// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
using Microsoft.Build.Eventing;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.FileSystem;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using TPLTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks
/// <summary>
/// A task that copies files.
/// </summary>
public class Copy : TaskExtension, IIncrementalTask, ICancelableTask
internal const string AlwaysRetryEnvVar = "MSBUILDALWAYSRETRY";
internal const string AlwaysOverwriteReadOnlyFilesEnvVar = "MSBUILDALWAYSOVERWRITEREADONLYFILES";
// Default parallelism determined empirically - times below are in seconds spent in the Copy task building this repo
// with "build -skiptests -rebuild -configuration Release /ds" (with hack to build.ps1 to disable creating selfhost
// build for non-selfhost first build; implies first running build in repo to pull packages and create selfhost)
// and comparing the task timings from the default and selfhost binlogs with different settings for this parallelism
// number (via env var override). >=3 samples averaged for each number.
// Parallelism: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 MaxInt
// ----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
// 2-core (4 hyperthreaded) M.2 SSD laptop | 22.3 17.5 13.4 12.6 13.1 9.52 11.3 10.9
// 12-core (24 HT) SATA2 SSD 2012 desktop | 15.1 10.2 9.57 7.29 7.64 7.41 7.67 7.79
// 12-core (24 HT) 1TB spinny disk | 22.7 15.03 11.1 9.23 11.7 11.1 9.27 11.1
// However note that since we are relying on synchronous File.Copy() - which will hold threadpool
// threads at the advantage of performing file copies more quickly in the kernel - we must avoid
// taking up the whole threadpool esp. when hosted in Visual Studio. IOW we use a specific number
// instead of int.MaxValue.
private static readonly int DefaultCopyParallelism = NativeMethodsShared.GetLogicalCoreCount() > 4 ? 6 : 4;
private static Thread[] copyThreads;
private static AutoResetEvent[] copyThreadSignals;
private AutoResetEvent _signalCopyTasksCompleted;
private static ConcurrentQueue<Action> _copyActionQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<Action>();
private static void InitializeCopyThreads()
lock (_copyActionQueue)
if (copyThreads == null)
copyThreadSignals = new AutoResetEvent[DefaultCopyParallelism];
copyThreads = new Thread[DefaultCopyParallelism];
for (int i = 0; i < copyThreads.Length; ++i)
AutoResetEvent autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
copyThreadSignals[i] = autoResetEvent;
Thread newThread = new Thread(ParallelCopyTask);
newThread.IsBackground = true;
newThread.Name = "Parallel Copy Thread";
copyThreads[i] = newThread;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
public Copy()
RetryDelayMilliseconds = RetryDelayMillisecondsDefault;
if (DidNotCopyBecauseOfFileMatch == null)
CreatesDirectory = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.CreatesDirectory");
DidNotCopyBecauseOfFileMatch = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.DidNotCopyBecauseOfFileMatch");
FileComment = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.FileComment");
HardLinkComment = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.HardLinkComment");
RetryingAsFileCopy = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.RetryingAsFileCopy");
RetryingAsSymbolicLink = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.RetryingAsSymbolicLink");
RemovingReadOnlyAttribute = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.RemovingReadOnlyAttribute");
SymbolicLinkComment = Log.GetResourceMessage("Copy.SymbolicLinkComment");
_signalCopyTasksCompleted = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private static string CreatesDirectory;
private static string DidNotCopyBecauseOfFileMatch;
private static string FileComment;
private static string HardLinkComment;
private static string RetryingAsFileCopy;
private static string RetryingAsSymbolicLink;
private static string RemovingReadOnlyAttribute;
private static string SymbolicLinkComment;
#region Properties
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Bool is just a placeholder, we're mainly interested in a threadsafe key set.
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> _directoriesKnownToExist = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>(DefaultCopyParallelism, DefaultCopyParallelism, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// <summary>
/// Force the copy to retry even when it hits ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED -- normally we wouldn't retry in this case since
/// normally there's no point, but occasionally things get into a bad state temporarily, and retrying does actually
/// succeed. So keeping around a secret environment variable to allow forcing that behavior if necessary.
/// </summary>
private static bool s_alwaysRetryCopy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AlwaysRetryEnvVar) != null;
/// <summary>
/// Global flag to force on UseSymboliclinksIfPossible since Microsoft.Common.targets doesn't expose the functionality.
/// </summary>
private static readonly bool s_forceSymlinks = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBuildUseSymboliclinksIfPossible") != null;
private static readonly bool s_copyInParallel = GetParallelismFromEnvironment();
/// <summary>
/// Default milliseconds to wait between necessary retries
/// </summary>
private const int RetryDelayMillisecondsDefault = 1000;
public ITaskItem[] SourceFiles { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] SourceFolders { get; set; }
public ITaskItem DestinationFolder { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the number of times to attempt to copy, if all previous attempts failed.
/// Warning: using retries may mask a synchronization problem in your build process.
/// </summary>
public int Retries { get; set; } = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the delay, in milliseconds, between any necessary retries.
/// Defaults to <see cref="RetryDelayMillisecondsDefault">RetryDelayMillisecondsDefault</see>
/// </summary>
public int RetryDelayMilliseconds { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use hard links for the copied files
/// rather than copy the files, if it's possible to do so.
/// </summary>
public bool UseHardlinksIfPossible { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to create symbolic links for the copied files
/// rather than copy the files, if it's possible to do so.
/// </summary>
public bool UseSymboliclinksIfPossible { get; set; } = s_forceSymlinks;
/// <summary>
/// Fail if unable to create a symbolic or hard link instead of falling back to copy
/// </summary>
public bool ErrorIfLinkFails { get; set; }
public bool SkipUnchangedFiles { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] DestinationFiles { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The subset of files that were successfully copied.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] CopiedFiles { get; private set; }
public bool WroteAtLeastOneFile { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to overwrite files in the destination
/// that have the read-only attribute set.
/// </summary>
public bool OverwriteReadOnlyFiles { get; set; }
public bool FailIfNotIncremental { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Stop and return (in an undefined state) as soon as possible.
/// </summary>
public void Cancel()
#region ITask Members
/// <summary>
/// Method compares two files and returns true if their size and timestamp are identical.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceFile">The source file</param>
/// <param name="destinationFile">The destination file</param>
private static bool IsMatchingSizeAndTimeStamp(
FileState sourceFile,
FileState destinationFile)
// If the destination doesn't exist, then it is not a matching file.
if (!destinationFile.FileExists)
return false;
if (sourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtcFast != destinationFile.LastWriteTimeUtcFast)
return false;
if (sourceFile.Length != destinationFile.Length)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// We've got several environment variables that we read into statics since we don't expect them to ever
/// reasonably change, but we need some way of refreshing their values so that we can modify them for
/// unit testing purposes.
/// </summary>
internal static void RefreshInternalEnvironmentValues()
s_alwaysRetryCopy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AlwaysRetryEnvVar) != null;
/// <summary>
/// If MSBUILDALWAYSRETRY is set, also log useful diagnostic information -- as
/// a warning, so it's easily visible.
/// </summary>
private void LogAlwaysRetryDiagnosticFromResources(string messageResourceName, params object[] messageArgs)
if (s_alwaysRetryCopy)
Log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources(messageResourceName, messageArgs);
/// <summary>
/// Copy one file from source to destination. Create the target directory if necessary and
/// leave the file read-write.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Return true to indicate success, return false to indicate failure and NO retry, return NULL to indicate retry.</returns>
private bool? CopyFileWithLogging(
FileState sourceFileState,
FileState destinationFileState)
if (destinationFileState.DirectoryExists)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.DestinationIsDirectory", sourceFileState.Name, destinationFileState.Name);
return false;
if (sourceFileState.DirectoryExists)
// If the source file passed in is actually a directory instead of a file, log a nice
// error telling the user so. Otherwise, .NET Framework's File.Copy method will throw
// an UnauthorizedAccessException saying "access is denied", which is not very useful
// to the user.
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.SourceIsDirectory", sourceFileState.Name);
return false;
if (!sourceFileState.FileExists)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.SourceFileNotFound", sourceFileState.Name);
return false;
string destinationFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationFileState.Name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationFolder) && !_directoriesKnownToExist.ContainsKey(destinationFolder))
if (!FileSystems.Default.DirectoryExists(destinationFolder))
if (FailIfNotIncremental)
Log.LogError(CreatesDirectory, destinationFolder);
return false;
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, CreatesDirectory, destinationFolder);
// It's very common for a lot of files to be copied to the same folder.
// Eg., "c:\foo\a"->"c:\bar\a", "c:\foo\b"->"c:\bar\b" and so forth.
// We don't want to check whether this folder exists for every single file we copy. So store which we've checked.
_directoriesKnownToExist.TryAdd(destinationFolder, true);
if (FailIfNotIncremental)
Log.LogError(FileComment, sourceFileState.FileNameFullPath, destinationFileState.FileNameFullPath);
return false;
if (OverwriteReadOnlyFiles)
MakeFileWriteable(destinationFileState, true);
if (!Traits.Instance.EscapeHatches.CopyWithoutDelete &&
destinationFileState.FileExists &&
bool symbolicLinkCreated = false;
bool hardLinkCreated = false;
string errorMessage = string.Empty;
// Create hard links if UseHardlinksIfPossible is true
if (UseHardlinksIfPossible)
TryCopyViaLink(HardLinkComment, MessageImportance.Normal, sourceFileState, destinationFileState, out hardLinkCreated, ref errorMessage, (source, destination, errMessage) => NativeMethods.MakeHardLink(destination, source, ref errorMessage, Log));
if (!hardLinkCreated)
if (UseSymboliclinksIfPossible)
// This is a message for fallback to SymbolicLinks if HardLinks fail when UseHardlinksIfPossible and UseSymboliclinksIfPossible are true
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, RetryingAsSymbolicLink, sourceFileState.FileNameFullPath, destinationFileState.FileNameFullPath, errorMessage);
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, RetryingAsFileCopy, sourceFileState.FileNameFullPath, destinationFileState.FileNameFullPath, errorMessage);
// Create symbolic link if UseSymboliclinksIfPossible is true and hard link is not created
if (!hardLinkCreated && UseSymboliclinksIfPossible)
TryCopyViaLink(SymbolicLinkComment, MessageImportance.Normal, sourceFileState, destinationFileState, out symbolicLinkCreated, ref errorMessage, (source, destination, errMessage) => NativeMethodsShared.MakeSymbolicLink(destination, source, ref errorMessage));
if (!symbolicLinkCreated)
if (!NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
errorMessage = Log.FormatResourceString("Copy.NonWindowsLinkErrorMessage", "symlink()", errorMessage);
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, RetryingAsFileCopy, sourceFileState.FileNameFullPath, destinationFileState.FileNameFullPath, errorMessage);
if (ErrorIfLinkFails && !hardLinkCreated && !symbolicLinkCreated)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.LinkFailed", sourceFileState.FileNameFullPath, destinationFileState.FileNameFullPath);
return false;
// If the link was not created (either because the user didn't want one, or because it couldn't be created)
// then let's copy the file
if (!hardLinkCreated && !symbolicLinkCreated)
// Do not log a fake command line as well, as it's superfluous, and also potentially expensive
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, FileComment, sourceFileState.FileNameFullPath, destinationFileState.FileNameFullPath);
File.Copy(sourceFileState.Name, destinationFileState.Name, true);
// If the destinationFile file exists, then make sure it's read-write.
// The File.Copy command copies attributes, but our copy needs to
// leave the file writeable.
if (sourceFileState.IsReadOnly)
MakeFileWriteable(destinationFileState, false);
// Files were successfully copied or linked. Those are equivalent here.
WroteAtLeastOneFile = true;
return true;
private void TryCopyViaLink(string linkComment, MessageImportance messageImportance, FileState sourceFileState, FileState destinationFileState, out bool linkCreated, ref string errorMessage, Func<string, string, string, bool> createLink)
// Do not log a fake command line as well, as it's superfluous, and also potentially expensive
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, linkComment, sourceFileState.FileNameFullPath, destinationFileState.FileNameFullPath);
linkCreated = createLink(sourceFileState.Name, destinationFileState.Name, errorMessage);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure the read-only attribute on the specified file is off, so
/// the file is writeable.
/// </summary>
private void MakeFileWriteable(FileState file, bool logActivity)
if (file.FileExists)
if (file.IsReadOnly)
if (logActivity)
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, RemovingReadOnlyAttribute, file.Name);
File.SetAttributes(file.Name, FileAttributes.Normal);
/// <summary>
/// Copy the files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="copyFile">Delegate used to copy the files.</param>
/// <param name="copyInParallel">
/// Thread parallelism allowed during copies. 1 uses the original algorithm, >1 uses newer algorithm.
/// </param>
internal bool Execute(
CopyFileWithState copyFile,
bool copyInParallel)
// If there are no source files then just return success.
if (IsSourceSetEmpty())
DestinationFiles = Array.Empty<ITaskItem>();
CopiedFiles = Array.Empty<ITaskItem>();
return true;
if (!(ValidateInputs() && InitializeDestinationFiles()))
return false;
// Environment variable stomps on user-requested value if it's set.
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AlwaysOverwriteReadOnlyFilesEnvVar) != null)
OverwriteReadOnlyFiles = true;
// Track successfully copied subset.
List<ITaskItem> destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied;
// Use single-threaded code path when requested or when there is only copy to make
// (no need to create all the parallel infrastructure for that case).
bool success = false;
success = !copyInParallel || DestinationFiles.Length == 1
? CopySingleThreaded(copyFile, out destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied)
: CopyParallel(copyFile, out destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
return false;
// copiedFiles contains only the copies that were successful.
CopiedFiles = destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied.ToArray();
return success && !_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested;
/// <summary>
/// Original copy code that performs single-threaded copies.
/// Used for single-file copies and when parallelism is 1.
/// </summary>
private bool CopySingleThreaded(
CopyFileWithState copyFile,
out List<ITaskItem> destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied)
bool success = true;
destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied = new List<ITaskItem>(DestinationFiles.Length);
// Set of files we actually copied and the location from which they were originally copied. The purpose
// of this collection is to let us skip copying duplicate files. We will only copy the file if it
// either has never been copied to this destination before (key doesn't exist) or if we have copied it but
// from a different location (value is different.)
// { dest -> source }
var filesActuallyCopied = new Dictionary<string, string>(
DestinationFiles.Length, // Set length to common case of 1:1 source->dest.
// Now that we have a list of destinationFolder files, copy from source to destinationFolder.
for (int i = 0; i < SourceFiles.Length && !_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested; ++i)
bool copyComplete = false;
string destPath = DestinationFiles[i].ItemSpec;
if (filesActuallyCopied.TryGetValue(destPath, out string originalSource))
if (String.Equals(originalSource, SourceFiles[i].ItemSpec, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Already copied from this location, don't copy again.
copyComplete = true;
if (!copyComplete)
if (DoCopyIfNecessary(new FileState(SourceFiles[i].ItemSpec), new FileState(DestinationFiles[i].ItemSpec), copyFile))
filesActuallyCopied[destPath] = SourceFiles[i].ItemSpec;
copyComplete = true;
success = false;
MSBuildEventSource.Log.CopyUpToDateStop(destPath, true);
if (copyComplete)
return success;
private static void ParallelCopyTask(object state)
AutoResetEvent autoResetEvent = (AutoResetEvent)state;
while (true)
if (_copyActionQueue.TryDequeue(out Action copyAction))
/// <summary>
/// Parallelize I/O with the same semantics as the single-threaded copy method above.
/// ResolveAssemblyReferences tends to generate longer and longer lists of files to send
/// to CopyTask as we get further and further down the dependency graph.
/// The OS can handle a lot of parallel I/O so let's minimize wall clock time to get
/// it all done.
/// </summary>
private bool CopyParallel(
CopyFileWithState copyFile,
out List<ITaskItem> destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied)
bool success = true;
// We must supply the same semantics as the single-threaded version above:
// - For copy operations in the list that have the same destination, we must
// provide for in-order copy attempts that allow re-copying different files
// and avoiding copies for later files that match SkipUnchangedFiles semantics.
// We must also add a destination file copy item for each attempt.
// - The order of entries in destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied must match
// the order of entries passed in, along with copied metadata.
// - Metadata must not be copied to destination item if the copy operation failed.
// We split the work into different Tasks:
// - Entries with unique destination file paths each get their own parallel operation.
// - Each subset of copies into the same destination get their own Task to run
// the single-threaded logic in order.
// At the end we reassemble the result list in the same order as was passed in.
// Map: Destination path -> indexes in SourceFiles/DestinationItems array indices (ordered low->high).
var partitionsByDestination = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(
DestinationFiles.Length, // Set length to common case of 1:1 source->dest.
for (int i = 0; i < SourceFiles.Length && !_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested; ++i)
ITaskItem destItem = DestinationFiles[i];
string destPath = destItem.ItemSpec;
if (!partitionsByDestination.TryGetValue(destPath, out List<int> sourceIndices))
// Use 1 for list length - common case is for no destination overlap.
sourceIndices = new List<int>(1);
partitionsByDestination[destPath] = sourceIndices;
// Lockless flags updated from each thread - each needs to be a processor word for atomicity.
var successFlags = new IntPtr[DestinationFiles.Length];
ConcurrentQueue<List<int>> partitionQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<List<int>>(partitionsByDestination.Values);
int activeCopyThreads = DefaultCopyParallelism;
for (int i = 0; i < DefaultCopyParallelism; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < DefaultCopyParallelism; ++i)
// Assemble an in-order list of destination items that succeeded.
destinationFilesSuccessfullyCopied = new List<ITaskItem>(DestinationFiles.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < successFlags.Length; i++)
if (successFlags[i] != (IntPtr)0)
return success;
void ProcessPartition()
while (partitionQueue.TryDequeue(out List<int> partition))
for (int partitionIndex = 0; partitionIndex < partition.Count && !_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested; partitionIndex++)
int fileIndex = partition[partitionIndex];
ITaskItem sourceItem = SourceFiles[fileIndex];
ITaskItem destItem = DestinationFiles[fileIndex];
string sourcePath = sourceItem.ItemSpec;
// Check if we just copied from this location to the destination, don't copy again.
bool copyComplete = partitionIndex > 0 &&
SourceFiles[partition[partitionIndex - 1]].ItemSpec,
if (!copyComplete)
if (DoCopyIfNecessary(
new FileState(sourceItem.ItemSpec),
new FileState(destItem.ItemSpec),
copyComplete = true;
// Thread race to set outer variable but they race to set the same (false) value.
success = false;
MSBuildEventSource.Log.CopyUpToDateStop(destItem.ItemSpec, true);
if (copyComplete)
successFlags[fileIndex] = (IntPtr)1;
int count = System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref activeCopyThreads);
if (count == 0)
private bool IsSourceSetEmpty()
return (SourceFiles == null || SourceFiles.Length == 0) && (SourceFolders == null || SourceFolders.Length == 0);
/// <summary>
/// Verify that the inputs are correct.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>False on an error, implying that the overall copy operation should be aborted.</returns>
private bool ValidateInputs()
if (Retries < 0)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.InvalidRetryCount", Retries);
return false;
if (RetryDelayMilliseconds < 0)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.InvalidRetryDelay", RetryDelayMilliseconds);
return false;
// There must be a destination (either files or directory).
if (DestinationFiles == null && DestinationFolder == null)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.NeedsDestination", "DestinationFiles", "DestinationFolder");
return false;
// There can't be two kinds of destination.
if (DestinationFiles != null && DestinationFolder != null)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.ExactlyOneTypeOfDestination", "DestinationFiles", "DestinationFolder");
return false;
// SourceFolders and DestinationFiles can't be used together.
if (SourceFolders != null && DestinationFiles != null)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.IncompatibleParameters", "SourceFolders", "DestinationFiles");
return false;
// If the caller passed in DestinationFiles, then its length must match SourceFiles.
if (DestinationFiles != null && DestinationFiles.Length != SourceFiles.Length)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("General.TwoVectorsMustHaveSameLength", DestinationFiles.Length, SourceFiles.Length, "DestinationFiles", "SourceFiles");
return false;
if (ErrorIfLinkFails && !UseHardlinksIfPossible && !UseSymboliclinksIfPossible)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Set up our list of destination files.
/// For SourceFiles: Apply DestinationFolder to each SourceFiles item to create a DestinationFiles item.
/// For SourceFolders: With each SourceFolders item, get the files in the represented directory. Create both SourceFiles and DestinationFiles items.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>False if an error occurred, implying aborting the overall copy operation.</returns>
private bool InitializeDestinationFiles()
bool isSuccess = true;
// If the caller passed in DestinationFolder, convert it to DestinationFiles
if (DestinationFiles == null && SourceFiles != null)
DestinationFiles = new ITaskItem[SourceFiles.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < SourceFiles.Length; ++i)
// Build the correct path.
if (!TryPathOperation(
() => Path.Combine(DestinationFolder.ItemSpec, Path.GetFileName(SourceFiles[i].ItemSpec)),
out string destinationFile))
isSuccess = false;
// Initialize the destinationFolder item.
// ItemSpec is unescaped, and the TaskItem constructor expects an escaped input, so we need to
// make sure to re-escape it here.
DestinationFiles[i] = new TaskItem(EscapingUtilities.Escape(destinationFile));
// Copy meta-data from source to destinationFolder.
if (isSuccess && SourceFolders != null && SourceFolders.Length > 0)
var sourceFiles = SourceFiles != null ? new List<ITaskItem>(SourceFiles) : new List<ITaskItem>();
var destinationFiles = DestinationFiles != null ? new List<ITaskItem>(DestinationFiles) : new List<ITaskItem>();
foreach (ITaskItem sourceFolder in SourceFolders)
string src = FileUtilities.NormalizePath(sourceFolder.ItemSpec);
string srcName = Path.GetFileName(src);
(string[] filesInFolder, _, _, string globFailure) = FileMatcher.Default.GetFiles(src, "**");
if (globFailure != null)
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, globFailure);
foreach (string file in filesInFolder)
if (!TryPathOperation(
() => Path.Combine(src, file),
out string sourceFile))
isSuccess = false;
if (!TryPathOperation(
() => Path.Combine(DestinationFolder.ItemSpec, srcName, file),
out string destinationFile))
isSuccess = false;
var item = new TaskItem(EscapingUtilities.Escape(sourceFile));
item = new TaskItem(EscapingUtilities.Escape(destinationFile));
SourceFiles = sourceFiles.ToArray();
DestinationFiles = destinationFiles.ToArray();
if (!isSuccess)
// Clear the outputs.
DestinationFiles = Array.Empty<ITaskItem>();
return isSuccess;
/// <summary>
/// Tries the path operation. Logs a 'Copy.Error' if an exception is thrown.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="operation">The operation.</param>
/// <param name="src">The source to use for the log message.</param>
/// <param name="dest">The destination to use for the log message.</param>
/// <param name="resultPathOperation">The result of the path operation.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool TryPathOperation(Func<string> operation, string src, string dest, out string resultPathOperation)
resultPathOperation = string.Empty;
resultPathOperation = operation();
catch (ArgumentException e)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.Error", src, dest, e.Message);
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Copy source to destination, unless SkipUnchangedFiles is true and they are equivalent.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the file was copied or, on SkipUnchangedFiles, the file was equivalent.</returns>
private bool DoCopyIfNecessary(FileState sourceFileState, FileState destinationFileState, CopyFileWithState copyFile)
bool success = true;
if (SkipUnchangedFiles && IsMatchingSizeAndTimeStamp(sourceFileState, destinationFileState))
// If we got here, then the file's time and size match AND
// the user set the SkipUnchangedFiles flag which means we
// should skip matching files.
MSBuildEventSource.Log.CopyUpToDateStop(destinationFileState.Name, true);
else if (!PathsAreIdentical(sourceFileState, destinationFileState))
MSBuildEventSource.Log.CopyUpToDateStop(destinationFileState.Name, false);
if (FailIfNotIncremental)
Log.LogError(FileComment, sourceFileState.Name, destinationFileState.Name);
success = false;
success = DoCopyWithRetries(sourceFileState, destinationFileState, copyFile);
MSBuildEventSource.Log.CopyUpToDateStop(destinationFileState.Name, true);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
success = false;
catch (PathTooLongException e)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.Error", sourceFileState.Name, destinationFileState.Name, e.Message);
success = false;
catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(e))
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.Error", sourceFileState.Name, destinationFileState.Name, e.Message);
success = false;
return success;
/// <summary>
/// Copy one file with the appropriate number of retries if it fails.
/// </summary>
private bool DoCopyWithRetries(FileState sourceFileState, FileState destinationFileState, CopyFileWithState copyFile)
int retries = 0;
while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
bool? result = copyFile(sourceFileState, destinationFileState);
if (result.HasValue)
return result.Value;
catch (OperationCanceledException)
catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(e))
switch (e)
case ArgumentException: // Invalid chars
case NotSupportedException: // Colon in the middle of the path
case PathTooLongException:
case UnauthorizedAccessException:
case IOException: // Not clear why we can get one and not the other
int code = Marshal.GetHRForException(e);
LogAlwaysRetryDiagnosticFromResources("Copy.IOException", e.ToString(), sourceFileState.Name, destinationFileState.Name, code);
if (code == NativeMethods.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
// ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED can either mean there's an ACL preventing us, or the file has the readonly bit set.
// In either case, that's likely not a race, and retrying won't help.
// Retrying is mainly for ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION, where someone else is using the file right now.
// However, there is a limited set of circumstances where a copy failure will show up as access denied due
// to a failure to reset the readonly bit properly, in which case retrying will succeed. This seems to be
// a pretty edge scenario, but since some of our internal builds appear to be hitting it, provide a secret
// environment variable to allow overriding the default behavior and forcing retries in this circumstance as well.
if (!s_alwaysRetryCopy)
else if (code == NativeMethods.ERROR_INVALID_FILENAME)
// Invalid characters used in file name; no point retrying.
if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException)
if (DestinationFolder != null && FileSystems.Default.FileExists(DestinationFolder.ItemSpec))
// We failed to create the DestinationFolder because it's an existing file. No sense retrying.
// We don't check for this case upstream because it'd be another hit to the filesystem.
if (retries < Retries)
Log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("Copy.Retrying", sourceFileState.Name,
destinationFileState.Name, retries, RetryDelayMilliseconds, e.Message,
// if we have to retry for some reason, wipe the state -- it may not be correct anymore.
else if (Retries > 0)
// Exception message is logged in caller
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.ExceededRetries", sourceFileState.Name,
destinationFileState.Name, Retries, LockCheck.GetLockedFileMessage(destinationFileState.Name));
if (retries < Retries)
Log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("Copy.Retrying", sourceFileState.Name,
destinationFileState.Name, retries, RetryDelayMilliseconds, String.Empty /* no details */,
// if we have to retry for some reason, wipe the state -- it may not be correct anymore.
else if (Retries > 0)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("Copy.ExceededRetries", sourceFileState.Name,
destinationFileState.Name, Retries, LockCheck.GetLockedFileMessage(destinationFileState.Name));
return false;
return false;
// Canceling
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Standard entry point.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool Execute()
return Execute(CopyFileWithLogging, s_copyInParallel);
/// <summary>
/// Compares two paths to see if they refer to the same file. We can't solve the general
/// canonicalization problem, so we just compare strings on the full paths.
/// </summary>
private static bool PathsAreIdentical(FileState source, FileState destination)
if (string.Equals(source.Name, destination.Name, FileUtilities.PathComparison))
return true;
source.FileNameFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(source.Name);
destination.FileNameFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(destination.Name);
return string.Equals(source.FileNameFullPath, destination.FileNameFullPath, FileUtilities.PathComparison);
private static bool GetParallelismFromEnvironment()
int parallelism = Traits.Instance.CopyTaskParallelism;
return parallelism != 1;