File: Infrastructure\TestDocument.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Components\WebView\WebView\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Document;
public class TestDocument
    private const string SelectValuePropname = "_blazorSelectValue";
    private readonly Dictionary<long, ComponentNode> _componentsById = new();
    public void AddRootComponent(int componentId, string selector)
        if (_componentsById.ContainsKey(componentId))
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Component with Id '{componentId}' already exists.");
        _componentsById.Add(componentId, new RootComponentNode(componentId, selector));
    public void ApplyChanges(RenderBatch batch)
        for (var i = 0; i < batch.UpdatedComponents.Count; i++)
            var diff = batch.UpdatedComponents.Array[i];
            var componentId = diff.ComponentId;
            var edits = diff.Edits;
            UpdateComponent(batch, componentId, edits);
        for (var i = 0; i < batch.DisposedComponentIDs.Count; i++)
        for (var i = 0; i < batch.DisposedEventHandlerIDs.Count; i++)
    private void UpdateComponent(RenderBatch batch, int componentId, ArrayBuilderSegment<RenderTreeEdit> edits)
        if (!_componentsById.TryGetValue(componentId, out var component))
            component = new ComponentNode(componentId);
            _componentsById.Add(componentId, component);
        ApplyEdits(batch, component, 0, edits);
    private void DisposeComponent(int componentId)
    private void DisposeEventHandler(ulong eventHandlerId)
    private void ApplyEdits(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArrayBuilderSegment<RenderTreeEdit> edits)
        var currentDepth = 0;
        var childIndexAtCurrentDepth = childIndex;
        var permutations = new List<PermutationListEntry>();
        for (var editIndex = edits.Offset; editIndex < edits.Offset + edits.Count; editIndex++)
            var edit = edits.Array[editIndex];
            switch (edit.Type)
                case RenderTreeEditType.PrependFrame:
                        var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex];
                        var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex;
                        InsertFrame(batch, parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex, batch.ReferenceFrames.Array, frame, edit.ReferenceFrameIndex);
                case RenderTreeEditType.RemoveFrame:
                        var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex;
                        parent.RemoveLogicalChild(childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
                case RenderTreeEditType.SetAttribute:
                        var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex];
                        var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex;
                        var node = parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex];
                        if (node is ElementNode element)
                            ApplyAttribute(batch, element, frame);
                            throw new Exception("Cannot set attribute on non-element child");
                case RenderTreeEditType.RemoveAttribute:
                        // Note that we don't have to dispose the info we track about event handlers here, because the
                        // disposed event handler IDs are delivered separately (in the 'disposedEventHandlerIds' array)
                        var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex;
                        var node = parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex];
                        if (node is ElementNode element)
                            var attributeName = edit.RemovedAttributeName;
                            // First try to remove any special property we use for this attribute
                            if (!TryApplySpecialProperty(batch, element, attributeName, default))
                                // If that's not applicable, it's a regular DOM attribute so remove that
                            throw new Exception("Cannot remove attribute from non-element child");
                case RenderTreeEditType.UpdateText:
                        var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex];
                        var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex;
                        var node = parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex];
                        if (node is TextNode textNode)
                            textNode.Text = frame.TextContent;
                            throw new Exception("Cannot set text content on non-text child");
                case RenderTreeEditType.UpdateMarkup:
                        var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex];
                        var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex;
                        parent.RemoveLogicalChild(childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
                        InsertMarkup(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex, frame);
                case RenderTreeEditType.StepIn:
                        var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex;
                        parent = (ContainerNode)parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex];
                        childIndexAtCurrentDepth = 0;
                case RenderTreeEditType.StepOut:
                        parent = parent.Parent ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot step out of {parent}");
                        childIndexAtCurrentDepth = currentDepth == 0 ? childIndex : 0; // The childIndex is only ever nonzero at zero depth
                case RenderTreeEditType.PermutationListEntry:
                        permutations.Add(new PermutationListEntry(childIndexAtCurrentDepth + edit.SiblingIndex, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + edit.MoveToSiblingIndex));
                case RenderTreeEditType.PermutationListEnd:
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
                        //permuteLogicalChildren(parent, permutations!);
                        throw new Exception($"Unknown edit type: '{edit.Type}'");
    private int InsertFrame(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArraySegment<RenderTreeFrame> frames, RenderTreeFrame frame, int frameIndex)
        switch (frame.FrameType)
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Element:
                    InsertElement(batch, parent, childIndex, frames, frame, frameIndex);
                    return 1;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Text:
                    InsertText(parent, childIndex, frame);
                    return 1;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute:
                    throw new Exception("Attribute frames should only be present as leading children of element frames.");
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Component:
                    InsertComponent(parent, childIndex, frame);
                    return 1;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Region:
                    return InsertFrameRange(batch, parent, childIndex, frames, frameIndex + 1, frameIndex + frame.RegionSubtreeLength);
            case RenderTreeFrameType.ElementReferenceCapture:
                    if (parent is ElementNode)
                        return 0; // A "capture" is a child in the diff, but has no node in the DOM
                        throw new Exception("Reference capture frames can only be children of element frames.");
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Markup:
                    InsertMarkup(parent, childIndex, frame);
                    return 1;
        throw new Exception($"Unknown frame type: {frame.FrameType}");
    private void InsertText(ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, RenderTreeFrame frame)
        var textContent = frame.TextContent;
        var newTextNode = new TextNode(textContent);
        parent.InsertLogicalChild(newTextNode, childIndex);
    private void InsertComponent(ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, RenderTreeFrame frame)
        // All we have to do is associate the child component ID with its location. We don't actually
        // do any rendering here, because the diff for the child will appear later in the render batch.
        var childComponentId = frame.ComponentId;
        var containerElement = parent.CreateAndInsertComponent(childComponentId, childIndex);
        _componentsById[childComponentId] = containerElement;
    private int InsertFrameRange(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArraySegment<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int startIndex, int endIndexExcl)
        var origChildIndex = childIndex;
        for (var index = startIndex; index < endIndexExcl; index++)
            var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[index];
            var numChildrenInserted = InsertFrame(batch, parent, childIndex, frames, frame, index);
            childIndex += numChildrenInserted;
            // Skip over any descendants, since they are already dealt with recursively
            index += CountDescendantFrames(frame);
        return childIndex - origChildIndex; // Total number of children inserted
    private void InsertElement(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArraySegment<RenderTreeFrame> frames, RenderTreeFrame frame, int frameIndex)
        // Note: we don't handle SVG here
        var newElement = new ElementNode(frame.ElementName);
        var inserted = false;
        // Apply attributes
        for (var i = frameIndex + 1; i < frameIndex + frame.ElementSubtreeLength; i++)
            var descendantFrame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[i];
            if (descendantFrame.FrameType == RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute)
                ApplyAttribute(batch, newElement, descendantFrame);
                parent.InsertLogicalChild(newElement, childIndex);
                inserted = true;
                // As soon as we see a non-attribute child, all the subsequent child frames are
                // not attributes, so bail out and insert the remnants recursively
                InsertFrameRange(batch, newElement, 0, frames, i, frameIndex + frame.ElementSubtreeLength);
        // this element did not have any children, so it's not inserted yet.
        if (!inserted)
            parent.InsertLogicalChild(newElement, childIndex);
    private void ApplyAttribute(RenderBatch batch, ElementNode elementNode, RenderTreeFrame attributeFrame)
        var attributeName = attributeFrame.AttributeName;
        var eventHandlerId = attributeFrame.AttributeEventHandlerId;
        if (eventHandlerId != 0)
            var firstTwoChars = attributeName.Substring(0, 2);
            var eventName = attributeName.Substring(2);
            if (firstTwoChars != "on" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Attribute has nonzero event handler ID, but attribute name '${attributeName}' does not start with 'on'.");
            var descriptor = new ElementNode.ElementEventDescriptor(eventName, eventHandlerId);
            elementNode.SetEvent(eventName, descriptor);
        // First see if we have special handling for this attribute
        if (!TryApplySpecialProperty(batch, elementNode, attributeName, attributeFrame))
            // If not, treat it as a regular string-valued attribute
    private bool TryApplySpecialProperty(RenderBatch batch, ElementNode element, string attributeName, RenderTreeFrame attributeFrame)
        switch (attributeName)
            case "value":
                return TryApplyValueProperty(element, attributeFrame);
            case "checked":
                return TryApplyCheckedProperty(element, attributeFrame);
                return false;
    private bool TryApplyValueProperty(ElementNode element, RenderTreeFrame attributeFrame)
        // Certain elements have built-in behaviour for their 'value' property
        switch (element.TagName)
            case "INPUT":
            case "SELECT":
            case "TEXTAREA":
                    var value = attributeFrame.AttributeValue;
                    element.SetProperty("value", value);
                    if (element.TagName == "SELECT")
                        // <select> is special, in that anything we write to .value will be lost if there
                        // isn't yet a matching <option>. To maintain the expected behavior no matter the
                        // element insertion/update order, preserve the desired value separately so
                        // we can recover it when inserting any matching <option>.
                        element.SetProperty(SelectValuePropname, value);
                    return true;
            case "OPTION":
                    var value = attributeFrame.AttributeValue;
                    if (value != null)
                        element.SetAttribute("value", value);
                    return true;
                return false;
    private bool TryApplyCheckedProperty(ElementNode element, RenderTreeFrame attributeFrame)
        // Certain elements have built-in behaviour for their 'checked' property
        if (element.TagName == "INPUT")
            var value = attributeFrame.AttributeValue;
            element.SetProperty("checked", value);
            return true;
        return false;
    private void InsertMarkup(ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, RenderTreeFrame markupFrame)
        var markupContainer = parent.CreateAndInsertContainer(childIndex);
        var markupContent = markupFrame.MarkupContent;
        var markupNode = new MarkupNode(markupContent);
        markupContainer.InsertLogicalChild(markupNode, childIndex);
    private int CountDescendantFrames(RenderTreeFrame frame)
        switch (frame.FrameType)
            // The following frame types have a subtree length. Other frames may use that memory slot
            // to mean something else, so we must not read it. We should consider having nominal subtypes
            // of RenderTreeFramePointer that prevent access to non-applicable fields.
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Component:
                return frame.ComponentSubtreeLength - 1;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Element:
                return frame.ElementSubtreeLength - 1;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Region:
                return frame.RegionSubtreeLength - 1;
                return 0;
    public string GetHtml()
        var builder = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (var root in _componentsById.Values.OfType<RootComponentNode>())
            Render(root, builder);
        return builder.ToString();
    private void Render(TestNode node, StringBuilder builder)
        if (node is TextNode t)
        else if (node is MarkupNode m)
        else if (node is ElementNode e)
            foreach (var (name, value) in e.Attributes)
                builder.Append(" ");
            RenderDescendants(e, builder);
            if (e.Children.Count > 0)
        else if (node is ContainerNode c)
            RenderDescendants(c, builder);
        void RenderDescendants(ContainerNode e, StringBuilder builder)
            foreach (var child in e.Children)
                Render(child, builder);
    private readonly struct PermutationListEntry
        public readonly int From;
        public readonly int To;
        public PermutationListEntry(int from, int to)
            From = from;
            To = to;