8 instantiations of CandidateState
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (8)
Matching\CandidateSet.cs (7)
49Candidates[i] = new CandidateState(endpoints[i], values[i], scores[i]); 59Candidates[i] = new CandidateState(candidates[i].Endpoint, candidates[i].Score); 148candidate = new CandidateState(candidate.Endpoint, candidate.Values, score); 175Candidates[index] = new CandidateState(endpoint!, values, Candidates[index].Score); 281candidates[index] = new CandidateState(buffer[0], values, score); 300Candidates[i + index] = new CandidateState(buffer[i], values, score + scoreOffset); 305Candidates[i + endpoints.Count - 1] = new CandidateState(original[i].Endpoint, original[i].Values, original[i].Score + scoreOffset);
Matching\DfaMatcher.cs (1)
122state = new CandidateState(candidate.Endpoint, candidate.Score);
36 references to CandidateState
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (2)
Routing\ActionConstraintMatcherPolicy.cs (2)
116ref var candidate = ref candidateSet[i]; 217ref var candidate = ref candidateSet[item.index];
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation (2)
PageLoaderMatcherPolicy.cs (2)
67ref var candidate = ref candidates[i]; 108var candidate = candidates[i];
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (23)
Matching\CandidateSet.cs (12)
20internal CandidateState[] Candidates; 34/// <param name="scores">The list of endpoint scores. <see cref="CandidateState.Score"/>.</param> 46Candidates = new CandidateState[endpoints.Length]; 56Candidates = new CandidateState[candidates.Length]; 63internal CandidateSet(CandidateState[] candidates) 74/// Gets the <see cref="CandidateState"/> associated with the candidate <see cref="Endpoint"/> 79/// A reference to the <see cref="CandidateState"/>. The result is returned by reference. 81public ref CandidateState this[int index] 120internal static bool IsValidCandidate(ref CandidateState candidate) 140ref var original = ref Candidates[index]; 144internal static void SetValidity(ref CandidateState candidate, bool value) 246var candidates = new CandidateState[original.Length - 1 + endpoints.Count];
Matching\DefaultEndpointSelector.cs (6)
22internal static void Select(HttpContext httpContext, Span<CandidateState> candidateState) 36ref var state = ref candidateState[0]; 58Span<CandidateState> candidateState) 65ref var state = ref candidateState[i]; 107private static void ReportAmbiguity(Span<CandidateState> candidateState) 114ref var state = ref candidateState[i];
Matching\DfaMatcher.cs (4)
103CandidateState[]? candidateStateArray = null; 110? ((Span<CandidateState>)candidateStateStackArray)[..candidateCount] 111: (candidateStateArray = new CandidateState[candidateCount]); 341private CandidateState _value0;
Matching\NegotiationMatcherPolicy.cs (1)
108ref var candidate = ref candidates[i];
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests (9)
Matching\CandidateSetTest.cs (9)
33ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 62ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 95ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 137ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 187ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 230ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 244ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 287ref var state = ref candidateSet[i]; 358ref var state = ref candidateSet[i];