File: Matching\DfaMatcher.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Routing\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Patterns;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching;
internal sealed partial class DfaMatcher : Matcher
    private const int CandidateSetStackSize = 4;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly EndpointSelector _selector;
    private readonly DfaState[] _states;
    private readonly int _maxSegmentCount;
    private readonly bool _isDefaultEndpointSelector;
    public DfaMatcher(ILogger<DfaMatcher> logger, EndpointSelector selector, DfaState[] states, int maxSegmentCount)
        _logger = logger;
        _selector = selector;
        _states = states;
        _maxSegmentCount = maxSegmentCount;
        _isDefaultEndpointSelector = selector is DefaultEndpointSelector;
    public sealed override Task MatchAsync(HttpContext httpContext)
        // All of the logging we do here is at level debug, so we can get away with doing a single check.
        var log = _logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug);
        // The sequence of actions we take is optimized to avoid doing expensive work
        // like creating substrings, creating route value dictionaries, and calling
        // into policies like versioning.
        var path = httpContext.Request.Path.Value!;
        // First tokenize the path into series of segments.
        Span<PathSegment> buffer = stackalloc PathSegment[_maxSegmentCount];
        var count = FastPathTokenizer.Tokenize(path, buffer);
        var segments = buffer.Slice(0, count);
        // FindCandidateSet will process the DFA and return a candidate set. This does
        // some preliminary matching of the URL (mostly the literal segments).
        var (candidates, policies) = FindCandidateSet(httpContext, path, segments);
        var candidateCount = candidates.Length;
        if (candidateCount == 0)
            if (log)
                Log.CandidatesNotFound(_logger, path);
            return Task.CompletedTask;
        if (log)
            Log.CandidatesFound(_logger, path, candidates);
        var policyCount = policies.Length;
        // This is a fast path for single candidate, 0 policies and default selector
        if (candidateCount == 1 && policyCount == 0 && _isDefaultEndpointSelector)
            ref readonly var candidate = ref candidates[0];
            // Just strict path matching (no route values)
            if (candidate.Flags == Candidate.CandidateFlags.None)
                // We're done
                return Task.CompletedTask;
        // At this point we have a candidate set, defined as a list of endpoints in
        // priority order.
        // We don't yet know that any candidate can be considered a match, because
        // we haven't processed things like route constraints and complex segments.
        // Now we'll iterate each endpoint to capture route values, process constraints,
        // and process complex segments.
        // `candidates` has all of our internal state that we use to process the
        // set of endpoints before we call the EndpointSelector.
        // `candidateSet` is the mutable state that we pass to the EndpointSelector.
        // Fast path that avoids allocating the candidate set.
        // We can use this when there are no policies and we're using the default selector.
        var useFastPath = policyCount == 0 && _isDefaultEndpointSelector;
        CandidateState[]? candidateStateArray = null;
        var candidateStateStackArray = new CandidateStateArray();
        // Heap allocated candidate set if we can't use the fast path or if the number of candidates
        // is large.
        var candidateState = useFastPath && candidateCount <= CandidateSetStackSize
            ? ((Span<CandidateState>)candidateStateStackArray)[..candidateCount]
            : (candidateStateArray = new CandidateState[candidateCount]);
        for (var i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++)
            // PERF: using ref here to avoid copying around big structs.
            // Reminder!
            // candidate: readonly data about the endpoint and how to match
            // state: mutable storarge for our processing
            ref readonly var candidate = ref candidates[i];
            ref var state = ref candidateState[i];
            state = new CandidateState(candidate.Endpoint, candidate.Score);
            var flags = candidate.Flags;
            // First process all of the parameters and defaults.
            if ((flags & Candidate.CandidateFlags.HasSlots) != 0)
                // The Slots array has the default values of the route values in it.
                // We want to create a new array for the route values based on Slots
                // as a prototype.
                var prototype = candidate.Slots;
                var slots = new KeyValuePair<string, object?>[prototype.Length];
                if ((flags & Candidate.CandidateFlags.HasDefaults) != 0)
                    Array.Copy(prototype, 0, slots, 0, prototype.Length);
                if ((flags & Candidate.CandidateFlags.HasCaptures) != 0)
                    ProcessCaptures(slots, candidate.Captures, path, segments);
                if ((flags & Candidate.CandidateFlags.HasCatchAll) != 0)
                    ProcessCatchAll(slots, candidate.CatchAll, path, segments);
                state.Values = RouteValueDictionary.FromArray(slots);
            // Now that we have the route values, we need to process complex segments.
            // Complex segments go through an old API that requires a fully-materialized
            // route value dictionary.
            var isMatch = true;
            if ((flags & Candidate.CandidateFlags.HasComplexSegments) != 0)
                state.Values ??= new RouteValueDictionary();
                if (!ProcessComplexSegments(candidate.Endpoint, candidate.ComplexSegments, path, segments, state.Values))
                    CandidateSet.SetValidity(ref state, false);
                    isMatch = false;
            if ((flags & Candidate.CandidateFlags.HasConstraints) != 0)
                state.Values ??= new RouteValueDictionary();
                if (!ProcessConstraints(candidate.Endpoint, candidate.Constraints, httpContext, state.Values))
                    CandidateSet.SetValidity(ref state, false);
                    isMatch = false;
            if (log)
                if (isMatch)
                    Log.CandidateValid(_logger, path, candidate.Endpoint);
                    Log.CandidateNotValid(_logger, path, candidate.Endpoint);
        if (useFastPath)
            DefaultEndpointSelector.Select(httpContext, candidateState);
            return Task.CompletedTask;
        else if (policyCount == 0)
            Debug.Assert(candidateStateArray is not null);
            // Fast path that avoids a state machine.
            // We can use this when there are no policies and a non-default selector.
            return _selector.SelectAsync(httpContext, new CandidateSet(candidateStateArray));
        Debug.Assert(candidateStateArray is not null);
        return SelectEndpointWithPoliciesAsync(httpContext, policies, new CandidateSet(candidateStateArray));
    internal (Candidate[] candidates, IEndpointSelectorPolicy[] policies) FindCandidateSet(
        HttpContext httpContext,
        string path,
        ReadOnlySpan<PathSegment> segments)
        var states = _states;
        // Process each path segment
        var destination = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++)
            destination = states[destination].PathTransitions.GetDestination(path, segments[i]);
        // Process an arbitrary number of policy-based decisions
        var policyTransitions = states[destination].PolicyTransitions;
        while (policyTransitions != null)
            destination = policyTransitions.GetDestination(httpContext);
            policyTransitions = states[destination].PolicyTransitions;
        return (states[destination].Candidates, states[destination].Policies);
    private static void ProcessCaptures(
        KeyValuePair<string, object?>[] slots,
        (string parameterName, int segmentIndex, int slotIndex)[] captures,
        string path,
        ReadOnlySpan<PathSegment> segments)
        for (var i = 0; i < captures.Length; i++)
            (var parameterName, var segmentIndex, var slotIndex) = captures[i];
            if ((uint)segmentIndex < (uint)segments.Length)
                var segment = segments[segmentIndex];
                if (parameterName != null && segment.Length > 0)
                    slots[slotIndex] = new KeyValuePair<string, object?>(
                        path.Substring(segment.Start, segment.Length));
    private static void ProcessCatchAll(
        KeyValuePair<string, object?>[] slots,
        in (string parameterName, int segmentIndex, int slotIndex) catchAll,
        string path,
        ReadOnlySpan<PathSegment> segments)
        // Read segmentIndex to local both to skip double read from stack value
        // and to use the same in-bounds validated variable to access the array.
        var segmentIndex = catchAll.segmentIndex;
        if ((uint)segmentIndex < (uint)segments.Length)
            var segment = segments[segmentIndex];
            slots[catchAll.slotIndex] = new KeyValuePair<string, object?>(
    private bool ProcessComplexSegments(
        Endpoint endpoint,
        (RoutePatternPathSegment pathSegment, int segmentIndex)[] complexSegments,
        string path,
        ReadOnlySpan<PathSegment> segments,
        RouteValueDictionary values)
        for (var i = 0; i < complexSegments.Length; i++)
            (var complexSegment, var segmentIndex) = complexSegments[i];
            var segment = segments[segmentIndex];
            var text = path.AsSpan(segment.Start, segment.Length);
            if (!RoutePatternMatcher.MatchComplexSegment(complexSegment, text, values))
                Log.CandidateRejectedByComplexSegment(_logger, path, endpoint, complexSegment);
                return false;
        return true;
    private bool ProcessConstraints(
        Endpoint endpoint,
        KeyValuePair<string, IRouteConstraint>[] constraints,
        HttpContext httpContext,
        RouteValueDictionary values)
        for (var i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++)
            var constraint = constraints[i];
            if (!constraint.Value.Match(httpContext, NullRouter.Instance, constraint.Key, values, RouteDirection.IncomingRequest))
                Log.CandidateRejectedByConstraint(_logger, httpContext.Request.Path, endpoint, constraint.Key, constraint.Value, values[constraint.Key]);
                return false;
        return true;
    private async Task SelectEndpointWithPoliciesAsync(
        HttpContext httpContext,
        IEndpointSelectorPolicy[] policies,
        CandidateSet candidateSet)
        for (var i = 0; i < policies.Length; i++)
            var policy = policies[i];
            await policy.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
            if (httpContext.GetEndpoint() != null)
                // This is a short circuit, the selector chose an endpoint.
        await _selector.SelectAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
    private struct CandidateStateArray
#pragma warning disable CA1823 // Avoid unused private fields
#pragma warning disable IDE0044 // Add readonly modifier
#pragma warning disable IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
        private CandidateState _value0;
#pragma warning restore IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
#pragma warning restore IDE0044 // Add readonly modifier
#pragma warning restore CA1823 // Avoid unused private fields
    private static partial class Log
        [LoggerMessage(1000, LogLevel.Debug,
            "No candidates found for the request path '{Path}'",
            EventName = "CandidatesNotFound",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        public static partial void CandidatesNotFound(ILogger logger, string path);
        public static void CandidatesFound(ILogger logger, string path, Candidate[] candidates)
            => CandidatesFound(logger, candidates.Length, path);
        [LoggerMessage(1001, LogLevel.Debug,
            "{CandidateCount} candidate(s) found for the request path '{Path}'",
            EventName = "CandidatesFound",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void CandidatesFound(ILogger logger, int candidateCount, string path);
        public static void CandidateRejectedByComplexSegment(ILogger logger, string path, Endpoint endpoint, RoutePatternPathSegment segment)
            // This should return a real pattern since we're processing complex segments.... but just in case.
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                var routePattern = GetRoutePattern(endpoint);
                CandidateRejectedByComplexSegment(logger, endpoint.DisplayName, routePattern, segment.DebuggerToString(), path);
        [LoggerMessage(1002, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Endpoint '{Endpoint}' with route pattern '{RoutePattern}' was rejected by complex segment '{Segment}' for the request path '{Path}'",
            EventName = "CandidateRejectedByComplexSegment",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void CandidateRejectedByComplexSegment(ILogger logger, string? endpoint, string routePattern, string segment, string path);
        public static void CandidateRejectedByConstraint(ILogger logger, string path, Endpoint endpoint, string constraintName, IRouteConstraint constraint, object? value)
            // This should return a real pattern since we're processing constraints.... but just in case.
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                var routePattern = GetRoutePattern(endpoint);
                CandidateRejectedByConstraint(logger, endpoint.DisplayName, routePattern, constraintName, constraint.ToString(), value, path);
        [LoggerMessage(1003, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Endpoint '{Endpoint}' with route pattern '{RoutePattern}' was rejected by constraint '{ConstraintName}':'{Constraint}' with value '{RouteValue}' for the request path '{Path}'",
            EventName = "CandidateRejectedByConstraint",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void CandidateRejectedByConstraint(ILogger logger, string? endpoint, string routePattern, string constraintName, string? constraint, object? routeValue, string path);
        public static void CandidateNotValid(ILogger logger, string path, Endpoint endpoint)
            // This can be the fallback value because it really might not be a route endpoint
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                var routePattern = GetRoutePattern(endpoint);
                CandidateNotValid(logger, endpoint.DisplayName, routePattern, path);
        [LoggerMessage(1004, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Endpoint '{Endpoint}' with route pattern '{RoutePattern}' is not valid for the request path '{Path}'",
            EventName = "CandidateNotValid",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void CandidateNotValid(ILogger logger, string? endpoint, string routePattern, string path);
        public static void CandidateValid(ILogger logger, string path, Endpoint endpoint)
            // This can be the fallback value because it really might not be a route endpoint
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                var routePattern = GetRoutePattern(endpoint);
                CandidateValid(logger, endpoint.DisplayName, routePattern, path);
        [LoggerMessage(1005, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Endpoint '{Endpoint}' with route pattern '{RoutePattern}' is valid for the request path '{Path}'",
            EventName = "CandidateValid",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void CandidateValid(ILogger logger, string? endpoint, string routePattern, string path);
        private static string GetRoutePattern(Endpoint endpoint)
            return (endpoint as RouteEndpoint)?.RoutePattern?.RawText ?? "(none)";