// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AuthenticatedEncryption;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.Internal;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Shared;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System.Buffers.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Internal;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement;
internal sealed unsafe class KeyRingBasedDataProtector : IDataProtector, IPersistedDataProtector
// This magic header identifies a v0 protected data blob. It's the high 28 bits of the SHA1 hash of
// "Microsoft.AspNet.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector" [US-ASCII], big-endian.
// The last nibble reserved for version information. There's also the nice property that "F0 C9"
// can never appear in a well-formed UTF8 sequence, so attempts to treat a protected payload as a
// UTF8-encoded string will fail, and devs can catch the mistake early.
private const uint MAGIC_HEADER_V0 = 0x09F0C9F0;
private AdditionalAuthenticatedDataTemplate _aadTemplate;
private readonly IKeyRingProvider _keyRingProvider;
private readonly ILogger? _logger;
public KeyRingBasedDataProtector(IKeyRingProvider keyRingProvider, ILogger? logger, string[]? originalPurposes, string newPurpose)
Debug.Assert(keyRingProvider != null);
Purposes = ConcatPurposes(originalPurposes, newPurpose);
_logger = logger; // can be null
_keyRingProvider = keyRingProvider;
_aadTemplate = new AdditionalAuthenticatedDataTemplate(Purposes);
internal string[] Purposes { get; }
private static string[] ConcatPurposes(string[]? originalPurposes, string newPurpose)
if (originalPurposes != null && originalPurposes.Length > 0)
var newPurposes = new string[originalPurposes.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(originalPurposes, 0, newPurposes, 0, originalPurposes.Length);
newPurposes[originalPurposes.Length] = newPurpose;
return newPurposes;
return new string[] { newPurpose };
public IDataProtector CreateProtector(string purpose)
return new KeyRingBasedDataProtector(
logger: _logger,
keyRingProvider: _keyRingProvider,
originalPurposes: Purposes,
newPurpose: purpose);
private static string JoinPurposesForLog(IEnumerable<string> purposes)
return "(" + String.Join(", ", purposes.Select(p => "'" + p + "'")) + ")";
// allows decrypting payloads whose keys have been revoked
public byte[] DangerousUnprotect(byte[] protectedData, bool ignoreRevocationErrors, out bool requiresMigration, out bool wasRevoked)
// argument & state checking
UnprotectStatus status;
var retVal = UnprotectCore(protectedData, ignoreRevocationErrors, status: out status);
requiresMigration = (status != UnprotectStatus.Ok);
wasRevoked = (status == UnprotectStatus.DecryptionKeyWasRevoked);
return retVal;
public byte[] Protect(byte[] plaintext)
// Perform the encryption operation using the current default encryptor.
var currentKeyRing = _keyRingProvider.GetCurrentKeyRing();
var defaultKeyId = currentKeyRing.DefaultKeyId;
var defaultEncryptorInstance = currentKeyRing.DefaultAuthenticatedEncryptor;
CryptoUtil.Assert(defaultEncryptorInstance != null, "defaultEncryptorInstance != null");
if (_logger.IsDebugLevelEnabled())
_logger.PerformingProtectOperationToKeyWithPurposes(defaultKeyId, JoinPurposesForLog(Purposes));
// We'll need to apply the default key id to the template if it hasn't already been applied.
// If the default key id has been updated since the last call to Protect, also write back the updated template.
var aad = _aadTemplate.GetAadForKey(defaultKeyId, isProtecting: true);
// We allocate a 20-byte pre-buffer so that we can inject the magic header and key id into the return value.
var retVal = defaultEncryptorInstance.Encrypt(
plaintext: new ArraySegment<byte>(plaintext),
additionalAuthenticatedData: new ArraySegment<byte>(aad),
preBufferSize: (uint)(sizeof(uint) + sizeof(Guid)),
postBufferSize: 0);
CryptoUtil.Assert(retVal != null && retVal.Length >= sizeof(uint) + sizeof(Guid), "retVal != null && retVal.Length >= sizeof(uint) + sizeof(Guid)");
// At this point: retVal := { 000..000 || encryptorSpecificProtectedPayload },
// where 000..000 is a placeholder for our magic header and key id.
// Write out the magic header and key id
fixed (byte* pbRetVal = retVal)
WriteBigEndianInteger(pbRetVal, MAGIC_HEADER_V0);
WriteGuid(&pbRetVal[sizeof(uint)], defaultKeyId);
// At this point, retVal := { magicHeader || keyId || encryptorSpecificProtectedPayload }
// And we're done!
return retVal;
catch (Exception ex) when (ex.RequiresHomogenization())
// homogenize all errors to CryptographicException
throw Error.Common_EncryptionFailed(ex);
private static Guid ReadGuid(void* ptr)
// Performs appropriate endianness fixups
return new Guid(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(ptr, sizeof(Guid)));
return Unsafe.ReadUnaligned<Guid>(ptr);
#error Update target frameworks
private static uint ReadBigEndian32BitInteger(byte* ptr)
return ((uint)ptr[0] << 24)
| ((uint)ptr[1] << 16)
| ((uint)ptr[2] << 8)
| ((uint)ptr[3]);
private static bool TryGetVersionFromMagicHeader(uint magicHeader, out int version)
version = (int)(magicHeader & MAGIC_HEADER_VERSION_MASK);
return true;
version = default(int);
return false;
public byte[] Unprotect(byte[] protectedData)
// Argument checking will be done by the callee
return DangerousUnprotect(protectedData,
ignoreRevocationErrors: false,
requiresMigration: out _,
wasRevoked: out _);
private byte[] UnprotectCore(byte[] protectedData, bool allowOperationsOnRevokedKeys, out UnprotectStatus status)
Debug.Assert(protectedData != null);
// argument & state checking
if (protectedData.Length < sizeof(uint) /* magic header */ + sizeof(Guid) /* key id */)
// payload must contain at least the magic header and key id
throw Error.ProtectionProvider_BadMagicHeader();
// Need to check that protectedData := { magicHeader || keyId || encryptorSpecificProtectedPayload }
// Parse the payload version number and key id.
uint magicHeaderFromPayload;
Guid keyIdFromPayload;
fixed (byte* pbInput = protectedData)
magicHeaderFromPayload = ReadBigEndian32BitInteger(pbInput);
keyIdFromPayload = ReadGuid(&pbInput[sizeof(uint)]);
// Are the magic header and version information correct?
int payloadVersion;
if (!TryGetVersionFromMagicHeader(magicHeaderFromPayload, out payloadVersion))
throw Error.ProtectionProvider_BadMagicHeader();
else if (payloadVersion != 0)
throw Error.ProtectionProvider_BadVersion();
if (_logger.IsDebugLevelEnabled())
_logger.PerformingUnprotectOperationToKeyWithPurposes(keyIdFromPayload, JoinPurposesForLog(Purposes));
// Find the correct encryptor in the keyring.
bool keyWasRevoked;
var currentKeyRing = _keyRingProvider.GetCurrentKeyRing();
var requestedEncryptor = currentKeyRing.GetAuthenticatedEncryptorByKeyId(keyIdFromPayload, out keyWasRevoked);
if (requestedEncryptor == null)
if (_keyRingProvider is KeyRingProvider provider && provider.InAutoRefreshWindow())
currentKeyRing = provider.RefreshCurrentKeyRing();
requestedEncryptor = currentKeyRing.GetAuthenticatedEncryptorByKeyId(keyIdFromPayload, out keyWasRevoked);
if (requestedEncryptor == null)
if (_logger.IsTraceLevelEnabled())
throw Error.Common_KeyNotFound(keyIdFromPayload);
// Do we need to notify the caller that they should reprotect the data?
status = UnprotectStatus.Ok;
if (keyIdFromPayload != currentKeyRing.DefaultKeyId)
status = UnprotectStatus.DefaultEncryptionKeyChanged;
// Do we need to notify the caller that this key was revoked?
if (keyWasRevoked)
if (allowOperationsOnRevokedKeys)
if (_logger.IsDebugLevelEnabled())
status = UnprotectStatus.DecryptionKeyWasRevoked;
if (_logger.IsDebugLevelEnabled())
throw Error.Common_KeyRevoked(keyIdFromPayload);
// Perform the decryption operation.
ArraySegment<byte> ciphertext = new ArraySegment<byte>(protectedData, sizeof(uint) + sizeof(Guid), protectedData.Length - (sizeof(uint) + sizeof(Guid))); // chop off magic header + encryptor id
ArraySegment<byte> additionalAuthenticatedData = new ArraySegment<byte>(_aadTemplate.GetAadForKey(keyIdFromPayload, isProtecting: false));
// At this point, cipherText := { encryptorSpecificPayload },
// so all that's left is to invoke the decryption routine directly.
return requestedEncryptor.Decrypt(ciphertext, additionalAuthenticatedData)
?? CryptoUtil.Fail<byte[]>("IAuthenticatedEncryptor.Decrypt returned null.");
catch (Exception ex) when (ex.RequiresHomogenization())
// homogenize all failures to CryptographicException
throw Error.DecryptionFailed(ex);
private static void WriteGuid(void* ptr, Guid value)
var span = new Span<byte>(ptr, sizeof(Guid));
// Performs appropriate endianness fixups
var success = value.TryWriteBytes(span);
Debug.Assert(success, "Failed to write Guid.");
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned<Guid>(ptr, value);
#error Update target frameworks
private static void WriteBigEndianInteger(byte* ptr, uint value)
ptr[0] = (byte)(value >> 24);
ptr[1] = (byte)(value >> 16);
ptr[2] = (byte)(value >> 8);
ptr[3] = (byte)(value);
internal struct AdditionalAuthenticatedDataTemplate
private byte[] _aadTemplate;
public AdditionalAuthenticatedDataTemplate(string[] purposes)
_aadTemplate = BuildAadTemplateBytes(purposes);
public byte[] GetAadForKey(Guid keyId, bool isProtecting)
// Multiple threads might be trying to read and write the _aadTemplate field
// simultaneously. We need to make sure all accesses to it are thread-safe.
var existingTemplate = Volatile.Read(ref _aadTemplate);
Debug.Assert(existingTemplate.Length >= sizeof(uint) /* MAGIC_HEADER */ + sizeof(Guid) /* keyId */);
// If the template is already initialized to this key id, return it.
// The caller will not mutate it.
fixed (byte* pExistingTemplate = existingTemplate)
if (ReadGuid(&pExistingTemplate[sizeof(uint)]) == keyId)
return existingTemplate;
// Clone since we're about to make modifications.
// If this is an encryption operation, we only ever encrypt to the default key,
// so we should replace the existing template. This could occur after the protector
// has already been created, such as when the underlying key ring has been modified.
byte[] newTemplate = (byte[])existingTemplate.Clone();
fixed (byte* pNewTemplate = newTemplate)
WriteGuid(&pNewTemplate[sizeof(uint)], keyId);
if (isProtecting)
Volatile.Write(ref _aadTemplate, newTemplate);
return newTemplate;
internal static byte[] BuildAadTemplateBytes(string[] purposes)
// additionalAuthenticatedData := { magicHeader (32-bit) || keyId || purposeCount (32-bit) || (purpose)* }
// purpose := { utf8ByteCount (7-bit encoded) || utf8Text }
var keySize = sizeof(Guid);
int totalPurposeLen = 4 + keySize + 4;
int[]? lease = null;
var targetLength = purposes.Length;
Span<int> purposeLengthsPool = targetLength <= 32 ? stackalloc int[targetLength] : (lease = ArrayPool<int>.Shared.Rent(targetLength)).AsSpan(0, targetLength);
for (int i = 0; i < targetLength; i++)
string purpose = purposes[i];
int purposeLength = EncodingUtil.SecureUtf8Encoding.GetByteCount(purpose);
purposeLengthsPool[i] = purposeLength;
var encoded7BitUIntLength = purposeLength.Measure7BitEncodedUIntLength();
totalPurposeLen += purposeLength /* length of actual string */ + encoded7BitUIntLength /* length of 'string length' 7-bit encoded int */;
byte[] targetArr = new byte[totalPurposeLen];
var targetSpan = targetArr.AsSpan();
// index 0: magic header
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt32BigEndian(targetSpan.Slice(0), MAGIC_HEADER_V0);
// index 4: key (skipped for now, will be populated in `GetAadForKey()`)
// index 4 + keySize: purposeCount
BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32BigEndian(targetSpan.Slice(4 + keySize), targetLength);
int index = 4 /* MAGIC_HEADER_V0 */ + keySize + 4 /* purposeLength */; // starting from first purpose
for (int i = 0; i < targetLength; i++)
string purpose = purposes[i];
// writing `utf8ByteCount (7-bit encoded integer)`
// we have already calculated the lengths of the purpose strings, so just get it from the pool
index += targetSpan.Slice(index).Write7BitEncodedInt(purposeLengthsPool[i]);
// write the utf8text for the purpose
index += EncodingUtil.SecureUtf8Encoding.GetBytes(purpose, charIndex: 0, charCount: purpose.Length, bytes: targetArr, byteIndex: index);
if (lease is not null)
Debug.Assert(index == targetArr.Length);
return targetArr;
private enum UnprotectStatus