// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Metadata;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionConstraints;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Metadata;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Template;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer;
/// <summary>
/// Implements a provider of <see cref="ApiDescription"/> for actions represented
/// by <see cref="ControllerActionDescriptor"/>.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("DefaultApiDescriptionProvider is used by MVC which does not currently support trimming or native AOT.", Url = "https://aka.ms/aspnet/trimming")]
[RequiresDynamicCode("DefaultApiDescriptionProvider is used by MVC which does not currently support trimming or native AOT.", Url = "https://aka.ms/aspnet/trimming")]
public class DefaultApiDescriptionProvider : IApiDescriptionProvider
private readonly MvcOptions _mvcOptions;
private readonly ApiResponseTypeProvider _responseTypeProvider;
private readonly RouteOptions _routeOptions;
private readonly IInlineConstraintResolver _constraintResolver;
private readonly IModelMetadataProvider _modelMetadataProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of <see cref="DefaultApiDescriptionProvider"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="optionsAccessor">The accessor for <see cref="MvcOptions"/>.</param>
/// <param name="constraintResolver">The <see cref="IInlineConstraintResolver"/> used for resolving inline
/// constraints.</param>
/// <param name="modelMetadataProvider">The <see cref="IModelMetadataProvider"/>.</param>
/// <param name="mapper">The <see cref="IActionResultTypeMapper"/>.</param>
/// <param name="routeOptions">The accessor for <see cref="RouteOptions"/>.</param>
/// <remarks>The <paramref name="mapper"/> parameter is currently ignored.</remarks>
public DefaultApiDescriptionProvider(
IOptions<MvcOptions> optionsAccessor,
IInlineConstraintResolver constraintResolver,
IModelMetadataProvider modelMetadataProvider,
IActionResultTypeMapper mapper,
IOptions<RouteOptions> routeOptions)
_mvcOptions = optionsAccessor.Value;
_constraintResolver = constraintResolver;
_modelMetadataProvider = modelMetadataProvider;
_responseTypeProvider = new ApiResponseTypeProvider(modelMetadataProvider, mapper, _mvcOptions);
_routeOptions = routeOptions.Value;
/// <inheritdoc />
public int Order => -1000;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnProvidersExecuting(ApiDescriptionProviderContext context)
foreach (var action in context.Actions.OfType<ControllerActionDescriptor>())
if (action.AttributeRouteInfo != null && action.AttributeRouteInfo.SuppressPathMatching)
// ApiDescriptionActionData is only added to the ControllerActionDescriptor if
// the action is marked as `IsVisible` to the ApiExplorer. This null-check is
// effectively asserting if the endpoint should be generated into the final
// OpenAPI metadata.
var extensionData = action.GetProperty<ApiDescriptionActionData>();
if (extensionData != null)
var httpMethods = GetHttpMethods(action);
foreach (var httpMethod in httpMethods)
context.Results.Add(CreateApiDescription(action, httpMethod, GetGroupName(action, extensionData)));
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnProvidersExecuted(ApiDescriptionProviderContext context)
private ApiDescription CreateApiDescription(
ControllerActionDescriptor action,
string? httpMethod,
string? groupName)
var parsedTemplate = ParseTemplate(action);
var apiDescription = new ApiDescription()
ActionDescriptor = action,
GroupName = groupName,
HttpMethod = httpMethod,
RelativePath = GetRelativePath(parsedTemplate),
var templateParameters = parsedTemplate?.Parameters?.ToList() ?? new List<TemplatePart>();
var parameterContext = new ApiParameterContext(_modelMetadataProvider, action, templateParameters);
foreach (var parameter in GetParameters(parameterContext))
var apiResponseTypes = _responseTypeProvider.GetApiResponseTypes(action);
foreach (var apiResponseType in apiResponseTypes)
// It would be possible here to configure an action with multiple body parameters, in which case you
// could end up with duplicate data.
if (apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions.Count > 0)
// Get the most significant accepts metadata
var acceptsMetadata = action.EndpointMetadata.OfType<IAcceptsMetadata>().LastOrDefault();
var requestMetadataAttributes = GetRequestMetadataAttributes(action);
var contentTypes = GetDeclaredContentTypes(requestMetadataAttributes, acceptsMetadata);
foreach (var parameter in apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions)
if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.Body)
// For request body bound parameters, determine the content types supported
// by input formatters.
var requestFormats = GetSupportedFormats(contentTypes, parameter.Type);
foreach (var format in requestFormats)
else if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.FormFile)
// Add all declared media types since FormFiles do not get processed by formatters.
foreach (var contentType in contentTypes)
apiDescription.SupportedRequestFormats.Add(new ApiRequestFormat
MediaType = contentType,
return apiDescription;
private IList<ApiParameterDescription> GetParameters(ApiParameterContext context)
// First, get parameters from the model-binding/parameter-binding side of the world.
if (context.ActionDescriptor.Parameters != null)
foreach (var actionParameter in context.ActionDescriptor.Parameters)
var visitor = new PseudoModelBindingVisitor(context, actionParameter);
ModelMetadata metadata;
if (actionParameter is ControllerParameterDescriptor controllerParameterDescriptor &&
_modelMetadataProvider is ModelMetadataProvider provider)
// The default model metadata provider derives from ModelMetadataProvider
// and can therefore supply information about attributes applied to parameters.
metadata = provider.GetMetadataForParameter(controllerParameterDescriptor.ParameterInfo);
// For backward compatibility, if there's a custom model metadata provider that
// only implements the older IModelMetadataProvider interface, access the more
// limited metadata information it supplies. In this scenario, validation attributes
// are not supported on parameters.
metadata = _modelMetadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(actionParameter.ParameterType);
var bindingContext = new ApiParameterDescriptionContext(
propertyName: actionParameter.Name);
if (context.ActionDescriptor.BoundProperties != null)
foreach (var actionParameter in context.ActionDescriptor.BoundProperties)
var visitor = new PseudoModelBindingVisitor(context, actionParameter);
var modelMetadata = context.MetadataProvider.GetMetadataForProperty(
containerType: context.ActionDescriptor.ControllerTypeInfo.AsType(),
propertyName: actionParameter.Name);
var bindingContext = new ApiParameterDescriptionContext(
propertyName: actionParameter.Name);
for (var i = context.Results.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Remove any 'hidden' parameters. These are things that can't come from user input,
// so they aren't worth showing.
if (!context.Results[i].Source.IsFromRequest)
// Next, we want to join up any route parameters with those discovered from the action's parameters.
// This will result us in creating a parameter representation for each route parameter that does not
// have a mapping parameter or bound property.
// Set IsRequired=true
ProcessIsRequired(context, _mvcOptions);
// Set DefaultValue
return context.Results;
private void ProcessRouteParameters(ApiParameterContext context)
var routeParameters = new Dictionary<string, ApiParameterRouteInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var routeParameter in context.RouteParameters)
routeParameters.Add(routeParameter.Name!, CreateRouteInfo(routeParameter));
for (var i = context.Results.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var parameter = context.Results[i];
if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.Path ||
parameter.Source == BindingSource.ModelBinding ||
parameter.Source == BindingSource.Custom)
if (routeParameters.TryGetValue(parameter.Name, out var routeInfo))
parameter.RouteInfo = routeInfo;
if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.ModelBinding &&
// If we didn't see any information about the parameter, but we have
// a route parameter that matches, let's switch it to path.
parameter.Source = BindingSource.Path;
if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.Path &&
parameter.ModelMetadata is DefaultModelMetadata defaultModelMetadata &&
// If we didn't see the parameter in the route and no FromRoute metadata is set, it probably means
// the parameter binding source was inferred (InferParameterBindingInfoConvention)
// probably because another route to this action contains it as route parameter and
// will be removed from the API description
// https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/26234
// Lastly, create a parameter representation for each route parameter that did not find
// a partner.
foreach (var routeParameter in routeParameters)
context.Results.Add(new ApiParameterDescription()
Name = routeParameter.Key,
RouteInfo = routeParameter.Value,
Source = BindingSource.Path,
internal static void ProcessIsRequired(ApiParameterContext context, MvcOptions mvcOptions)
foreach (var parameter in context.Results)
if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.Body)
if (parameter.BindingInfo == null || parameter.BindingInfo.EmptyBodyBehavior == EmptyBodyBehavior.Default)
parameter.IsRequired = !mvcOptions.AllowEmptyInputInBodyModelBinding;
parameter.IsRequired = !(parameter.BindingInfo.EmptyBodyBehavior == EmptyBodyBehavior.Allow);
if (parameter.ModelMetadata != null && parameter.ModelMetadata.IsBindingRequired)
parameter.IsRequired = true;
if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.Path && parameter.RouteInfo != null)
// Locate the corresponding route parameter metadata.
var routeParam = context.RouteParameters
.FirstOrDefault(rp => string.Equals(rp.Name, parameter.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
// If the parameter is defined as a catch-all, mark it as optional.
if (routeParam != null && routeParam.IsCatchAll)
parameter.IsRequired = false;
else if (!parameter.RouteInfo.IsOptional)
parameter.IsRequired = true;
internal static void ProcessParameterDefaultValue(ApiParameterContext context)
foreach (var parameter in context.Results)
if (parameter.Source == BindingSource.Path)
parameter.DefaultValue = parameter.RouteInfo?.DefaultValue;
if (parameter.ParameterDescriptor is ControllerParameterDescriptor controllerParameter &&
ParameterDefaultValues.TryGetDeclaredParameterDefaultValue(controllerParameter.ParameterInfo, out var defaultValue))
parameter.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
private ApiParameterRouteInfo CreateRouteInfo(TemplatePart routeParameter)
var constraints = new List<IRouteConstraint>();
if (routeParameter.InlineConstraints != null)
foreach (var constraint in routeParameter.InlineConstraints)
return new ApiParameterRouteInfo()
Constraints = constraints,
DefaultValue = routeParameter.DefaultValue,
IsOptional = routeParameter.IsOptional || routeParameter.DefaultValue != null,
private static IEnumerable<string?> GetHttpMethods(ControllerActionDescriptor action)
if (action.ActionConstraints != null && action.ActionConstraints.Count > 0)
return action.ActionConstraints.OfType<HttpMethodActionConstraint>().SelectMany(c => c.HttpMethods);
return new string?[] { null };
private static RouteTemplate? ParseTemplate(ControllerActionDescriptor action)
if (action.AttributeRouteInfo?.Template != null)
return TemplateParser.Parse(action.AttributeRouteInfo.Template);
return null;
private string? GetRelativePath(RouteTemplate? parsedTemplate)
if (parsedTemplate == null)
return null;
var segments = new List<string>();
foreach (var segment in parsedTemplate.Segments)
var currentSegment = string.Empty;
foreach (var part in segment.Parts)
if (part.IsLiteral)
currentSegment += _routeOptions.LowercaseUrls ?
part.Text!.ToLowerInvariant() :
else if (part.IsParameter)
currentSegment += "{" + part.Name + "}";
return string.Join("/", segments);
private IReadOnlyList<ApiRequestFormat> GetSupportedFormats(MediaTypeCollection contentTypes, Type type)
if (contentTypes.Count == 0)
contentTypes = new MediaTypeCollection
var results = new List<ApiRequestFormat>();
foreach (var contentType in contentTypes)
foreach (var formatter in _mvcOptions.InputFormatters)
if (formatter is IApiRequestFormatMetadataProvider requestFormatMetadataProvider)
var supportedTypes = requestFormatMetadataProvider.GetSupportedContentTypes(contentType, type);
if (supportedTypes != null)
foreach (var supportedType in supportedTypes)
results.Add(new ApiRequestFormat()
Formatter = formatter,
MediaType = supportedType,
return results;
internal static MediaTypeCollection GetDeclaredContentTypes(IReadOnlyList<IApiRequestMetadataProvider>? requestMetadataAttributes, IAcceptsMetadata? acceptsMetadata)
var contentTypes = new MediaTypeCollection();
// Walking the content types from the accepts metadata first
// to allow any RequestMetadataProvider to see or override any accepts metadata
// keeping the current behavior.
if (acceptsMetadata != null)
foreach (var contentType in acceptsMetadata.ContentTypes)
// Walk through all 'filter' attributes in order, and allow each one to see or override
// the results of the previous ones. This is similar to the execution path for content-negotiation.
if (requestMetadataAttributes != null)
foreach (var metadataAttribute in requestMetadataAttributes)
return contentTypes;
private static IApiRequestMetadataProvider[]? GetRequestMetadataAttributes(ControllerActionDescriptor action)
if (action.FilterDescriptors == null)
return null;
// This technique for enumerating filters will intentionally ignore any filter that is an IFilterFactory
// while searching for a filter that implements IApiRequestMetadataProvider.
// The workaround for that is to implement the metadata interface on the IFilterFactory.
return action.FilterDescriptors
.Select(fd => fd.Filter)
private static string? GetGroupName(ControllerActionDescriptor action, ApiDescriptionActionData extensionData)
// The `GroupName` set in the `ApiDescriptionActionData` is either the
// group name set via [ApiExplorerSettings(GroupName = "foo")] on the
// action or controller. So, this lookup favors the following sequence:
// - EndpointGroupName on the action, if it is set
// - EndpointGroupName on the controller, if it is set
// - ApiExplorerSettings.GroupName on the action, if it is set
// - ApiExplorerSettings.GroupName on the controller, if it is set
var endpointGroupName = action.EndpointMetadata.OfType<IEndpointGroupNameMetadata>().LastOrDefault();
return endpointGroupName?.EndpointGroupName ?? extensionData.GroupName;
private sealed class ApiParameterDescriptionContext
public ModelMetadata ModelMetadata { get; }
public string? BinderModelName { get; }
public BindingSource? BindingSource { get; }
public string? PropertyName { get; }
public BindingInfo? BindingInfo { get; }
public ApiParameterDescriptionContext(
ModelMetadata metadata,
BindingInfo? bindingInfo,
string? propertyName)
// BindingMetadata can be null if the metadata represents properties.
ModelMetadata = metadata;
BinderModelName = bindingInfo?.BinderModelName;
BindingSource = bindingInfo?.BindingSource;
PropertyName = propertyName ?? metadata.Name;
BindingInfo = bindingInfo;
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("DefaultApiDescriptionProvider is used by MVC which does not currently support trimming or native AOT.", Url = "https://aka.ms/aspnet/trimming")]
[RequiresDynamicCode("DefaultApiDescriptionProvider is used by MVC which does not currently support trimming or native AOT.", Url = "https://aka.ms/aspnet/trimming")]
private sealed class PseudoModelBindingVisitor
public PseudoModelBindingVisitor(ApiParameterContext context, ParameterDescriptor parameter)
Context = context;
Parameter = parameter;
Visited = new HashSet<PropertyKey>(new PropertyKeyEqualityComparer());
public ApiParameterContext Context { get; }
public ParameterDescriptor Parameter { get; }
// Avoid infinite recursion by tracking properties.
private HashSet<PropertyKey> Visited { get; }
public void WalkParameter(ApiParameterDescriptionContext context)
// Attempt to find a binding source for the parameter
// The default is ModelBinding (aka all default value providers)
var source = BindingSource.ModelBinding;
Visit(context, source, containerName: string.Empty);
private void Visit(
ApiParameterDescriptionContext bindingContext,
BindingSource ambientSource,
string containerName)
var source = bindingContext.BindingSource;
if (source != null && source.IsGreedy)
// We have a definite answer for this model. This is a greedy source like
// [FromBody] so there's no need to consider properties.
Context.Results.Add(CreateResult(bindingContext, source, containerName));
var modelMetadata = bindingContext.ModelMetadata;
// For any property which is a leaf node, we don't want to keep traversing:
// 1) Collections - while it's possible to have binder attributes on the inside of a collection,
// it hardly seems useful, and would result in some very weird binding.
// 2) Simple Types - These are generally part of the .net framework - primitives, or types which have a
// type converter from string.
// 3) Types with no properties. Obviously nothing to explore there.
if (modelMetadata.IsEnumerableType ||
!modelMetadata.IsComplexType ||
modelMetadata.Properties.Count == 0)
Context.Results.Add(CreateResult(bindingContext, source ?? ambientSource, containerName));
// This will come from composite model binding - so investigate what's going on with each property.
// Ex:
// public IActionResult PlaceOrder(OrderDTO order) {...}
// public class OrderDTO
// {
// public int AccountId { get; set; }
// [FromBody]
// public Order { get; set; }
// }
// This should result in two parameters:
// AccountId - source: Any
// Order - source: Body
// We don't want to append the **parameter** name when building a model name.
var newContainerName = containerName;
if (modelMetadata.ContainerType != null)
newContainerName = GetName(containerName, bindingContext);
var metadataProperties = modelMetadata.Properties;
var metadataPropertiesCount = metadataProperties.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < metadataPropertiesCount; i++)
var propertyMetadata = metadataProperties[i];
var key = new PropertyKey(propertyMetadata, source);
var bindingInfo = BindingInfo.GetBindingInfo(Enumerable.Empty<object>(), propertyMetadata);
var propertyContext = new ApiParameterDescriptionContext(
bindingInfo: bindingInfo,
propertyName: null);
if (Visited.Add(key))
Visit(propertyContext, source ?? ambientSource, newContainerName);
// This is cycle, so just add a result rather than traversing.
Context.Results.Add(CreateResult(propertyContext, source ?? ambientSource, newContainerName));
private ApiParameterDescription CreateResult(
ApiParameterDescriptionContext bindingContext,
BindingSource source,
string containerName)
return new ApiParameterDescription()
ModelMetadata = bindingContext.ModelMetadata,
Name = GetName(containerName, bindingContext),
Source = source,
Type = GetModelType(bindingContext.ModelMetadata),
ParameterDescriptor = Parameter,
BindingInfo = bindingContext.BindingInfo
private static Type GetModelType(ModelMetadata metadata)
// IsParseableType || IsConvertibleType
if (!metadata.IsComplexType)
return EndpointModelMetadata.GetDisplayType(metadata.ModelType);
return metadata.ModelType;
private static string GetName(string containerName, ApiParameterDescriptionContext metadata)
var propertyName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata.BinderModelName) ? metadata.BinderModelName : metadata.PropertyName;
return ModelNames.CreatePropertyModelName(containerName, propertyName);
private readonly struct PropertyKey
public readonly Type ContainerType;
public readonly string PropertyName;
public readonly BindingSource? Source;
public PropertyKey(ModelMetadata metadata, BindingSource? source)
ContainerType = metadata.ContainerType!;
PropertyName = metadata.PropertyName!;
Source = source;
private sealed class PropertyKeyEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<PropertyKey>
public bool Equals(PropertyKey x, PropertyKey y)
x.ContainerType == y.ContainerType &&
x.PropertyName == y.PropertyName &&
x.Source == y.Source;
public int GetHashCode(PropertyKey obj)
return HashCode.Combine(obj.ContainerType, obj.PropertyName, obj.Source);