// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.Internal;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement;
internal sealed class KeyRingProvider : ICacheableKeyRingProvider, IKeyRingProvider
private const string DisableAsyncKeyRingUpdateSwitchKey = "Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.DisableAsyncKeyRingUpdate";
private CacheableKeyRing? _cacheableKeyRing;
private readonly object _cacheableKeyRingLockObj = new object();
private Task<CacheableKeyRing>? _cacheableKeyRingTask; // Also covered by _cacheableKeyRingLockObj
private readonly IDefaultKeyResolver _defaultKeyResolver;
private readonly bool _autoGenerateKeys;
private readonly TimeSpan _newKeyLifetime;
private readonly IKeyManager _keyManager;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly bool _disableAsyncKeyRingUpdate;
public KeyRingProvider(
IKeyManager keyManager,
IOptions<KeyManagementOptions> keyManagementOptions,
IDefaultKeyResolver defaultKeyResolver)
: this(
public KeyRingProvider(
IKeyManager keyManager,
IOptions<KeyManagementOptions> keyManagementOptions,
IDefaultKeyResolver defaultKeyResolver,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
var options = keyManagementOptions.Value ?? new();
_autoGenerateKeys = options.AutoGenerateKeys;
_newKeyLifetime = options.NewKeyLifetime;
_keyManager = keyManager;
CacheableKeyRingProvider = this;
_defaultKeyResolver = defaultKeyResolver;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<KeyRingProvider>();
// We will automatically refresh any unknown keys for 2 minutes see https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/3975
AutoRefreshWindowEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2);
AppContext.TryGetSwitch(DisableAsyncKeyRingUpdateSwitchKey, out _disableAsyncKeyRingUpdate);
// We use the Random class since we don't need a secure PRNG for this.
JitterRandom = Random.Shared;
JitterRandom = new Random();
// Internal for testing
internal Random JitterRandom { get; set; }
// for testing
internal ICacheableKeyRingProvider CacheableKeyRingProvider { get; set; }
internal DateTime AutoRefreshWindowEnd { get; set; }
internal bool InAutoRefreshWindow() => DateTime.UtcNow < AutoRefreshWindowEnd;
private CacheableKeyRing CreateCacheableKeyRingCore(DateTimeOffset now, IKey? keyJustAdded)
// Refresh the list of all keys
var cacheExpirationToken = _keyManager.GetCacheExpirationToken();
var allKeys = _keyManager.GetAllKeys();
// Fetch the current default key from the list of all keys
var defaultKeyPolicy = _defaultKeyResolver.ResolveDefaultKeyPolicy(now, allKeys);
var defaultKey = defaultKeyPolicy.DefaultKey;
// We shouldn't call CreateKey more than once, else we risk stack diving. Thus, we don't even
// check defaultKeyPolicy.ShouldGenerateNewKey. However, this code path shouldn't get hit
// with ShouldGenerateNewKey true unless there was an ineligible key with an activation date
// slightly later than the one we just added. If this does happen, then we'll just use whatever
// key we can instead of creating new keys endlessly, eventually falling back to the one we just
// added if all else fails.
if (keyJustAdded != null)
var keyToUse = defaultKey ?? defaultKeyPolicy.FallbackKey ?? keyJustAdded;
return CreateCacheableKeyRingCoreStep2(now, cacheExpirationToken, keyToUse, allKeys);
// Determine whether we need to generate a new key
bool shouldGenerateNewKey;
if (defaultKeyPolicy.ShouldGenerateNewKey || defaultKey == null)
shouldGenerateNewKey = true;
// If we have a default key, we have to consider its expiration date. We have to generate a replacement
// if it will expire within the propagation window starting now (so that all other consumers pick up the
// replacement before the current default key expires). However, we also have to factor in the refresh
// period, since we need to ensure that key generation occurs during the refresh that *precedes* the
// propagation window ending at the expiration date.
var minExpirationDate = now + KeyManagementOptions.KeyRingRefreshPeriod + KeyManagementOptions.KeyPropagationWindow;
var defaultKeyExpirationDate = defaultKey.ExpirationDate;
shouldGenerateNewKey =
defaultKeyExpirationDate < minExpirationDate &&
(_defaultKeyResolver.ResolveDefaultKeyPolicy(defaultKeyExpirationDate, allKeys).DefaultKey is not { } nextDefaultKey ||
nextDefaultKey.ExpirationDate < minExpirationDate);
if (!shouldGenerateNewKey)
CryptoUtil.Assert(defaultKey != null, "Expected to see a default key.");
return CreateCacheableKeyRingCoreStep2(now, cacheExpirationToken, defaultKey, allKeys);
// At this point, we know we need to generate a new key.
// We have been asked to generate a new key, but auto-generation of keys has been disabled.
// We need to use the fallback key or fail.
if (!_autoGenerateKeys)
var keyToUse = defaultKey ?? defaultKeyPolicy.FallbackKey;
if (keyToUse == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.KeyRingProvider_NoDefaultKey_AutoGenerateDisabled);
_logger.UsingFallbackKeyWithExpirationAsDefaultKey(keyToUse.KeyId, keyToUse.ExpirationDate);
return CreateCacheableKeyRingCoreStep2(now, cacheExpirationToken, keyToUse, allKeys);
// We're going to generate a new key. You'd think we could just take for granted what effect
// this would have on the final result, but the key resolver is an extension point, so we have
// to give it a chance to weigh in - hence the recursive call, triggering re-resolution.
if (defaultKey == null)
// The case where there's no default key is the easiest scenario, since it
// means that we need to create a new key with immediate activation.
var newKey = _keyManager.CreateNewKey(activationDate: now, expirationDate: now + _newKeyLifetime);
return CreateCacheableKeyRingCore(now, keyJustAdded: newKey); // recursively call
// If there is a default key, then the new key we generate should become active upon
// expiration of the default key. The new key lifetime is measured from the creation
// date (now), not the activation date.
var newKey = _keyManager.CreateNewKey(activationDate: defaultKey.ExpirationDate, expirationDate: now + _newKeyLifetime);
return CreateCacheableKeyRingCore(now, keyJustAdded: newKey); // recursively call
private CacheableKeyRing CreateCacheableKeyRingCoreStep2(DateTimeOffset now, CancellationToken cacheExpirationToken, IKey defaultKey, IEnumerable<IKey> allKeys)
Debug.Assert(defaultKey != null);
// Invariant: our caller ensures that CreateEncryptorInstance succeeded at least once
Debug.Assert(defaultKey.CreateEncryptor() != null);
// This can happen if there's a date-based revocation that's in the future (e.g. because of clock skew)
if (defaultKey.IsRevoked)
throw Error.KeyRingProvider_DefaultKeyRevoked(defaultKey.KeyId);
var nextAutoRefreshTime = now + GetRefreshPeriodWithJitter(KeyManagementOptions.KeyRingRefreshPeriod);
// The cached keyring should expire at the earliest of (default key expiration, next auto-refresh time).
// Since the refresh period and safety window are not user-settable, we can guarantee that there's at
// least one auto-refresh between the start of the safety window and the key's expiration date.
// This gives us an opportunity to update the key ring before expiration, and it prevents multiple
// servers in a cluster from trying to update the key ring simultaneously. Special case: if the default
// key's expiration date is in the past, then we know we're using a fallback key and should disregard
// its expiration date in favor of the next auto-refresh time.
return new CacheableKeyRing(
expirationToken: cacheExpirationToken,
expirationTime: (defaultKey.ExpirationDate <= now) ? nextAutoRefreshTime : Min(defaultKey.ExpirationDate, nextAutoRefreshTime),
defaultKey: defaultKey,
allKeys: allKeys);
public IKeyRing GetCurrentKeyRing()
return GetCurrentKeyRingCore(DateTime.UtcNow);
internal IKeyRing RefreshCurrentKeyRing()
return GetCurrentKeyRingCore(DateTime.UtcNow, forceRefresh: true);
internal IKeyRing GetCurrentKeyRingCore(DateTime utcNow, bool forceRefresh = false)
// We're making a big, scary change to the way this cache is updated: now threads
// only block during computation of the new value if no old value is available
// (or if they force it). We'll leave the old code in place, behind an appcontext
// switch in case it turns out to have unwelcome emergent behavior.
// TODO: Delete one of these codepaths in 10.0.
return _disableAsyncKeyRingUpdate
? GetCurrentKeyRingCoreOld(utcNow, forceRefresh)
: GetCurrentKeyRingCoreNew(utcNow, forceRefresh);
private IKeyRing GetCurrentKeyRingCoreOld(DateTime utcNow, bool forceRefresh)
// DateTimes are only meaningfully comparable if they share the same Kind - require Utc for consistency
Debug.Assert(utcNow.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc);
// Can we return the cached keyring to the caller?
CacheableKeyRing? existingCacheableKeyRing = null;
if (!forceRefresh)
existingCacheableKeyRing = Volatile.Read(ref _cacheableKeyRing);
if (CacheableKeyRing.IsValid(existingCacheableKeyRing, utcNow))
return existingCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
// The cached keyring hasn't been created or must be refreshed. We'll allow one thread to
// update the keyring, and all other threads will continue to use the existing cached
// keyring while the first thread performs the update. There is an exception: if there
// is no usable existing cached keyring, all callers must block until the keyring exists.
var acquiredLock = false;
Monitor.TryEnter(_cacheableKeyRingLockObj, (existingCacheableKeyRing != null) ? 0 : Timeout.Infinite, ref acquiredLock);
if (acquiredLock)
if (!forceRefresh)
// This thread acquired the critical section and is responsible for updating the
// cached keyring. But first, let's make sure that somebody didn't sneak in before
// us and update the keyring on our behalf.
existingCacheableKeyRing = Volatile.Read(ref _cacheableKeyRing);
if (CacheableKeyRing.IsValid(existingCacheableKeyRing, utcNow))
return existingCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
if (existingCacheableKeyRing != null)
// It's up to us to refresh the cached keyring.
// This call is performed *under lock*.
CacheableKeyRing newCacheableKeyRing;
newCacheableKeyRing = CacheableKeyRingProvider.GetCacheableKeyRing(utcNow);
catch (Exception ex)
if (existingCacheableKeyRing != null)
// Failures that occur while refreshing the keyring are most likely transient, perhaps due to a
// temporary network outage. Since we don't want every subsequent call to result in failure, we'll
// create a new keyring object whose expiration is now + some short period of time (currently 2 min),
// and after this period has elapsed the next caller will try refreshing. If we don't have an
// existing keyring (perhaps because this is the first call), then there's nothing to extend, so
// each subsequent caller will keep going down this code path until one succeeds.
if (existingCacheableKeyRing != null)
Volatile.Write(ref _cacheableKeyRing, existingCacheableKeyRing.WithTemporaryExtendedLifetime(utcNow));
// The immediate caller should fail so that they can report the error up the chain. This makes it more likely
// that an administrator can see the error and react to it as appropriate. The caller can retry the operation
// and will probably have success as long as they fall within the temporary extension mentioned above.
Volatile.Write(ref _cacheableKeyRing, newCacheableKeyRing);
return newCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
// We didn't acquire the critical section. This should only occur if we passed
// zero for the Monitor.TryEnter timeout, which implies that we had an existing
// (but outdated) keyring that we can use as a fallback.
Debug.Assert(existingCacheableKeyRing != null);
return existingCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
if (acquiredLock)
private IKeyRing GetCurrentKeyRingCoreNew(DateTime utcNow, bool forceRefresh)
// DateTimes are only meaningfully comparable if they share the same Kind - require Utc for consistency
Debug.Assert(utcNow.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc);
// The 99% and perf-critical case is that there is no task in-flight and the cached
// key ring is valid. We do what we can to avoid unnecessary overhead (locking,
// context switching, etc) on this path.
// Can we return the cached keyring to the caller?
if (!forceRefresh)
var cached = Volatile.Read(ref _cacheableKeyRing);
if (CacheableKeyRing.IsValid(cached, utcNow))
return cached.KeyRing;
CacheableKeyRing? existingCacheableKeyRing = null;
Task<CacheableKeyRing>? existingTask = null;
lock (_cacheableKeyRingLockObj)
// Did another thread acquire the lock first and populate the cache?
// This could have happened if there was a completed in-flight task for the other thread to process.
if (!forceRefresh)
existingCacheableKeyRing = Volatile.Read(ref _cacheableKeyRing);
if (CacheableKeyRing.IsValid(existingCacheableKeyRing, utcNow))
return existingCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
existingTask = _cacheableKeyRingTask;
if (existingTask is null)
// If there's no existing task, make one now
// PERF: Closing over utcNow substantially slows down the fast case (valid cache) in micro-benchmarks
// (closing over `this` for CacheableKeyRingProvider doesn't seem impactful)
existingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(
utcNowState => CacheableKeyRingProvider.GetCacheableKeyRing((DateTime)utcNowState!),
CancellationToken.None, // GetKeyRingFromCompletedTaskUnsynchronized will need to react if this becomes cancellable
_cacheableKeyRingTask = existingTask;
// This is mostly for the case where existingTask already set, but no harm in checking a fresh one
if (existingTask.IsCompleted)
// If work kicked off by a previous caller has completed, we should use those results.
// Logically, it would probably make more sense to check this before checking whether
// the cache is valid - there could be a newer value available - but keeping that path
// fast is more important. The next forced refresh or cache expiration will cause the
// new value to be picked up.
// An unconsumed task result is considered to satisfy forceRefresh. One could quibble that this isn't really
// a forced refresh, but we'll still return a key ring newer than the one the caller was dissatisfied with.
var taskKeyRing = GetKeyRingFromCompletedTaskUnsynchronized(existingTask, utcNow); // Throws if the task failed
Debug.Assert(taskKeyRing is not null, "How did _cacheableKeyRingTask change while we were holding the lock?");
return taskKeyRing;
// Prefer a stale cached key ring to blocking
if (existingCacheableKeyRing is not null)
Debug.Assert(!forceRefresh, "Consumed cached key ring even though forceRefresh is true");
Debug.Assert(!CacheableKeyRing.IsValid(existingCacheableKeyRing, utcNow), "Should have returned a valid cached key ring above");
return existingCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
// If there's not even a stale cached key ring we can use, we have to wait.
// It's not ideal to wait for a task that was just scheduled, but it makes the code a lot simpler
// (compared to having a separate, synchronous code path).
// The reason we yield the lock and wait for the task instead is to allow racing forceRefresh threads
// to wait for the same task, rather than being sequentialized (and each doing its own refresh).
// Cleverness: swallow any exceptions - they'll be surfaced by GetKeyRingFromCompletedTaskUnsynchronized, if appropriate.
static t => _ = t.Exception, // Still observe the exception - just don't throw it
lock (_cacheableKeyRingLockObj)
var newKeyRing = GetKeyRingFromCompletedTaskUnsynchronized(existingTask, utcNow); // Throws if the task failed (winning thread only)
if (newKeyRing is null)
// Another thread won - check whether it cached a new key ring
var newCacheableKeyRing = Volatile.Read(ref _cacheableKeyRing);
if (newCacheableKeyRing is null)
// There will have been a better exception from the winning thread
throw Error.KeyRingProvider_RefreshFailedOnOtherThread(existingTask.Exception);
newKeyRing = newCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
return newKeyRing;
/// <summary>
/// If the given completed task completed successfully, clears the task and either
/// caches and returns the resulting key ring or throws, according to the successfulness
/// of the task.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Must be called under <see cref="_cacheableKeyRingLockObj"/>.
/// </remarks>
private IKeyRing? GetKeyRingFromCompletedTaskUnsynchronized(Task<CacheableKeyRing> task, DateTime utcNow)
Debug.Assert(!task.IsCanceled, "How did a task with no cancellation token get canceled?");
// If the parameter doesn't match the field, another thread has already consumed the task (and it's reflected in _cacheableKeyRing)
if (!ReferenceEquals(task, _cacheableKeyRingTask))
return null;
_cacheableKeyRingTask = null;
var newCacheableKeyRing = task.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Call GetResult to throw on failure
Volatile.Write(ref _cacheableKeyRing, newCacheableKeyRing);
return newCacheableKeyRing.KeyRing;
catch (Exception e)
var existingCacheableKeyRing = Volatile.Read(ref _cacheableKeyRing);
if (existingCacheableKeyRing is not null && !CacheableKeyRing.IsValid(existingCacheableKeyRing, utcNow))
// If reading failed, we probably don't want to try again for a little bit, so slightly extend the
// lifetime of the current cache entry
Volatile.Write(ref _cacheableKeyRing, existingCacheableKeyRing.WithTemporaryExtendedLifetime(utcNow));
_logger.ErrorOccurredWhileRefreshingKeyRing(e); // This one mentions the no-retry window
private TimeSpan GetRefreshPeriodWithJitter(TimeSpan refreshPeriod)
// We'll fudge the refresh period up to -20% so that multiple applications don't try to
// hit a single repository simultaneously. For instance, if the refresh period is 1 hour,
// we'll return a value in the vicinity of 48 - 60 minutes.
return TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(refreshPeriod.Ticks * (1.0d - (JitterRandom.NextDouble() / 5))));
private static DateTimeOffset Min(DateTimeOffset a, DateTimeOffset b)
return (a < b) ? a : b;
CacheableKeyRing ICacheableKeyRingProvider.GetCacheableKeyRing(DateTimeOffset now)
// the entry point allows one recursive call
return CreateCacheableKeyRingCore(now, keyJustAdded: null);