File: RequestProcessing\Response.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\HttpSys\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpSys.Internal;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
using Windows.Win32;
using Windows.Win32.Foundation;
using Windows.Win32.Networking.HttpServer;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys;
internal sealed class Response
    // Support is assumed until we get an error and turn it off.
    private static bool SupportsGoAway = true;
    private ResponseState _responseState;
    private bool _aborted;
    private string? _reasonPhrase;
    private ResponseBody? _nativeStream;
    private AuthenticationSchemes _authChallenges;
    private TimeSpan? _cacheTtl;
    private long _expectedBodyLength;
    private BoundaryType _boundaryType;
    private HTTP_RESPONSE_V2 _nativeResponse;
    private HeaderCollection? _trailers;
    internal Response(RequestContext requestContext)
        // TODO: Verbose log
        RequestContext = requestContext;
        Headers = new HeaderCollection();
        // We haven't started yet, or we're just buffered, we can clear any data, headers, and state so
        // that we can start over (e.g. to write an error message).
        _nativeResponse = new HTTP_RESPONSE_V2();
        Headers.IsReadOnly = false;
        _reasonPhrase = null;
        _boundaryType = BoundaryType.None;
        _nativeResponse.Base.StatusCode = (ushort)StatusCodes.Status200OK;
        _nativeResponse.Base.Version.MajorVersion = 1;
        _nativeResponse.Base.Version.MinorVersion = 1;
        _responseState = ResponseState.Created;
        _expectedBodyLength = 0;
        _nativeStream = null;
        _cacheTtl = null;
        _authChallenges = RequestContext.Server.Options.Authentication.Schemes;
    private enum ResponseState
    private RequestContext RequestContext { get; }
    private Request Request => RequestContext.Request;
    public int StatusCode
        get { return _nativeResponse.Base.StatusCode; }
            // Http.Sys automatically sends 100 Continue responses when you read from the request body.
            if (value <= 100 || 999 < value)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), value, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Exception_InvalidStatusCode, value));
            _nativeResponse.Base.StatusCode = (ushort)value;
    public string? ReasonPhrase
        get { return _reasonPhrase; }
            // TODO: Validate user input for illegal chars, length limit, etc.?
            _reasonPhrase = value;
    public Stream Body
            return _nativeStream;
    internal bool BodyIsFinished => _nativeStream?.IsDisposed ?? _responseState >= ResponseState.Closed;
    /// <summary>
    /// The authentication challenges that will be added to the response if the status code is 401.
    /// This must be a subset of the AuthenticationSchemes enabled on the server.
    /// </summary>
    public AuthenticationSchemes AuthenticationChallenges
        get { return _authChallenges; }
            _authChallenges = value;
    private string GetReasonPhrase(int statusCode)
        var reasonPhrase = ReasonPhrase;
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reasonPhrase))
            // If the user hasn't set this then it is generated on the fly if possible.
            reasonPhrase = ReasonPhrases.GetReasonPhrase(statusCode);
        return reasonPhrase;
    // We MUST NOT send message-body when we send responses with these Status codes
    private static readonly int[] StatusWithNoResponseBody = { 100, 101, 204, 205, 304 };
    private static bool CanSendResponseBody(int responseCode)
        for (var i = 0; i < StatusWithNoResponseBody.Length; i++)
            if (responseCode == StatusWithNoResponseBody[i])
                return false;
        return true;
    public HeaderCollection Headers { get; }
    public HeaderCollection Trailers => _trailers ??= new HeaderCollection(checkTrailers: true) { IsReadOnly = BodyIsFinished };
    internal bool HasTrailers => _trailers?.Count > 0;
    // Trailers are supported on this OS, it's HTTP/2, and the app added a Trailer response header to announce trailers were intended.
    // Needed to delay the completion of Content-Length responses.
    internal bool TrailersExpected => HasTrailers
        || (HttpApi.SupportsTrailers && Request.ProtocolVersion >= HttpVersion.Version20
                && Headers.ContainsKey(HeaderNames.Trailer));
    internal long ExpectedBodyLength
        get { return _expectedBodyLength; }
    // Header accessors
    public long? ContentLength
        get { return Headers.ContentLength; }
        set { Headers.ContentLength = value; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Enable kernel caching for the response with the given timeout. Http.Sys determines if the response
    /// can be cached.
    /// </summary>
    public TimeSpan? CacheTtl
        get { return _cacheTtl; }
            _cacheTtl = value;
    // The response is being finished with or without trailers. Mark them as readonly to inform
    // callers if they try to add them too late. E.g. after Content-Length or CompleteAsync().
    internal void MakeTrailersReadOnly()
        if (_trailers != null)
            _trailers.IsReadOnly = true;
    internal void Abort()
        // Do not attempt a graceful Dispose.
        // _responseState is not modified because that refers to app state like modifying
        // status and headers. See
        _aborted = true;
    // should only be called from RequestContext
    internal void Dispose()
        if (_aborted || _responseState >= ResponseState.Closed)
        // TODO: Verbose log
        _responseState = ResponseState.Closed;
    internal BoundaryType BoundaryType
        get { return _boundaryType; }
    internal bool HasComputedHeaders
        get { return _responseState >= ResponseState.ComputedHeaders; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Indicates if the response status, reason, and headers are prepared to send and can
    /// no longer be modified. This is caused by the first write or flush to the response body.
    /// </summary>
    public bool HasStarted
        get { return _responseState >= ResponseState.Started; }
    private void CheckResponseStarted()
        if (HasStarted)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Headers already sent.");
    private void EnsureResponseStream()
        if (_nativeStream == null)
            _nativeStream = new ResponseBody(RequestContext);
    HttpSendHttpResponse() and HttpSendResponseEntityBody() Flag Values.
    The following flags can be used on calls to HttpSendHttpResponse() and HttpSendResponseEntityBody() API calls:
    #define HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_DISCONNECT          0x00000001
    #define HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_MORE_DATA           0x00000002
    #define HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_RAW_HEADER          0x00000004
    #define HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_VALID               0x00000007
        specifies that the network connection should be disconnected immediately after
        sending the response, overriding the HTTP protocol's persistent connection features.
        specifies that additional entity body data will be sent by the caller. Thus,
        the last call HttpSendResponseEntityBody for a RequestId, will have this flag reset.
        specifies that a caller of HttpSendResponseEntityBody() is intentionally omitting
        a call to HttpSendHttpResponse() in order to bypass normal header processing. The
        actual HTTP header will be generated by the application and sent as entity body.
        This flag should be passed on the first call to HttpSendResponseEntityBody, and
        not after. Thus, flag is not applicable to HttpSendHttpResponse.
    // TODO: Consider using HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_RAW_HEADER with HttpSendResponseEntityBody instead of calling HttpSendHttpResponse.
    // This will give us more control of the bytes that hit the wire, including encodings, HTTP 1.0, etc..
    // It may also be faster to do this work in managed code and then pass down only one buffer.
    // What would we loose by bypassing HttpSendHttpResponse?
    internal unsafe uint SendHeaders(ref UnmanagedBufferAllocator allocator,
        Span<HTTP_DATA_CHUNK> dataChunks,
        ResponseStreamAsyncResult? asyncResult,
        uint flags,
        bool isOpaqueUpgrade)
        Debug.Assert(!HasStarted, "HttpListenerResponse::SendHeaders()|SentHeaders is true.");
        _responseState = ResponseState.Started;
        var reasonPhrase = GetReasonPhrase(StatusCode);
        uint statusCode;
        uint bytesSent;
        SerializeHeaders(ref allocator, isOpaqueUpgrade);
        fixed (HTTP_DATA_CHUNK* chunks = dataChunks)
            if (chunks != null)
                _nativeResponse.Base.EntityChunkCount = checked((ushort)dataChunks.Length);
                _nativeResponse.Base.pEntityChunks = chunks;
            else if (asyncResult != null && asyncResult.DataChunks != null)
                _nativeResponse.Base.EntityChunkCount = asyncResult.DataChunkCount;
                _nativeResponse.Base.pEntityChunks = asyncResult.DataChunks;
                _nativeResponse.Base.EntityChunkCount = 0;
                _nativeResponse.Base.pEntityChunks = null;
            var cachePolicy = new HTTP_CACHE_POLICY();
            if (_cacheTtl.HasValue && _cacheTtl.Value > TimeSpan.Zero)
                cachePolicy.Policy = HTTP_CACHE_POLICY_TYPE.HttpCachePolicyTimeToLive;
                cachePolicy.SecondsToLive = (uint)Math.Min(_cacheTtl.Value.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond, Int32.MaxValue);
            var pReasonPhrase = allocator.GetHeaderEncodedBytes(reasonPhrase, out var pReasonPhraseLength);
            _nativeResponse.Base.ReasonLength = checked((ushort)pReasonPhraseLength);
            _nativeResponse.Base.pReason = (PCSTR)pReasonPhrase;
            fixed (HTTP_RESPONSE_V2* pResponse = &_nativeResponse)
                statusCode =
                        asyncResult == null ? SafeNativeOverlapped.Zero : asyncResult.NativeOverlapped!,
                // GoAway is only supported on later versions. Retry.
                if (statusCode == ErrorCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
                    && (flags & PInvoke.HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_GOAWAY) != 0)
                    flags &= ~PInvoke.HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_GOAWAY;
                    statusCode =
                            asyncResult == null ? SafeNativeOverlapped.Zero : asyncResult.NativeOverlapped!,
                    // Succeeded without GoAway, disable them.
                    if (statusCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
                        SupportsGoAway = false;
                if (asyncResult != null &&
                    statusCode == ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
                    asyncResult.BytesSent = bytesSent;
                    // The caller will invoke IOCompleted
        return statusCode;
    internal uint ComputeHeaders(long writeCount, bool endOfRequest = false)
        Headers.IsReadOnly = false; // Temporarily unlock
        if (StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized)
        var flags = 0u;
        Debug.Assert(!HasComputedHeaders, nameof(HasComputedHeaders) + " is true.");
        _responseState = ResponseState.ComputedHeaders;
        // Gather everything from the request that affects the response:
        var requestVersion = Request.ProtocolVersion;
        var requestConnectionString = Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Connection];
        var isHeadRequest = Request.IsHeadMethod;
        var requestCloseSet = Matches(Constants.Close, requestConnectionString);
        var requestConnectionKeepAliveSet = Matches(Constants.KeepAlive, requestConnectionString);
        // Gather everything the app may have set on the response:
        // Http.Sys does not allow us to specify the response protocol version, assume this is a HTTP/1.1 response when making decisions.
        var responseConnectionString = Headers[HeaderNames.Connection];
        var transferEncodingString = Headers[HeaderNames.TransferEncoding];
        var responseContentLength = ContentLength;
        var responseCloseSet = Matches(Constants.Close, responseConnectionString);
        var responseChunkedSet = Matches(Constants.Chunked, transferEncodingString);
        var statusCanHaveBody = CanSendResponseBody(RequestContext.Response.StatusCode);
        // Determine if the connection will be kept alive or closed.
        var keepConnectionAlive = true;
        // An HTTP/1.1 server may also establish persistent connections with
        // HTTP/1.0 clients upon receipt of a Keep-Alive connection token.
        // However, a persistent connection with an HTTP/1.0 client cannot make
        // use of the chunked transfer-coding. From:
        if (requestVersion < Constants.V1_0
            || (requestVersion == Constants.V1_0 && (!requestConnectionKeepAliveSet || responseChunkedSet))
            || (requestVersion == Constants.V1_1 && requestCloseSet)
            || responseCloseSet)
            keepConnectionAlive = false;
        // Determine the body format. If the user asks to do something, let them, otherwise choose a good default for the scenario.
        if (responseContentLength.HasValue)
            _boundaryType = BoundaryType.ContentLength;
            // ComputeLeftToWrite checks for HEAD requests when setting _leftToWrite
            _expectedBodyLength = responseContentLength.Value;
            if (_expectedBodyLength == writeCount && !isHeadRequest && !TrailersExpected)
                // A single write with the whole content-length. Http.Sys will set the content-length for us in this scenario.
                // If we don't remove it then range requests served from cache will have two.
                ContentLength = null;
        else if (responseChunkedSet)
            // The application is performing it's own chunking.
            _boundaryType = BoundaryType.PassThrough;
        else if (endOfRequest)
            if (!isHeadRequest && statusCanHaveBody)
                Headers[HeaderNames.ContentLength] = Constants.Zero;
            _boundaryType = BoundaryType.ContentLength;
            _expectedBodyLength = 0;
        else if (requestVersion == Constants.V1_1)
            _boundaryType = BoundaryType.Chunked;
            Headers[HeaderNames.TransferEncoding] = Constants.Chunked;
            // v1.0 and the length cannot be determined, so we must close the connection after writing data
            // Or v2.0 and chunking isn't required.
            keepConnectionAlive = false;
            _boundaryType = BoundaryType.Close;
        // Managed connection lifetime
        if (!keepConnectionAlive)
            // All Http.Sys responses are v1.1, so use 1.1 response headers
            // Note that if we don't add this header, Http.Sys will often do it for us.
            if (!responseCloseSet)
                Headers.Append(HeaderNames.Connection, Constants.Close);
            if (responseCloseSet && requestVersion >= Constants.V2 && SupportsGoAway)
                flags |= PInvoke.HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_GOAWAY;
        Headers.IsReadOnly = true;
        return flags;
    private static bool Matches(string knownValue, StringValues input)
        return string.Equals(knownValue, input.ToString().Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
    private unsafe void SerializeHeaders(ref UnmanagedBufferAllocator allocator, bool isOpaqueUpgrade)
        Headers.IsReadOnly = true; // Prohibit further modifications.
        Span<HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER> unknownHeaders = default;
        Span<HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO> knownHeaderInfo = default;
        if (Headers.Count == 0)
        string headerValue;
        int lookup;
        byte* bytes;
        int bytesLength;
        var numUnknownHeaders = 0;
        var numKnownMultiHeaders = 0;
        foreach (var (headerName, headerValues) in Headers)
            if (headerValues.Count == 0)
            // See if this is an unknown header
            // Http.Sys doesn't let us send the Connection: Upgrade header as a Known header.
            if (!HttpApiTypes.KnownResponseHeaders.TryGetValue(headerName, out lookup) ||
                (isOpaqueUpgrade && lookup == (int)HTTP_HEADER_ID.HttpHeaderConnection))
                numUnknownHeaders += headerValues.Count;
            else if (headerValues.Count > 1)
            // else known single-value header.
        fixed (__HTTP_KNOWN_HEADER_30* pKnownHeaders = &_nativeResponse.Base.Headers.KnownHeaders)
            var knownHeaders = pKnownHeaders->AsSpan();
            foreach (var (headerName, headerValues) in Headers)
                if (headerValues.Count == 0)
                // Http.Sys doesn't let us send the Connection: Upgrade header as a Known header.
                if (!HttpApiTypes.KnownResponseHeaders.TryGetValue(headerName, out lookup) ||
                    (isOpaqueUpgrade && lookup == (int)HTTP_HEADER_ID.HttpHeaderConnection))
                    if (unknownHeaders.Length == 0)
                        var unknownAlloc = allocator.AllocAsPointer<HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER>(numUnknownHeaders);
                        unknownHeaders = new Span<HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER>(unknownAlloc, numUnknownHeaders);
                        _nativeResponse.Base.Headers.pUnknownHeaders = unknownAlloc;
                    for (var headerValueIndex = 0; headerValueIndex < headerValues.Count; headerValueIndex++)
                        // Add Name
                        bytes = allocator.GetHeaderEncodedBytes(headerName, out bytesLength);
                        unknownHeaders[_nativeResponse.Base.Headers.UnknownHeaderCount].NameLength = checked((ushort)bytesLength);
                        unknownHeaders[_nativeResponse.Base.Headers.UnknownHeaderCount].pName = (PCSTR)bytes;
                        // Add Value
                        headerValue = headerValues[headerValueIndex] ?? string.Empty;
                        bytes = allocator.GetHeaderEncodedBytes(headerValue, out bytesLength);
                        unknownHeaders[_nativeResponse.Base.Headers.UnknownHeaderCount].RawValueLength = checked((ushort)bytesLength);
                        unknownHeaders[_nativeResponse.Base.Headers.UnknownHeaderCount].pRawValue = (PCSTR)bytes;
                else if (headerValues.Count == 1)
                    headerValue = headerValues[0] ?? string.Empty;
                    bytes = allocator.GetHeaderEncodedBytes(headerValue, out bytesLength);
                    knownHeaders[lookup].RawValueLength = checked((ushort)bytesLength);
                    knownHeaders[lookup].pRawValue = (PCSTR)bytes;
                    if (knownHeaderInfo.Length == 0)
                        var responseAlloc = allocator.AllocAsPointer<HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO>(numKnownMultiHeaders);
                        knownHeaderInfo = new Span<HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO>(responseAlloc, numKnownMultiHeaders);
                        _nativeResponse.pResponseInfo = responseAlloc;
                    knownHeaderInfo[_nativeResponse.ResponseInfoCount].Type = HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_TYPE.HttpResponseInfoTypeMultipleKnownHeaders;
                    knownHeaderInfo[_nativeResponse.ResponseInfoCount].Length = (uint)sizeof(HTTP_MULTIPLE_KNOWN_HEADERS);
                    var header = allocator.AllocAsPointer<HTTP_MULTIPLE_KNOWN_HEADERS>(1);
                    header->HeaderId = (HTTP_HEADER_ID)lookup;
                    header->Flags = PInvoke.HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_FLAGS_PRESERVE_ORDER; // The docs say this is for www-auth only.
                    header->KnownHeaderCount = 0;
                    var headerAlloc = allocator.AllocAsPointer<HTTP_KNOWN_HEADER>(headerValues.Count);
                    var nativeHeaderValues = new Span<HTTP_KNOWN_HEADER>(headerAlloc, headerValues.Count);
                    header->KnownHeaders = headerAlloc;
                    for (var headerValueIndex = 0; headerValueIndex < headerValues.Count; headerValueIndex++)
                        // Add Value
                        headerValue = headerValues[headerValueIndex] ?? string.Empty;
                        bytes = allocator.GetHeaderEncodedBytes(headerValue, out bytesLength);
                        nativeHeaderValues[header->KnownHeaderCount].RawValueLength = checked((ushort)bytesLength);
                        nativeHeaderValues[header->KnownHeaderCount].pRawValue = (PCSTR)bytes;
                    knownHeaderInfo[_nativeResponse.ResponseInfoCount].pInfo = header;
    internal unsafe void SerializeTrailers(ref UnmanagedBufferAllocator allocator, out HTTP_DATA_CHUNK dataChunk)
        var trailerCount = 0;
        foreach (var trailerPair in Trailers)
            trailerCount += trailerPair.Value.Count;
        var unknownHeaders = allocator.AllocAsPointer<HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER>(trailerCount);
        // Since the dataChunk instance represents an unmanaged union, we are only setting a subset of
        // overlapping fields. In order to make this clear here, we use Unsafe.SkipInit().
        Unsafe.SkipInit(out dataChunk);
        dataChunk.DataChunkType = HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE.HttpDataChunkTrailers;
        dataChunk.Anonymous.Trailers.TrailerCount = checked((ushort)trailerCount);
        dataChunk.Anonymous.Trailers.pTrailers = unknownHeaders;
        var unknownHeadersOffset = 0;
        foreach (var headerPair in Trailers)
            if (headerPair.Value.Count == 0)
            var headerName = headerPair.Key;
            var headerValues = headerPair.Value;
            for (var headerValueIndex = 0; headerValueIndex < headerValues.Count; headerValueIndex++)
                // Add Name
                var bytes = allocator.GetHeaderEncodedBytes(headerName, out var bytesLength);
                unknownHeaders[unknownHeadersOffset].NameLength = checked((ushort)bytesLength);
                unknownHeaders[unknownHeadersOffset].pName = (PCSTR)bytes;
                // Add Value
                var headerValue = headerValues[headerValueIndex] ?? string.Empty;
                bytes = allocator.GetHeaderEncodedBytes(headerValue, out bytesLength);
                unknownHeaders[unknownHeadersOffset].RawValueLength = checked((ushort)bytesLength);
                unknownHeaders[unknownHeadersOffset].pRawValue = (PCSTR)bytes;
        Debug.Assert(unknownHeadersOffset == trailerCount);
    // Subset of ComputeHeaders
    internal void SendOpaqueUpgrade()
        _boundaryType = BoundaryType.Close;
        UnmanagedBufferAllocator allocator = new();
            // TODO: Send headers async?
            ulong errorCode = SendHeaders(ref allocator, null, null,
                PInvoke.HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_OPAQUE |
            if (errorCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                throw new HttpSysException((int)errorCode);
    internal void MarkDelegated()
    internal void CancelLastWrite()
    public Task SendFileAsync(string path, long offset, long? count, CancellationToken cancel)
        return _nativeStream.SendFileAsync(path, offset, count, cancel);
    internal void SwitchToOpaqueMode()