// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Document;
internal class ContainerNode : TestNode
public List<TestNode> Children { get; } = new();
internal void RemoveLogicalChild(int childIndex)
var childToRemove = Children[childIndex];
// If it's a logical container, also remove its descendants
if (childToRemove is LogicalContainerNode container)
while (container.Children.Count > 0)
internal ContainerNode CreateAndInsertContainer(int childIndex)
var containerElement = new LogicalContainerNode();
InsertLogicalChild(containerElement, childIndex);
return containerElement;
internal void InsertLogicalChild(TestNode child, int childIndex)
if (child is LogicalContainerNode comment && comment.Children.Count > 0)
// There's nothing to stop us implementing support for this scenario, and it's not difficult
// (after inserting 'child' itself, also iterate through its logical children and physically
// put them as following-siblings in the DOM). However there's no scenario that requires it
// presently, so if we did implement it there'd be no good way to have tests for it.
throw new Exception("Not implemented: inserting non-empty logical container");
if (child.Parent != null)
// Likewise, we could easily support this scenario too (in this 'if' block, just splice
// out 'child' from the logical children array of its previous logical parent by using
// Array.prototype.indexOf to determine its previous sibling index).
// But again, since there's not currently any scenario that would use it, we would not
// have any test coverage for such an implementation.
throw new NotSupportedException("Not implemented: moving existing logical children");
if (childIndex < Children.Count)
// Insert
Children.Insert(childIndex, child);
// Append
child.Parent = this;
internal ComponentNode CreateAndInsertComponent(int childComponentId, int childIndex)
var componentElement = new ComponentNode(childComponentId);
InsertLogicalChild(componentElement, childIndex);
return componentElement;