
* Was the filespec valid? If not, then just return now.
isLegalFileSpec = IsLegalFileSpec(wildcardDirectoryPart, filenamePart);
if (!isLegalFileSpec)
* Determine whether recursion will be required.
needsRecursion = (wildcardDirectoryPart.Length != 0);
internal static bool RawFileSpecIsValid(string filespec)
// filespec cannot contain illegal characters
if (-1 != filespec.IndexOfAny(s_invalidPathChars))
return false;
* Check for patterns in the filespec that are explicitly illegal.
* Any path with "..." in it is illegal.
if (-1 != filespec.IndexOf("...", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return false;
* If there is a ':' anywhere but the second character, this is an illegal pattern.
* Catches this case among others,
* http://www.website.com
int rightmostColon = filespec.LastIndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal);
-1 != rightmostColon
&& 1 != rightmostColon)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// The results of a match between a filespec and a file name.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class Result
/// <summary>
/// Default constructor.
/// </summary>
internal Result()
// do nothing
internal bool isLegalFileSpec; // initially false
internal bool isMatch; // initially false
internal bool isFileSpecRecursive; // initially false
internal string wildcardDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// A wildcard (* and ?) matching algorithm that tests whether the input path file name matches against the pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path whose file name is matched against the pattern.</param>
/// <param name="pattern">The pattern.</param>
internal static bool IsFileNameMatch(string path, string pattern)
// Use a span-based Path.GetFileName if it is available.
return IsMatch(Microsoft.IO.Path.GetFileName(path.AsSpan()), pattern);
return IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(path), pattern);
return IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(path.AsSpan()), pattern);
/// <summary>
/// A wildcard (* and ?) matching algorithm that tests whether the input string matches against the pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">String which is matched against the pattern.</param>
/// <param name="pattern">Pattern against which string is matched.</param>
internal static bool IsMatch(string input, string pattern)
return IsMatch(input.AsSpan(), pattern);
/// <summary>
/// A wildcard (* and ?) matching algorithm that tests whether the input string matches against the pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">String which is matched against the pattern.</param>
/// <param name="pattern">Pattern against which string is matched.</param>
internal static bool IsMatch(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, string pattern)
if (input == ReadOnlySpan<char>.Empty)
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Unexpected empty 'input' provided.");
if (pattern == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pattern));
// Parameter lengths
int patternLength = pattern.Length;
int inputLength = input.Length;
// Used to save the location when a * wildcard is found in the input string
int patternTmpIndex = -1;
int inputTmpIndex = -1;
// Current indexes
int patternIndex = 0;
int inputIndex = 0;
// Store the information whether the tail was checked when a pattern "*?" occurred
bool tailChecked = false;
// Function for comparing two characters, ignoring case
// Having a local function instead of a variable increases the speed by approx. 2 times.
// Passing inputChar and patternChar increases the speed by approx. 10%, when comparing
// to using the string indexer. The iIndex and pIndex parameters are only used
// when we have to compare two non ASCII characters. Using just string.Compare for
// character comparison, would reduce the speed by approx. 5 times.
bool CompareIgnoreCase(ref ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int iIndex, int pIndex)
char inputChar = input[iIndex];
char patternChar = pattern[pIndex];
// We will mostly be comparing ASCII characters, check English letters first.
char inputCharLower = (char)(inputChar | 0x20);
if (inputCharLower >= 'a' && inputCharLower <= 'z')
// This test covers all combinations of lower/upper as both sides are converted to lower case.
return inputCharLower == (patternChar | 0x20);
if (inputChar < 128 || patternChar < 128)
// We don't need to compare, an ASCII character cannot have its lowercase/uppercase outside the ASCII table
// and a non ASCII character cannot have its lowercase/uppercase inside the ASCII table
return inputChar == patternChar;
return MemoryExtensions.Equals(input.Slice(iIndex, 1), pattern.AsSpan(pIndex, 1), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
while (inputIndex < inputLength)
if (patternIndex < patternLength)
// Check if there is a * wildcard first as we can have it also in the input string
if (pattern[patternIndex] == '*')
// Skip all * wildcards if there are more than one
while (++patternIndex < patternLength && pattern[patternIndex] == '*') { }
// Return if the last character is a * wildcard
if (patternIndex >= patternLength)
return true;
// Mostly, we will be dealing with a file extension pattern e.g. "*.ext", so try to check the tail first
if (!tailChecked)
// Iterate from the end of the pattern to the current pattern index
// and hope that there is no * wildcard in order to return earlier
int inputTailIndex = inputLength;
int patternTailIndex = patternLength;
while (patternIndex < patternTailIndex && inputTailIndex > inputIndex)
// If we encountered a * wildcard we are not sure if it matches as there can be zero or more than one characters
// so we have to fallback to the standard procedure e.g. ("aaaabaaad", "*?b*d")
if (pattern[patternTailIndex] == '*')
// If the tail doesn't match, we can safely return e.g. ("aaa", "*b")
if (!CompareIgnoreCase(ref input, inputTailIndex, patternTailIndex) &&
pattern[patternTailIndex] != '?')
return false;
if (patternIndex == patternTailIndex)
return true;
// Alter the lengths to the last valid match so that we don't need to match them again
inputLength = inputTailIndex + 1;
patternLength = patternTailIndex + 1;
tailChecked = true; // Make sure that the tail is checked only once
// Skip to the first character that matches after the *, e.g. ("abcd", "*d")
// The ? wildcard cannot be skipped as we will have a wrong result for e.g. ("aab" "*?b")
if (pattern[patternIndex] != '?')
while (!CompareIgnoreCase(ref input, inputIndex, patternIndex))
// Return if there is no character that match e.g. ("aa", "*b")
if (++inputIndex >= inputLength)
return false;
patternTmpIndex = patternIndex;
inputTmpIndex = inputIndex;
// If we have a match, step to the next character
if (CompareIgnoreCase(ref input, inputIndex, patternIndex) ||
pattern[patternIndex] == '?')
// No match found, if we didn't found a location of a * wildcard, return false e.g. ("ab", "?ab")
// otherwise set the location after the previous * wildcard and try again with the next character in the input
if (patternTmpIndex < 0)
return false;
patternIndex = patternTmpIndex;
inputIndex = inputTmpIndex++;
// When we reach the end of the input we have to skip all * wildcards as they match also zero characters
while (patternIndex < patternLength && pattern[patternIndex] == '*')
return patternIndex >= patternLength;
/// <summary>
/// Given a pattern (filespec) and a candidate filename (fileToMatch)
/// return matching information.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filespec">The filespec.</param>
/// <param name="fileToMatch">The candidate to match against.</param>
/// <returns>The result class.</returns>
internal Result FileMatch(
string filespec,
string fileToMatch)
Result matchResult = new Result();
fileToMatch = GetLongPathName(fileToMatch, _getFileSystemEntries);
Regex regexFileMatch;
out regexFileMatch,
out matchResult.isFileSpecRecursive,
out matchResult.isLegalFileSpec);
if (matchResult.isLegalFileSpec)
out matchResult.isMatch,
out matchResult.wildcardDirectoryPart,
out _);
return matchResult;
internal static void GetRegexMatchInfo(
string fileToMatch,
Regex fileSpecRegex,
out bool isMatch,
out string wildcardDirectoryPart,
out string filenamePart)
Match match = fileSpecRegex.Match(fileToMatch);
isMatch = match.Success;
wildcardDirectoryPart = string.Empty;
filenamePart = string.Empty;
if (isMatch)
wildcardDirectoryPart = match.Groups["WILDCARDDIR"].Value;
filenamePart = match.Groups["FILENAME"].Value;
private class TaskOptions
public TaskOptions(int maxTasks)
MaxTasks = maxTasks;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of tasks that are allowed to run concurrently
/// </summary>
public readonly int MaxTasks;
/// <summary>
/// The number of currently available tasks
/// </summary>
public int AvailableTasks;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of tasks that Parallel.ForEach may use
/// </summary>
public int MaxTasksPerIteration;
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Given a filespec, find the files that match.
/// Will never throw IO exceptions: if there is no match, returns the input verbatim.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectDirectoryUnescaped">The project directory.</param>
/// <param name="filespecUnescaped">Get files that match the given file spec.</param>
/// <param name="excludeSpecsUnescaped">Exclude files that match this file spec.</param>
/// <returns>The search action, array of files, Exclude file spec (if applicable), and glob failure message (if applicable) .</returns>
internal (string[] FileList, SearchAction Action, string ExcludeFileSpec, string? GlobFailure) GetFiles(
string? projectDirectoryUnescaped,
string filespecUnescaped,
List<string>? excludeSpecsUnescaped = null)
// For performance. Short-circuit iff there is no wildcard.
if (!HasWildcards(filespecUnescaped))
return (CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped), SearchAction.None, string.Empty, null);
if (_cachedGlobExpansions == null)
return GetFilesImplementation(
var enumerationKey = ComputeFileEnumerationCacheKey(projectDirectoryUnescaped, filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped);
IReadOnlyList<string>? files;
string[] fileList;
SearchAction action = SearchAction.None;
string excludeFileSpec = string.Empty;
string? globFailure = null;
if (!_cachedGlobExpansions.TryGetValue(enumerationKey, out files))
// avoid parallel evaluations of the same wildcard by using a unique lock for each wildcard
object locks = _cachedGlobExpansionsLock.Value.GetOrAdd(enumerationKey, _ => new object());
lock (locks)
if (!_cachedGlobExpansions.TryGetValue(enumerationKey, out files))
files = _cachedGlobExpansions.GetOrAdd(
(_) =>
(fileList, action, excludeFileSpec, globFailure) = GetFilesImplementation(
return fileList;
// Copy the file enumerations to prevent outside modifications of the cache (e.g. sorting, escaping) and to maintain the original method contract that a new array is created on each call.
var filesToReturn = files.ToArray();
return (filesToReturn, action, excludeFileSpec, globFailure);
#nullable disable
private static string ComputeFileEnumerationCacheKey(string projectDirectoryUnescaped, string filespecUnescaped, List<string> excludes)
Debug.Assert(projectDirectoryUnescaped != null);
Debug.Assert(filespecUnescaped != null);
const string projectPathPrependedToken = "p";
const string pathValityExceptionTriggeredToken = "e";
var excludeSize = 0;
if (excludes != null)
foreach (var exclude in excludes)
excludeSize += exclude.Length;
using (var sb = new ReuseableStringBuilder(projectDirectoryUnescaped.Length + filespecUnescaped.Length + excludeSize))
var pathValidityExceptionTriggered = false;
// Ideally, ensure that the cache key is an absolute, normalized path so that other projects evaluating an equivalent glob can get a hit.
// Corollary caveat: including the project directory when the glob is independent of it leads to cache misses
var filespecUnescapedFullyQualified = Path.Combine(projectDirectoryUnescaped, filespecUnescaped);
if (filespecUnescapedFullyQualified.Equals(filespecUnescaped, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// filespec is absolute, don't include the project directory path
// filespec is not absolute, include the project directory path
// differentiate fully qualified filespecs vs relative filespecs that got prepended with the project directory
// increase the chance of cache hits when multiple relative globs refer to the same base directory
// todo https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/3889
// if (FileUtilities.ContainsRelativePathSegments(filespecUnescaped))
// {
// filespecUnescaped = FileUtilities.GetFullPathNoThrow(filespecUnescaped);
// }
catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(e))
pathValidityExceptionTriggered = true;
if (pathValidityExceptionTriggered)
if (excludes != null)
foreach (var exclude in excludes)
return sb.ToString();
public enum SearchAction
private SearchAction GetFileSearchData(
string projectDirectoryUnescaped,
string filespecUnescaped,
out bool stripProjectDirectory,
out RecursionState result)
stripProjectDirectory = false;
result = new RecursionState();
out string fixedDirectoryPart,
out string wildcardDirectoryPart,
out string filenamePart,
out bool needsRecursion,
out bool isLegalFileSpec);
* If the filespec is invalid, then just return now.
if (!isLegalFileSpec)
return SearchAction.ReturnFileSpec;
// The projectDirectory is not null only if we are running the evaluation from
// inside the engine (i.e. not from a task)
string oldFixedDirectoryPart = fixedDirectoryPart;
if (projectDirectoryUnescaped != null)
if (fixedDirectoryPart != null)
fixedDirectoryPart = Path.Combine(projectDirectoryUnescaped, fixedDirectoryPart);
catch (ArgumentException)
return SearchAction.ReturnEmptyList;
stripProjectDirectory = !string.Equals(fixedDirectoryPart, oldFixedDirectoryPart, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
fixedDirectoryPart = projectDirectoryUnescaped;
stripProjectDirectory = true;
* If the fixed directory part doesn't exist, then this means no files should be
* returned.
if (fixedDirectoryPart.Length > 0 && !_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(fixedDirectoryPart))
return SearchAction.ReturnEmptyList;
* If a drive enumerating wildcard pattern is detected with the fixed directory and wildcard parts, then
* this should either be logged or an exception should be thrown.
bool logDriveEnumeratingWildcard = IsDriveEnumeratingWildcardPattern(fixedDirectoryPart, wildcardDirectoryPart);
if (logDriveEnumeratingWildcard && Traits.Instance.ThrowOnDriveEnumeratingWildcard)
return SearchAction.FailOnDriveEnumeratingWildcard;
string directoryPattern = null;
if (wildcardDirectoryPart.Length > 0)
// If the wildcard directory part looks like "**/{pattern}/**", we are essentially looking for files that have
// a matching directory anywhere on their path. This is commonly used when excluding hidden directories using
// "**/.*/**" for example, and is worth special-casing so it doesn't fall into the slow regex logic.
string wildcard = wildcardDirectoryPart.TrimTrailingSlashes();
int wildcardLength = wildcard.Length;
if (wildcardLength > 6 &&
wildcard[0] == '*' &&
wildcard[1] == '*' &&
FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(wildcard[2]) &&
FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(wildcard[wildcardLength - 3]) &&
wildcard[wildcardLength - 2] == '*' &&
wildcard[wildcardLength - 1] == '*')
// Check that there are no other slashes in the wildcard.
if (wildcard.IndexOfAny(FileUtilities.Slashes, 3, wildcardLength - 6) == -1)
directoryPattern = wildcard.Substring(3, wildcardLength - 6);
// determine if we need to use the regular expression to match the files
// PERF NOTE: Constructing a Regex object is expensive, so we avoid it whenever possible
bool matchWithRegex =
// if we have a directory specification that uses wildcards, and
(wildcardDirectoryPart.Length > 0) &&
// the directory pattern is not a simple "**/{pattern}/**", and
directoryPattern == null &&
// the specification is not a simple "**"
// then we need to use the regular expression
var searchData = new FilesSearchData(
// if using the regular expression, ignore the file pattern
matchWithRegex ? null : filenamePart,
// if using the file pattern, ignore the regular expression
matchWithRegex ? new Regex(RegularExpressionFromFileSpec(oldFixedDirectoryPart, wildcardDirectoryPart, filenamePart), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) : null,
result.SearchData = searchData;
result.BaseDirectory = Normalize(fixedDirectoryPart);
result.RemainingWildcardDirectory = Normalize(wildcardDirectoryPart);
if (logDriveEnumeratingWildcard)
return SearchAction.LogDriveEnumeratingWildcard;
return SearchAction.RunSearch;
/// <summary>
/// Replace all slashes to the OS slash, collapse multiple slashes into one, trim trailing slashes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aString">A string</param>
/// <returns>The normalized string</returns>
internal static string Normalize(string aString)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aString))
return aString;
var sb = new StringBuilder(aString.Length);
var index = 0;
// preserve meaningful roots and their slashes
if (aString.Length >= 2 && aString[1] == ':' && IsValidDriveChar(aString[0]))
var i = SkipSlashes(aString, 2);
if (index != i)
index = i;
else if (aString.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
index = SkipSlashes(aString, 1);
else if (aString.StartsWith(@"\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
index = SkipSlashes(aString, 2);
else if (aString.StartsWith(@"\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
index = SkipSlashes(aString, 1);
while (index < aString.Length)
var afterSlashesIndex = SkipSlashes(aString, index);
// do not append separator at the end of the string
if (afterSlashesIndex >= aString.Length)
// replace multiple slashes with the OS separator
else if (afterSlashesIndex > index)
// skip non-slashes
var indexOfAnySlash = aString.IndexOfAny(directorySeparatorCharacters, afterSlashesIndex);
var afterNonSlashIndex = indexOfAnySlash == -1 ? aString.Length : indexOfAnySlash;
sb.Append(aString, afterSlashesIndex, afterNonSlashIndex - afterSlashesIndex);
index = afterNonSlashIndex;
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if drive enumerating wildcard patterns are detected using the directory and wildcard parts.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directoryPart">Fixed directory string, portion of file spec info.</param>
/// <param name="wildcardPart">Wildcard string, portion of file spec info.</param>
internal static bool IsDriveEnumeratingWildcardPattern(string directoryPart, string wildcardPart)
int directoryPartLength = directoryPart.Length;
int wildcardPartLength = wildcardPart.Length;
// Handles detection of <drive letter>:<slashes>** pattern for Windows.
if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows &&
directoryPartLength >= 3 &&
wildcardPartLength >= 2 &&
IsDrivePatternWithoutSlash(directoryPart[0], directoryPart[1]))
return IsFullFileSystemScan(2, directoryPartLength, directoryPart, wildcardPart);
// Handles detection of <slashes>** pattern for any platform.
else if (directoryPartLength >= 1 &&
wildcardPartLength >= 2)
return IsFullFileSystemScan(0, directoryPartLength, directoryPart, wildcardPart);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if given characters follow a drive pattern without the slash (ex: C:).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstValue">First char from directory part of file spec string.</param>
/// <param name="secondValue">Second char from directory part of file spec string.</param>
private static bool IsDrivePatternWithoutSlash(char firstValue, char secondValue)
return IsValidDriveChar(firstValue) && (secondValue == ':');
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if selected characters from the fixed directory and wildcard pattern make up the "{any number of slashes}**" pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directoryPartIndex">Starting index to begin detecting slashes in directory part of file spec string.</param>
/// <param name="directoryPartLength">Length of directory part of file spec string.</param>
/// <param name="directoryPart">Fixed directory string, portion of file spec info.</param>
/// <param name="wildcardPart">Wildcard string, portion of file spec info.</param>
private static bool IsFullFileSystemScan(int directoryPartIndex, int directoryPartLength, string directoryPart, string wildcardPart)
for (int i = directoryPartIndex; i < directoryPartLength; i++)
if (!FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(directoryPart[i]))
return false;
return (wildcardPart[0] == '*') && (wildcardPart[1] == '*');
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the given character is a valid drive letter.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Copied from https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/b8b81a66738bb10ef0790023598396861d92b2c4/src/Common/src/System/IO/PathInternal.Windows.cs#L53-L59
/// </remarks>
private static bool IsValidDriveChar(char value)
return (value >= 'A' && value <= 'Z') || (value >= 'a' && value <= 'z');
/// <summary>
/// Skips slash characters in a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aString">The working string</param>
/// <param name="startingIndex">Offset in string to start the search in</param>
/// <returns>First index that is not a slash. Returns the string's length if end of string is reached</returns>
private static int SkipSlashes(string aString, int startingIndex)
var index = startingIndex;
while (index < aString.Length && FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(aString[index]))
return index;
private static string[] CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(string filespecUnescaped, List<string> excludeSpecsUnescaped)
if (excludeSpecsUnescaped != null)
foreach (string excludeSpec in excludeSpecsUnescaped)
// Try a path equality check first to:
// - avoid the expensive regex
// - maintain legacy behaviour where an illegal filespec is treated as a normal string
if (FileUtilities.PathsEqual(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpec))
return [];
var match = Default.FileMatch(excludeSpec, filespecUnescaped);
if (match.isLegalFileSpec && match.isMatch)
return [];
return [filespecUnescaped];
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Given a filespec, find the files that match.
/// Will never throw IO exceptions: if there is no match, returns the input verbatim.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectDirectoryUnescaped">The project directory.</param>
/// <param name="filespecUnescaped">Get files that match the given file spec.</param>
/// <param name="excludeSpecsUnescaped">Exclude files that match this file spec.</param>
/// <returns>The search action, array of files, Exclude file spec (if applicable), and glob failure message (if applicable).</returns>
private (string[] FileList, SearchAction Action, string ExcludeFileSpec, string? globFailureEvent) GetFilesImplementation(
string? projectDirectoryUnescaped,
string filespecUnescaped,
List<string>? excludeSpecsUnescaped)
// UNDONE (perf): Short circuit the complex processing when we only have a path and a wildcarded filename
* Analyze the file spec and get the information we need to do the matching.
var action = GetFileSearchData(projectDirectoryUnescaped, filespecUnescaped,
out bool stripProjectDirectory, out RecursionState state);
if (action == SearchAction.ReturnEmptyList)
return ([], action, string.Empty, null);
else if (action == SearchAction.ReturnFileSpec)
return (CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped), action, string.Empty, null);
else if (action == SearchAction.FailOnDriveEnumeratingWildcard)
return ([], action, string.Empty, null);
else if ((action != SearchAction.RunSearch) && (action != SearchAction.LogDriveEnumeratingWildcard))
// This means the enum value wasn't valid (or a new one was added without updating code correctly)
throw new NotSupportedException(action.ToString());
List<RecursionState>? searchesToExclude = null;
// Exclude searches which will become active when the recursive search reaches their BaseDirectory.
// The BaseDirectory of the exclude search is the key for this dictionary.
Dictionary<string, List<RecursionState>>? searchesToExcludeInSubdirs = null;
// Track the search action and exclude file spec for proper detection and logging of drive enumerating wildcards.
SearchAction trackSearchAction = action;
string trackExcludeFileSpec = string.Empty;
HashSet<string>? resultsToExclude = null;
if (excludeSpecsUnescaped != null)
searchesToExclude = new List<RecursionState>();
foreach (string excludeSpec in excludeSpecsUnescaped)
// This is ignored, we always use the include pattern's value for stripProjectDirectory
var excludeAction = GetFileSearchData(projectDirectoryUnescaped, excludeSpec,
out _, out RecursionState excludeState);
if (excludeAction == SearchAction.ReturnFileSpec)
if (resultsToExclude == null)
resultsToExclude = new HashSet<string>();
else if (excludeAction == SearchAction.ReturnEmptyList)
// Nothing to do
else if (excludeAction == SearchAction.FailOnDriveEnumeratingWildcard)
return ([], excludeAction, excludeSpec, null);
else if (excludeAction == SearchAction.LogDriveEnumeratingWildcard)
trackSearchAction = excludeAction;
trackExcludeFileSpec = excludeSpec;
else if ((excludeAction != SearchAction.RunSearch) && (excludeAction != SearchAction.LogDriveEnumeratingWildcard))
// This means the enum value wasn't valid (or a new one was added without updating code correctly)
throw new NotSupportedException(excludeAction.ToString());
var excludeBaseDirectory = excludeState.BaseDirectory;
var includeBaseDirectory = state.BaseDirectory;
if (!string.Equals(excludeBaseDirectory, includeBaseDirectory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// What to do if the BaseDirectory for the exclude search doesn't match the one for inclusion?
// - If paths don't match (one isn't a prefix of the other), then ignore the exclude search. Examples:
// - c:\Foo\ - c:\Bar\
// - c:\Foo\Bar\ - C:\Foo\Baz\
// - c:\Foo\ - c:\Foo2\
if (excludeBaseDirectory.Length == includeBaseDirectory.Length)
// Same length, but different paths. Ignore this exclude search
else if (excludeBaseDirectory.Length > includeBaseDirectory.Length)
if (!IsSubdirectoryOf(excludeBaseDirectory, includeBaseDirectory))
// Exclude path is longer, but doesn't start with include path. So ignore it.
// - The exclude BaseDirectory is somewhere under the include BaseDirectory. So
// keep the exclude search, but don't do any processing on it while recursing until the baseDirectory
// in the recursion matches the exclude BaseDirectory. Examples:
// - Include - Exclude
// - C:\git\msbuild\ - c:\git\msbuild\obj\
// - C:\git\msbuild\ - c:\git\msbuild\src\Common\
if (searchesToExcludeInSubdirs == null)
searchesToExcludeInSubdirs = new Dictionary<string, List<RecursionState>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
List<RecursionState>? listForSubdir;
if (!searchesToExcludeInSubdirs.TryGetValue(excludeBaseDirectory, out listForSubdir))
listForSubdir = new List<RecursionState>();
searchesToExcludeInSubdirs[excludeBaseDirectory] = listForSubdir;
// Exclude base directory length is less than include base directory length.
if (!IsSubdirectoryOf(state.BaseDirectory, excludeState.BaseDirectory))
// Include path is longer, but doesn't start with the exclude path. So ignore exclude path
// (since it won't match anything under the include path)
// Now check the wildcard part
if (excludeState.RemainingWildcardDirectory.Length == 0)
// The wildcard part is empty, so ignore the exclude search, as it's looking for files non-recursively
// in a folder higher up than the include baseDirectory.
// Example: include="c:\git\msbuild\src\Framework\**\*.cs" exclude="c:\git\msbuild\*.cs"
else if (IsRecursiveDirectoryMatch(excludeState.RemainingWildcardDirectory))
// The wildcard part is exactly "**\", so the exclude pattern will apply to everything in the include
// pattern, so simply update the exclude's BaseDirectory to be the same as the include baseDirectory
// Example: include="c:\git\msbuild\src\Framework\**\*.*" exclude="c:\git\msbuild\**\*.bak"
excludeState.BaseDirectory = state.BaseDirectory;
// The wildcard part is non-empty and not "**\", so we will need to match it with a Regex. Fortunately
// these conditions mean that it needs to be matched with a Regex anyway, so here we will update the
// BaseDirectory to be the same as the exclude BaseDirectory, and change the wildcard part to be "**\"
// because we don't know where the different parts of the exclude wildcard part would be matched.
// Example: include="c:\git\msbuild\src\Framework\**\*.*" exclude="c:\git\msbuild\**\bin\**\*.*"
Debug.Assert(excludeState.SearchData.RegexFileMatch != null || excludeState.SearchData.DirectoryPattern != null,
"Expected Regex or directory pattern to be used for exclude file matching");
excludeState.BaseDirectory = state.BaseDirectory;
excludeState.RemainingWildcardDirectory = recursiveDirectoryMatch + s_directorySeparator;
// Optimization: ignore excludes whose file names can never match our filespec. For example, if we're looking
// for "**/*.cs", we don't have to worry about excluding "{anything}/*.sln" as the intersection of the two will
// always be empty.
string includeFilespec = state.SearchData.Filespec ?? string.Empty;
string excludeFilespec = excludeState.SearchData.Filespec ?? string.Empty;
int compareLength = Math.Min(
includeFilespec.Length - includeFilespec.LastIndexOfAny(s_wildcardCharacters) - 1,
excludeFilespec.Length - excludeFilespec.LastIndexOfAny(s_wildcardCharacters) - 1);
if (string.Compare(
includeFilespec.Length - compareLength,
excludeFilespec.Length - compareLength,
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
// The suffix is the same so there is a possibility that the two will match the same files.
if (searchesToExclude?.Count == 0)
searchesToExclude = null;
* Even though we return a string[] we work internally with a ConcurrentStack.
* This is because it's cheaper to add items to a ConcurrentStack and this code
* might potentially do a lot of that.
var listOfFiles = new ConcurrentStack<List<string>>();
* Now get the files that match, starting at the lowest fixed directory.
// Setup the values for calculating the MaxDegreeOfParallelism option of Parallel.ForEach
// Set to use only half processors when we have 4 or more of them, in order to not be too aggresive
// By setting MaxTasksPerIteration to the maximum amount of tasks, which means that only one
// Parallel.ForEach will run at once, we get a stable number of threads being created.
var maxTasks = Math.Max(1, NativeMethodsShared.GetLogicalCoreCount() / 2);
var taskOptions = new TaskOptions(maxTasks)
AvailableTasks = maxTasks,
MaxTasksPerIteration = maxTasks
// Catch exceptions that are thrown inside the Parallel.ForEach
catch (AggregateException ex) when (InnerExceptionsAreAllIoRelated(ex))
// Flatten to get exceptions than are thrown inside a nested Parallel.ForEach
if (ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions.All(ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException))
return (
CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped),
ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("GlobExpansionFailed", filespecUnescaped, ex.ToString()));
catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
// Assume it's not meant to be a path, but pass the information about the failure to expand
return (
CreateArrayWithSingleItemIfNotExcluded(filespecUnescaped, excludeSpecsUnescaped),
ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("GlobExpansionFailed", filespecUnescaped, ex.ToString()));
* Build the return array.
var files = resultsToExclude != null
? listOfFiles.SelectMany(list => list).Where(f => !resultsToExclude.Contains(f)).ToArray()
: listOfFiles.SelectMany(list => list).ToArray();
return (files, trackSearchAction, trackExcludeFileSpec, null);
#nullable disable
private bool InnerExceptionsAreAllIoRelated(AggregateException ex)
return ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions.All(ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException);
private static bool IsSubdirectoryOf(string possibleChild, string possibleParent)
if (possibleParent == string.Empty)
// Something is always possibly a child of nothing
return true;
bool prefixMatch = possibleChild.StartsWith(possibleParent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (!prefixMatch)
return false;
// Ensure that the prefix match wasn't to a distinct directory, so that
// x\y\prefix doesn't falsely match x\y\prefixmatch.
if (directorySeparatorCharacters.Contains(possibleParent[possibleParent.Length - 1]))
return true;
return directorySeparatorCharacters.Contains(possibleChild[possibleParent.Length]);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the last component of the given directory path (assumed to not have any trailing slashes)
/// matches the given pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directoryPath">The path to test.</param>
/// <param name="pattern">The pattern to test against.</param>
/// <returns>True in case of a match (e.g. directoryPath = "dir/subdir" and pattern = "s*"), false otherwise.</returns>
private static bool DirectoryEndsWithPattern(string directoryPath, string pattern)
int index = directoryPath.LastIndexOfAny(FileUtilities.Slashes);
return (index != -1 && IsMatch(directoryPath.AsSpan(index + 1), pattern));
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if <paramref name="pattern"/> is <code>*</code> or <code>*.*</code>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pattern">The filename pattern to check.</param>
internal static bool IsAllFilesWildcard(string pattern) => pattern?.Length switch
1 => pattern[0] == '*',
3 => pattern[0] == '*' && pattern[1] == '.' && pattern[2] == '*',
_ => false
internal static bool IsRecursiveDirectoryMatch(string path) => path.TrimTrailingSlashes() == recursiveDirectoryMatch;