// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Metadata;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer;
internal sealed class EndpointModelMetadata : ModelMetadata
public EndpointModelMetadata(ModelMetadataIdentity identity) : base(identity)
IsBindingAllowed = true;
public override IReadOnlyDictionary<object, object> AdditionalValues { get; } = ImmutableDictionary<object, object>.Empty;
public override string? BinderModelName { get; }
public override Type? BinderType { get; }
public override BindingSource? BindingSource { get; }
public override bool ConvertEmptyStringToNull { get; }
public override string? DataTypeName { get; }
public override string? Description { get; }
public override string? DisplayFormatString { get; }
public override string? DisplayName { get; }
public override string? EditFormatString { get; }
public override ModelMetadata? ElementMetadata { get; }
public override IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<EnumGroupAndName, string>>? EnumGroupedDisplayNamesAndValues { get; }
public override IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>? EnumNamesAndValues { get; }
public override bool HasNonDefaultEditFormat { get; }
public override bool HideSurroundingHtml { get; }
public override bool HtmlEncode { get; }
public override bool IsBindingAllowed { get; }
public override bool IsBindingRequired { get; }
public override bool IsEnum { get; }
public override bool IsFlagsEnum { get; }
public override bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public override bool IsRequired { get; }
public override ModelBindingMessageProvider ModelBindingMessageProvider { get; } = new DefaultModelBindingMessageProvider();
public override string? NullDisplayText { get; }
public override int Order { get; }
public override string? Placeholder { get; }
public override ModelPropertyCollection Properties { get; } = new(Enumerable.Empty<ModelMetadata>());
public override IPropertyFilterProvider? PropertyFilterProvider { get; }
public override Func<object, object>? PropertyGetter { get; }
public override Action<object, object?>? PropertySetter { get; }
public override bool ShowForDisplay { get; }
public override bool ShowForEdit { get; }
public override string? SimpleDisplayProperty { get; }
public override string? TemplateHint { get; }
public override bool ValidateChildren { get; }
public override IReadOnlyList<object> ValidatorMetadata { get; } = Array.Empty<object>();
public static Type GetDisplayType(Type type)
var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) ?? type;
return underlyingType.IsPrimitive
// Those additional types have TypeConverter or TryParse and are not primitives
// but should not be considered string in the metadata
|| underlyingType == typeof(DateTime)
|| underlyingType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)
|| underlyingType == typeof(DateOnly)
|| underlyingType == typeof(TimeOnly)
|| underlyingType == typeof(TimeSpan)
|| underlyingType == typeof(decimal)
|| underlyingType == typeof(Guid)
|| underlyingType == typeof(Uri) ? type : typeof(string);