8 writes to Method
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (8)
Internal\Http\Http1Connection.cs (1)
309Method = method;
Internal\Http\HttpProtocol.cs (1)
354Method = HttpMethod.None;
Internal\Http2\Http2Stream.cs (3)
340Method = HttpUtilities.GetKnownMethod(_methodText); 689Method = HttpMethod.Get; 694Method = HttpMethod.Post;
Internal\Http3\Http3Stream.cs (3)
247Method = HttpMethod.Get; 252Method = HttpMethod.Post; 1062Method = HttpUtilities.GetKnownMethod(_methodText);
20 references to Method
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (20)
Internal\Http\Http1MessageBody.cs (3)
203if (httpVersion == HttpVersion.Http10 && (context.Method == HttpMethod.Post || context.Method == HttpMethod.Put)) 205KestrelBadHttpRequestException.Throw(RequestRejectionReason.LengthRequiredHttp10, context.Method);
Internal\Http\HttpProtocol.cs (7)
906if (Method != HttpMethod.Head && 1085if (Method == HttpMethod.Head && _responseBytesWritten > 0) 1106if (Method == HttpMethod.Head && _responseBytesWritten > 0) 1265else if (Method == HttpMethod.Connect && Is2xxCode(StatusCode)) 1281return Method != HttpMethod.Head && 1291Method != HttpMethod.Head && 1363if (Method != HttpMethod.Head)
Internal\Http\HttpProtocol.FeatureCollection.cs (1)
43_methodText = HttpUtilities.MethodToString(Method) ?? string.Empty;
Internal\Http2\Http2Stream.cs (5)
238if (Method == HttpMethod.None && !TryValidateMethod()) 248if (Method == HttpMethod.Connect) 312if (Method == HttpMethod.Options && path.Length == 1 && path[0] == '*') 342if (Method == HttpMethod.None) 348if (Method == HttpMethod.Custom)
Internal\Http3\Http3Stream.cs (4)
991if (Method == HttpMethod.Connect && HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderProtocol.Count == 0) 1034if (Method == HttpMethod.Options && path.Length == 1 && path[0] == '*') 1064if (Method == HttpMethod.None) 1070if (Method == HttpMethod.Custom)