2 implementations of Order
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (1)
ActionConstraints\DefaultActionConstraintProvider.cs (1)
17public int Order => -1000;
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test (1)
Infrastructure\ActionSelectorTest.cs (1)
1174public int Order { get; set; }
10 references to Order
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions (9)
ActionConstraints\IActionConstraintProvider.cs (9)
13/// ascending numeric value of the <see cref="Order"/> property. 17/// Providers are executed in an ordering determined by an ascending sort of the <see cref="Order"/> property. 18/// A provider with a lower numeric value of <see cref="Order"/> will have its 20/// <see cref="Order"/>. The <see cref="OnProvidersExecuted"/> method is called in the reverse ordering after 22/// <see cref="Order"/> will have its <see cref="OnProvidersExecuted"/> method called after that of a provider 23/// with a higher numeric value of <see cref="Order"/>. 26/// If two providers have the same numeric value of <see cref="Order"/>, then their relative execution order 34/// <see cref="Order"/> for details on the order of execution of <see cref="OnProvidersExecuting(ActionConstraintProviderContext)"/>. 42/// <see cref="Order"/> for details on the order of execution of <see cref="OnProvidersExecuted(ActionConstraintProviderContext)"/>.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (1)
ActionConstraints\ActionConstraintCache.cs (1)
25_actionConstraintProviders = actionConstraintProviders.OrderBy(item => item.Order).ToArray();