File: AuthenticationManager.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\HttpSys\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
using Windows.Win32;
using Windows.Win32.Networking.HttpServer;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys;
// See the native HTTP_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_INFO structure documentation for additional information.
/// <summary>
/// Exposes the Http.Sys authentication configurations.
/// </summary>
public sealed class AuthenticationManager
    private static readonly int AuthInfoSize =
    private UrlGroup? _urlGroup;
    private AuthenticationSchemes _authSchemes;
    private bool _allowAnonymous = true;
    internal AuthenticationManager()
    /// <summary>
    /// When attaching to an existing queue this setting must match the one used to create the queue.
    /// </summary>
    public AuthenticationSchemes Schemes
        get { return _authSchemes; }
            _authSchemes = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Indicates if anonymous requests will be surfaced to the application or challenged by the server.
    /// The default value is true.
    /// </summary>
    public bool AllowAnonymous
        get { return _allowAnonymous; }
        set { _allowAnonymous = value; }
    /// <summary>
    /// If true the server should set HttpContext.User. If false the server will only provide an
    /// identity when explicitly requested by the AuthenticationScheme. The default is true.
    /// </summary>
    public bool AutomaticAuthentication { get; set; } = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the display name shown to users on login pages. The default is null.
    /// </summary>
    public string? AuthenticationDisplayName { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// If true, the Kerberos authentication credentials are persisted per connection
    /// and re-used for subsequent anonymous requests on the same connection.
    /// Kerberos or Negotiate authentication must be enabled. The default is false.
    /// This option maps to the native HTTP_AUTH_EX_FLAG_ENABLE_KERBEROS_CREDENTIAL_CACHING flag.
    /// <see href=""/>
    /// </summary>
    public bool EnableKerberosCredentialCaching { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// If true, the server captures user credentials from the thread that starts the
    /// host and impersonates that user during Kerberos or Negotiate authentication.
    /// Kerberos or Negotiate authentication must be enabled. The default is false.
    /// This option maps to the native HTTP_AUTH_EX_FLAG_CAPTURE_CREDENTIAL flag.
    /// <see href=""/>
    /// </summary>
    public bool CaptureCredentials { get; set; }
    internal void SetUrlGroupSecurity(UrlGroup urlGroup)
        Debug.Assert(_urlGroup == null, "SetUrlGroupSecurity called more than once.");
        _urlGroup = urlGroup;
    private unsafe void SetUrlGroupSecurity()
        if (_urlGroup == null)
            // Not started yet.
        var authInfo = new HTTP_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_INFO();
        authInfo.Flags = HttpApi.HTTP_PROPERTY_FLAGS_PRESENT;
        if (_authSchemes != AuthenticationSchemes.None)
            authInfo.AuthSchemes = (uint)_authSchemes;
            authInfo.ExFlags = 0;
            if (EnableKerberosCredentialCaching)
                authInfo.ExFlags |= (byte)PInvoke.HTTP_AUTH_EX_FLAG_ENABLE_KERBEROS_CREDENTIAL_CACHING;
            if (CaptureCredentials)
                authInfo.ExFlags |= (byte)PInvoke.HTTP_AUTH_EX_FLAG_CAPTURE_CREDENTIAL;
            // TODO:
            // NTLM auth sharing (on by default?) DisableNTLMCredentialCaching
            // Mutual Auth - ReceiveMutualAuth
            // Digest domain and realm - HTTP_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_DIGEST_PARAMS
            HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY property;
            if (authInfo.ExFlags != 0)
                // We need to modify extended fields such as ExFlags, set the extended auth property.
                property = HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY.HttpServerExtendedAuthenticationProperty;
                // Otherwise set the regular auth property.
                property = HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY.HttpServerAuthenticationProperty;
            IntPtr infoptr = new IntPtr(&authInfo);
            _urlGroup.SetProperty(property, infoptr, (uint)AuthInfoSize);
    internal static IList<string> GenerateChallenges(AuthenticationSchemes authSchemes)
        if (authSchemes == AuthenticationSchemes.None)
            return Array.Empty<string>();
        IList<string> challenges = new List<string>();
        // Order by strength.
        if ((authSchemes & AuthenticationSchemes.Kerberos) == AuthenticationSchemes.Kerberos)
        if ((authSchemes & AuthenticationSchemes.Negotiate) == AuthenticationSchemes.Negotiate)
        if ((authSchemes & AuthenticationSchemes.NTLM) == AuthenticationSchemes.NTLM)
        /*if ((_authSchemes & AuthenticationSchemes.Digest) == AuthenticationSchemes.Digest)
            // TODO:
            throw new NotImplementedException("Digest challenge generation has not been implemented.");
            // challenges.Add("Digest");
        if ((authSchemes & AuthenticationSchemes.Basic) == AuthenticationSchemes.Basic)
            // TODO: Realm
        return challenges;
    internal static void SetAuthenticationChallenge(RequestContext context)
        IList<string> challenges = GenerateChallenges(context.Response.AuthenticationChallenges);
        if (challenges.Count > 0)
                = StringValues.Concat(context.Response.Headers[HeaderNames.WWWAuthenticate], challenges.ToArray());