File: Infrastructure\ActionSelectorTest.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Mvc\Mvc.Core\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionConstraints;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationModels;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationParts;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Testing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Moq;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure;
public class ActionSelectorTest
    public void SelectCandidates_SingleMatch()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A2",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "About" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Collection(candidates, (a) => Assert.Same(actions[0], a));
    [ReplaceCulture("de-CH", "de-CH")]
    public void SelectCandidates_SingleMatch_UsesInvariantCulture()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" },
                        { "date", "10/31/2018 07:37:38 -07:00" },
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A2",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "About" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
            new DateTimeOffset(2018, 10, 31, 7, 37, 38, TimeSpan.FromHours(-7)));
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Collection(candidates, (a) => Assert.Same(actions[0], a));
    public void SelectCandidates_MultipleMatches()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A2",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(actions.ToArray(), candidates.ToArray());
    public void SelectCandidates_NoMatch()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A2",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "About" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Foo");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
    public void SelectCandidates_NoMatch_ExcludesAttributeRoutedActions()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                    AttributeRouteInfo = new AttributeRouteInfo()
                        Template = "/Home",
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
    // In this context `CaseSensitiveMatch` means that the input route values exactly match one of the action
    // descriptor's route values in terms of casing. This is important because we optimize for this case
    // in the implementation.
    public void SelectCandidates_Match_CaseSensitiveMatch_IncludesAllCaseInsensitiveMatches()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A2",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                new ActionDescriptor() // This won't match the request
                    DisplayName = "A3",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "About" }
        var expected = actions.Take(2).ToArray();
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expected, candidates);
    // In this context `CaseInsensitiveMatch` means that the input route values do not match any action
    // descriptor's route values in terms of casing. This is important because we optimize for the case
    // where the casing matches - the non-matching-casing path is handled a bit differently.
    public void SelectCandidates_Match_CaseInsensitiveMatch_IncludesAllCaseInsensitiveMatches()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A2",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
                new ActionDescriptor() // This won't match the request
                    DisplayName = "A3",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "About" }
        var expected = actions.Take(2).ToArray();
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "HOME");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "iNDex");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expected, candidates);
    public void SelectCandidates_Match_CaseSensitiveMatch_MatchesOnEmptyString()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "area", null },
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        // Example: In conventional route, one could set non-inline defaults
        // new { area = "", controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("area", "");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        var action = Assert.Single(candidates);
        Assert.Same(actions[0], action);
    public void SelectCandidates_Match_CaseInsensitiveMatch_MatchesOnEmptyString()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "area", null },
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        // Example: In conventional route, one could set non-inline defaults
        // new { area = "", controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("area", "");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "HoMe");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "InDeX");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        var action = Assert.Single(candidates);
        Assert.Same(actions[0], action);
    public void SelectCandidates_Match_MatchesOnNull()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "area", null },
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        // Example: In conventional route, one could set non-inline defaults
        // new { area = (string)null, controller = "Foo", action = "Index" }
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("area", null);
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        var action = Assert.Single(candidates);
        Assert.Same(actions[0], action);
    public void SelectCandidates_Match_ActionDescriptorWithEmptyRouteValues_MatchesOnEmptyString()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "foo", "" },
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        // Example: In conventional route, one could set non-inline defaults
        // new { area = (string)null, controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("foo", "");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        var action = Assert.Single(candidates);
        Assert.Same(actions[0], action);
    public void SelectCandidates_Match_ActionDescriptorWithEmptyRouteValues_MatchesOnNull()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    DisplayName = "A1",
                    RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        { "foo", "" },
                        { "controller", "Home" },
                        { "action", "Index" }
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        // Example: In conventional route, one could set non-inline defaults
        // new { area = (string)null, controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("foo", null);
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
        // Act
        var candidates = selector.SelectCandidates(routeContext);
        // Assert
        var action = Assert.Single(candidates);
        Assert.Same(actions[0], action);
    public void SelectBestCandidate_AmbiguousActions_LogIsCorrect()
        // Arrange
        var sink = new TestSink();
        var loggerFactory = new TestLoggerFactory(sink, enabled: true);
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor() { DisplayName = "A1" },
                new ActionDescriptor() { DisplayName = "A2" },
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions, loggerFactory);
        var routeContext = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        var actionNames = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, actions.Select(action => action.DisplayName));
        var expectedMessage = "Request matched multiple actions resulting in " +
            $"ambiguity. Matching actions: {actionNames}";
        // Act
        Assert.Throws<AmbiguousActionException>(() => { selector.SelectBestCandidate(routeContext, actions); });
        // Assert
        var write = Assert.Single(sink.Writes);
        Assert.Equal(expectedMessage, write.State?.ToString());
    public void SelectBestCandidate_PrefersActionWithConstraints()
        // Arrange
        var actionWithConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new HttpMethodActionConstraint(new string[] { "POST" }),
            Parameters = new List<ParameterDescriptor>(),
        var actionWithoutConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            Parameters = new List<ParameterDescriptor>(),
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { actionWithConstraints, actionWithoutConstraints };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(action, actionWithConstraints);
    public void SelectBestCandidate_ConstraintsRejectAll()
        // Arrange
        var action1 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, },
        var action2 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { action1, action2 };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
    public void SelectBestCandidate_ConstraintsRejectAll_DifferentStages()
        // Arrange
        var action1 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 0 },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1 },
        var action2 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0 },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 1 },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { action1, action2 };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
    public void SelectBestCandidate_ActionConstraintFactory()
        // Arrange
        var actionWithConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new ConstraintFactory()
                        Constraint = new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true },
        var actionWithoutConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            Parameters = new List<ParameterDescriptor>(),
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { actionWithConstraints, actionWithoutConstraints };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(action, actionWithConstraints);
    public void SelectBestCandidate_ActionConstraintFactory_ReturnsNull()
        // Arrange
        var nullConstraint = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new ConstraintFactory()
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { nullConstraint };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(action, nullConstraint);
    // There's a custom constraint provider registered that only understands BooleanConstraintMarker
    public void SelectBestCandidate_CustomProvider()
        // Arrange
        var actionWithConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraintMarker() { Pass = true },
        var actionWithoutConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            Parameters = new List<ParameterDescriptor>(),
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { actionWithConstraints, actionWithoutConstraints, };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(action, actionWithConstraints);
    // Due to ordering of stages, the first action will be better.
    public void SelectBestCandidate_ConstraintsInOrder()
        // Arrange
        var best = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
        var worst = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { best, worst };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(action, best);
    // Due to ordering of stages, the first action will be better.
    public void SelectBestCandidate_ConstraintsInOrder_MultipleStages()
        // Arrange
        var best = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 2, },
        var worst = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 3, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { best, worst };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(action, best);
    public void SelectBestCandidate_Fallback_ToActionWithoutConstraints()
        // Arrange
        var nomatch1 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 2, },
        var nomatch2 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 3, },
        var best = new ActionDescriptor();
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { best, nomatch1, nomatch2 };
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("POST");
        // Act
        var action = selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(action, best);
    public void SelectBestCandidate_Ambiguous()
        // Arrange
        var expectedMessage =
            "Multiple actions matched. " +
            "The following actions matched route data and had all constraints satisfied:" + Environment.NewLine +
            Environment.NewLine +
            "Ambiguous1" + Environment.NewLine +
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                CreateAction(area: null, controller: "Store", action: "Buy"),
                CreateAction(area: null, controller: "Store", action: "Buy"),
        actions[0].DisplayName = "Ambiguous1";
        actions[1].DisplayName = "Ambiguous2";
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var context = CreateRouteContext("GET");
        context.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Store");
        context.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Buy");
        // Act
        var ex = Assert.Throws<AmbiguousActionException>(() =>
            selector.SelectBestCandidate(context, actions);
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expectedMessage, ex.Message);
    public void HttpMethodAttribute_ActionWithMultipleHttpMethodAttributeViaAcceptVerbs_ORsMultipleHttpMethods(string verb)
        // Arrange
        var routeContext = new RouteContext(GetHttpContext(verb));
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "HttpMethodAttributeTests_RestOnly");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Patch");
        // Act
        var result = InvokeActionSelector(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("Patch", result.ActionName);
    public void HttpMethodAttribute_ActionWithMultipleHttpMethodAttributes_ORsMultipleHttpMethods(string verb)
        // Arrange
        var routeContext = new RouteContext(GetHttpContext(verb));
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "HttpMethodAttributeTests_RestOnly");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Put");
        // Act
        var result = InvokeActionSelector(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("Put", result.ActionName);
    public void HttpMethodAttribute_ActionDecoratedWithHttpMethodAttribute_OverridesConvention(string verb)
        // Arrange
        // Note no action name is passed, hence should return a null action descriptor.
        var routeContext = new RouteContext(GetHttpContext(verb));
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "HttpMethodAttributeTests_RestOnly");
        // Act
        var result = InvokeActionSelector(routeContext);
        // Assert
    public void NonActionAttribute_ActionNotReachable(string actionName)
        // Arrange
        var actionDescriptorProvider = GetActionDescriptorProvider();
        // Act
        var result = actionDescriptorProvider
            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControllerName == "NonAction" && x.ActionName == actionName);
        // Assert
    public void ActionNameAttribute_ActionGetsExposedViaActionName_UnreachableByConvention(string verb)
        // Arrange
        var routeContext = new RouteContext(GetHttpContext(verb));
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "ActionName");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "RPCMethodWithHttpGet");
        // Act
        var result = InvokeActionSelector(routeContext);
        // Assert
    [InlineData("GET", "CustomActionName_Verb")]
    [InlineData("PUT", "CustomActionName_Verb")]
    [InlineData("POST", "CustomActionName_Verb")]
    [InlineData("DELETE", "CustomActionName_Verb")]
    [InlineData("PATCH", "CustomActionName_Verb")]
    [InlineData("GET", "CustomActionName_DefaultMethod")]
    [InlineData("PUT", "CustomActionName_DefaultMethod")]
    [InlineData("POST", "CustomActionName_DefaultMethod")]
    [InlineData("DELETE", "CustomActionName_DefaultMethod")]
    [InlineData("PATCH", "CustomActionName_DefaultMethod")]
    [InlineData("GET", "CustomActionName_RpcMethod")]
    [InlineData("PUT", "CustomActionName_RpcMethod")]
    [InlineData("POST", "CustomActionName_RpcMethod")]
    [InlineData("DELETE", "CustomActionName_RpcMethod")]
    [InlineData("PATCH", "CustomActionName_RpcMethod")]
    public void ActionNameAttribute_DifferentActionName_UsesActionNameFromActionNameAttribute(string verb, string actionName)
        // Arrange
        var routeContext = new RouteContext(GetHttpContext(verb));
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "ActionName");
        routeContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", actionName);
        // Act
        var result = InvokeActionSelector(routeContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(actionName, result.ActionName);
    private ControllerActionDescriptor InvokeActionSelector(RouteContext context)
        var actionDescriptorProvider = GetActionDescriptorProvider();
        var actionDescriptorCollectionProvider = new DefaultActionDescriptorCollectionProvider(
            new[] { actionDescriptorProvider },
        var actionConstraintProviders = new[]
                new DefaultActionConstraintProvider(),
        var actionSelector = new ActionSelector(
        var candidates = actionSelector.SelectCandidates(context);
        return (ControllerActionDescriptor)actionSelector.SelectBestCandidate(context, candidates);
    private ControllerActionDescriptorProvider GetActionDescriptorProvider()
        var controllerTypes = typeof(ActionSelectorTest)
            .Select(t => t.GetTypeInfo())
        var options = Options.Create(new MvcOptions());
        var manager = GetApplicationManager(controllerTypes);
        var modelProvider = new DefaultApplicationModelProvider(options, new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
        var provider = new ControllerActionDescriptorProvider(
            new ApplicationModelFactory(new[] { modelProvider }, options));
        return provider;
    private static ApplicationPartManager GetApplicationManager(List<TypeInfo> controllerTypes)
        var manager = new ApplicationPartManager();
        manager.ApplicationParts.Add(new TestApplicationPart(controllerTypes));
        manager.FeatureProviders.Add(new TestFeatureProvider());
        return manager;
    private static HttpContext GetHttpContext(string httpMethod)
        var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
        httpContext.Request.Method = httpMethod;
        return httpContext;
    private static ActionDescriptor[] GetActions()
        return new ActionDescriptor[]
                // Like a typical RPC controller
                CreateAction(area: null, controller: "Home", action: "Index"),
                CreateAction(area: null, controller: "Home", action: "Edit"),
                // Like a typical REST controller
                CreateAction(area: null, controller: "Product", action: null),
                CreateAction(area: null, controller: "Product", action: null),
                // RPC controller in an area with the same name as home
                CreateAction(area: "Admin", controller: "Home", action: "Index"),
                CreateAction(area: "Admin", controller: "Home", action: "Diagnostics"),
    private static IEnumerable<ActionDescriptor> GetActions(
        IEnumerable<ActionDescriptor> actions,
        string area,
        string controller,
        string action)
        var comparer = new RouteValueEqualityComparer();
            .Where(a => a.RouteValues.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "area" && comparer.Equals(kvp.Value, area)))
            .Where(a => a.RouteValues.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "controller" && comparer.Equals(kvp.Value, controller)))
            .Where(a => a.RouteValues.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "action" && comparer.Equals(kvp.Value, action)));
    private static ActionSelector CreateSelector(IReadOnlyList<ActionDescriptor> actions, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = null)
        loggerFactory = loggerFactory ?? NullLoggerFactory.Instance;
        var actionProvider = new Mock<IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            .Setup(p => p.ActionDescriptors)
            .Returns(new ActionDescriptorCollection(actions, 0));
        var actionConstraintProviders = new IActionConstraintProvider[] {
                    new DefaultActionConstraintProvider(),
                    new BooleanConstraintProvider(),
        return new ActionSelector(
    private static VirtualPathContext CreateContext(object routeValues)
        return CreateContext(routeValues, ambientValues: null);
    private static VirtualPathContext CreateContext(object routeValues, object ambientValues)
        return new VirtualPathContext(
            new Mock<HttpContext>(MockBehavior.Strict).Object,
            new RouteValueDictionary(ambientValues),
            new RouteValueDictionary(routeValues));
    private static RouteContext CreateRouteContext(string httpMethod)
        var routeData = new RouteData();
        routeData.Routers.Add(new Mock<IRouter>(MockBehavior.Strict).Object);
        var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection().BuildServiceProvider();
        var httpContext = new Mock<HttpContext>(MockBehavior.Strict);
        var request = new Mock<HttpRequest>(MockBehavior.Strict);
        request.SetupGet(r => r.Method).Returns(httpMethod);
        request.SetupGet(r => r.Path).Returns(new PathString());
        request.SetupGet(r => r.Headers).Returns(new HeaderDictionary());
        httpContext.SetupGet(c => c.Request).Returns(request.Object);
        httpContext.SetupGet(c => c.RequestServices).Returns(serviceProvider);
        return new RouteContext(httpContext.Object)
            RouteData = routeData,
    private static ActionDescriptor CreateAction(string area, string controller, string action)
        var actionDescriptor = new ControllerActionDescriptor()
            ActionName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Area: {0}, Controller: {1}, Action: {2}", area, controller, action),
            Parameters = new List<ParameterDescriptor>(),
        actionDescriptor.RouteValues.Add("area", area);
        actionDescriptor.RouteValues.Add("controller", controller);
        actionDescriptor.RouteValues.Add("action", action);
        return actionDescriptor;
    private static ActionConstraintCache GetActionConstraintCache(IActionConstraintProvider[] actionConstraintProviders = null)
        var descriptorProvider = new DefaultActionDescriptorCollectionProvider(
        return new ActionConstraintCache(descriptorProvider, actionConstraintProviders.AsEnumerable() ?? new List<IActionConstraintProvider>());
    private class BooleanConstraint : IActionConstraint
        public bool Pass { get; set; }
        public int Order { get; set; }
        public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
            return Pass;
    private class ConstraintFactory : IActionConstraintFactory
        public IActionConstraint Constraint { get; set; }
        public bool IsReusable => true;
        public IActionConstraint CreateInstance(IServiceProvider services)
            return Constraint;
    private class BooleanConstraintMarker : IActionConstraintMetadata
        public bool Pass { get; set; }
    private class BooleanConstraintProvider : IActionConstraintProvider
        public int Order { get; set; }
        public void OnProvidersExecuting(ActionConstraintProviderContext context)
            foreach (var item in context.Results)
                if (item.Metadata is BooleanConstraintMarker marker)
                    item.Constraint = new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = marker.Pass };
        public void OnProvidersExecuted(ActionConstraintProviderContext context)
    private class NonActionController
        public void Put()
        public void RPCMethod()
        public void RPCMethodWithHttpGet()
    private class ActionNameController
        public void Put()
        public void Index()
        public void RPCMethodWithHttpGet()
    private class HttpMethodAttributeTests_RestOnlyController
        public void Put()
        [AcceptVerbs("PUT", "post", "GET", "delete", "pATcH")]
        public void Patch()