File: Internal\Http2\Http2Stream.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\Kestrel\Core\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using System.Net.Http.HPack;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http2.FlowControl;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using HttpCharacters = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpCharacters;
using HttpMethods = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpMethods;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http2;
internal abstract partial class Http2Stream : HttpProtocol, IThreadPoolWorkItem, IDisposable, IPooledStream
    private Http2StreamContext _context = default!;
    private Http2OutputProducer _http2Output = default!;
    private StreamInputFlowControl _inputFlowControl = default!;
    private Http2MessageBody? _messageBody;
    private bool _decrementCalled;
    public int TotalParsedHeaderSize { get; set; }
    public Pipe RequestBodyPipe { get; private set; } = default!;
    internal long DrainExpirationTimestamp { get; set; }
    private StreamCompletionFlags _completionState;
    private readonly object _completionLock = new object();
    public void Initialize(Http2StreamContext context)
        _decrementCalled = false;
        _completionState = StreamCompletionFlags.None;
        InputRemaining = null;
        RequestBodyStarted = false;
        DrainExpirationTimestamp = 0;
        TotalParsedHeaderSize = 0;
        // Allow up to 2x during parsing, enforce the hard limit after when we can preserve the connection.
        _eagerRequestHeadersParsedLimit = ServerOptions.Limits.MaxRequestHeaderCount * 2;
        _context = context;
        // First time the stream is used we need to create flow control, producer and pipes.
        // When a stream is reused these types will be reset and reused.
        if (_inputFlowControl == null)
            _inputFlowControl = new StreamInputFlowControl(
                context.ServerPeerSettings.InitialWindowSize / 2);
            _http2Output = new Http2OutputProducer(this, context);
            RequestBodyPipe = CreateRequestBodyPipe();
            Output = _http2Output;
    public void InitializeWithExistingContext(int streamId)
        _context.StreamId = streamId;
    public int StreamId => _context.StreamId;
    public BaseConnectionContext ConnectionContext => _context.ConnectionContext;
    public ConnectionMetricsContext MetricsContext => _context.MetricsContext;
    public long? InputRemaining { get; internal set; }
    public bool RequestBodyStarted { get; private set; }
    public bool EndStreamReceived => (_completionState & StreamCompletionFlags.EndStreamReceived) == StreamCompletionFlags.EndStreamReceived;
    private bool IsAborted => (_completionState & StreamCompletionFlags.Aborted) == StreamCompletionFlags.Aborted;
    internal bool RstStreamReceived => (_completionState & StreamCompletionFlags.RstStreamReceived) == StreamCompletionFlags.RstStreamReceived;
    public bool ReceivedEmptyRequestBody
            lock (_completionLock)
                return EndStreamReceived && !RequestBodyStarted;
    // We only want to reuse a stream that was not aborted and has completely finished writing.
    // This ensures Http2OutputProducer.ProcessDataWrites is in the correct state to be reused.
    // CanReuse must be evaluated on the main frame-processing looping after the stream is removed
    // from the connection's active streams collection. This is required because a RST_STREAM
    // frame could arrive after the END_STREAM flag is received. Only once the stream is removed
    // from the connection's active stream collection can no longer be reset, and is safe to
    // evaluate for pooling.
    public bool CanReuse => !_connectionAborted && HasResponseCompleted;
    protected override void OnReset()
        _keepAlive = true;
        _connectionAborted = false;
        _userTrailers = null;
        // Reset Http2 Features
        _currentIHttpMinRequestBodyDataRateFeature = this;
        _currentIHttp2StreamIdFeature = this;
        _currentIHttpResponseTrailersFeature = this;
        _currentIHttpResetFeature = this;
        _currentIPersistentStateFeature = this;
    protected override void OnRequestProcessingEnded()
    public void CompleteStream(bool errored)
            // If the app finished without reading the request body tell the client not to finish sending it.
            if (!EndStreamReceived && !RstStreamReceived)
                if (!errored)
                    Log.RequestBodyNotEntirelyRead(ConnectionIdFeature, TraceIdentifier);
                var (oldState, newState) = ApplyCompletionFlag(StreamCompletionFlags.Aborted);
                if (oldState != newState)
                    // If there was an error starting the stream then we don't want to write RST_STREAM here.
                    // The connection will handle writing RST_STREAM with the correct error code.
                    if (!errored)
                        // Don't block on IO. This never faults.
                        _ = _http2Output.WriteRstStreamAsync(Http2ErrorCode.NO_ERROR).Preserve();
            // The app can no longer read any more of the request body, so return any bytes that weren't read to the
            // connection's flow-control window.
    protected override string CreateRequestId()
        => StringUtilities.ConcatAsHexSuffix(ConnectionId, ':', (uint)StreamId);
    protected override MessageBody CreateMessageBody()
        if (ReceivedEmptyRequestBody)
            return MessageBody.ZeroContentLengthClose;
        if (_messageBody != null)
            _messageBody = new Http2MessageBody(this);
        return _messageBody;
    // Compare to Http1Connection.OnStartLine
    protected override bool TryParseRequest(ReadResult result, out bool endConnection)
        // We don't need any of the parameters because we don't implement BeginRead to actually
        // do the reading from a pipeline, nor do we use endConnection to report connection-level errors.
        endConnection = !TryValidatePseudoHeaders();
        // 431 if the headers are too large
        if (TotalParsedHeaderSize > ServerOptions.Limits.MaxRequestHeadersTotalSize)
        // 431 if we received too many headers
        if (RequestHeadersParsed > ServerOptions.Limits.MaxRequestHeaderCount)
        // Suppress pseudo headers from the public headers collection.
        // Cookies should be merged into a single string separated by "; "
        return true;
    private bool TryValidatePseudoHeaders()
        // The initial pseudo header validation takes place in Http2Connection.ValidateHeader and StartStream
        // They make sure the right fields are at least present (except for Connect requests) exactly once.
        _httpVersion = Http.HttpVersion.Http2;
        // Method could already have been set from :method static table index
        if (Method == HttpMethod.None && !TryValidateMethod())
            return false;
        if (!TryValidateAuthorityAndHost(out var hostText))
            return false;
        if (Method == HttpMethod.Connect)
            // HTTP/2 WebSockets
            if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderProtocol))
                // On requests that contain the :protocol pseudo-header field, the :scheme and :path pseudo-header fields of the target URI MUST also be included.
                if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderScheme) || StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderPath))
                    ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.ConnectRequestsWithProtocolRequireSchemeAndPath), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
                    return false;
                ConnectProtocol = HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderProtocol;
                IsExtendedConnectRequest = true;
            // CONNECT - :scheme and :path must be excluded
            else if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderScheme) || !StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderPath))
                ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.Http2ErrorConnectMustNotSendSchemeOrPath), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
                return false;
                RawTarget = hostText;
                return true;
        else if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderProtocol))
            ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.ProtocolRequiresConnect), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
            return false;
        // :scheme
        // ":scheme" is not restricted to "http" and "https" schemed URIs.  A
        // proxy or gateway can translate requests for non - HTTP schemes,
        // enabling the use of HTTP to interact with non - HTTP services.
        // A common example is TLS termination.
        var headerScheme = HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderScheme.ToString();
        if (!ReferenceEquals(headerScheme, Scheme) &&
            !string.Equals(headerScheme, Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            if (!ServerOptions.AllowAlternateSchemes || !Uri.CheckSchemeName(headerScheme))
                ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(
                    CoreStrings.FormatHttp2StreamErrorSchemeMismatch(headerScheme, Scheme)), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
                return false;
            Scheme = headerScheme;
        // :path (and query) - Required
        // Must start with / except may be * for OPTIONS
        var path = HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderPath.ToString();
        RawTarget = path;
        // OPTIONS -
        // This pseudo-header field MUST NOT be empty for "http" or "https"
        // URIs; "http" or "https" URIs that do not contain a path component
        // MUST include a value of '/'.  The exception to this rule is an
        // OPTIONS request for an "http" or "https" URI that does not include
        // a path component; these MUST include a ":path" pseudo-header field
        // with a value of '*'.
        if (Method == HttpMethod.Options && path.Length == 1 && path[0] == '*')
            // * is stored in RawTarget only since HttpRequest expects Path to be empty or start with a /.
            Path = string.Empty;
            QueryString = string.Empty;
            return true;
        // Approximate MaxRequestLineSize by totaling the required pseudo header field lengths.
        var requestLineLength = _methodText!.Length + Scheme!.Length + hostText.Length + path.Length;
        if (requestLineLength > ServerOptions.Limits.MaxRequestLineSize)
            ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.BadRequest_RequestLineTooLong), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
            return false;
        var queryIndex = path.IndexOf('?');
        QueryString = queryIndex == -1 ? string.Empty : path.Substring(queryIndex);
        var pathSegment = queryIndex == -1 ? path.AsSpan() : path.AsSpan(0, queryIndex);
        return TryValidatePath(pathSegment);
    private bool TryValidateMethod()
        // :method
        _methodText = HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderMethod.ToString();
        Method = HttpUtilities.GetKnownMethod(_methodText);
        if (Method == HttpMethod.None)
            ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.FormatHttp2ErrorMethodInvalid(_methodText)), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
            return false;
        if (Method == HttpMethod.Custom)
            if (HttpCharacters.IndexOfInvalidTokenChar(_methodText) >= 0)
                ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.FormatHttp2ErrorMethodInvalid(_methodText)), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
                return false;
        return true;
    private bool TryValidateAuthorityAndHost(out string hostText)
        // :authority (optional)
        // Prefer this over Host
        var authority = HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderAuthority;
        var host = HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderHost;
        if (!StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(authority))
            // Clients that generate HTTP/2 requests directly SHOULD use the ":authority"
            // pseudo - header field instead of the Host header field.
            // An intermediary that converts an HTTP/2 request to HTTP/1.1 MUST
            // create a Host header field if one is not present in a request by
            // copying the value of the ":authority" pseudo - header field.
            // We take this one step further, we don't want mismatched :authority
            // and Host headers, replace Host if :authority is defined. The application
            // will operate on the Host header.
            HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderHost = authority;
            host = authority;
        // A server MUST respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code to any
        // HTTP/1.1 request message that lacks a Host header field and to any
        // request message that contains more than one Host header field or a
        // Host header field with an invalid field-value.
        hostText = host.ToString();
        if (host.Count > 1 || !HttpUtilities.IsHostHeaderValid(hostText))
            // RST replaces 400
            ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.FormatBadRequest_InvalidHostHeader_Detail(hostText)), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
            return false;
        return true;
    private bool TryValidatePath(ReadOnlySpan<char> pathSegment)
        // Must start with a leading slash
        if (pathSegment.IsEmpty || pathSegment[0] != '/')
            ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.FormatHttp2StreamErrorPathInvalid(RawTarget)), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
            return false;
        var pathEncoded = pathSegment.Contains('%');
        // Compare with Http1Connection.OnOriginFormTarget
        // URIs are always encoded/escaped to ASCII
        // Multibyte Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) are first converted to utf8;
        // then encoded/escaped to ASCII "Mapping of IRIs to URIs"
            const int MaxPathBufferStackAllocSize = 256;
            // The decoder operates only on raw bytes
            Span<byte> pathBuffer = pathSegment.Length <= MaxPathBufferStackAllocSize
                // A constant size plus slice generates better code
                ? stackalloc byte[MaxPathBufferStackAllocSize].Slice(0, pathSegment.Length)
                // TODO - Consider pool here for less than 4096
                : new byte[pathSegment.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < pathSegment.Length; i++)
                var ch = pathSegment[i];
                // The header parser should already be checking this
                Debug.Assert(32 < ch && ch < 127);
                pathBuffer[i] = (byte)ch;
            Path = PathNormalizer.DecodePath(pathBuffer, pathEncoded, RawTarget!, QueryString!.Length);
            return true;
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            ResetAndAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.FormatHttp2StreamErrorPathInvalid(RawTarget)), Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
            return false;
    public Task OnDataAsync(Http2Frame dataFrame, in ReadOnlySequence<byte> payload)
        // Since padding isn't buffered, immediately count padding bytes as read for flow control purposes.
        if (dataFrame.DataHasPadding)
            // Add 1 byte for the padding length prefix.
            OnDataRead(dataFrame.DataPadLength + 1);
        var dataPayload = payload.Slice(0, dataFrame.DataPayloadLength); // minus padding
        var endStream = dataFrame.DataEndStream;
        if (dataPayload.Length > 0)
            lock (_completionLock)
                RequestBodyStarted = true;
                if (endStream)
                    // No need to send any more window updates for this stream now that we've received all the data.
                    // Call before flushing the request body pipe, because that might induce a window update.
                // This check happens after flow control so that when we throw and abort, the byte count is returned to the connection
                // level accounting.
                if (InputRemaining.HasValue)
                    if (dataPayload.Length > InputRemaining.Value)
                        throw new Http2StreamErrorException(StreamId, CoreStrings.Http2StreamErrorMoreDataThanLength, Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
                    InputRemaining -= dataPayload.Length;
                // Ignore data frames for aborted streams, but only after counting them for purposes of connection level flow control.
                if (!IsAborted)
                    // If the stream is completed go ahead and call RequestBodyPipe.Writer.Complete().
                    // Data will still be available to the reader.
                    if (!endStream)
                        var flushTask = RequestBodyPipe.Writer.FlushAsync();
                        // It shouldn't be possible for the RequestBodyPipe to fill up an return an incomplete task if
                        // _inputFlowControl.Advance() didn't throw.
                        // If it's a IValueTaskSource backed ValueTask,
                        // inform it its result has been read so it can reset
        if (endStream)
        return Task.CompletedTask;
    public void OnEndStreamReceived()
        if (InputRemaining.HasValue)
            if (InputRemaining.Value != 0)
                throw new Http2StreamErrorException(StreamId, CoreStrings.Http2StreamErrorLessDataThanLength, Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
    public void OnDataRead(int bytesRead)
    public bool TryUpdateOutputWindow(int bytes)
        return _http2Output.TryUpdateStreamWindow(bytes);
    public void AbortRstStreamReceived()
        // Client sent a reset stream frame, decrement total count.
        Abort(new IOException(CoreStrings.HttpStreamResetByClient));
    public void Abort(IOException abortReason)
        var (oldState, newState) = ApplyCompletionFlag(StreamCompletionFlags.Aborted);
        if (oldState == newState)
    protected override void OnErrorAfterResponseStarted()
        // We can no longer change the response, send a Reset instead.
        var abortReason = new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.Http2StreamErrorAfterHeaders);
        ResetAndAbort(abortReason, Http2ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR);
    protected override void ApplicationAbort() => ApplicationAbort(new ConnectionAbortedException(CoreStrings.ConnectionAbortedByApplication), Http2ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR);
    private void ApplicationAbort(ConnectionAbortedException abortReason, Http2ErrorCode error)
        ResetAndAbort(abortReason, error);
    internal void ResetAndAbort(ConnectionAbortedException abortReason, Http2ErrorCode error)
        // Future incoming frames will drain for a default grace period to avoid destabilizing the connection.
        var (oldState, newState) = ApplyCompletionFlag(StreamCompletionFlags.Aborted);
        if (oldState == newState)
        Log.Http2StreamResetAbort(TraceIdentifier, error, abortReason);
        // Don't block on IO. This never faults.
        _ = _http2Output.WriteRstStreamAsync(error).Preserve();
    private void AbortCore(Exception abortReason)
        // Call _http2Output.Stop() prior to poisoning the request body stream or pipe to
        // ensure that an app that completes early due to the abort doesn't result in header frames being sent.
        // Unblock the request body.
    public void DecrementActiveClientStreamCount()
        // Decrement can be called twice, via calling CompleteAsync and then Abort on the HttpContext.
        // Only decrement once total.
        lock (_completionLock)
            if (_decrementCalled)
            _decrementCalled = true;
    private Pipe CreateRequestBodyPipe()
        => new Pipe(new PipeOptions
            pool: _context.MemoryPool,
            readerScheduler: ServiceContext.Scheduler,
            writerScheduler: PipeScheduler.Inline,
            // Never pause within the window range. Flow control will prevent more data from being added.
            // See the assert in OnDataAsync.
            pauseWriterThreshold: _context.ServerPeerSettings.InitialWindowSize + 1,
            resumeWriterThreshold: _context.ServerPeerSettings.InitialWindowSize + 1,
            useSynchronizationContext: false,
            minimumSegmentSize: _context.MemoryPool.GetMinimumSegmentSize()
    private (StreamCompletionFlags OldState, StreamCompletionFlags NewState) ApplyCompletionFlag(StreamCompletionFlags completionState)
        lock (_completionLock)
            var oldCompletionState = _completionState;
            _completionState |= completionState;
            return (oldCompletionState, _completionState);
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to kick off the request processing loop by derived classes.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract void Execute();
    public void Dispose()
    private enum StreamCompletionFlags
        None = 0,
        RstStreamReceived = 1,
        EndStreamReceived = 2,
        Aborted = 4,
    public override void OnHeader(int index, bool indexOnly, ReadOnlySpan<byte> name, ReadOnlySpan<byte> value)
        base.OnHeader(index, indexOnly, name, value);
        if (indexOnly)
            // Special case setting headers when the value is indexed for performance.
            switch (index)
                case H2StaticTable.MethodGet:
                    HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderMethod = HttpMethods.Get;
                    Method = HttpMethod.Get;
                    _methodText = HttpMethods.Get;
                case H2StaticTable.MethodPost:
                    HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderMethod = HttpMethods.Post;
                    Method = HttpMethod.Post;
                    _methodText = HttpMethods.Post;
                case H2StaticTable.SchemeHttp:
                    HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderScheme = SchemeHttp;
                case H2StaticTable.SchemeHttps:
                    HttpRequestHeaders.HeaderScheme = SchemeHttps;
        // HPack append will return false if the index is not a known request header.
        // For example, someone could send the index of "Server" (a response header) in the request.
        // If that happens then fallback to using Append with the name bytes.
        // If the value is indexed then we know it doesn't contain new lines and can skip checking.
        if (!HttpRequestHeaders.TryHPackAppend(index, value, checkForNewlineChars: !indexOnly))
            AppendHeader(name, value);
    private void AppendHeader(ReadOnlySpan<byte> name, ReadOnlySpan<byte> value)
        HttpRequestHeaders.Append(name, value, checkForNewlineChars: true);
    void IPooledStream.DisposeCore()
    long IPooledStream.PoolExpirationTimestamp => DrainExpirationTimestamp;